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Joe Schmo
« on: September 07, 2003, 07:49:57 PM »
I caught the first episode of Joe's surprisingly stupid and funny.. ;D   the show airs on  SpikeTV ..tuesday nights at 9.00 eastern time..

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2003, 09:08:25 PM »
What is it about?

I have heard a lot about it, but not what it is about.


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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2003, 07:30:09 PM »
Hi,Rob ..
  It's to long to go into so..I borrowed this from another site..Matt Kennedy Gould was the unsuspecting "contestant" and the ultimate wildcard element that the entire show revolves around.  . A native of Pittsburgh, PA, Matt had recently dropped out of law school and was a pizza deliveryman until he figured out what he wants to do with his life. He is the only non-actor of the house. Matt Kennedy Gould is... "Joe Schmo."
As the experiment opens, Gould thinks he's a contestant on "Lap of Luxury," a new reality show in which he would live the life of the super-rich, pampered beyond his wildest dreams in a gorgeous, sprawling mansion while vying with eight other contestants for a grand prize of one hundred thousand dollars. As on many reality programs, the show features reward challenges. On "Lap of Luxury," these challenges are called "Pampering Competitions," games in which contestants "compete" for high-priced luxury items including flat screen televisions, vacations or simply the use of the mansion's master suite. The fake show also includes "Lord of the Manor Immunity Showdowns," in which contestants compete for immunity to avoid being "evicted" from the house. Both the "Pampering Competitions" and the "Immunity Showdowns" are parodies of similar elements in 'eviction style' reality shows and are completely rigged by the writers and producers.

At the end of each typical episode, the "Lap of Luxury" pseudo-reality show holds a "Riches to Rags Eviction Ceremony," a "ritual" where castmates vote to evict one of their own. The evicted contestant's "Lap of Luxury Collectors Plate" is tossed into the fireplace,
In addition to surrounding Matt with stereotypical reality show contestants- The Buddy, The Asshole, The Grizzled Veteran, The Schemer, The Rich Bitch, The Gay Guy, The Virgin and The Quack -- series producers conspired to subject Matt nearly every over-the-top reality competition the networks have dared... along with a few too risky to have been tried before. Designed to test Matt's moral fortitude, patience and sanity the competitions include: Hands on a High-Priced Hooker; A Meal Not Quite Fit for King; Battle of the Sexes and Money, Money, Money, Honey.

Offline Bathfizzy

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2003, 01:11:29 AM »
This sounds like something I would enjoy watching.  I unfortunately don't get SPIKE TV.  Puddinpie, would you mind filling us in every week on what happens.  Thanks.

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2003, 12:24:16 AM »
(Thanks to Reality TV World)...

Joe Schmo - Episode 1
"The Best-Laid Scams..."
by Draco Malfoy

Before the show "officially" starts, we get shots from the pre-show meeting where they kind of break everything down. They tell the cast, "Keep it kind of normal at first, we can do outrageous later".

We start off with introducing the "characters"
Earl- The Veteran
Dr. Pat- The Quack
Hutch- The Asshole
Gina- The Schemer
Ashleigh- The Bitch
Kip- The Gay Guy
Brian- The Buddy (who is also one of the writers)
Molly- The Virgin
Matt- The Patsy (Joe Schmo)

Ralph the host comes up, very Joe Millionaire-esque, in riding gear on a white horse. He tells the "cast" that they will be on a show called "Lap of Luxury", trying to win $100,000. They are sent into the mansion in groups of 3, with Matt, Earl, and Dr. Pat being the last group, getting a bedroom with 1 king size bed. Matt immediately pegs Kip as gay, but apologizes profusely and keep reiterating that "He's an ally" and doesn't have a problem with it.

Challenge 1- Whose underwear is this? Everyone donates 1 piece of underwear for this challenge. The winner gets to sleep alone in the "Master Suite", the loser has to wear the winner's underwear for a day. Kinda silly, but our Patsy gets into it, posing in black speedos. Other high/lowlights: Earl in a leopard print thong, Hutch in crotchless panties, and Kip in NOTHING. The script calls for Matt to lose, but Matt (in what will become a running gag) actually answers more correctly than anyone and the writers have to scramble to switch whose underwear belongs to who, and hope the cast will pick up on it quickly. Kip ends up "winning" and Matt has to wear Kip's gold g-string the rest of the day.

Earl, being all old and stuff almost blows the gag two hours in by forgetting which pair of underwear was "his", but he and Dr. Pat manage to cover it up enough by saying he didn't have his glasses/contacts in so he had trouble making out what was on one of the pairs of boxers and got it confused which was his.

"Alliances" begin to form. Gina begins making real nice with Matt. Everyone shows off their Luxury "creature comfort" items. Kip has a Polaroid camera and scrapbook, Molly has a picture of her boyfriend (which she promptly leaves behind, confusing Matt), Gina has a dry erase board, Earl has nothing because "his generation never had any comfort", Brian has a 150 dummy named Albee, Dr. Pat has "therapy dolls" (which no one is supposed to touch), and so on and so forth. Gina takes the opportunity to mention how big a fan of Survivor she is... only to moments later totally blank on Dick Hatch's first name, referring to him only as "Mr. Hatch".

At the meal, Hutch begins going into full Asshole mode, discussing masturbation and picking his nose at the table. Later Matt confronts him in the pool and tells him that he's pissing people off. Later Ralphie comes in and tells them that the Tribal Council Riches to Rags Eviction Ceremony will take place the following night. Suitable tension follows.

The next day, while Matt is filming his daily interview, the cast is in the Winnebago of Doom discussing the day's storyline and being told to get more into their characters. Gina gets Matt into the billiard room with the revolver and sets up an alliance with him to the end. We all know how well this will work.

At the pool, Matt and Ashleigh have quality time. Angelique accidentally changes her story from being an only child to having 2 brothers, with suitable backtracking.

Challenge 2- Hands on the Immunity Idol High Priced Hooker. A hooker is brought out. The cast draws dollar bills from her bikini and panties to decide what part of their body will have to remain in contact with what part of her body. The winner becomes Head of Household Lord of the Manor and gets to wear the Pimped Out Immunity Necklace Robe. The loser has to sleep in the laundry room. The hooker removes her bikini top, exposing her breasts, and Matt recognizes her as a porn star. Whoops. The important placements are that Matt must keep his left hand on the hooker's right breast, Molly must keep her right hand on the hooker's left breast, and Hutch must keep his crotch on the hooker's right hand.

Now, according to the story, the last 2 are supposed to be Matt and Hutch. So naturally, Matt pulls away first, saying that he doesn't want to share another night in bed with Earl and Dr. Pat. SCRAMBLE TIME! So now they have to play this out, without Matt. Fairly early in the game, Ashleigh pulls out of the game and goes to her bedroom to "find" Gina's dry erase board. Hutch plays his part to the hilt, and when it is down to Molly, Kip, and Hutch, he harasses both of them into quitting, thereby winning immunity.

Meanwhile, Ashleigh and Kip pull Matt into the bedroom and show him the dry erase board, where Gina has written a ton of not nice things about each cast member except Matt and Earl. Everyone decides that they're going to vote Gina out. Gina and Matt meet by the pool where Matt tells her she's busted. Gina overacts a lot, and Matt kind of picks up on it, but thinks she's just trying to play him. Still, because of their alliance, he says he will not write her name on the ballot.

Pre-eviction fun- Kip suggests that everyone do imitations of the other cast members, and he will give the best one something. Matt wins easily with his imitation of "gay Scarface" Kip, although Kip nails Matt's "concentrating face." His prize, Kip gives Matt the master suite. Makes it much easier for the producers to keep track of him.

Tribal Council Eviction Ceremony. 9 "collector's plates" with each castmember's picture and name on it are on a table, and the cast gets in the same position. Ralph enters, and tells them that for one of them, the vacation ends tonight and that they will go back to their sad pathetic lives working for the man. I'm only barely making this up. Vote time, and everyone goes through the motions of writing their "vote", showing it to the camera, and placing it in an urn. Kip's vote- "The Hutch has one testicle". Earl's vote- "Lap of Luxury my ass". Matt's vote- Molly.

Ralph goes to tally the votes, and we see EVERY vote. The final score- Gina 7, Molly 1, and Matt 1. Gee, guess where that Matt vote came from. Gina has to serve Ralph her plate, and then address the rest of the cast. A delightful parody of Sue Hawk's "rat vs. snake" speech ensues. Matt rolls his eyes in disbelief throughout. Ralph finally has enough and takes her plate, throws it into the fireplace, and breaks it, saying "You're dead to us." Real cheery.

After the ceremony, Brian goes up to see why Matt was rolling his eyes throughout Gina's speech. He's worried that Matt saw through the overacting and ripoff of Sue Hawk and knows the gag. Turns out Matt put two and two together and realizes that the vote for him had to come from Gina. He's very bitter that she broke the alliance. Brian is just relieved that the gag still isn't blown. Later, Matt gets to say his good bye to Gina, or as he says, "Good Riddance".

Next week: Kip barges in on a game of pool and throws his scrapbook down to show that someone has taken a bunch of pictures of their butt and pasted them into the scrapbook.

Overall, a fun ride, with LOTS of references to other reality shows thrown in. I know I heard The Mole music in there a few times, and the Eviction Ceremony music was very reminiscient of the Tribal Council music. But DW and I think that there has to be a twist. Matt is just a bit too clueless, and has screwed up their plans twice now. Maybe the joke is on everyone else and Matt knows EXACTLY what is going on, and putting him in the Master Suite is their way of getting him alone to plan.

That said, I really think Mark Burnett would have a hell of a case against Spike TV if he decided to pursue a lawsuit.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2003, 01:21:39 PM by puddinpie »

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2003, 01:25:11 PM »
I also caught the second epidode..When it reairs I'll take some notes and I will fill you in .. ;)

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2003, 09:26:17 PM »
I wished I got this show.  It definitely sounds like a good laugh.  I will await the next update.  Thanks.  8)

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2003, 07:49:36 PM »

Joe Schmo Spike  Glossary of terms

  Control Room:
Where the brain trust controls Joe Schmo’s world.

Creature Comfort:
Lap of Luxury’s luxury items. Everyone brings an item from home to share with the group.

Immunity Robe:
Lap of Luxury’s immunity idol, only much more chic.

Lap of Luxury:
The not-so-real reality show Joe Schmo (Matt) thinks he’s a part of. Lap of Luxury has all the ridiculous hallmarks of the top shows, and takes itself way too seriously.

Lord of the Manor Immunity Showdown:
Lap of Luxury’s immunity challenge. Contestants vie for immunity from eviction at all costs.

Master Suite:
Lap of Luxury’s ultimate prize – the most coveted bedroom in the mansion.

What happens to reality contestants while their producers huddle behind the scenes. Matt was sequestered just a bit longer than your average reality contestant.


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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2003, 11:59:23 PM »
~~OK~~ Episode Two~~(Ill give this a shot?)
Matt (joe) Dreams that his mom comes to Lap of Luxury..this is the first time he's been apart from his family..

Ralph ( the host) Plans a game caled the battle of the sexes..( It's fixed to make the men lose)
Kip (portraying the gay guy) is on the girls team.
The losers have to dress in outfits..
The winners get a day at the spa..
Earl(the ex jar head)comes out in a little bo-peep outfit as a example..
Molly (virgin) loses a Q ..she comes back out in a cop uniform..she has to frisk Ashleigh (rich -bitch) for drugs..she finds some?
Next Q..Who do you think was most likely in a bondage film?? The men guess Pat (therapist)..wrong was Molly!
Matt is shocked!..Molly says..I was in a church was about a girl tied up in a trunk..Matt actually beleives this??
Matt loses a Q and comes out dressed in a kilt..
Brian must spank Matt!!  lol
Ashleigh..loses a Q..she comes out as a farmer..she must pick a peach out of Pat's cleavage..
Hutch   (the A-hole) is next to lose..French maid outfit..Matt " Hutch is a Dirty-Sick French Maid" (he is grossed
Hutch has to massage Earls feet..Matt is grossed out again..Earl has crusty yellow toenails and scaley feet..Hutch pours hot oil over Earls feet and begins the massage..Matt is laughing so hard that he is crying..(Hutch tells us that it was unscripted..)
Next Q..Who do you think had a orgasm while getting a pabst smear?..Matt guesses Pat...wrong!! Now..Brian the (buddy) comes out dressed as a Playboy
Brian has to eat a carrot from between Matts Knees..Brian says..OK but..I don't swallow!!
The girls leave for the spa..the men are cleaning the mansion..Hutch finds Kips photo album..he removes all of Kips pics that he took in the house..He then pulls up his skirt and takes pics. of his (you know??)
and replaces them in Kips album..The girls are back..Kip's toenails are painted red..he yells picture time!! The girls all gather..Kip goes to his room and picks up his album and looks at us (the viewers) and smiles..the men are playing pool..Kip tears in and yells.."Who did this?" Matt swears that it was not him! Kip yells.."I will pull your pants down to see who did this!This is my comfort item!..Hutch confesses that he did it..Matt say's.."Way to go d*ck..Your a know how sensitive Kip are gone..your made it easy for me." eventually Kip get's therapy from Dr. Pat..he gives Hutch a hug and forgives him..Dr. Pat asks Matt if he needs help..Matt gets breathing exercises from the Dr...(Fake Dr.) Matt confesses to us that he feels lightheaded and free..the therapy session has helped..dinner time..Matt has a crush on Ashleigh..later...Molly and Ash are all over Kip in the Jacuzzi..Kip says"Watch out for my chlorine thermometer" Matt looks out the window and informs the other guys about whats happening outside..they are all in the the jacuzzi now..They play a game called kiss the ugly frog..everyone takes a turn sitting in the middle of the tub..while the others each give a opinion of the person in the center..Matt tells Ash that she has soft eyes..They all tell Matt that he is a good guy!! The eviction tonight..

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2003, 01:31:26 PM »

'Survivor' Jerri Manthey guest-starring on Spike TV's 'Joe Schmo"
More The Joe Schmo Show News  
By RealityTVWorld Staff, 09/15/2003

Think Spike TV's "The Joe Schmo Show" can't get any more outrageous and over the top? Think again... Jerri Manthey of "Survivor: Australia" fame, one of reality televisions all-time top villainesses, will guest star on the Tuesday, September 16 episode of "The Joe Schmo Show."

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2003, 10:48:33 PM »
I'll do some updates on Joe Schmo..(I'm still watching it but..I think that it is a little cruel??)
Episode 3.
.Joe is smitten by Ashleigh (the rich bitch) he has a talk with her and she reveals that she has a crush on Ralph(the host)..immediatley Joe starts campaigning for Ashleigh to be voted out!!!Not known to us yet..Joe and Earl(the ex-marine)have formed a friendship and spend time alone talking about Earls time as a marine..
There is a talent of the judges is Jerri Manthey from survivor(she acts like a real biatch)..The contest involves each houseguest displaying a talent that will be judged by Ralph and Jerri.
Brian plays The lone Ranger on the xylophone Jerri – 3Ralph – 5
next..Dr'Pat's turn..a puppet show.. .The puppet show is about her abusive ex husband..the puppets quarrel..Jerri – 1Ralph – 4
Molly (the virgins turn)..She hula hoops in short shorts..Jerri-0 Ralph-9
Earl shows some marine skills ..assembling a rifle..Jerri-5 Ralph-5
Joe Schmo(Matt)Does a rap dance..(Just awful..I was embarresed for him) Jerri-2 Ralph 7
Ashleigh pours some paint on herself then plops down on a white canvas and rolls around..Jerri-2 ralph-6
Kip does some K-mart bought magic tricks..He's stinks..Jerri 2 Ralph-5
Hutch sings America the beautiful..He is really good..Schmo is really surprised..Jerri-9 Ralph - 7
Hutch wins the immunity robe..Voting time..Earl is voted out..Schmo cries his heart out and thinks about quitting..he can't take the pressure..everyone is in tears..(I was in tears..I felt so bad for Schmo)..End
Episode 4
The cast and producers dicuss Schmo's tears and wonder if they should keep shooting the show??They decide to tell the cast to speed up the plot..
Schmo (in the usual morning interview)says that he didn't think that he would get so emotional about Earl being voted out and that he only agreed to be on Lap of Luxury because he thought that it would be fun..and wanted to win the money..
In the dining room..Hutch is bragging about sleeping with Dr.Pat..Matt and the others don't beleive him..Dr.Pat comes into the room and she sits next to Hutch at the counter and they whisper ..then Hutch puts his arm around her..Schmo tells the camara that he is dissapointed in the Dr. and Says that Hutch smells bad..
Later they hold a competition to win a Pampering Prize..Everyone dresses up in Sumo Wrestler Fat Suits..the point of the contest is to pit 3 contestents together in a large ring..The winner either pushes someone down or or out of the ring..(if someone lands on there back..they will lose instantly)Molly has a panic attack and doesn't play the Suma game..blah blah blah..Schmo wins..but he pushes Dr. pat to hard and she screams..she is really hurt..(I think)and is taken to the hospital..(for real?)Schmo feels just awful..Schmo wins a long trip to a spa in Utah..Dr. Pat returns later that day..Schmo offers the trip to Dr Pat and she accepts (this makes Schmo very happy)..IC challege is next..(meanwhile Ashleigh is trying to convince Schmo that Molly also has a crush on Ralph and that she is trying to steal Ralph away from her..Schmo tells Ash that she is wrong about Molly)..The contest is called Master's a joke debate where a pair of contestants must stand up and of them stand up and speaks a assigned topic while the other person tries to stop him or her somehow..The person must keep talking untill he or she stops or laughs..anyway Schmo wins (of course)Time for eviction..Ralph tells Matt that there was something extra that went along with his prize to is a choice to take 25.000$ to leave the show right now /don't take the money and risk being voted off ..she takes the money and leaves..this makes Schmo grin and smile from ear to ear..he truly looks happy for Dr.Pat and feels good that he gave her his Sumo prize..the end
Episode 4
The usual morning interview with Schmo..time to eat..They are all ragging on Hutch and the way that he openly talked about his sex with Dr Pat..Hutch says..I was going to vote her out anyway..she was just extra baggage!! Schmo looks realy mad ..Ralph enters the room..he asks Molly to come outside with him (he puts his arm around her ) they walk out..Ashleigh starts ranting about how Molly is trying to steal Ralph away from her..Schmo (in a nice way)pretty much tells her that he is sick of her accusations about Molly (Schmo really likes Molly and is not afraid to let us know that he thinks that she is beautiful and has a gorgeous hot hard body)..Molly comes back into the house and tells everyone that Ralph wanted to make sure that she was OK after her panic attack during the Sumo wrestler comp..Ashleigh tells Molly that she thinks that she is putting the moves on Ralph and Molly is putting everyone in the middle of their love triangle!!Ashleigh leaves the room..
They hold the next contest. Ralph appears in a Bee costume..everyone is snickering..he is pissed and humiliated he hates that he has to wear this stupid outfit..back to the's to see which couple..handcuffed together and covered in honey could roll around in a pool if money and collect the most cash stuck to their bodies and put it in a honey pot..Schmo is paired up with Molly..when the honey is poured on them they have to help cover their partner well with the honey to make sure that it will stick to their bodies..Schmo has no problem rubbing Mollys from top to bottom..(he looks like he really is enjoying it!)Hutch is paired with Brian and it is so funny..they are rubbing the honey all over each other in a sexual was..(LMAO)..The winners win a trip to Tahiti..the losers must stay handcuffed to each other all day..Kip and Ashleigh win the most money and the trip..Schmo and Molly gather the lowest amount of money and are the losers..they stay cuffed together!!
Mean while back at pool Hutch gets into a argument with Kip and threatens to throw Kip into the deep end of the pool..(Kip cannot swim)..Ralph pops in and has a surprise for Molly..Molly's boyfriend  shows up and serenades her with a song and guitar (it's so corny)..he sees that Molly is handcuffed to Schmo and is wearing a bikini...(remember..she is a virgin) He puts a towel around her and tells her to cover up..Schmo is silent..The boyfreind pulls her aside.(along with Schmo)he is scolding her and Schmo is trying not to listen and turns his back to give them privacy..The boyfriend storms out of the house..Molly tries to follow him but..Ralph stops her and tells her that she could be diqualifyed if she leaves the premises..she is crying..Ralph comforts Molly and gives her a hug and kiss on the cheek..Ralph then makes a decision to take off the handcuffs ..he then leads Molly into the bedroom..Ashleigh rants..see,I told you there is something going on between those two..(the camara shows them in the bedroom trying to kill some time to convince Schmo that they are having a affair?)
Dinner time..Hutch is cleaning his toenails on the table..Schmo yells at him and tells him to get his foot off the table "Feet grosse me out"Hutch reluctantly obeys..
Game time..Chocolate Covered Models..a stripper comes out covered in chocolate..the players are told that there are letters hidden under the chocolate and that it must be licked off to reveal the letters..the letters have to be arranged to spell out a word (they use refridgerator magnets on a board to help figure out the word)Hutch and Brian enjoy licking the stripper..breast's and the rest..Schmo Hates Chocolate..he can't even stand the smell he reluctantly licks at the stripper with his nose pinched by his fingers..he wants to quit but the others cheer him on..all of a sudden he is a animal and starts to lick like crazy..his face is covered in the chocolate..he can't do it anymore..he gives up..Molly she tells us(you don't know if that girl has a skin disease or cooties) decides to Ashleigh does some licking (she tells us that she doesn't want to but..she has to make it look good since she is the most likely to be voted off next and she doesn't want Schmo to ger suspicious)Ashleigh wins..she put the word together the fastest..It's eviction time..Ralph has some news before they vote..Someone has broken the rules ..They have threatened someone a number of times and therefore will be removed from the game..Huch is told that he will have to leave..He refuses and says that he's not going..Ralph hands him his name plate..Hutch smashes it and throws a tantrum then finally leaves..on his way out he yells out bad language..Schmo is frozen..shocked..Ralph tells them that there will be no voteing tonight..there is a sigh of relief..They decide to celabrate by having a PJ party..they all rush to their rooms to change..Schmo is happy..he gets to lay next to Molly in bed (in her skimpy PJ's)and eat popcorn while watching a movie..of course a pillow fight breaks out..Schmo has no problem with half naked girls jumping all over him and bashing him with pillows..(awww it's nice to see Schmo smiling again!)  the end


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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2003, 12:28:30 PM »
I have not been watching this show because it seemed to dumb to watch but last night I watched it because my boy friend had SPIKE TV on watching wrestling and He went to bed but left the TV on.  I sat at the comp and watched Joe Shmo since it was on and it was actually pretty funny.  I feel bad for that poor guy but the things those actors do and the challenges are funny.  I can not believe Matt hates chocolate though, who in their right mind hates chocolate?  But the poor guy was sure gagging when he had to lick the chocolate off the lady.  I thought the money money honey thing was funny though.  The host making a big deal out of wearing the bee suit.  Those actors and actresses are pretty good.  

Now on for a side track on Spike TV.  I had never seen SPIKE Tv before i moved here but have ya'll watched some of the shows on that channel?  There is a cartoon called Striperella I saw it because my boyfriends room mate taped Survivor for me then Striperella for him so it came on right after my Survivor on the tape and I started watching it, I was like OMG this cartoon has to be made for men and my boyfriend was like   "Yeah its on Spike TV   the first channel for men".  I didnt even know there was a channel just for men, LOL.  Any way that cartoon is so sexest it is pitiful, has anyone else watched it.  Its funny to watch it just to watch all the stuff she does that only a man would really enjoy, LOL.


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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2003, 06:09:26 PM »
OMG!! That cartoon is so bad..definitley a guy thing.. ;D..Spike TV use to be TNN..I suppose that since the woman get WE TV and Lifetime the men feel that they deserve their own ;) Also..Stripperella is AKA~~Pam Anderson ::)
I really do like Matt (Schmo) I hope that he at least gets the grand prize??He deserves something for all of that humiliation!! :(

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2003, 09:38:05 PM »
Joe Schmo episode 5~~
(I did this while watching the show.sorry for the typos)
~Morning interview~the cast is with the producers talking about the plan fot the day..Schmo is in his room doing his morning interview..Hutch is there with the cast.. The plan for today Molly is going to confide in Schmo about her and Ralph..(there affair)All are in the dining area..Ralph enters the room ..tells them that today is Double immunity and double eviction..also he has a letter from Lap of Luxury legal dept. It is about Hutch..Hutch is back after previewing the tapes it was decided that he did not violate any rules..(Schmo to camara,,I knew that as soon as I heard the letter being read ,I spent a brief time  in law school, what it meant!)Hutch is hopping up and down singing the Hutch is back..Kip looks really peed off..the letter was planted for Schmo knowing that he went to law school..Schmo is telling them what he knows about the law..Schmo tells Hutch that the tension was released when he left..Dude beleive me..I don't want you out of here if you are not out of here legit..Hutch throws food at Brian and it hits Kip..Kip freaks out threw the food  at my face..Schmo says come on dude..(to Hutch)thats just want the money don't you?
~Pamper challenge..Prize..A 42"flat  TV..Each ,But they all have to do it(the food is fake)
Schmo says that the director promised him that he would never have to eat anything nasty because I hava a well documented gag problem..
Brian is served first Road Kill..Armadillo tails(they only have to take a bite and swallow it to win..Brian does it..Molly is given whale blubber..she's gagging but doing it..Schmo can't look..Kip is given Sheep eyeballs..(Schmo is encouraging him to do it)Kips did it.. Hutch gets Northern hairy wombat stomach he does it...Ashleigh gets the worst yet..Monkey testicles..Hutch says youv'e sucked on them before now all you have to do is eat it..Ash says we don't eat has foreskin on it??Ralph says that is the wrong part of the monkey that you are thinking of..(it looks awful!(what was really funny is that the cast hard a hard time trying not to laugh)
 Schmo is the last one to be served..Dog poop!!(barf! it looks real)Schmo says..there is no way that they would actually serve me real dog feces..the others are telling him that it's not worth it..Molly says ..I see food in it..Schmo says I saw corn? Ralph takes Schmo to see the shows lawyer..Schmo is telling the lawyer that canine feces is not considered a delicatesan Ralph is in trouble for bringing Schmo in to see the lawyer..The lawyer tells Schmo that he could technically  hold him in violation of his contract..Schmo is willing to forfeit the game and the TV...go ahead send me home..I'm just a guy from Pittsburgh..The lawyer tells Schmo that he wants ratings..and that he will let Schmo forget about the food "pamper" challenge if he could get the hot girls Ashleigh and Molly  to take their tops the lawyer says..even better get them to kiss! Schmo is proud of the way that he handled the lawyer..I finally got to use something that I learned in school..Schmo and Ralph enter the dining room..He comes right out and tells them that they want ratings..It involves the girls..kissing or going topless..Kip says..I have friends that are lesbians..they kiss..the girls are telling each other that they don't want to kiss each other..they don't like each other..Hutch..take one for the team..the girls kiss..they win the TV..~
~Lord of the Lord manor challenge..Double immunity ..2 winners
Strippers again. the strippers are on a raft in the pool..The players must cannonball into the pool to splash the strippers and get them wet enough to reveal the clue through the girls T -shirts..Hutch does pretty good (of course)Schmo takes a very long the others must try to take a much longer time so that Hutch and Schmo win the challenge.Molly jumps in so hard that when she comes out her (blurrs)is revealed..Schmo likes it..Kip jumps in with a floatey around his neck..(remember he can't swim)..he gives up..( really bad acting)Ashleigh..easy enough..Brian can't see his clue..he had to take his glasses off..hutch and Schmo win immunity..A double eviction tonight!!
~Double Trouble..Ralph has put Hutch's plate back together..Ralph asks Ashleigh ..on a scale from 1 to 10 how well does Molly kiss?? Ash responds I don't know Ralph..why don't you tell me!!Kip=2 Molly=3 they are both gone..Kip gives a speech..(stupid)Molly..speech..(boring)blah blah blah..they took it 4 left Schmo/Brian /Hutch/Ashleigh/../Ralph  gives Molly a long kiss..Schmo is shocked..Ashleigh says ..I told you so..(remember Ash has a crush on Ralph)..~~The End~~

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2003, 09:52:12 PM »
Wow, you love to type a whole hell of a lot more than I do, that is for sure, but I do enjoy reading them.


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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2003, 11:06:46 AM »

Thanks for posting that, I was at work last night and did not get to watch it.  I appreciate you taking the time to let us know what happened

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2003, 11:14:38 AM »
watched for the first time...DH and I were laughing so hard.

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2003, 09:08:04 PM »
Joe Schmo..(I'm not sure if this is the final Episode?)
Sudden Death..

Hutch, Schmo scheming to get rid of Brian..
Schmo telling Ash that he needs the money but,doesn't think that he'll win..Ash telling him that he needs to vote off Brian..Schmo is voting for Ashleigh(again)"She has a BMW..She doesn't deserve the money

The vote~~Ash is voted out~~She says "At least I have bigger balls than any of you"
The vote for the winner will be decided by the "Jury" of evicted HG'S
Schmo is making comments about the lawyer/exc. upstairs(from the last episode)"He seems like a actor to me?" Brian and Hutch have no comments..there just silent
Grand Prize is..100 thousand $$$$
Each jury member has Question 's to ask the 3 contestants..
(Nothing funny enough to type or I'm just
 blah blah blah...
Contestants fav. parts of the show..Schmo's Money Honey w/Molly
Brians fav..licking the chocolate off of strippers ..Hutch Hands on the hookers breast
Voting time...
Ash votes Hutch
Kip votes Schmo
Molly votes Brian
Gina votes Hutch (lmao)
Earl votes Schmo
Dr Pat votes be continued........(GRRRRRRRRRRR) IN 2 WEEKS!!!!!
Next week recap crap... Well we know that the final episode will be great :D I just hope that they give Schmo the money after the a$$ that they made out of him!! >:(

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2003, 11:48:17 AM »
I was disappointed last night...only watch 30 minutes but thought it was the last one.    They could have made the question part more exciting!

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #19 on: October 22, 2003, 02:13:18 AM »
I don't get this show as it is on a channel I don't get.  So have they shown the final show yet?  I read an article about the contestant and it was stated that this guy is just a nice guy and they are not sure how he will react when he finds out he has been duped.

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #20 on: October 22, 2003, 01:12:25 PM »
the last show is this week...tonigth or tomorrow.  Or was it last night and I missed it!??!?!?!

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2003, 09:47:43 PM »
The last show is this Tues.  I'm probably taping it and watching 24... ??? or the opposite .. Here's a picture of Schmo (Matt) and the link.. I hope that this helps bathfizzy?? :D

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2003, 09:01:29 PM »
on the last episode of Schmo..we were left hanging ...
Voting time...
Ash votes Hutch
Kip votes Schmo
Molly votes Brian
Gina votes Hutch
Earl votes Schmo
Dr Pat votes be continued......(finally after 28 minutes of flashbacks)
Dr Pat votes for(the person that gave me muliple orgasm's)....Hutch!!
Hutch is the winner..(lmao)Surprise..A EXC enters the room and whispers to Ralph.. Ralph (the host)reveals that  there's a problem.. .there is a major violation of the rules..someone in the room is not who they say they are.. " Does anyone have something to say"Hutch speaks up and says that his name is David Hornsby and he is really a actor..Ralph says you have ruined the whole show..Hutch says what about him and points to Kip..Kip says everyone that is a actor raise your hand..everyone but Schmo raises there hand..Schmo "What the ***** you've got to be kidding me""I can't beleive it"
Ralph tells him that he has won every prize ..the trip the Big screen tv the money..He tells Schmo that it was all for him!!Schmo yells "I'm going to Pittsburg" Ralph tells him that he is the star of his own show..Schmo is crying..he is so happy..Hutch is crying too..they all are..he's apoligizing to everyone incase he did anything wrong to them..they all hug him and say are you kidding!!..Schmo says that he couldn't ******* beleive it that Hutch won.."I'm like the coolest guy"
The cast is introducing there real selves to your not really gay?To Gina..Your not really a bitch.. Ralph says I'm not the tool that you think I am..there showing Schmo clips about what the HG'S really think about him..all sweet,love ,amazing,nice guy,big heart,amazing ,genuine,great wonderful guy........
More Schmo crying...for now they are going to enjoy a little bit more of the Lap of Luxury...tomorrow night Schmo is going to the Spike kick off at the playboy mansion..Schmo just wants to see his family..his friends..I just want to go home..he's investing his money and giving it to his folks..
Ralph is bringing Schmo behind the scenes to meet all of the camara/crew...Matt Central..Schmo says.."But not in the bathroom"Ralph tells him no not in the bathroom...They give Schmo his plate and,(for tonight) he says that he wants to keep his bed but..hopefully with Molly...!!!lol
('s a 2 hour show..they are going to show Schmo clips from the past show and they are going to ask him questions..

Joe Schmo the Aftermath (one word..Overkill ::)..recap crap and yawn..boring!!)
« Last Edit: October 28, 2003, 10:02:02 PM by puddinpie »

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Re:Joe Schmo
« Reply #23 on: December 20, 2003, 01:21:30 AM »
I am new to the forum, so I may be a bit late here, but I think that the show was great! Finally someone makes a mockery of all this realty tv! I love realty tv, but I love spoofs more! No wonder I am a huge Mel Brooks fan! ha!