Author Topic: Ron/Kelly  (Read 5193 times)

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« on: April 05, 2005, 12:04:07 PM »
Sorgee at blows has given some insight on Ron and Kelly.  She does not know placement just some info on how they got along or did not...Sorgee is a long time poster at blows.  I thought some of you might want to read some of the stuff.

also, i will throw out some psuedo evidence of my own. i'm a sc native, former beauty competitor and i have a daughter that is an active competitor. i can't confirm some things that i have been told through the regular gossip channels, but if word on the street holds true, ron and kelly don't completely bomb, but they also don't make it to the final three. kelly has a melt down at some point and i was told it was during their sequestered time between tasks so don't know if it will be shown or not. i'm told that she just can't pull herself together after that and that if affects her teams gameplay. (I HAVE NOT POSTED THIS AS A SPOILER BECAUSE I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO CONFIRM THE INFORMATION.)

i should mention that me, mr. sorgee and the kids had wanted to try out for the amazing race family edition. (we didn't get to because of a problem with the ex.) anyway, when people found out that we wanted to try out, that is when i started hearing things about how unglamorous the race really is.
the rumours/gossip/stories about kelly were more about being concerned about her than anything else. supposedly she has a meltdown while being sequestered. i was told that the game was mentally and emotionally hard on her. i also overheard that during the race she felt as if she had no control over anything and that it really got to her after awhile. she became very disheartened with ron and a few of the other racers and just started to kinda check out.

one of the sources is a sorority sister of mine that told me during survivor all stars that amber was making a sizeable donation to Alpha Gam and that they couldn't release the details until after the final show aired. (i posted that on the boards, got poo-pooed and then redeemed once amber was in final 2 and then won.) she is the one that told me about the meltdown and i have a gut tendency to believe her. as for the rest of it, i just don't know. i don't know the other person well enough to say that i would absolutely trust them.

to be truthful, i'm not sure what the person meant by sequestered. i got the impression that at some point they were still actively in the game, but in between tasks for a couple of days and she had the meltdown. i don't know if the contestants are ever sequestered during the race, but if they are i would say that is when she has the meltdown.
as i said before, i can't confirm any of this. if i do get confirmation, i will post this as a spoiler.

Here is the latest that I have heard, but not been able to 100% verify.
Long story short, Ron is pretty much a jerk.

The brothers catch Ron acting like a jerk to Kelly and one of them speaks up, Ron says somthing snippy and then the other brother speaks up. The brothers tell Ron to relax and calm down. Kelly was initially embarassed, but later thanked the brothers for their support.

I am also told that a similar situation happens involving Kelly, Ron and Romber. Ron says something - i'm not sure if it is to Kelly or to Rob - and Rob responds by telling Ron something along the lines that when a man really loves a woman he puts her first and makes her happy. Ron throws down his backpack and walks off, swearing. Lynn and Alex are there and comment on the drama. Amber tries to console Kelly and Kelly just wants to be left alone. Supposedly at the time Kelly blamed Rob for setting Ron off, but she now realizes that Ron has a problem with control issues.

I hope that they show some of this on TV. I'm really disappointed in Ron. I remember the whole prisoner thing and I really had this image of him being a great guy.

On another note, I have also heard some interesting pageant gossip about Krisily from the Bachelor. I'm going to do some digging on that and post when/if I get a few questions answered.

Offline puddin

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Re: Ron/Kelly
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2005, 12:29:34 PM »
 *%# this is better than Days Of Our Lives !! Great stuff Texan , thanks for bringing it over  \|]

Offline Ottopart

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Re: Ron/Kelly
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2005, 12:33:37 PM »
That pretty much meshes with the friend of Bianca spoiler which stated:

 "She got along with all the teams except for Rob and Amber. Amber apparently never ate during the race, and the gay guys started calling her "amber-rexia". The military war hero was kind of a jerk, and he and his girlfriend break up halfway through the race."

I'm not sure how that affects their standing in the race but from the San Juan picture they continue on.

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Re: Ron/Kelly
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2005, 12:35:55 PM »
Well obviously Sorgee, an ex-SC beauty pagent contestant would take up for Kelly, another ex-SC beauty pagent contestant. I will wait until I see the show to make any kind of judgement as to who is at fault for Kelly's meltdown!!!

And I sure hope Sorgee isn't taking up for Krisily from the Bachelor, because she's a real bitch!!!  (%#
« Last Edit: April 05, 2005, 01:01:39 PM by tanbuns »

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Re: Ron/Kelly
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2005, 09:21:28 AM »
Did anyone else notice that Kelly misunderstood Ron completely when they got in the big fight last night?  He said "Chill for a minute" and she thought he said "Shut the f- up".  I wonder if he will ever remember what it was he actually said. 

Anyway, I'm sure ALL of the teams are exhausted and at the frayed end of their ropes.  It must be difficult, all the traveling, not eating well, sleeping in weird places...

Offline rmax

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Re: Ron/Kelly
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2005, 09:52:31 AM »
Well, editing is everyting.  It looked (or sounded) like Kelly was reacting to Ron saying Chill for a minute, but it's entirely likely he said Shut the F up at some other point during the task.  She kept saying Hurry hurry hurry, and  I sure wouldn't have had the patience not to say STFU too!

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Re: Ron/Kelly
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2005, 10:32:19 AM »
Don't know what to believe now.  I thought Kelly was the person that seemed to be somewhat out of control and causing the problems.  I caught the "chill out for a minute" and her thinking Ron said "Shut the f*ck up".  Interesting spoilers. 

If Rob said anything to back up Kelly and set Ron off, I guarantee it was done because Rob was looking out for himself and trying to create an argument between Ron & Kelly.  It wasn't because he was being a while knight in shining armor. 
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Offline shanghilill

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Re: Ron/Kelly
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2005, 10:00:12 AM »
I heard  him say "Shut it up or shut up" while in the jeep..not 'Shut the F up,' but really when you're stressed and doing all the work leg after leg I'm not so sure I wouldn't have said something like it myself...or worse.  ]][

After watching last nights 'never before seen footage' show..especially after seeing each leg all together like that..sure sounds like Kelly really doesn't do too much except point out mistakes. Editing counts for alot I know..but having her around is kinda like wearing wet clothes through the whole race. The gal just doesn't put forth much effort (she does have her pagent wave down though doesn't she)?  {l{

I don't know folks but Romber is starting to rub off on me..cracked me up last night..Amber may not say much but she sure can milk a goat. Gotta give her that..and they do   ]^] each other.

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Re: Ron/Kelly
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2005, 06:28:25 PM »
I heard that these 2 arent together anymore.  It doesnt surprise me at all.  they are like oil and water.