A few puzzles this week:
The shot above of Christa, Jupiter, and Laurel seems to suggest that they are all on the same black team, although we don't see an actual sash on Christa.
We know for sure that Azmyth, Jupiter, and Jay are black team, and that pic adds Laurel. JD is seen above jumping down the ladder (and on this other pic with Laurel) as black sashed too.
Since there are 13 left, the black team should have 7 pirates. I don't think we have seen this pic of Cheryl yet? also black team.
Ben is clearly red team and finds the treasure map (?) to the location of the chest.
The puzzle is --isn't that Christa in this digging shot left forefront? Then she is on the red team (assuming that the red team is from this week which is still an assumption!) and the shot of the 3 girls together above is misleading. Then who is the 7th black team member? This digging picture suggests to my eye Sean, Christa, Kendra, Nessa for the red team --and Ben and Louie (somewhat vaguely) seen as red also. So I think (since I don't see Joy anywhere) Joy must be the 7th black team member.
This treasure digging by the red team is
probably this week (thanks to TDT) even though it looks like it might be on the
black sand beach advertised for next week--but that beach is right next door to Red Rocks and the cast division seems too perfect not to be right.
And all that is important because if red team does win the treasure this week then it is the black team at risk. Except for that pesky Royal Pardon of course--will that be like "an Immunity Idol" for someone weekly--or does that play into the whole possible return of a pirate/white team member later? Hmmmm......
And flirting? Jay and Louie are married. So is Azmyth but has an "open agreement"

The women are all single, but Jupiter is a lesbian although she (by an interview) doesn't let the crew know that. So your guess is as good as mine!
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