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Howies TV Guide interview
« on: September 15, 2005, 04:03:16 PM »
Big Brother Boots Jedi Fan
by Angel Cohn

Howie Gordon
As a huge Star Wars fan and all-around goofball, Howie Gordon brought a lot of fun to the Big Brother house this summer, especially when he got to play with a pair of lightsabers. He may have won his fair share of duels, but the 34-year-old meteorology student made some bad forecasts when he tried to vote out James, a move that may have ultimately cost him the game. Howie was evicted last Thursday, but the flirtatious guy (obviously, we didn't tell him we were out of his demographic) was happy to talk to before he entered the jury house for the final weeks. How are you doing?
Howie Gordon: I'm doing pretty good. I wish I was still in the house, but you win some and you lose some, huh? At least you got to spend last week surrounded by a bunch of girls!
Howie: I'm not going to argue — Big Brother treated me well. From the food to the pool, the hot tub, the women.... They treated me well! Did you think you had a chance with any of the ladies?
Howie: Yeah. I'm kind of upset we got rid of Ashlea in Week 1. What a great body she had! Obviously, the less amount of time [she was there], the less amount of time I had to work on her. But you're friends with Janelle now...
Howie: I'm friends with Janelle, but unfortunately Michael stole her from me in, like, Week 2. But Janelle and Ashlea were partners, so there's some potential there for you to see Ashlea again.
Howie: Oh, absolutely! I live in Florida and they live in Florida. Janey and I, we became good friends in there. I'll see the tapes soon, but hopefully she can hang on and get into the final two. The only thing that Big Brother did wrong was that a lot of the girls came in with boyfriends or husbands, or had different preferences. Aesthetically, they were beautiful — you couldn't have put better scenery in the house for me. Well, at one point you were even flirting with Beau. What was that about?
Howie: Beau-Beau and I became good buddies. I like women, and Beau-Beau does his thing and whatever he wants to do. It was all friends hanging out, playing. What about Rachel? Any possibilities there?
Howie: Absolutely. Rachel and I have been friends now for about 10 years. Geography kept us away from each other. Physically, she's a beautiful girl. She's out of my demographic, because I like to skew about 18 to 23 years old, but Ray-Ray's up there. I'll tell you, for being the oldest woman in the house, she was right there physically with anyone else. I'll see her soon, probably sequestered somewhere, but there's definitely a shot at that, there's no question about it! [Laughs] You've said repeatedly that you were the star of the show. Why did you think that?
Howie: I've done both Elimidate and Blind Date, and they loved me. I'm confident in myself, my personality. I amuse people; they laugh at my antics. I'm a borderline good-looking guy. Going into the Big Brother house, I knew I was going to create an aura or a passion or enthusiasm with my energy, and get people to love me — or, at times, hate me. As a big Star Wars fan, who would you pick for a date: Amidala or Leia?
Howie: Well, I thought Amidala [played by Natalie Portman] was a lot prettier and a lot cuter, so I'd have to go with her. Not Princess Leia, even in that slave outfit?
Howie: Wow, you're bringing me back! She looked very good, Carrie Fisher. Leia in Return of the Jedi looked awesome. Who's your favorite Star Wars character?
Howie: I gotta go with Anakin, before he became Darth Vader. He was an up-and-coming chosen one, a powerful, powerful Jedi, but he got seduced for all the wrong reasons by the dark side of the Force. From Day 1, he wanted to be a Jedi, but he felt they weren't going down the right path, that they were betraying him. He kind of lost it a little bit. Can you relate that to what happened to you in the Big Brother house?
Howie: Lord Sidious, who eventually became the emperor, was a Sith lord in hiding. He deceived everybody and when the time was right, he turned on everybody — very similar to what's going on in the house. People lead you down one path, getting you to believe one thing, and then you find they're not who they say they are. Do you still think James was out to get you?
Howie: That is where I was going with that [metaphor]. I haven't seen the tapes yet, but there was enough verbiage and data supporting the fact that James was saying, "Howie and Rachel are the real threats." He and I agreed Ivette was a weak player, but what I told him would come back to me through Ivette. That was enough to make me think he was coming after me. I took a shot at him. It ended up almost coming back to bite me, but I took a shot. Where did you come up with "nerd herd"?
Howie: I don't want to date myself, but that's from the movie Can't Buy Me Love. The so-called noncool guys were at a dance in the gymnasium, sitting on a bench, and when they decided to take step forward and mingle, the high-school quarterback takes a look at them and goes, "Look, it's the nerd herd!" They get all nervous and sit right back down. These [Big Brother] nerd herders, they yelled about me celebrating and being emotional. They're playing games, spelling words with their legs, and we considered them to be not as athletic as the so-called Sovereign Six. We got sick of calling them the "Cappy Clan" or the "Maggie Clan" or the "Girl Scouts," and at the time, the most suitable name to classify the other side was nerd herd! Did "Busto" come from a movie, too, or was that your own creation?
Howie: "Busted" is a term from South Florida for a girl without a good face — "Oh, that girl is busted!" We had the Big Bosomed Blonde in Janey, and I was calling April the Big Bosomed Busted Blonde of Big Brother. That's a big line, a lot of terminology there, so I shortened it to "Busto." Does my song [sung to the tune of "Bingo"] make it on air? "There was a girl who had no face and Busto was her name-o. B-U-S-T-O...." Are you worried that April's husband is going to come after you?
Howie: I made amends. We got out of there with love. I've had a fight with every roommate I've ever had; it's no different now. I think things have calmed down, but we'll see what Matt has to say at the wrap party.

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Re: Howies TV Guide interview
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2005, 09:48:33 AM »
Howie is the same in the interview as on the show!