Author Topic: S40: Ethan Zohn (S3 winner)  (Read 1492 times)

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S40: Ethan Zohn (S3 winner)
« on: January 15, 2020, 01:14:06 PM »

Ethan Zohn


Hometown: Lexington, Massachusetts
Current residence: Hillsborough, New Hampshire
Previous seasons: Winner of Survivor: Africa (Season 3), Survivor: All-Stars (Season 8)
Occupation: Social Entrepreneur and Keynote Speaker

Hobbies: Inventing useless gadgets, chopping and stacking wood, and chasing cats with my laser.

Pet peeves: Weird bagel flavors. It's not a bagel unless it's sesame, poppy, plain, or everything.

Three words to describe you: Compassionate, neurotic, and funny. I'm really, really funny.

When did you first watch Survivor?
I've been watching since Richard Hatch first took advantage of CBS' ability to pixelate a moving image.

Do you still watch Survivor?
I wouldn't miss it for the world!

What is your inspiration in life?
Helping people in big and small ways. From working with big organizations that help kids stay healthy, like Grassroot Soccer, to speaking with patients about surviving and thriving in life after a cancer diagnosis.

What does Survivor mean to you and your family?
My nieces and nephews are going to flip out and have some major bragging rights in the hallways.

What is one way playing Survivor changed your life?
Oh, let me count the ways! In the "pinball machine" of life, one thing can change everything about a person's life. Survivor was that one thing. It gave me opportunities that I only dreamed of, I got to see the world, help make small differences in people's lives, got to meet incredible people across the globe, and brought joy and laughter to my family from all the crazy stories I got to tell after each adventure.

As Survivor approaches Season 40 and celebrates 20 years on television, what does it mean to be a part of the legacy?
19 years ago I got let go from a job, had a day off in NYC, and sent a VHS audition tape into CBS on a lark the day before it was due. What happened next literally changed the trajectory of my life. This show has brought happiness and memories to so many people around the world, and it's cool to be a small part of that.

How will you play differently than you have in your past seasons?
The last time I played this game was in 2004 on Survivor: All Stars... there were no Idols, hidden clues, advantages, or ways to get back into the game. And get this—we actually had to survive! The game has changed and so have I. I plan to adapt, have fun and push my mind, body, and spirit to the max.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2020, 03:14:53 PM by georgiapeach »

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Re: S40: Ethan Zohn (S3 winner)
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2020, 06:31:40 PM »

Photo: Robert Voet CBS
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