Author Topic: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)  (Read 708650 times)

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Offline quetranza

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #250 on: May 13, 2008, 04:33:56 PM »
I want to know!  I'm in Portland.  Big fan of the show since season 1.

Offline quetranza

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #251 on: May 13, 2008, 05:12:41 PM »
There is some kind of commotion outside my office on the waterfront in downtown, but it's just a bike race.. false alarm.

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #252 on: May 13, 2008, 05:46:19 PM »
There is some kind of commotion outside my office on the waterfront in downtown, but it's just a bike race.. false alarm.
Heres your alert quetranza!

A bike race has northbound Naito Parkway in Portland closed between SW Jefferson and NW 9th from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday.

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #253 on: May 13, 2008, 05:47:53 PM »
There is some kind of commotion outside my office on the waterfront in downtown, but it's just a bike race.. false alarm.
Heres your alert quetranza!

A bike race has northbound Naito Parkway in Portland closed between SW Jefferson and NW 9th from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday.

does weather come with the traffic report?

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Offline Chateau d If

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #255 on: May 13, 2008, 06:22:07 PM »
 :lala :lala :lala

I hope the onlookers don't trip the racers as they step on the mat.   :groan:

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #256 on: May 13, 2008, 06:26:23 PM »
:lala :lala :lala

I hope the onlookers don't trip the racers as they step on the mat.   :groan:
I know Chateau, although I love spoilers I hope the show isn't ruined.
.........back to the webcams, lol

eta: Amazing Race, How Sweet the Sound (in Portland)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2008, 06:30:39 PM by puddin »

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #257 on: May 13, 2008, 07:42:39 PM »
:lala :lala :lala

I hope the onlookers don't trip the racers as they step on the mat.   :groan:
I know Chateau, although I love spoilers I hope the show isn't ruined.

I think we are all in 100% agreement here.

I love tracking what is happening with the race and the racers with a passion.

But even more so, I love the Amazing Race itself. Who knew one show could enrich my life with friends and fun so much?

We are in a bit of a pickle here, because we have never had finale spoiler location info available to us BEFORE the race finished racing.  And that is an altogether different thing than posting that information AFTER the race has finished.

So having said that, I am choosing to NOT share the Finale location just now.
I don't think any of us here at RFF would feel right about jeopardizing our beloved race or the current racers in any way.

So WRP/CBS--bring on those decoy racers and run them around Portland like crazy! Now's the time to use them!  :hugs:

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #258 on: May 13, 2008, 07:48:59 PM »
:lala :lala :lala

I hope the onlookers don't trip the racers as they step on the mat.   :groan:
I know Chateau, although I love spoilers I hope the show isn't ruined.

I think we are all in 100% agreement here.

I love tracking what is happening with the race and the racers with a passion.

But even more so, I love the Amazing Race itself. Who knew one show could enrich my life with friends and fun so much?

We are in a bit of a pickle here, because we have never had finale spoiler location info available to us BEFORE the race finished racing.  And that is an altogether different thing than posting that information AFTER the race has finished.

So having said that, I am choosing to NOT share the Finale location just now.
I don't think any of us here at RFF would feel right about jeopardizing our beloved race or the current racers in any way.

So WRP/CBS--bring on those decoy racers and run them around Portland like crazy! Now's the time to use them!  :hugs:

Your awesome peachs :<3

Offline patlini

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #259 on: May 13, 2008, 08:08:47 PM »
:lala :lala :lala

I hope the onlookers don't trip the racers as they step on the mat.   :groan:
I know Chateau, although I love spoilers I hope the show isn't ruined.

I think we are all in 100% agreement here.

I love tracking what is happening with the race and the racers with a passion.

But even more so, I love the Amazing Race itself. Who knew one show could enrich my life with friends and fun so much?

We are in a bit of a pickle here, because we have never had finale spoiler location info available to us BEFORE the race finished racing.  And that is an altogether different thing than posting that information AFTER the race has finished.

So having said that, I am choosing to NOT share the Finale location just now.
I don't think any of us here at RFF would feel right about jeopardizing our beloved race or the current racers in any way.

So WRP/CBS--bring on those decoy racers and run them around Portland like crazy! Now's the time to use them!  :hugs:

Your awesome peachs :<3

Peach i'm in complete agreement with you here

i guess there is spoiling and then there is SPOILING

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #260 on: May 13, 2008, 09:12:02 PM »
Actually I also agree.  Now I have no problem if someone wanted to stake out the airport terminations and pull a Izad and follow them.  But I wouldn't want myself to use my frequent flyer miles to suddenly go visit my brother, sister and parents, oh and stalk the final site like a serial killer (I so would).

Offline gingerman28

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #261 on: May 13, 2008, 09:28:13 PM »
Seems like another short race if the ending in Portland by May 15 is valid.  But a short race is better than no race.

Looks like a long shot for the final three teams to fly from Europe (Frankfurt or Amsterdam) all the way to Portland for the final mat.

Offline Zack.

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #262 on: May 13, 2008, 11:38:35 PM »
Seems like another short race if the ending in Portland by May 15 is valid.  But a short race is better than no race.

Looks like a long shot for the final three teams to fly from Europe (Frankfurt or Amsterdam) all the way to Portland for the final mat.

They could always have the penultimate leg in North America. Canada, Mexico, perhaps Belize finally? Or even the Caribbean. Still, it's more than likely that Europe's the last continent before NA (unless they randomly decide to turn back around and go to Russia or something).

Offline georgiapeach

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #263 on: May 14, 2008, 01:54:12 AM »
RFF received an incredible gift today when a new member of RFF (who wishes to remain anonymous) volunteered to both check out the Portland race vicinity and share what he found with us all.

Here is his story-- We are only removing the names of the two hotels and their pictures for right now, for the same reason that we are not yet going to reveal the finale location. We will post all of this info once the race filming is definitely completed, so you may want to keep checking back here for updates!

Reference Map:


I am a huge fan of "The Amazing Race" but only a casual and infrequent 
reader of TAR sites and forums, so it was largely by luck that I 
happened across this RFF thread: things were incredibly slow at work 
today, so I killed some time surfing the Internet. When I saw there 
was a lot of news coming out about the fall network schedules, my mind 
turned to TAR, and I started searching for TAR 13 news. When that 
searching eventually led me to the news here (still unconfirmed 
earlier this afternoon) that TAR was apparently in Portland, I decided 
to do a recce to the cited location, O'Bryant Square, and its vicinity 
as soon as my work day ended.

What I discovered:

(Pictures are thumbnails--click-click!)

1. WRP VANS ON THE STREET. There are 9 to 10 very large white Ford 
vans (all with Enterprise Rent-A-Car insignia) parked along Stark 
Street on the block east of O'Bryant Square. All of the City of 
Portland parking signs along this block have been modified to indicate 
the spaces are reserved for WRP Production (sic).

2. MINIVANS IN A PARKING LOT. Just north and west of the fleet of 
large vans is a pay-to-park parking lot, which was "roped off" with 
yellow tape; signs said "Lot Reserved" and "Lot Closed." Parked in 
this lot were approximately eight smaller vehicles (I'm not good with 
cars but I think they're Dodge minivans -- much closer to the kind of 
vehicle that the racers have used over the years, and quite unlike the 
much large white For vans). The minivans were in various colors, and 
there were three or four other vehicles. I understand other pictures 
exist of this parking lot; the one picture I took is from a less than 
ideal angle because the lot always had at least one person walking 
around it, making it difficult to get a picture without attracting 
attention; this picture shows one of those Dodge minivans from behind. 
On one walkby, I noticed in the windshield of one of the minivans an 
8.5-by-11 piece of white paper onto which was printed "BAG #2" in 
large letters, but that sign was gone when I walked by later.

Peach: We know from TwoP Mars' post that:

I went back to the lot after work and every car that had been there (including the Xterra) was gone, except for the minivans. And they all had white sheets of paper on the dash that said things like "BAG #2" and "FULL ???" (I couldn't read any of them in their entirety except "BAG #2," because of the lady guarding the lot. This time it was a different lady, who was standing outside of the vans talking on a phone. She was making sure I didn't get too close, though, so I didn't snap any photos of the new dashboards signs.

There was some but not a great deal of activitiy around the large 
white vans. During my strolls up and down that block and the adjoining 
blocks, I occasionally saw various young men and women -- none of whom 
looked like or had the aura of racers -- do unexciting things such as 
talking on a cell phone while standing next to a white van with the 
passenger-side front door open. There was a period of maybe 7 minutes 
when about 5 of these people were all together on a street corner, 
chatting, but I could not make out any of what they said. Most of the 
time, though, the vans just sat there, parked, with no activity.

I observed a red-haired young woman and a young man walk from one of 
the white vans to the Hotel {name temporarily deleted} a very short distance away 
on Broadway. I believe -- and I will be very eager to hear if this can 
be confirmed -- this same red-haired woman appears on one of the 
supplemental "Phil's Diary" videos  on for a past TAR season; 
unfortunately, I have no recall of what season that might have been, 
but I think the context was that she's a production assistant of some 
kind and in the video Phil asks her to show her notebook/binder in 
which she keeps track of the results of the challenges. My memory 
might well be letting me down; in any case, she did definitely get 
something out of or put something into one of the vans, and she and 
her male companion then entered the hotel, outside of which was a 
doorman holding a clipboard: I learned the doorman was checking 
guests' names a little while later, when I managed to linger just long 
enough to eavesdrop on the arrival of a guest who apparently was just 
a regular guest, not TAR-related. (I am not familiar with that hotel 
so I don't know if a doorman checking names off a clipboard is a 
normal or extraordinary.) Because I figured the red-haired lady is 
important, I tried to take a picture of her as she walked from the van 
to the hotel, but I failed; the picture that I did get of her was from 
approximately an hour later, when I happened to be walking up the other 
side of the street (Broadway) from the hotel and saw her speaking with 
a young man (also in the pic) who appears to be a driver or possibly a 
hotel valet.

Separately, I saw one of the Dodge minivans (from the parking lot) 
dropping off a young man at the Hotel{name temporarily deleted}, which is adjacent to the 
Hotel {deleted} on the same block on Broadway; later on, I saw the 
driver of that vehicle in that reserved parking lot, parking the 
minivan. A different minivan -- a white Nissan one -- was parked just 
outside the Hotel {deleted} for about an hour; its dashboard/
windshield placard also said WRP.

So to sum up, there was movement of both persons and vehicles between 
one small parking lot, one city street block, and two upscale hotels; 
all of which are very very close to each other in a quite busy part of 
central downtown Portland.
more pics to follow later

Thanks for this incredible summary!!

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #264 on: May 14, 2008, 02:01:51 AM »
Careful you guys... They did "relocate" the Rio samba nightclub to a random isolated warehouse way back in TAR2 because of nosy peeps like us! :snicker:

Hang on, the teams are probably at their final Pit Stop now, right? To think we're rewarding the loyal RFF lurkers who might be racing! :lol:

(Apskip might disagree with the order of Santa Cruz/La Paz in my AYL, but I'll try to stay as close to the original spoilers as possible without rearranging the reported dates.)

*AYL map moved downthread*

« Last Edit: September 01, 2008, 04:36:09 PM by puddin »

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #265 on: May 14, 2008, 05:03:04 AM »
I have a feeling that the eliminated teams may be staying the night in that hotel so they are ready to go to the pit stop in the morning.

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #266 on: May 14, 2008, 05:52:42 AM »
I'd like to add some more concrete support to the New Zealand destination...

The following request was posted on a couple of NZ TV production jobs:

We are looking for 20 Driver/PAs.

The job is 3 days and we have a flat rate of $200 / day. Dates are 30 April, 1 & 2 May.

Applicants need to be over 21, hold a full drivers license, and should confirm this in their email when they contact me.

And should send their CV to me at the email address below.

Many thanks,

Alex Campbell
Production Manager

That sort of job really doesn't fit in with any other sort of production that happens in NZ (there are no other large-scale reality show shooting locally). Fits perfectly with the dates here.

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #267 on: May 14, 2008, 08:04:38 AM »
:welcome2: to RFF, selwyn! And many thanks for sharing that!

I think we would all adore a NZ leg--so any evidence for that is appreciated!

Here's hoping you are right! :waves:
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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #268 on: May 14, 2008, 10:05:52 AM »
Certainly looks like all of the eliminated teams are staying in the unnamed hotels prior to being taken to the final mat by the white minivans.

Pictures of any of these people if taken would be helpful and we would be able to  match with actual team members when they are released by TPTB and we'll have an idea of who made the final three.

But do we want to have this much spoiler info so early? :duno:

Remember once we had the boot order almost at the beginning of one race and that sort of put a damper on things.

Too much information may be more than we want.

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #269 on: May 14, 2008, 10:41:08 AM »
I believe -- and I will be very eager to hear if this can
be confirmed -- this same red-haired woman appears on one of the
supplemental "Phil's Diary" videos  on for a past TAR season;
unfortunately, I have no recall of what season that might have been,
but I think the context was that she's a production assistant of some
kind and in the video Phil asks her to show her notebook/binder in
which she keeps track of the results of the challenges.
I remember that. It was at Soweto, where Phil was pointing to the cooling towers with his umbrella and trying out a SA accent. They briefly cut to the woman, who said "we are very much like spies" because production left no data footprint. She then showed the money log, and expressed surprise that one team had more than $100. The page is here (Phil's travels>Behind the Race>Ep 5) but I get 404 errors when I try to play the file; maybe someone can find it on Innertube.

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #270 on: May 14, 2008, 10:46:57 AM »
Thanks slowhatch! That helps a bunch...

Maybe kogs will have it!
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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #271 on: May 14, 2008, 10:50:16 AM »
Thanks slowhatch! That helps a bunch...

Maybe kogs will have it!

looking for it since slowhatch posted it didnt work

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #272 on: May 14, 2008, 11:03:26 AM »
cant find it peach.

Offline quetranza

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #273 on: May 14, 2008, 12:19:04 PM »
Going to check out the area now.

Offline quetranza

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Re: The Amazing Race 13 *Spoilers Only!* (spoiler summary page 1)
« Reply #274 on: May 14, 2008, 01:21:35 PM »
Update as of about 10:30 this morning.  The area is deader than a doornail - I did not see any activity at all.

1)  Most of the white vans on Stark St. are gone.

I got a shot of a parking receipt that shows they have been there since about 8 AM yesterday.

2)  Most of the minivans in the parking lot on Oak are gone as well.

I'm thinking they're out doing the finish line right now.  I walked by the locations that spring to mind downtown - Pioneer Ct. Sq., waterfront park, the park in front of the courthouse, etc.  Probably too many people around to keep it a secret.  My guess is somewhere up in Washington Park - the Vietnam Memorial, Hoyt Arboretum, or the Rose Garden.  If it were me, I'd do it at the Rose Garden - it's probably the most photogenic spot in Portland.

I just might take a drive up there over lunch... wondering if it's worth it.  Anyone got any more detective work?