Supposed flags were seen in Melbourne @1:20pm local time on the 30th though, how long does it take to fly from Santiago to Melbourne ? (charts below)
Sao Paulo to Salvador da Bahia (4/24 to 4/25) << where did we lose the racers for 5 days?
Salvador da Bahia to Santiago, Chile (4/30)
Santiago, Chile
Current Time Monday, May 5, 2008 at 11:04:41 PM
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Current Time Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at 1:04:11 PM EST
Something doesn't jive
When it is April 30 in Santiago Chile it is already May 1 in Melbourne, Australia. So is our sighting in both cities correct or is the sighting in Melbourne on April 30 speculation?
Or were the flags put up early or for a test before the racers arrived on May 1. Was that the actual date of the sighting in Santiago, or when the blogger posted.
GMAN, you have to use the conventional time systems to get this right. The flights that AR13 teams took left Santiago at 2245 on April 28. they cross the International Date Line in flight and since it was more than 1 hour into the flight it is April 30. The individual time zones are flowing with the plane, so a 13 hour 10 minute flight consumes 8 hours of time difference and arrives at 355am in Auckland(which is hours ahead of Melbourne). Then there is a transfer to QF26 departing Auckland 0615, a 4 hour flight losing another 2 hours of time difference from crossing time zones, and arriving Melbourne at 0815. The alternate flight, which it is highly likely was actually used for debunching some of the teams, was NZ7 0740 0930. Note that this has teams arriving correctly on April 30.
So, if you are right about the flights then the crews were leaving Santiago, Chile on April 28, not April 30. So the blogger actually was at the airport two days before his flight which left for Oklahoma on April 30. Now we have accounted for most of the missing time in Brazil.
April 22 Leave Los Angeles 11 Teams Leave
April 23 Sao Paulo, Brazil 10 Teams Leave
April 24 Salvador da Bahia, Brazil 9 Teams Leave
April 25
April 26 Somewhere 8 Teams Leave (

April 27
April 28 Somewhere 7 Teams Leave
April 29
April 30 Santiago, Chile 7 Teams Leave
May 1 Lost on the IDL
May 2 New Zealand 6 Teams Leave
May 3 Siem Reap, Cambodia
May 4 (Could it be our first Non-elimination?

May 5
May 6 Siem Reap, Cambodia 6 Teams Leave
May 7 New Delhi, India (via Bangkok, Thailand)
So at the moment the teams are hunting for some obscure object in the Capital of India