Author Topic: EP3 ~'The Brave may not live long, but the cautious don't live at all'  (Read 11539 times)

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Re: EP3 ~'The Brave may not live long, but the cautious don't live at all'
« Reply #25 on: September 27, 2005, 07:46:34 PM »
Corvis made his prediction

Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Episode 3 Boot Prediction

A bunch of information floated my way over the weekend, but I am still sifting through it. And none of it directly pertains to this week anyway, so let's just jump right in what you're all wondering... will I get the boot right this week after missing it last week? The answer: beats the heck out of me!

There's been speculation that this is a one-day-double-boot episode like we saw in Vanuatu. I doubt it because they haven't hyped it at all in the commercials. I do think it's likely a single day, but there will only be one boot. In fact, I think this could be a very boring and predictable episode because the thing they're hyping is going to turn out to be a non-event: swimming in the crocodile lake. You know no one gets bitten by a croc because the most dangerous moment they can show us is a couple of guys sliding into the water. Oooh, scary. So yeah, I am figuring strategy wise, this episode will go by the numbers.

The challenge we see appears to be based on an ancient Maya ball game. Who wins? Well, I have had a feeling Yaxha was going to lose again and Stephenie's upset expression in one of the vidcaps suggests that result as well. As far as alliances at Yaxha go, Survivor Insider and last week's episode told us that Brian and Jamie both want to keep Lydia around. Morgan told us that Stephenie, Gary, Brianna and Amy formed an early alliance with her and Rafe. Of those four, Morgan believes that Gary and Brianna have a strong alliance. Clearly, Morgan herself was never really that firmly entrenched in that big alliance. From what I have been told, Gary and Rafe have an alliance with Stephenie. It appeared last episode that Lydia offered to stick with Gary and do whatever was needed if she stayed in the game.

Which Yaxha goes home this time?

Jamie and Brian don't appear to be part of the large alliance at Yaxha, but I admit I'd be surprised if they got rid of either one of them. Both are good at challenges. I think they'll be more at risk in a few episodes than right now. Of course, they are on the confessional analysis watch list and I am fairly certain Brian goes pre-merge.

Gary is definitely at risk based on confessional analysis. I really like a Gary boot here except for one reason - there's no hype about strategy in the previews. For Gary to go, there'd have to be some serious manuevering as he was in control of the voting last episode. Plus, well, I have some inside information which seems to indicate Gary lasts a while. If I am interpreting it correctly.

If it's not Gary, Amy is the obvious boot as she's injured according to the previews. We know this is the toughest Survivor ever and they're going to have to cut the weak links. If Amy is hurt badly enough, she's definitely going home.

For now, I think I am going with Amy for the second week in a row. Let's hope it works out better this time...


RC: (if there is one) Nakum
IC: Nakum

Offline CJ22

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Re: EP3 ~'The Brave may not live long, but the cautious don't live at all'
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2005, 06:28:51 PM »
OK Ill keep it short this week but this is what I'm thinking.. .

First why does everyone keep thinking its Males v Males and females v females here we see Bobby Jon's signature HI STEP, he brought this out in Palau first for the water and looks like he's liking it for the nets too. You can also see Blake's leg in the pics I know its Blake's cause the shorts in the third pic. On the other side you can see Jamie, Brian, and Rafe comming Bobby Jon and Jamie are going for the ball and then I dunno it might be Margaret I think its Brooke but thats not a dude in the top left corner so there blows the Male v Female.  I don't know what the teams will be.

Second why does everyone seem to think that Yaxha is gonna loose????? first Gary was a quarterback and this is a game where you pass a leather ball to teamates and through a hoop.  I don't really see and one on Nakum being great at this game maybe Brandon hell he has surprised us before so ill look for him to carry his weight sure all the guys can tackle but who can score??? Most think that this photo foreshadows a Yaxha loss but I think that If indeed it is a one day episode and the tribes come to the challenge, then have the challenge which should be reward as well in my opinion so the winner would go to a feast and the loser would go back to camp and get ready for TC.  This is Brandon and some of his tribe as we know taking a dip, we know this is post challenge since Brandon has on the headband still and you can see face paint remnants in the TV add, watch and you'll see.  So I think Yaxha wins and this is Nakum getting back to camp???? call me crazy  The Brave May not live long ( Amy / Blake??? ), but the cautious don't live at all ( I would say Brooke here, to much UTR maybe???)
Aras the first person to try to meditate fire.......... "Just a little longer guys................. ???? you feel the energy now................????? what about now?????"

Offline puddin

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Re: EP3 ~'The Brave may not live long, but the cautious don't live at all'
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2005, 11:54:19 PM »
Thanks CJ .. for once I am sick of thinking about this episode .. per the lack of  Vidcaps .
Sigh I will probably go with the spoiler boards again .. *8/

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Re: EP3 ~'The Brave may not live long, but the cautious don't live at all'
« Reply #28 on: September 29, 2005, 10:11:51 AM »
CJ smart thinking.... your Gary thing makes sense...they keep tellign us he is a former quarterback.  Is this to show that it bites him in the but for not telling them?  Or for him to keep his team a live with his arm?  Or to blow the pass when it coudl be victory?  OF course this also goes with I dropped him from my MW team!!

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Re: EP3 ~'The Brave may not live long, but the cautious don't live at all'
« Reply #29 on: September 29, 2005, 10:27:25 AM »
So does Blake go in the wate with them?  BJ, Brandon, Judd and who???

Offline puddin

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Re: EP3 ~'The Brave may not live long, but the cautious don't live at all'
« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2005, 11:47:19 AM »

Offline 'keeta

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Re: EP3 ~'The Brave may not live long, but the cautious don't live at all'
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2005, 12:59:53 PM »
 )_^> You guys are driving me crazy!  Is there a rc? If Nakum doesn't win ic, would it be worth it to have BJ, Brandon, Judd, and/or Danni?
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