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Offline tigerlilly77

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So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« on: September 14, 2006, 02:45:12 PM »
Nomance Land
 ''Big Brother'' evictee Will talks with Jessica Shaw about getting evicted by his flirtmance and how he's going to make up with his real-life reality-TV girlfriend

Chill Town got frozen out last night when Dr. Will Kirby (or Dr. Delicious or Dr. Evil, depending on how you feel about him) got evicted by his flirtmance, Janelle. Will called us on his way to the sequester house to discuss what it feels like to be evicted, who he thinks will win, and why he desperately needs EW's help.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Hey, Will. How are you feeling today?
WILL KIRBY: What's going on, beautiful?

Nice to see you're true to form. You looked a little stunned last night talking to Julie Chen. Have you recovered? Are you sad?
Sad? No. Sad is not the word I would use to describe myself. I guess I'm a little numb. It's clearly a weird situation when you get thrown off a reality show.

Were you surprised that Janelle teamed up with Erika in the end?
I wasn't completely shocked by any means. I had an inkling early in the day it wouldn't go my way, but I was still hopeful. At the end of the day I was still shocked I made it this far.

Last night, the way viewers saw it, you and Boogie were working out while Janelle and Erika were conspiring. Did you know what was going on?
We were well aware they were together. But Chill Town was the most brazen alliance in the history of television. At the end of the day, although we had hoped that Janelle and Erika were on our side, it was completely logical to break up Chill Town. It makes complete sense.

But why didn't you try harder to get Janelle to vote out Erika?
I absolutely tried to talk Janelle into it. Obviously there was a flirtmance going on, and she wanted to know if we were going to be together after the show, but I was obviously misleading her because I had a girlfriend. Her big thing was she wanted me to kiss her on TV, and I wouldn't, and I think that was my downfall.

Doesn't she have a boyfriend too?
Who knows? She does, but not enough. We were both playing each other. She just did a better job of it.

I was sort of surprised Janelle bonded so strongly with Erika, who's kind of annoying. Is Erika actually smart?
She's an incredibly smart player, but she's also annoying. They're not mutually exclusive.

If I were Boogie, I would go into hiding after the show because Erika is going to murder him after she hears what he said about her.
I don't know. I haven't seen the show. But I can't imagine it's very good.

What is your girlfriend going to make of the show?
My girlfriend is Erin Brodie, from For Love or Money. My girlfriend knows reality shows backwards and forwards. She's won two of them. She and I had a long conversation last night trying to patch things up. She can hopefully understand my perspective and hopefully can forgive me for what she saw on the show. I can only imagine how bad it is.

You got to talk to a non-Big Brother human?
She was my main contact person, so I got a five-minute phone call with her. Believe me, it was monitored and strained. She was definitely disappointed in my behavior in a lot of ways, but we love each other very much. If you could put a plug in there about how much I love her, I would appreciate that.

At least you never cheated on her.
That's the point. I didn't at all. I didn't physically cheat on her, but emotionally can sometimes be worse. It probably hurts to watch it.

Do you regret kicking anyone out too early? Like, perhaps, Marcellas?
I don't regret kicking anyone out. Everyone should have kicked me out way earlier. When you're telling 12 people to their face that you hate them?

Can Mike Boogie win this show?
The only way he has a snowball's chance in hell is if he can check his ego and be more humble. I don't think his chances are good. In the jury house, you're not allowed to discuss the show, but I'm going to do everything I can to manipulate people into voting for Boogie if he makes it.

How would you and Boogie have handled it if you had both been in the final two?
The way I saw it all along was when anyone from Chill Town wins, all of Chill Town wins. We have multiple businesses together; we have restaurants in L.A. At the end of the day he supported me very much after my win. It's my turn to help him win.

Are you saying you would have thrown it in the end so he could win?
No, we definitely would have had a gentlemen's agreement, but I think it would have been hard for me to win the show under any circumstances. I hope he can make it to the final two.

Who do you think will win the final HOH?
I don't think Janelle is going to lose anything. But at the same time, a lot of competitions were thrown by us for her, so maybe she's not as good as people thought.

NEXT: The perils of reality-TV dating
When you said a few weeks ago that you were going to rebuild Janelle as the best Big Brother player, you weren't kidding.
I know. I made a robot I couldn't control. I made Robot Barbie.

You know, at some point during the show, almost the whole house called Janelle fat. What's up with that?
She's voluptuous. She came in and probably gained some pounds, but she's beautiful.

Will, don't be saying things like how beautiful Janelle is if you're trying to win back your girlfriend.
Oh, yeah. That damn pig, I hate her guts. Just kidding. The truth is, she isn't anything compared to my girlfriend. Erin Brodie is a woman. She's beautiful. She's gorgeous. She carries herself with a ton of confidence. That's why I love her.

You'll be able to manipulate her into forgiving you.
Who are we kidding? You women are crazy. Just kidding. I think she was probably hurt by the amount of flirting. I really thought we'd be kicked out very quickly, and I wouldn't be gone long. I'm 33, and we've been dating a year and a half. You're at that point in your relationship where you don't want to be gone for that long.

Maybe you should propose to her right here on
That's not a bad idea. [EW writers] Josh Wolk and Lynette Rice will be the flower girls. I love Erin to death, and I really hope she can look past this. From an EW perspective, wouldn't it be interesting to see two reality-show contestants get hitched? We think we'd be great on Amazing Race. I'm hoping CBS picks up on that.

Do you think you'll go back and watch the entire season?
I'll fast forward through it. I'm not going to sit and analyze it. I felt like I had a pretty good command of what was going on while I was in there. I'm very fascinated to see people's reactions when they find out certain things, like the Legion of Doom.

Is there anyone you're most looking forward to seeing and/or least looking forward to seeing in the sequester house?
I'm not happy to be going to sequester by any means. You're sitting in a house of angry people, but I only have to do it for a few days. I'm very much looking forward to seeing Danielle. I respect her game playing. Howie is entertaining, but he is also annoying, so I'm probably least looking forward to seeing him.

What was up with you and Howie earlier in the season?
Howie and Janelle were obsessed with me. They were molesting me and touching me all the time. I don't know what you make of that.

How much has your reality notoriety/fame helped your career?
I practice dermatology, and I always say one hand washes the other in L.A. The restaurant industry and the entertainment and medical industry overlap. I make a lot more private house calls to celebrities. I work more with studios. I got a new gig with Dr. 90210.

Are you afraid of people hating you and yelling at you on the street after the show?
I am afraid of that. But I hope people respect comedy. I really tried to make it fun and funny and bring a positive energy to the show.

What's the biggest misconception you think people have about you?
I am very different from what you see on TV. I try to turn it up a lot. In real life I'm laid-back and introspective and quiet. People expect me to be yelling with no shirt on and hair all messed up. The biggest misconception is who I really am.

Who's going to win?
It's going to be hard to beat Janelle. If it's Boogie and Erika, I'm going to do everything I can. Maybe even bribing. Maybe I'll throw everyone an extra $10K to vote for Boogie.

At least you get to go on long beach walks in sequester.
No, they had to be evacuated because of a hurricane, so the house is [somewhere else we can't reveal]. My life is getting worse and worse.

Any regrets about doing the show?
I actually really didn't want to do it. I talked myself into it, and Mike Boogie talked me into it. In retrospect I wouldn't do it again, and I should not have done it. Coming in fourth place, people are like, ''Hey, congratulations.'' But it kind of sucks. If you don't win, you're just a random person on the show. I'm really ready to stop doing crappy reality shows. I'm never doing this again. This has been the bane of my existence.

I love the show, but my husband thinks it's the worst show on TV.
Your husband is right. I just went to reconnect my phone, and I told the woman I've been gone for three months because I was on a reality show, and she asked which one, and I told her, and she said, ''Yeah, I wouldn't watch that.''

Offline tigerlilly77

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2006, 02:53:01 PM »
Will, don't be saying things like how beautiful Janelle is if you're trying to win back your girlfriend.
Oh, yeah. That damn pig, I hate her guts. Just kidding. The truth is, she isn't anything compared to my girlfriend. Erin Brodie is a woman. She's beautiful. She's gorgeous. She carries herself with a ton of confidence. That's why I love her.
Can you believe we actually were rooting for that jerk to be with Janie,she's too good for him. (:;)

Offline Texas_kimmie

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2006, 03:37:43 PM »
He's still a good guy, this was posted right after he was evicted, so it's not anything new.

Offline Seanaci

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2006, 03:38:11 PM »
Who do you think will win the final HOH?
I don't think Janelle is going to lose anything. But at the same time, a lot of competitions were thrown by us for her, so maybe she's not as good as people thought.

The fact that they were throwing comps for Janie to win doesn't surprise me at all. There were some comps that she couldn't have won on her own. The ones that she did win on her own were like the Face Matching-type games. She's very intelligent...and so her winning those games didn't surprise me. doesn't surprise me that it was a nomance. There was something in the way Will would try to get out of the (what seemed like) constant adoration and the whispering and especially the 4-way shower. It seemed to me that he truely didn't like Janelle...and was torn between continuing to play the game or be faithful to Erin.


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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2006, 04:06:36 PM »
Actually, you have posted an old interview -- right after eviction when Will really didn't know if he had been played.

Check out Will's interview after the show ended:

Also check out Janelle's interview and Will's interuption at the end:

If you were trying to get back with your g/f, would you post so many tribute videos to yourself and Janelle on your own website:

Lastly, didn't you get the change of address notice?

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2006, 04:13:25 PM »
Old or not, I still don't think there is anything between the two of them. Never will be.

Offline tigerlilly77

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2006, 04:22:49 PM »
Oooops,my bad. :-[

Offline tigerlilly77

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2006, 05:00:04 PM »
Also,dont get me wrong I love them both and the chemistry they have.I was just dissapointed thats all,if i'm wrong(which I hope I am)I will be happy.I will be looking forward to the neener neeners.I think they would make an awesome couple,but his comments just don't sound like theres hope,but I will keep my fingers crossed.


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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2006, 06:15:39 PM »
I think Will is respectful of his current g/f and her family by not being more visual and verbal with his feelings for Janelle.  We'll see, but I think the "Change of Address" video above is quite telling.  That happened Aug 23rd, the day after "their talk."  If you got the live feeds, from Aug 22nd on, their relationship, flirting, etc., became very intense. 

Click on the link below to check out Will's last day in the kitchen with Janelle... does this look like someone who's got a g/f besides Janelle?

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2006, 06:36:41 PM »

I think everyone is reading too far into everything that happend his last few days in the house.


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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2006, 06:43:28 PM »

I think everyone is reading too far into everything that happend his last few days in the house.

Erin, Is that you???????? :lol3:

Offline Texas_kimmie

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2006, 09:21:05 PM »
Seriously, that last video was made after Will realized there was a chance he could be leaving because janelle and erika had been talking.


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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2006, 10:05:14 PM »
Seriously, that last video was made after Will realized there was a chance he could be leaving because janelle and erika had been talking.

Actually, if you had access to the live feeds, the truth is something happened around that Aug 22nd date.  Will became much closer to Janelle.  Things changed after that.  That's when he talked about a possible relocation. 

If you haven't seen that video conversation, click on the link reposted here:  

Wish we knew what happened....

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2006, 11:02:00 PM »
Plus you need to check out those interviews from after the show... Will pretty much admits that he has a lot of feelings for Janelle...


Are you willing to give Will a second chance? (Will hears this and comes over, putting his arm around her waste.. Janelle looks tongue tied...)

JANELLE: Yes, I'm willing to give Dr. Delicious a second chance.

Or maybe a first chance actually.. (Will: Exactly!)

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2006, 11:30:48 PM »
I saw the live feeds, and the videos, I'm just saying that video of him and Janelle in the kitchen WAS after she and Erika had her talk. Not saying he didn't have real feelings, I want him to. The thing is, whatever happens, happens....and we have no control over it, nor will we be a part of it anymore. Sadly.

Offline WillRules

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2006, 05:57:10 AM »
Ever see the movie An Affair To Remember starring Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr. They meet on a cruise, fall in love, but they're already involved with other people. They agree to return to their old lives to see if they can work it out with their significant others and agree if they still want each other in six months they'll meet at the empire state building.

Well, maybe this is a bit of that scenario. Will had a showmance with Shannon and he learned the hard way that once that were living back in reality it just didn't work. So maybe Will and Janelle will go back to their significant others and see how it goes in regards to their feelings for each other.

I do think, though, that CBS would love to take advantage of the Will/Janelle buzz. So who knows. You might see them again in the future.

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2006, 06:38:56 AM »
It would be in CBS's best interest to take advantage of it. I think this is the most loved couple in reality history. It is for me anyway.

Offline tigerlilly77

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2006, 08:36:00 AM »
I agree,I think it would be a hit for cbs.Question,do you think if cbs told Will they only want him to do TAR with Janie he would still do it?I'm only asking because I know Boogie would be pissed.I think it would be awesome if he and Janie teamed up for it though.

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2006, 10:14:16 AM »
I don't ever want to see Boogie again.Janie should have a place on the race,not him.He is rich,gross and he looks at us viewers as a bunch of peasants.Let Janie do it.On the CBS poll she is almost 4 times more popular than Will and Boogie put together.
I loved watching Janie and Will together too,in fact its the only time in all the many years of reality TV that I have watched that I had even the slightest interest in seeing two people get together,but I don't think it will happen.
Will fans can see him on his show,give us Janelle fans TAR,and Boogie fans can visit him at one of his many restaurants that we've been hearing so much about for the last 3 months.

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2006, 10:30:27 AM »
I think it would be great to have boogie on it. If people can't stand someone, they'll tune in just to hate him. lol

I don't want Will and Janelle to get on there, start fighting, then call everything off.

I think the best way is to have two teams from bb on there. Will, Janelle, Boogie, and one other much loved person from BB....can you fill in the blank with whoever you want. But, would probably be hilarious to see Howie try not to explode every two seconds. lol

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2006, 12:00:22 PM »

I'll believe what everyone is saying (about relocation, and a possible romance out of the house) when it actually happens (which might just be when Hell Freezes over, in my humble opinion).


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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys -- Na-aah, ROMANCE!!!
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2006, 05:15:21 PM »

I'll believe what everyone is saying (about relocation, and a possible romance out of the house) when it actually happens (which might just be when Hell Freezes over, in my humble opinion).

You seem quite bitter... Ever been in love before?

Honestly, I'd love to have just 10 minutes of what they've had this season.

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys -- Na-aah, ROMANCE!!!
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2006, 07:00:42 PM »

I'll believe what everyone is saying (about relocation, and a possible romance out of the house) when it actually happens (which might just be when Hell Freezes over, in my humble opinion).

You seem quite bitter... Ever been in love before?

Honestly, I'd love to have just 10 minutes of what they've had this season.

Welcome to RFF cgillila.  :hello2:  I'm with you. I've been married so long I can't remember, maybe we did.  :luvu:

I was just thinking, if you are just showmancing, nomancing, do you feed someone else your food or let them feed you? Take a bite from their banana?  :smooch:  Just askin...

The choices we make dictate the life we lead.


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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys - I SAY "ROMANCE"
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2006, 07:09:18 PM »
Hey Texas Lady, thanks for the welcome!

I'm with you too!  I've been in love before and I know if I had taken "Janie 101" I'd still be married!!! :lol3:

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Re: So sad,it was only a nomance guys - I SAY "ROMANCE"
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2006, 07:41:40 PM »
Hey Texas Lady, thanks for the welcome!

I'm with you too!  I've been in love before and I know if I had taken "Janie 101" I'd still be married!!! :lol3:

:lol: Maybe that is another venture for her.. Janie 101. And Will could do one as well, how to sweet-talk like Dr. Delicious. :roses:
The choices we make dictate the life we lead.