AR13 TIMELINE(note that this one assumes the 2 legs Delhi area and 2 legs Moscow scenario, which has a CBS claim supporting it and is proably right; it does not mean that legs 7 and 9 are still not open to question)
Depending on when they arrive at LAX, teams have choices of 3 flight combinations to Salvador:
4/22, leg 1
LAX DFW AA2446 1250 1740 connecting in Dallas with DFW GRU AA963 1945 0750+1 connecting Sao Paulo with GRU SSA JJ3896 0830 1055 or JJ3174 1035 1250
LAX MIA AA252 1355 2142 connecting in Miami with MIA GRU 2330 0830+1 connecting Sao Paulo with GRU SSA JJ3174 1035 1250
LAX GRU UA843 1405 1005+1 with a stop in ORD from 2005 to 2132 connecting in Sao Paulo with GRU SSA JJ3154 1200 1425
There are other possiblities for the American flight from Miami to connect in Rio, but they can arrive no earlier than the later TAM Aereas Lineas flight into Salvador.
tasks in Salvador; then Hours of Operation
4/23 tasks in Salvador
4/24 We know the elevator task in Salvador is this morning. It will be followed soon after by a pitstop. For top teams that means that they can reach the Salvador airport by 11pm and possibly get G31604 SSA FOR 2310 0055+1.
4/25 leg 2, choices of flights from Salvador to Fortaleza are:
SSA FOR JJ3366 0230 0415
SSA FOR JJ3890 0330 0635
SSA FOR G31642 0645 0945
SSA FOR G31260 1100 1350
SSA FOR JJ8003 1130 1310
followed by tasks in Fortzaleza
4/26 Pitstop in Fortaleza
4/27 leg 3
Best if pitstop release time is in the afternoon is JJ3849 FOR GRU 1515 1835 connecting in SaoPaulo with G37460 GRU VVI 2200 0115. There is a slightly earlier alternate fOR GRU - G31883 1440 1810.
The one most teams are likely to get is JJ3325 FOR GRU 0730 1130 connecting in Sao Paulo with 5L301 GRU VVI 1600 1730.
If a leading team is released by midnight, then they could get JJ3323 FOR GRU 0130 0500 connecting in Sao Paulo with AR1263 SRU EZE 0630 0925 and connecting in Buenos Aires with AR1362 EZE VVI 1115 1320.
Other routes from GRU to VVI through EZE are inferior; only this one above works for AR13.
For FOR LPB there are few options and the best is taking the 5L301 JJ3325 FOR GRU 0730 1130 connecting in Sao Paulo with 5L301 GRU VVI 1600 1730, then 5L211 VVI LPB 1900 2000.
Another option to LPB is to go through LIM. We start FOR GRU with JJ3325 0730 1130. Next is GRU LIM LP780 1450 1810. finally, we have 5L1405 LIM LPB 2130 0015 or 3 hours later than the prior combination.
In addition, if the flight is from LaPaz, then TA38 LPB LIM 0855 0945 connecting in Lima with G37459 1420 1840 LIM SCL or the combination 5L111 LPB VVI 0700 0830 connecting SantaCruz with 5L300 VVI GRU 0950 1345, connecting in SaoPaulo with GRU SCL LA751 1650 1945.
Teams do tasks in Bolivia and then have a pitstop in the LaPaz area.
4/29 start of leg 4
If teams fly from Santa Cruz to Santiago choices are:
LAN967 VVI SCL 1205 1725
LAN967 VVI IQT 1205 1355 LAN365 IQT SCL 1920 2230
TA34 VVI LIM 0805 0900 TA33 LIM SCL 2100 0205+1
5L300 VVI GRU 0950 1345, connecting in SaoPaulo with GRU SCL LA751 1650 1945 and
JJ701 VVI EZE 1540 2040 connecting Buenos Aires with G37756 EZE SCL 2230 0045+1.
If the flight is from LaPaz, then choices are :
LAN 965 LPB SCL through Iquique 1245 1745
TA38 LPB LIM 0855 0945 connecting in Lima with G37459 1420 1840 LIM SCL
5L111 LPB VVI 0700 0830 connecting SantaCruz with 5L300 VVI GRU 0950 1345, connecting in SaoPaulo with GRU SCL LA751 1650 1945.
Since we know that the pitstop was in LPB, teams could have flown out of there or flown to SantaCruz to connect with the flights there.
It is highly highly likely that there is a REST DAY in the Santiago area.
What we appear to be sure of is that teams end up at Santiago Chile airport on this evening.
LAN801 2245 0355+2 SCL AKL
5/2 leg 4
Teams do tasks somewhere on the North Island of New Zealand from early morning until late evening when a pitstop starts.
5/3 and 5/4, leg 5
Teams return to Auckland International Airport and fly out in multiple bunches from noon until midnight. Choices of routes from AKL to REP (Siem Reap) are:
AKL BKK TG990 1315 2100, connecting with BKK REP PG903 0800 0900
AKL SYD 1245 1415 NZ119 or 1325 1450 QF190 or 1550 1715 EK419 (note: since it is rumored that an Emirates flight was used, EK419 is thee most likely of the 3)
these connect in Sydney to get SYD BKK with connection on one of these:
1550 2215 TG996
1635 2255 QF301
1700 2315 QF1
The AKL BNE route has several choices:
QF126 1435 1625
NZ739 1530 1720
EK433 1655 1835 this then continues on to Singapore with BNE SIN EK433 2045 0150+1 and then SIN REP 3K595 0600 0700
The BNE BKK route has TG992 2359 0559+1. this would be followed by BKK REP PG903 0800 0900
Then BNE SIN has a flight after EK433 - SQ2246 2345 0545+1, but it is not in time to connect with 3K595 so teams doing thhis must wait for SIN REP MI616 1025 1135.
Other flights BNE SIN are SQ246 2345 0545. This would connect with 3K595.
There are no flights BKK REP until the morning of May 4. May 4 reports of PG503 0800 0900 not having any teams sighted may be inaccurate, as it is the only flight that could get teams there from Bangkok by late morning since there was no possibility of them leaving Auckland in the afternoon and reaching Bangkok before 7pm.
Another route is AKL MEL 1300 1500 NZ2725 or 1615 1815 QF134
Those connect with MEL BKK 1605 2235 TG982 or
MEL SIN 1920 0100 EK405, which requires a connection to Bangkok or waiting until MI616 SIN REP 1025 1135.
That connection on May 4 is either TG402 SIN BKK 0740 0900 or SQ970 0845 1010. Then a connection to PG905 BKK REP 1100 1220 is the next one possible.
One late team is probably on AKL SIN 2355 0645 SQ282 connecting there with SQ970 and PG905 shown above to avoid waiting for MI633.
5/4 continued
tasks and then in Siem Reap area
5/5, start of leg 6
tasks in Siem Reap area, then regular pitstop
5/6 start of leg 6
Siem Reap to Bangkok airport
PG904 REP BKK 0950 1045 .
Choice of this nonstop flights from BKK to DEL:
IC854 BKK DEL 1330 1615
arrival into downtown Delhi would be around 1800.
It looks like the alternate flight connection for any lagging teams is:
PG906 1250 1400 REP BKK
TG315 1745 2045 BKK DEL
Delhi tasks and start of pitstop
5/8 leg 7 begins, Delhi area tasks;
5/9 leg 8 begins; Delhi to Almaty Kazakhstan
AI9897 0745 0945 DEL DXB connecting with KC896 1120 1740 DBX ALA; some Almaty tasks after arrival
5/10 Almaty area tasks; pitstop
5/11 leg 9 begins; fly Almaty to Astana KC991 1810 1955 connecting with
Astana to Moscow KC873 TSE SVO 2100 0220+1
5/12 tasks; ending possibly with a TBC
5/13 leg 10 begins, possibly after TBC; Moscow tasks, then afternoon start of pitstop
5/14 leg 11, the FINISH LINE in The Rose City, Portland Oregon
0705 0825 LH3189 DME FRA
0945 1120 LH468 FRA PDX, then tasks until FINISH LINE