TDT has Sean on the red team--
Episode 2 crew summary (evidence discussed below):
Black crew: Azmyth, Ben, Louie, Joe Don, Christa, Jupiter, (Kendra?)
Red crew: Christian, Jay, Sean, Cheryl, Joy, Laurel, (Nessa?, Alexis?)
Unclear: Nessa, Kendra, Alexis
But if that is the black team band on Azmyth's arm, and it is Sean carrying Joy (are we sure that is Sean?), then Sean has the same band on suggesting the same black team for him even though he is carrying Joy with a red band.
And assume black team wins with either JD or Azmyth Captain--but if JD's team wins--then I think he gets to stay Captain another week. I think you lose being Captain only when your team loses--and the new winning team chooses the new Captain.
And losing team gives us "cut adrift" candidates.
And who is this woman? Or is it even a woman??

Maybe not?
And I'm not convinced which team Laurel is on (is she at risk this week?), that the white team are the outcasts, and that Azmyth is the Captain THIS week....
but I'm still looking.
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