Author Topic: Read here for a recap of a very entertaining episode of Survivor Palau EP7  (Read 2239 times)

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Offline puddin

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Work doesn't overcome Smartness on Survivor Palau
Posted on Thursday, March 31 @ 22:05:33 EST by Trevor

 Read here for a recap of a very entertaining episode of Survivor Palau.

by Trevor Freeman

Before I get started, if my grammar is a little off or my jokes a little too juvenile, let the record show I begin writing this recap post five Sierra Nevada’s and midway through my sixth. I am going to jump the gun here and beg my editors to pull my column down should I break into any story that begins with, “It was Spring Weekend and I was hanging out with BK and Cronin” OR “Midway through a fierce Gold Medal Game of Beirut in the Drinking Olympics”.

And then there were two on Ulong. For a seventh straight time, Ulong lost an Immunity Challenge, which led to Ibrahem being ousted from Survivor Palau. Gotta give Bobby Jon some credit as he stuck to his alliance with Stephanie. Stephanie did not deserve to go home and I think Bobby Jon realized that……….or he realized Stephanie has a good face and a killer body. Either way, it was a good call as she has been Ulong’s MVP. While that is like saying, “Jim Belushi was a good call by ABC, he has easily been the best actor on According to Jim”, she at least deserved to make it to the merge.

The show began with footage of life in the Ulong camp. It was almost sad seeing how beaten they had become. Meanwhile over at Koror everything just continued to break right. First, Ian goes swimming for food and returns with the biggest clam I think I have ever seen. Following Koror’s finishing of the clam; they tossed it in the water, which attracted sharks. This sprung Ian and Gregg into action. They were both waiting on the beach for a shark to get close enough so they could kill it with their spears. However before they even had a chance Tom raced across to the other side of the beach and killed a shark with his machete. In terms of “Great Survivor Hunting Moments”, this easily ranks in the top five. With one blow Tom basically cut a decent sized shark in half. It was a sight to behold. It should be noted that after Tom killed the shark, they panned to an interview with Coby who said, “I looked at Gregg and we both were like, it’s going to be harder to vote him off now.” Very interesting stuff. Once again, Koror feasted like kings.

Following all of this was the Reward Challenge. The Challenge for this episode was to create a signal for someone to see overhead. My favorite highlight of this was Bobby Jon saying, “We just hope that work will overcome smartness.” I think the entire state of Alabama put their head down when that comment was blurted out. Between fellow Alabama native James saying, “I’m a redneck, we don’t brush our teeth” and Bobby Jon’s latest comment, it’s been a rough season of Survivor for viewers from the great state of Alabama. I would explain exactly how this Reward Challenge went down, but I’m going to save my breath and just tell you Koror won. Gregg, Caryn, and Katie went with a smoke signal and spelled out the saying “Got Food” while Ulong went with a simple “Ulong” that was partially masked by the tall trees in the area. For winning this challenge, Koror got more food and three bottles of wine.

After the Koror celebration we saw clips of Gregg and Jennifer making out and taking a walk for water. The substance of this was to show what is going on in their relationship. From what I can tell, it is still pretty casual on the relationship side but very firm on the alliance side. What hurt them throughout this montage is that you can see everyone in the tribe noticing what is going on. This is going to come back and bite them. Especially when the merge happens and Steph and Bobby Jon work their way in with Tom, Ian and Katie (just trust me on that bold prediction).

Finally we got to the Immunity Challenge, which involved building a puzzle using pieces floating in water. Koror could only use three people. In this challenge you would have one of those three people standing overhead and directing the other two who actually had to move the pieces in the water. Koror chose Coby to direct with Janu and Jennifer helping to move the puzzle pieces. Most viewers (including myself) sitting at home would have figured Ulong would choose Stephanie to direct with Bobby Jon and Ibrahem moving the pieces. However the reason why Ulong is the worst tribe in Survivor history is decisions like these. They chose to put Bobby Jon in charge. Yes, the same Bobby Jon who earlier in the show had said, “We just hope that work will overcome smartness.” Their fate was sealed with that decision. It was never even close. Koror finished the puzzle before Ulong really even got started. Bobby Jon was doing such a horrendous job, that he got replaced by Stephanie halfway through. Just an embarrassing showing by Ulong.

Ulong’s loss once again sent them to Tribal Council. There was a decent amount of lobbying done by Stephanie on Bobby Jon and then on Ibrahem when she thought Bobby Jon might vote her off. In the end, Bobby Jon decided to get rid of Ibrahem. With only two members left on Ulong I think there is a 99.8% chance of a merge happening next week along with an 88.5% chance that Bobby Jon tries to get into Stephanie’s pants (I’m discounting a little because of the lack of a shower and toothbrush). Until then my devoted Survivor fans…………………

If you have any questions or comments feel free to e-mail me at

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Offline Trevor

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  • "We're just hoping work can overcome smartness."
Bobby Jon's comment "I just hope work can overcome smartness" is one of the classic lines in Survivor history.  That was hysterical.  Just an all-around great episode, from Tom killing the shark to Bobby Jon's comment to Stephanie miraculously staying.
"Gin is a morose widow. Tequila is the supple mistress with the cojones to attend the funeral. Pour me some mistress."

Offline puddin

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I went to the news page and read your article Trevor  (^.# , it was just to good not to share with the message board , I hope you don't mind that I brought it over ? So much better than the CBS Recrap , this  had me LOL  ,thank you  {l{

Offline Trevor

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  • "We're just hoping work can overcome smartness."
I loved that you brought it over!  I think it's awesome and hopefully when people read this one they start viewing more of the recaps/analysis/spoilers on the news page.
"Gin is a morose widow. Tequila is the supple mistress with the cojones to attend the funeral. Pour me some mistress."

Offline Bathfizzy

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Hey Trevor, I always read the news page first and look forward to reading your funny recaps.  |5| You have a wonderful way of describing things that makes so much sense and you also notice the funniest things.  So keep it coming.   |#' |#' |#' |#'
I am a little concerned with your peculiar drinks that you mention in your recaps.  I am presuming this is a special kind of herbal tea that puts you in a relaxed mood that brings out your creative writing?  :)* :)* :)* :)*