Author Topic: Racing Report Leg #11 AS  (Read 8363 times)

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Offline mswood

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Racing Report Leg #11 AS
« on: April 24, 2007, 01:19:36 AM »
Racing Report Leg #11

Title:  “Good Doing Business With You.” – Dustin when shaking hands on their deal to buy the Yield.
Date:  December 13th
Pit Stop:  12 hours
Sunrise:  6:54am

Teams leave the Pit Stop, the Hong Kong Jockey Club in the following order.
1.  Oswald & Danny – 3:41am
2.  Dustin & Kandice – 5:23am
3.  Charla & Mirna – 7:06am
4.  Eric & Danielle – 9:31am  :groan: (and are marked for elimination)

Team are provide with $73 dollars for this leg of the race (per all teams).

Teams must now make their way to the Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Pier (located at Sheung Way, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong – and thanks to Boingo).  Where they will travel by Turbo Jet Ferry forty miles to mainland China and the city of Macau (Yeah been there too), when teams arrive they will find the man with the rickshaw to receive their next clue.

Tickets price for Oswald & Danny is 340 Hong Kong dollars about $46.00 US dollars (all depending of course at the rate in December.

The Ferry takes 55 minutes to reach Macau (so give roughly an hour for travel time.

We see that Dustin & Kandice arrive at the Ferry and take the 6:00am Ferry (based on the sun rising when they arrive in Macau.

Charla & Mirna take the 8:00am Ferry (and probably have the longest wait for the Ferry of all teams) and should arrive in Macau at 9:00am Insider Clips).

When Eric & Danielle probably get the 10:15am Ferry and arrive in Macau at 11:15am.

Teams must travel by cabs to the tallest structure in Macau.  Teams must now figure out that at 1,109 feet the Macau Tower is the tallest structure in the city.  They then must travel 2 miles by taxi and then search inside for their next clue.  Warning Yield ahead.

This is the 2cd of only 2 yields on the race for teams to Yield a team behind them and stop them from racing.  Teams can use their Yield power only once on the race.  Any team forced to Yield must turn over the hourglass and wait for the sand to run out before they can continue racing (been reported over the seasons as between 20-30 minutes, mention though in advance as 30 minutes in several clips by teams on clips).

Teams estimate a 15 minutes travel time to figure out the location of the tower, get a cab and to arrive (per Insider Video’s on speculation of when Charla & Mirna should arrive).

Teams arrive at the Macau Tower in the following order.
1.  Oswald & Danny
2.  Dustin & Kandice
3.  Charla & Mirna
4.  Eric & Danielle

The Macau Tower doesn’t open until 10:00am.

Oswald & Danny approach Dustin & Kandice with the idea to sell the Yield to them (an absolutely fantastic idea, even if it hits the team I like).  They finally settle on $45.00 dollars and Dustin & Kandice get to choose whom to Yield.

This leaves D&K with roughly $155 in funds.

We get a great line, “I’ll do it for a fee.”   Which has added meaning when Oswald also asks if he can prostitute himself out to raise money on this leg.

At 10:00am the doors open and the three teams rush to find the route marker, where teams must pull numbers for order.  Hours of operation are 11:00am to 10:00pm.

Teams pull tickets in the following order.
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Oswald & Danny
3.  Charla & Mirna
4.  Eric & Danielle, who arrive probably at the earliest at 11:30am.

At 11:00am all three teams take the elevator to the 61st   (outdoor Observation Deck) floor and run to the Yield marker.  Teams arrive at the Yield marker in the following order.
1. Oswald & Danny
2. Dustin & Kandice
3. Charla & Mirna
4.  Eric & Danielle

Oswald & Danny yield Eric & Danielle. :killme:

Roadblock- One team member must step outside and walk completely around the observation deck (called the Skywalk), then using the world’s tallest permanent ascender jump of the building (called the Sky jump or suicide for short) and fall to their deaths….really just 320 meters or 660 feet to the street below. :chute:  Once there are back on solid ground they will receive their next clue.  Its is the largest jump in race history (besides of course Skydiving).

Teams must change into and out of separate safety gear for each of the tasks.

And it appears that all three complete the Skywalk before changing into different gear for the sky jump.

Teams of course complete the roadblock in the order they pulled numbers.
1.  Dustin & Kandice – Kandice performs the roadblock her 6th? Dustin 4th.
2.  Oswald & Danny – Danny performs the roadblock his 4th/Oswald 4th.
3.  Charla & Mirna – Charla performs the roadblock her 5th/ Mirna 5th.
4.  Eric & Danielle – Eric performs the roadblock his 7th? Danielle 3rd.

Teams must now travel by taxi to Lou Lim Ioc Gardens and search for their next clue.

Dustin & Kandice are putting their bags in the cab, as Eric & Danielle arrive.  It should be close to 11:15-11:30 (I lean closer to 11:30).

They discover they are yielded (and we see its Eric who turns the hourglass over, so hand footage wasn’t a team) and have some choice words for Oswald and Danny. :furious: :gaah:

Danny is suiting up when this occurs and Eric yells out to him and flips him off.  So I would guess at least 10-15 minutes between teams performing the jump.

Teams arrive at the Gardens in the following order.
1.  Oswald & Danny
2.  Dustin & Kandice (who stopped to switch cabs)
3.  Charla & Mirna
4.  Eric & Danielle

Detour-Noodle or Dragon

In Noodle:  Teams make their way nearly 2 miles to the 2cd floor of the Edifico  Fabril Veno Kin (sp? Is Portuguese) , partial business name is Fabricia de Sopa de P…..and choose a noodle making station.  Then using traditional methods to flatten (Rated PG-13 parentts don’t let Michael watch unattended) the dough and cut it making two bundles of noodles.  When they have been the judge as approved their two bundles they will receive their next clue.

In Dragon:  Teams make their way nearly 1 mile to a warehouse (have no idea) and choose a dragon head and drum and carry them ¾ of a mile through the streets of Macau to a series of Dragon Boats at Nam Van Lake.  When they attach the dragon head to the correct boat they will receive their next clue.

Teams choose the following detours.
Noodle:  Dustin & Kandice, Charla & Mirna and Eric & Danielle
Dragon:  Oswald & Danny :spoiler:

Teams arrive at the Detour in the following order.
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Charla & Mirna
3.  Oswald & Danny  (cab trouble)
4.  Eric & Danielle 

Eric & Danielle arrive at the Detour as Dustin & Kandice finish it again getting into and out of cabs.

And can I just say Charla is walking on top of the counter they make the noodles on, gross.

Teams finish the detour in the following order.
1.  Dustin & Kandice (after the 2cd attempt)
2.  Eric & Danielle (on their first attempt)
3.  Charla & Mirna (after 2cd attempt, Inside Clips hint that it might have taken three, or it could just be Mirna)
4.  Oswald & Danny (who can’t find the docks and get lost)

Teams must travel one mile to this street (what street) and pick a mini moke for their next clue.

Teams reach the mini mokes in the following order.
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Eric & Danielle
3.  Charla & Mirna
4.  Oswald & Danny

Teams must now drive themselves to the Island of Taipa and find the Pit Stop.

STOP LYING to us Phil…..

Team (probably) must drive themselves to the Island of Taipa and find the fishing village of Coloane.  Once there they will pick up a tray shaped basket of fish and transport it to a shop where they will then hang the fish to dry before receiving their next clue.

Puddin (thanks for the tasks and description), that’s to Chateau D If and Slowhatch for finding the location down to the damn pier its on (that is so F***ing awesome.  Great, great work. :yourock:

And thanks to an old map from Peach we learn it used to be the Island of Coloane, but the water between it and the Island to the North (Taipa) has been filled in. :word:

Without any data for this, I would assume that all teams find, start, and end this tasks in the order they would have arrived.
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Eric & Danielle
3.  Charla & Mirna
4.  Oswald & Danny

Teams must then travel to the north end of Taipa and find Trilho Da Taipa Pequena 2000, which overlooks Macau to the north.  It is the 11th Pit Stop on the race.

Teams arrive at the Pit Stop in the following order.
1.  Dustin & Kandice – They win Scooter’s (just kidding) they each win a Waverunner and seem very pleased by that one.  Take that lame Retro scooters.

Eric & Danielle - Who start their 30 minute penalty. :pray:

2.  Charla & Mirna who are 15 ½ minutes behind Eric & Danielle
3.  Eric & Danielle now 14 ½ minutes behind Charla & Mirna
4.  Oswald & Danny

Based on the clock at the Noodle detour reading 1:20-1:25 when Eric & Danielle finish the task (well a little afterwards.  And that teams had to drive a mile, then about 7 more total to get to task and to Pit Stop.

I am guessing (damn overcast.  Its official the producers really hate Chateau…) that the Dustin & Kandice could have arrived at the Pit Stop between 2:00pm to 2:30pm.  With Eric & Danielle about 15 minutes behind them, and then 15 more minutes for Charla & Mirna to check in 2cd place, another 15 for Eric & Danielle to check in, and I am guessing Oswald and Danny are significantly behind that.  Say an hour to an hour and a half.

1.  D & K 2:00-2:30
2.  C & M 2:30-3:00
3.  E & D 2:50 (I still swear I see 1:50 on his watch but that would be damn, damn fast or perhaps off by an hour.
4.  Oswald & Danny

Well let’s see how far off I am this week.  SO far I have only nailed Zanzibar.

« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 06:33:07 PM by mswood »

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #11 AS
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2007, 01:40:47 AM »

Dustin & Kandice:  Nice leg ladies, and you raced well too.  But seriously a fairly strong leg, with a brilliant use of the Yield.  You choose the best option to keep yourself alive, an you continued to pick the team that will end up beating you.  So good choice (hears Michael screaming NOOOOOO off in the distance.  You also picked the fastest of the detour options.  You had three minor breakdowns in performance.  The one completely in your control was not following the demonstration of the noodle tasks close enough, making you repeat the task.  You also lost time in a cab that was lost (beyond your control), but you wisely and hopefully quickly got a new cab.  A very solid leg.  Now stop lying.

Charla & Mirna:  Actually for this team, a good leg.  They managed to keep up fairly well with the other teams and not to loose a lot of time (though clearly the lost some.  But compared to most legs very good. They continue to have a hard time working together (or at least working together without tearing their partner up.  They also had to complete the detour twice (at least) to finish the task.  Considering they started.   An okay leg, where they didn’t lose nearly the amount of time driving that I honestly expected.

Eric & Danielle:  Their best leg of the season.  Starting the days tasks effectively at least 45 minutes to an hour after the first team, they manage to most likely run the fastest leg of the race.  It does highlight how sometimes yielding a team really des fire them up.  And unlike last leg, here where time was paramount, Eric wasted no time in getting a cab to direct them to Taipa Island (most likely to the Fish task).  Really the only performance error in this leg was Danielle and not wanting to do the Roadblock.  Its gravity, its easy.  You only die once.   Jump.  Also wise was Eric doing most of the Noodle tasks as he showed in Season Nine he was good with food and a knife (though no damn monkeys this time, oh wait does Charla and Mirna count as Baboon’s?).  And while their waiting to kill Oswald and Danny was showing Eric actual upset (unlike last Yield), it didn’t seem to effect his ability to race.  A Great Leg.

Oswald & Danny:  Actually you guys made a good choice in the great deal with Dustin & Kandice.  And I do like that you really seemed tore up about it.  But after that boy you guys sucked.  From getting a poor cab driver (or at least one you weren’t able to communicate with, you should have just switched cabs like Dustin & Kandice did), to picking the harder detour.  Do getting lost on said detour, for probably waiting far to long before asking for confirmation of directions.  You just didn’t perform well.  Had to that this was behavior wise a terrible leg for you.  Now I didn’t like to see or hear Eric saying he wanted to kick your ass, throw you off the ridge or kill you.  But better that then you saying you want to kill the locals.  You also were upset about their ability to speak Portuguese and not even being able to speak Chinese.  Yikes, that’s really off for you guys.  Then getting mad at each other and blaming each other for mistakes.  A bad, bad leg.

Offline puddin

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Re: Racing Report Leg #11 AS
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2007, 09:38:04 AM »
You crack me up mswood  :lol:! Good Job!! I just Luv you, thanks for making my day :yourock:

Offline michael

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Re: Racing Report Leg #11 AS
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2007, 09:42:03 AM »
I love reading your reports mswood, they are really well done! thanks for thanking the time to make them  :jam:

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Re: Racing Report Leg #11 AS
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2007, 03:45:51 PM »
I love reading your reports mswood, they are really well done! thanks for thanking the time to make them  :jam:
heckk yesssss!

Offline apskip

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Re: Racing Report Leg #11 AS
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2007, 05:37:57 PM »
mswood, I thought somebody else would catch this and bring it to your attention, but it's still there uncorrected. Your Racing Recport #11 has this statement:

They finally settle on $5.00 dollars and Dustin & Kandice get to choose whom to Yield.

That is a typo and should have been US$45.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2007, 07:56:55 PM by apskip »

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #11 AS
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2007, 06:32:26 PM »
Thats it I offiically give up on typing.

Thanks apskip of to correct.

Though can you imagine how much more pissed Eric would be if it was just for $5.00 US.  Hehe

Offline puddin

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Re: Racing Report Leg #11 AS
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2007, 07:32:17 PM »
We don't care about how you spell mswood and the heck with a typo or two..You Rock  :jam:

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #11 AS
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2007, 07:47:56 PM »
We don't care about how you spell mswood and the heck with a typo or two..You Rock  :jam:
Not to worry, you'll have to pry the keyboard away from my cold dead hands.....

Offline puddin

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Re: Racing Report Leg #11 AS
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2007, 08:04:32 PM »
Thats exactly what we wanted to hear mswood  :jumpy:

Offline michael

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Re: Racing Report Leg #11 AS
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2007, 08:05:23 PM »
We don't care about how you spell mswood and the heck with a typo or two..You Rock  :jam:
Not to worry, you'll have to pry the keyboard away from my cold dead hands.....

who cares about typos, I spelt pilot like PILATE.