Good job Mrs Shrek & Neobie!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008Amazing Race
Was just in the Siem Reap, Cambodia airport with the next Amazing Race people. When I asked one of the crew, he hesitated and told me it was a documentary. Then I looked around and saw 12 crew members, 7 cameras and 9 boom mikes. Then two of the contestants who had overheard me talking about going to Nepal earlier, snuck away from everyone to ask me if I was going to India. Here's the transcript of that conversation:
Girls: Hey
Me: Hey
Girls: Um, can you do us a favor? So you're going to India?
Me: No, actually Nepal.
Girls: Oh. Is that near India?
At this point I knew immediately that they were, in fact, not going to win this show.
Me: Uhhhhh, I guess you could say that. They're neighbors so yeah. Are you with that "documentary" that's really called "Amazing Race"?
Girls; We're not really supposed to talk about it. It's just a travel show.
Me: Right. Anyway, what can I do for you?
Girls: Well, we need to find something in India and thought you might be able to help since you were going near there.
Me: Okkkkkkkkk. But I'm actually going to Nepal.
Undeterred, they pressed on...
Girls: Well, we're looking for something really obscure in Delhi.
At this point I gave up and decided to just try to find out more about the show. Although I should note the desperation of continuing to ask me about Delhi when I was going to an entirely different country is really funny. But I did suggest couchsurfing as a means to find someone in Delhi and ask them a question or post on a message board there. I also offered to contact my old buddy Cal who's in India but they have no email access. Besides that, they have limited internet access, again, no email, no facebook (don't know why that was volunteered) and they get clues to go find stuff like on the show. And they were headed from Cambodia to Thailand to India. They're only on the trip for a month. EVERYTHING points to the Amazing Race.
Anyway, sat in front of all of them on the plane where they were filmed almost the entire time and took pictures on the bus and in the Bangkok airport that I'll post. They're kinda blurry but I'll blame that on bad lighting and me trying to chase them to get a picture. There's one picture of people on an escalator. One guy in the yellow headband and jew-fro who's prominently displayed in the picture is a contestant with a HUGE star of david around his neck. Can't wait till that sadly gets airbrushed out. Also, the girls I was talking to went the wrong way so that's how I got so many pictures of them. But they were down to 6 teams so I guess they made it that far. Wait, I can use this information to bet on this, can't I?
Enjoy the pics.
Posted by JSF at 12:05 AM
Donut Diary said...
Yes ! they are definitely contestants from the Amazing Race Show. We were at Tonle Sap Lake and saw route markers (Flags in red and yellow) on 6 boats at the pier. There were camera crew but we did not see the contestants. Very exciting !
May 6, 2008 12:55 AM