Author Topic: NO REST FOR THE WEAK: RUDY BOESCH VOTED OUT  (Read 5231 times)

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Offline puddin

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« on: February 06, 2004, 12:38:26 AM »
From CBS~

As SURVIVOR: ALL-STARS pushed forward, the Saboga tribe was forced to make their second trek to Tribal Council, where they ousted Rudy Boesch, the 76-year-old All-Star of SURVIVOR: BORNEO from Virginia Beach, Virginia. Due to his age coupled with an injured ankle, Rudy was viewed as the weakest member of tribe, causing him to be eliminated from Saboga in a three-to-two decision.

Shortly after his torch was extinguished, Rudy warned; "Everything was all set up to vote Ethan off. I can see Ethan voting against me, but I can't see the other two people voting against me. And if I was them... I'd stay clear of me."


As the rain poured down, the Saboga tribe's morale was going from bad to worse. Not one for low morale, Rudy regaled the tribe with his stories from Vietnam, thus briefly taking the tribe's thoughts off of their hunger, thirst and loss at the first Immunity Challenge.

Over at the Mogo Mogo camp, the dehydrated tribe had varying reactions to the decision of Richard Hatch, the 42-year-old winner of SURVIVOR: BORNEO from Middletown, Rhode Island, to walk around naked. Not everyone agreed with Lex van den Berghe's indifference to Richard's nudity. "We got an overweight, gay, naked man walking around, and no one seems to let it bother them," laughed Colby Donaldson, the 29-year-old tribe member of SURVIVOR: THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK from Christoval, Texas


Later, the tribes were all surprised to find on each of their islands a mysterious box secured by three padlocks. Questions arose and speculations ran wild as to what could be in the box. Rob Mariano, the 28-year-old castaway of SURVIVOR: MARQUESAS from Canton, Massachusetts, wanted to break open his tribe's box, but his intentions were thwarted by the rest of Chapera. Rob M. explained, "My first inclination was to forget about the note…. We're starving over here. Then, all of a sudden everyone was like, 'Oh no, we don't wanna do that, we might upset pretty boy Probst or something.'"


As the tribes reconvened for a Reward Challenge, host Jeff Probst explained the competition would require the tribes to build a staircase out of five logs that were adrift at sea. The tribes would need to swim out to retrieve each log, with each tribe losing a member after each plank was recovered so that only one castaway would be left to retrieve the final log. The first tribe to build the stairway and use it to reach a platform would win the Reward of a bundle of cozy, warm blankets.

The grueling Challenge started with Chapera taking an early lead. Saboga fell behind as Rudy tired quickly from the intense swimming. Chapera lost their lead as Saboga overtook them to become the first tribe to have over half the staircase built. A late push by Mogo Mogo was not enough as Saboga placed the final log on their staircase and climbed to victory.

After telling the castaways that their mysterious lock boxes contained rice, Jeff Probst surprised Saboga with a choice. They could trade their reward for a clue that would help them find the first key to the lock box, flint for fire and a pot for cooking. However, there was a caveat: if Saboga opted for the clue, flint and pot, then all three tribes would get the same Reward. After deliberating, Saboga chose the clue, flint and pot to the rejoicing cheers of the other two tribes. Everyone won!


As the three tribes returned to their camps from the exhausting Challenge, they all attempted to start fires with their new flints.

The sparks at Chapera weren't just from the new flint. Alicia Calaway, the 35-year-old castaway of SURVIVOR: THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK from Trumbull, Connecticut, micro-managed her tribemates' attempts to catch a flame. "Alicia's just talking a little too much; she walks around giving orders constantly," complained Rob M., "It's her nature; she's got a big mouth; she needs to learn to shut it."

Mogo Mogo's attempts to start a flame fizzled when the rain fell on their fire pit. The tribe had waited too long to make the fire, so the members had to suffer in the storm. "We're freezing because our lame boys didn't make the fire," explained Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien, the 50-year-old castaway of SURVIVOR: MARQUESAS from Burlington, Vermont.


As the tribes met on the beach for their second Immunity Challenge of SURVIVOR: ALL-STARS, Jeff Probst explained that there would be three boats at the bottom of the ocean floor. The first two tribes to swim down, free the boats of their heavy cargo, clear the water out, row to shore and carry the boat over the finish line would win Immunity.

As the rain started to come down, the tribes dove into the ocean in order to clear their boats. Despite Saboga's quick start, Chapera, thinking quickly on their feet, opted to flip their boat free of water instead, thus giving them the lead. Mogo Mogo followed Chapera's lead by flipping their boat over while Saboga was still stuck bailing.
Chapera easily made it to shore first, leaving Mogo Mogo and Saboga in a two-horse competition for Immunity. As Mogo Mogo paddled to shore, their boat was sinking because of the excess water it held. Saboga gained ground, but not enough, as Mogo Mogo crossed the finish line second, securing Immunity for themselves and sending Saboga to their second consecutive Tribal Council.


Saboga returned to camp defeated. Realizing he was on the chopping block, Ethan Zohn, the 30-year-old winner of SURVIVOR: AFRICA from Lexington, Massachusetts, immediately tried to make himself useful by going fishing. After Ethan's failed attempt, Rupert Boneham, the 40-year-old castaway of SURVIVOR: PEARL ISLANDS PANAMA from Indianapolis, Indiana, displayed his fishing prowess by returning with a fish, which added to Ethan's troubles. The discussion then came down to Ethan's precarious position as a previous SURVIVOR winner versus Rudy's age, injured ankle and possible challenge liability. "I'm not writing Rudy's name down. I know that. I'm not writing Rudy's name down," swore Rupert.

In the end, Rupert kept his word, but it wasn't enough to help the 76-year-old All-Star, who received three out of five votes, sending him packing and making Rudy Boesch the second castaway voted out of SURVIVOR: ALL-STARS

                RUDY'S FINAL WORDS
The second time around, I was three years slower, for one thing, and I noticed that. I'm not getting any younger, and it's not getting any easier. But I enjoy doing it.

I should know that there's a lot of cutthroating going on out there. I should have known better than the agreement I made. Well, what surprised me the most was probably talking to these people two hours ago, and everything is all set to go, and I wouldn't have been voted off. But all of a sudden, I am. I don't like that. It makes me feel lousy.

Who knew? Frustration, sleep deprivation and dehydration are the perfect ingredients for love!

Richard is attacked by a shark.

Rupert and Jerri butt heads, but only one gets to say, "I told you so."

Nature's fury and an unexpected twist send all the castaways on an emotional roller coaster ride.

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« Last Edit: February 06, 2004, 12:40:39 AM by Puddin »

Offline WENDY

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« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2004, 08:44:58 AM »
I am really upset about this. Them voting Rudy out totally defeated the purpose of them getting rid of Tina..... why vote off Tina because she won before if you're going to keep Ethan! What a slap in the face!
Wendy Jean



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« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2004, 10:15:58 AM »
i dont think either of you understand the game, i can totally understand why Rudy went.  Last week they did not know really who to pick, they had not had enough challenges to know who was going to be the weakest person, so they voted Tina out because having won was a good enough reason.  She wasn't very strong either was why she went before Ethan.  This week Rudy prooved that he was the weakest, if they went ahead and voted out Ethan then they would keep loosing challanges.  They had to get rid of Rudy even if they liked him because with him they would continue to loose.  i liked Rudy too but they HAD to get rid of him if they wanted any chance to win any challenges, Ethan is stronger even if he has won before.  The winners will go but as the game has always gone you have to have the strong ones if you want to win the initial challanges.  If they had voted off Ethan this week then Rudy would have gone next because there would be no way they could win the next challenge without Ethan and with Rudy.  Try thinking from their stand point instead of thinking Rudy was a nice old man, sure we like him, but is it fair to say they should keep him just because we like him even if he makes them loose the challenges?


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« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2004, 10:22:46 AM »
I have understood the game since day one when they first aired Survivor. I know just as much as anyone about the show. I understand where you're coming from Theresa. We all have our opinions. But I feel a little insulted that my knowledge of the game has been questioned. I feel that the game depends on alliances. Therefore, they were wrong, and went back on their word when they voted Rudy out. That shows that they cannot be trusted, and now Ethan and Rupert will form an alliance to get the 2 girls out- hopefully JENNA first. I was disappointed because Rudy was not the weakest link. Jenna is a weak link just by doing what she did last night- went against her word, and plan from the get go. She thinks she runs the tribe, and she doesn';t even come close. I hope she goes next.
Wendy Jean


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« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2004, 10:27:26 AM »
And to add to that, Rudy is old, and may not have won all the challenges, but he would have been a strong alliance, and that may have helped in the long run. Sometimes it is smart to keep a weak person in the game, just to have around for later on..... Rudy is strong in mind.
Wendy Jean



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« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2004, 10:45:47 AM »
Not if you are going to loose all the challenges and none of you are going to be around any way.

That is just my opinion though of course

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« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2004, 10:47:14 AM »
I know what you mean. If I were on the show, I would be more worried about my alliances... In case I don't do so hot in the challenges ya know?
Wendy Jean



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« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2004, 12:05:36 PM »





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« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2004, 12:22:20 PM »
rolls her eyes

i suppose if you went you would have kept Rudy so your tribe could continue to loose challenges?  i loved Rudy too, he was a fair player and i am all for fair.  BUT if i could see my tribe having to vote someone out every single week because we had a weak player i would keep the big mouth or the person that won and do something that i thought would benefit my staying in the game.  Even if you have an alliance if your team looses week after week your going home one way or another.  They might not merge or your team might all be gone before the merge.  You have to play to win the challenges at the start.

« Last Edit: February 06, 2004, 12:35:10 PM by Theresa »

Offline puddin

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« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2004, 12:55:37 PM »
IMO..I have to agree with you Theresa . Rudy is a fan favorite..I had tears in my eyes when he was voted out..I understand his tribes decision,although I hated to see him go.. :-\
Transcript from The Early Show..
I'll post Rudy' s Chat here so that you all could read what he had to say about being voted out..

Survivor: Rudy Gets The Boot

NEW YORK, Feb. 6, 2004

Survivor's Rudy Gets Snuffed

(CBS) For the all-star castaways of "Survivor," victory became a matter of strategy this week, and the Saboga Tribe, though victors in the reward challenge, failed to make the grade during the immunity competition for the second time in a row.

Last week, Tina Wesson, winner of "Australian Outback," got the boot on “Survivor: All-Stars.” As a past winner, she and any other "Survivor" millionaires have targets on their backs at Tribal Council.

“I thought maybe Ethan would go last night,” says former Navy SEAL Rudy Boesch, who was discharged from the game despite a strong alliance with the popular Rupert. “It was set up. But then I got voted off. And it really burned me up for a while, but I thought about it. And the tribe did the right thing by voting me off.”
Ethan Zohn, the previous winner of “Survivor: Africa,” knew he was a target and struggled in a last-ditch effort to spear a fish and make himself a more valuable asset to the tribe.

The disappointment was too much for Rudy to handle as he walked off the Tribal Council saying, "Girls, you better watch out. I have friends." On The Early Show, Rudy says, “I was going to do something. But since then I cooled down. I’m OK.”

The 76-year-old, who competed on “Survivor: Borneo,” was far and away the favorite compared to Ethan, but his age was slowing him down.

The blister on his foot was keeping him from walking, something that made Rudy even consider quitting. He says, “I did. I think the day before. And then I decided to keep going. But, you know, my foot was already hurting. And I knew I was holding the team back. But I stayed in there.” Comparing this game with his first, Rudy notes, “Instead of three years older, I got three years slower. And I definitely feel it, now. I got out of the Navy in 1990. And I slowly started downhill.”

Having been a Navy SEAL and a strong swimmer, Rudy says it was very frustrating to see others excel while he trailed behind. He says, “I just can’t keep up with them young kids. And it burns me up. And in the first ‘Survivor,’ I found out girls can run faster than me. And that burned me, but it had to happen. “

Thursday night, at Tribal Council, Rudy pointed out that the game of “Survivor" is not so much about surviving the elements. It’s surviving the personalities. And thought he did not mention names, he said to co-anchor Julie Chen, “All the younger people like you are hard to get along with.”

In his tribe, that could mean Jenna Lewis, who has come across as quite feisty this time around.

Rudy notes, “In Borneo, she was in the other tribe. And we already had an alliance. And Jenna was in line to get kicked off. I mean, the alliance was air-tight with nothing to worry about. But now Jenna is, you know… It started out you got to have young people in the tribe because most of the challenges are physical.”

Voting him off was an emotional choice, something the Rudy says he did not expect. There were tears in his tribe and even Jeff Probst offered eloquent words about him.

Rudy says, “Jeff came out with some real nice words. I’m going to have to thank him for that. And Rupert stuck by me. He’s a man of his word. I’m glad of that. And the girls had tears in their eyes. And Rupert did, too. And that surprised me.” But in the end, it came down to a purely strategic move. Rudy was voted off, three to two.
Asked about what it was like to see Richard Hatch again, Rudy points out, “I made the statement I like Richard but not in the homosexual way. I came out of the water, and we didn’t know who was in the other tribes. I came out of the water and I seen this familiar scene. It was Richard bending over [naked] in front of me, you know. And I’ve been looking at this for 39 days on the first 'Survivor.' And I knew it was him.”

The tribes faced off first in a tough reward challenge: swimming off shore to drag logs back to the beach, building a ladder to reach a victor's platform. Saboga won the challenge, and for their efforts had their choice of rewards: Either blankets for their tribe only, or pots for rice, flint to make fire and a clue to crack open a locked treasure chest (containing rice) for all tribes. They chose the latter, rewarding all castaways.

For all three tribes, there’s more good news on the horizon. The clues gained in reward launched them on a quest to open chests containing rice and other much needed supplies. Three keys must be found to open each chest.

In addition, all three tribes were grateful to receive fire this week, providing them a little more warmth and the much-coveted ability to cook their food.

For the immunity challenge this week, the three tribes competed to haul weights out of sunken boats anchored to the ocean floor to first bring them to the surface, then paddle the boats back to shore.

This time, Saboga wasn’t so lucky, floundering to shore in third place, and heading to Tribal Council for the second week in a row.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2004, 01:07:28 PM by Puddin »

Offline WENDY

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« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2004, 01:23:57 PM »
I understand there are no hard feelings, and maybe they did do the right thing by voting him off, but they still went back on their word.... Lucky for Ethan, who WAS supposed to be the next target.....Hopefully him and Rupert pair up.... and vote JENNA out!
Wendy Jean


Offline puddin

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« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2004, 06:02:32 PM »
Since when do they have to keep their word Wendy?Outwit,Outplay,Outlast...that's the game..

 copied from ~
Rudy Boesch's Survivor: All-Stars Web Chat Transcript

Host:  Rudy thanks for being here today are you ready to take some questions?
Rudy:  Yeah...

Q:  After TC did you suspect Rupert might have broke your alliance and voted you off?
Rudy: No. I trusted Rupert right from the beginning.  Me and Rupert made an alliance and I said I could trust him and we'll stay together until the end of the program.  I trusted Rupert and as you can see at the end of the show Rupert voted against Ethan

Q:   Do you have friends in the Mafia?  It sounded like you were gonna put a hit out on your tribe...hehe.
Rudy: You know when you get voted off you're mad at the world and I made a couple of dumb statements.  Since then I've thought it over and the tribe was exactly correct in voting me off.  They did the right thing.

Q:  U was happy to see you on Survivor again Rudy.  Was it harder this time around?
Rudy:  Survivor wasn't any harder this time.  It's not a matter of the elements it's putting up with the people.  Probably this time the people are a little smarter because they've been there before and I'd predict there's going to be alot of cut-throating before the end of the game

Q:  Rudy Rudy Rudy, I love you man  Did you ever get sick from drinking the water without boiling it?
Rudy:   When we first got there they said we're gonna give you water but you have to boil it before you drink it.  I said to myself right then I don't care if I boil it or not because over the year's I've had dirty water before and it didn't phase me so I was sure this wouldn't either.

Q:  Describe the four remaining Saboga tribe members in one word.
Rudy:  Rupert - a man you can trust. He gave me his word and stuck by it.  Jenna - is kinda hyper.  She's a good athlete.  I thought I was kinda mad at Jenna because I thought it was her fault I was voted off.  Jerri - was going along with Jenna so I couldn't blame her much.  Ethan - is a very good athlete.  They need him on this tribe and Ethan's name was never mentioned so I can't blame him for nothing

Q:  Who is the most interesting people you've met through the game?
Rudy:  Probably Richard.  You know, of all people it'd have to be Richard.

Q:  I think you were amazing out there.  Was there anybody out there that you were surprised they brought back?
Rudy: It surprised me that Jenna from the first Survivor was back but no, not really.  The rest of them are pretty outstanding people.  They all stood out for some reason or another.

Q:  Who were the two guys that were spooning on last night's episode?
Rudy:  You know, I don't know! I can't pick them people out.  They were under... it seemed like they were under Tshirts.  I won't say blankets because we didn't have any.  I don't know who they were, it wasn't me.

Q:  Did you hate the tribe that you were in when you found out who the All Stars were?
Rudy:  No I was together with these 6 people for about 3 days before they actually told us we were a tribe and I was glad to be with them.  Rupert had a good name.  Jenna is a good athlete.  I didn't know about Jerri.  Didn't know her well.  So I really couldn't complain about the people in our tribe.

Q:  What do you think of Richard Hatch walking around naked all the time?
Tina:  Richard is a homosexual nudist and y'know what else are you going to say about the guy.  He made that public all over the world.  When I came out of the water and saw a familiar scene... Richard naked and bending over and when I say familiar I mean that I looked at it for 39 days on the first show...

Q:  Why didn't you guys get rid of Jenna, she is useless in challenges and bossy at camp.
Tina:  Well that's your opinion of Jenna.  To me she's a pretty good athlete and was needed on that tribe.  Jenna sort of sounds like on TV that she was running the tribe but really she wasn't.  We disagreed with what she said.  When you first start this thing you don't have a reason for voting somebody off.  She suggested to vote off the people who already won and that's reason enough so we just went along with what she said.

Q:  Which was tougher, acting on JAG or being back on Survivor?
Rudy:  Being on Survivor was tougher.  Being on JAG to me was almost a pleasure except for I told them they're going to have to put cute cards up for me to say anything.

Q:  How's that ankle doing?
Rudy:  My ankle's back to normal.  I think what caused it was from the one challenge where Ethan was running up the beach with the logs like and throwing them up making the ladder.  I was on one side of the ladder and had to get the rung in and I think the last one he hit me in the ankle and made it sore for a little while.

Q: Rudy were you surprised at anything when watching on TV what was going on between the other two tribes?
Rudy:  No I didn't... every tribe is on their own... we each had 6 people and were doing our thing the best we could.  A couple of challenges the other people had better ideas than we did.  Why we didn't think of them I don't know.  Consequently we lost two challenges in a row and that resulted in me being voted off second.

Q:  Given the choice, would you have liked to have had Richard or Sue on your team once again?
Rudy:  If I had a choice I would pick Sue.  They're both strong, dependable and I would just pick Sue.  Richard is just a wise guy but he's pretty smart but anyway, I'd pick Sue.

Q:  If you had to make an alliance out of members of the other tribes, who would you   choose and why?
Rudy:  For one, I'd pick Sue and I would probably pick Richard because I could trust both of them people in the first Survivor.  I would pick Rupert because he's a man of his word and he stuck to it.  And 4 people in an alliance is enough to win in that show.  That gets you to the final 4 and it's cutthroat between you four.

Q:  What was your reaction when you got the call from the producers about another shot at it?  Are you happy with your decision to do the show?
Rudy:  Yeah, I'm happy with my decision to do the show.  The first inkling I had I might be on the show was when we were in NY in Carnegie Hall.  When I got on stage I got probably the biggest standing ovation of all the people.  Later Jeff Probst came up to me and asked how I'd feel about doing an All Star Survivor and I say sure  I'd do it and that's all I said and I guess it went from there.

Q:  How do you feel JP has changed from the first Survivor to now.  How has the show changed?
Rudy:  I think the first show, Jeff was new... he was as new as were and even CBS didn't realize how big this was going to be.  Since the first show, we just finished the 8th one, I think Jeff's refined himself after each show and now it's almost automatic to him what he's going to do.  When I left the show the comments he made to me made me feel happy with him and I guess other people feel that way with him too.  

Q:   Rudy it was sad to see you leave, you're great. Did Rupert give you any sign that the others were going to vote for you?
Rudy: No Rupert didn't give me any sign and I don't know if he knew anything or not but actually there was nothing he could do about it even if he did know -- it was 3 to 2.  Rupert stood by me because it showed him making his vote at the end of the show and he voted for Ethan just like I did.

Q: How far could Jeff Probst or Mark Burnett make it competing in Survivor?
Rudy: Laughs.  Everybody in the world knows who those are and I think just on that they'd vote 'em off right away.  If nothing else, for someone to get even with them.

Q:   Are you taking your wife on any fun trips now that you are back?
Rudy:  I got an agent and I told her that if she wants to send me someplace if my wife don't get to go, I don't go.  My wife goes every place with me.  I'm glad she's there because I hardly have to think.  She does all the thinking for me and I like that.

Q:  Was there someone from previous Survivors that you expected to be there but wasn't?
Rudy:  Yeah.  Colleen from the first show.  I thought I'd see her there but didn't.  Just a day or so I read she was asked to come back but turned it down.  She's pretty quiet.  Once we parted from the first Survivor I'd never seen her again.  Everyone else I saw at least once.

Q: How do you feel about the girls lying to you about voting you off?
Rudy: At first I was mad.  I made a couple of dumb statements but since then I've thought about it and they were absolutely correct. I agree with it.

Q:  You're an inspiration to people of all ages.  Who did you find the most annoying out there.
Rudy: Nobody was really annoying.  I wasn't there long enough to be annoyed!  I got voted off I think on the fifth day  and that's before the infighting starts.  I think if you get through about 4 or 5 TCs you have it made because you're just about merged and then the in-fighting starts.  You sit back and watch and they vote against each other.  That's the way to win.

Q:  Would you encourage more mature people to apply for the show?
Rudy:  Boy.  Y'know the older you are, the harder time you're going to have.  In the beginning there's alot of athletics which leaves the older people dragging.  After a while, they throw some stuff in where you gotta use your head and this eliminates the athletes. And you get to a certain place in the show were a mature person has a chance to win.  Unless you get into an alliance then you got a chance.

Q:  Do you agree with voting off previous winners first?
Rudy:  I don't agree with voting them off first.  If you don't have another excuse to vote someone off that's a good enough excuse but I wouldn't deliberately go after these people.  There's nothing wrong with winning twice.  If they can do it, good luck.
Q:  Rudy what was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in the game?
Rudy:  Really nothing embarrassed me.  You know I wasn't there that long.

Q:  Was your Seal team friends happy to see you not paired up with Richard this time?  And did you get any friendly ribbing from them about your first time there?
Rudy: The first show I rubbed suntan lotion on Richard's back before I found out he was a homosexual and when I got  back I apologized to the Atlantic Fleet about that.  My fellow members still let me know about rubbing suntan lotion on his back.

Q:  Have you watched all the Survivor shows since the beginning? If so which is your favorite?
Rudy:  I watched all the shows and as far I'm concerned, they are all good.  This one right here now might be the best yet, if not, the first one was the best.

Q :  Do you think that Jerri is playing a different game this keeping her mouth shut...
Rudy:  I think Jerri is playing a different game this time. In fact, when I got voted off she actually had tears in her eyes which surprised me but I'm going to have to y'know thank her for the way she felt about me when I see her.

Q:   How come you couldn't start a fire being a Navy Seal?
Rudy:  *laughs*  We don't learn how to start fires in the SEALS and I couldn't show you 600 SEALS that can rub sticks together and start a fire.  After the first show every boy scout or adventure person I ran into I asked if they could start a fire rubbing two sticks together and they all said yes but no one's shown me yet.  And don't go to a lumber yard and find two pieces of dried wood, go into the woods and find two sticks that have been rained on and try it!

Q:  Specifically what did you talk about with your tribe that made you believe that you were not going to be voted off?
Rudy:  Early on in the game Jenna came around and said let's get rid of the two people that won, Tina and Ethan.  I said that sounds like a good idea to me and by that time Rupert and I were already allied and he agreed.  As far as I was concerned that's the way we were going to vote.  Then, we had a few competitions and people saw I was lagging a little, maybe a bit slower than I was three years ago and they changed their mind.  That's how I got voted off.

Q:  Everybody talks about Survivor being tough, are there times when you actually have fun out there?
Rudy:  Yeah, there's some funny situations out there.  I don't know if they'd seem funny to anyone else but to us they seem funny.  For instance, all we had was white rice, no salt, no pepper.  I used to spray salt water on my rice for some flavor and then that salt water is where'd I'd peed two hours ago too!...and that adds some flavor too!

Q:   Why do you think Tina Wesson called you "Grouchy" in her chat?  Did you do anything to her that we didn't see?
Rudy:  I didn't know she called me that *laughs*  They call me whatever they want, I don't care.  I probably was grouchy to her for some reason or another.

Q: Do you remember Gretchen? Do you think she should have been asked back?
Rudy:  Gretchen was an outstanding contestant.  Yeah, she probably should have been asked back.  I'm probably one of the big reasons why she got voted off and that was because she was good.  Anybody that's good you gotta get rid of because they're the reason you can't win.  You gotta vote 'em off.

Q:  Who if any, is your least favorite Survivor of all time?  And how is your most liked?
Rudy: I am probably my favorite Survivor of all time and I just can't pick a least favorite.

Q:  Did you ever talk to Ethan about going against the girls?
Rudy:  No, I never did talk to Ethan about that.  I didn't think I had to.  The way things were set up, Ethan would have been the second voted off but it's probably better for the tribe that he wasn't because he's a much better athlete than I am and they needed him

Q:  Is Sue as tough as she appears to be?
Rudy:  Sue Hawk is a real strong girl.  I mean I seen her come down the beach with big logs on her back I don't think I'd even think about picking up.  She could probably work like that all day long and I think she got that from Wisconsin, where she's from.  She's a real good girl and she's strong.

Q:  With all of your accomplishments, what in your life are you most proud of?
Rudy:  I'm most proud of being a SEAL all my life. Y'know, being a SEAL is not an easy task.  I was one of the original SEALS which were picked in 1962, about fifty of us out of the Navy and I was just glad to be a SEAL.

Q:  Who do you think is the smartest player out there right now?
Rudy:  That's hard to say because the only people I was associated with was Hatch, Sue and Jenna.  The rest I watched on the show but really didn't work with them so I really couldn't tell ya who the smartest would be... whoever's the most conniving...

Q:  What was the most difficult survival situation you've ever been in?
Rudy:  Boy, I went to alot of survival schools.  In fact, some right there in Panama and it's hard to say.  I was in the military for 45 years and we had all kinds of hard situations and I can't say any one of them was easier than the next.

Q:  There's some real run down 75 year olds out there, but look at you!  To what do you attribute your youthfulness?
Rudy:  Like I said I was in the SEALS for most of my life and for the first hour and a half of the day we did physical training.  I left in 1990 and I kept it up.  I might have gotten slower, but I kept it up.  That's the most important thing, keeping your health and it takes a lot of discipline to do that.

Q:  Sorry to see you go so soon.  Who will you most miss not being able to do "battle" with?
Rudy:  Really our tribe was getting along pretty good.  I think Ethan was worried about getting kicked off next but it turned out he didn't have anything to worry about. I wasn't battling anyone, really.  We all got along

Q:  How has fame changed you?
Rudy:  Fame didn't change me at all.  I retired in 1990, in the year 2000 I put in for Survivor, was picked and did it.  Ever since 2000 I've been running around the world showing my face.  It didn't change me at all.  The money I got, I have most of it to my kids.  I'm doing okay money-wise so I don't need nothing.

Q:  Have you met the two Robs and what do you think of them?
Rudy:  I met one, Rob C and he seems like a nice guy.  The other Rob I never met so I couldn't comment on him.  I've seen him on TV and he seems like a wise guy.  But the other one was a good conniver and I thought he was going to win that Survivor he was on but he didn't.  They're both probably nice guys but both have their ways of doing things.

Q:  Are you going to be on any other TV shows soon?
Rudy:  As far as I know right now, I don't have nothing scheduled as far as TV but I wouldn't doubt that something comes up.

Q:  Our time with Rudy is up.  Rudy thanks for being here.  Do you have any final comments for the Survivor fans?
Rudy: If I was you people out there I'd go out for Survivor and maybe you can get on the 9th one.  It's coming up so be prepared!  


Offline puddin

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« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2004, 10:18:38 AM »
TKs ..Logo.. I really admire Rudy.. ;)I foung this at

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« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2004, 01:22:15 PM »
 ;D is Richard..he makes me laugh sometimes..I think that he attacks the shark  back  ;D also the romance is rumored to be Amber and RobM :-* kind of a cute couple don't you think? ;)

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« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2004, 12:50:46 AM »
PUddin, thanks for posting the chat with Rudy.  it was very enjoyable.  I got grossed out when he said that he flavoured his rice with salt water but he peed in the water hours earlier. yuck!!!!  I saw him on the Early Show and they really kept him on for a long time for his interview.  He is very likeable.  Just tells it like it is.  I was sorry to see him go, but it was for the best as he was slow in the challenges.

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« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2004, 04:44:25 PM »
I think the tribe made a good move.  Yes it is about alliances, but the alliances do not hold up if you keep having to vote out your tribe memebers because you can not win a challenge.

If you read the chat and all of Rudy's talks...he says that he had an alliance with Rupert. The girls had an alliance and the winners had an alliance.  he said jenna told him the first day she thougth they should vote off the winners.  If you never talk about it again and you assume that you tribe is still voting this way 4 days later, you coudl be in trouble.  

They all knew going into this game it was going to be tougher and that there would be friends that they would have to vote off.  I like Rudy and the rest of the team did, but they have to start winning some challenges and if he is not able to walk he is a liability and they could lose again.

There is going to be alot of bootees we will not like.  There will be bootees that the survivors do not want to do because of relationships outside the game.  But they know it is a game.

Everyone is going to be hurt or upset if they are voted out.  This is allstars and no one wants to be the one that does not make it very far.

Fan favorite, hero, trust worthy ~ if you are injured you will be voted off.  If Rudy had not been injured Ethan would have been booted.

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« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2004, 11:53:38 AM »
I just cannot wait to see Richard bring home a shark for dinner. Hey....I thought he could live off of his body for weeks?? Guess not, he wants to bring home a BIG fish! :D
Wendy Jean


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« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2004, 01:42:39 PM »
LOL Wendy ;D...I hope that he is wearing is shorts.. :o

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« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2004, 01:47:33 PM »
I doubt it.... he is "swimming"... won't be a pretty sight :-\
Wendy Jean