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Re: Racing report TAR Canada 4, episode 11 is on page 1
« on: July 03, 2016, 03:46:43 PM »
Placeholder for title
« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 02:59:36 AM by maf »

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Re: Racing report TAR Canada 4, episode 1
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2016, 03:47:27 PM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Canada Season 4, Episode 1, "Who's ready to let it all hang out?"
Film date: 2016-04-28 - 2016-04-29

This race starts on a frozen lake just outside Yellowknife. 10 teams are traveling there on ATVs. The teams are:

  • Frankie & Amy, Mother and daughter from Aldergrove, B.C.
  • Anne & Tanja, Best friends from Toronto
  • Jilian & Emmett, exes form New Glasgow and Gore, Nova Scotia. Met on Big Brother Canada
  • Rita & Yvette, twin sister from Edmonton
  • Anthony & Brandon, best friends from Windsor, Ontario
  • Julie & Lowell, married from Lethbridge, Alberta. Lowel is nearly completely blind.
  • Kelly & Kate, best friends from Toronto
  • Joel & Ashley, father and daughter from Enoch cree nation, Alberta
  • Stéphane & Antoine, father and son from Montreal
  • Steph & Kristen, dating from Toronto

At the starting line Jon tells teams that the price will be a trip around the world, their pick of any of the sponsor cars they will be driving during the race (one each) and $250,000.

It seems like there is quite a run from the starting line to where the packs and the first clue await. In the aerial shots you also see the line of camera and sound people standing next to the packs, waiting
for the racers.


Make your way to the
Legislative Assembly of
the Northwest Territories
and correctly translate a
Weledeh phrase that will
send you on your way
with your next clue.

NOTE: The teams that
finish the fastest can
gain an advantage.

The Legislative Assembly is just a few hundred meters away and the phrase which needs to be translated can be found on a wooden board outside. It reads: "hotìa dechįnta k´èahdè".

In the surrounding forest there are hundreds of signs hanging which each show a word and its english translation. Teams must use these to figure out that the sign reads "travel safely across the land". Once they say this to a first nations language expert they will get their next clue. The expert will also accept "safely across the land travel" which is the literal translation.

 "This is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be", Amy

Teams translate the message in the following order:
  1. Jilian & Emmett
  2. Anne & Tanya
  3. Joel & Ashley
  4. Stéphane & Antoine
  5. Julie & Lowell
  ?. Steph & Kristen
  ?. Rita & Yvette
  ?. Frankie & Amy
  ?. Kelly & Kate
  ?. Anthony & Brandon

Drive your new 2016
Chevy Silverado to the
Yellowknife Airport and
travel to Jasper, Alberta!

Once there, make your
way to the Jasper train
station and search for
your next clue.

BMO is here to help.
You have $450 on your
CashBack MasterCard
for this leg of the Race.

On the airport they will get tickets on one of two flights. Only the first four teams get tickets on the first flight.

The first flight is:
 7F958  YZF - YEG  18:28 - 20:38  ((scheduled 18:30 - 20:25)

and carries:
 Stéphane & Antoine
 Joel & Ashley
 Anne & Tanya
 Jilian & Emmett

The second flight is:
 5T439  YZF - YEG  21:25 - 22:56  (scheduled 21:15 - 22:56)

and carries:
 Julie & Lowell
 Steph & Kristen
 Rita & Yvette
 Frankie & Amy
 Kelly & Kate
 Anthony & Brandon

Team fly to Edmonton an here they board buses which will bring them to Jasper (394km 3h47min). The episode glosses over this fact but teams must have spent the night somewhere because they are released in Jasper the following morning.

At the train station team find sponsor cars and their next clue.

Road block: "Who's ready to let it all hang out?"

In this road block teams must drive themselves to the Jasper Skytram (7.6km 11min). A cable car going up the mountain. Teams will board the skytram in groups of three (in order of arrival). At the halfway point the tram will stop. The racers performing the road block will now climb up on the roof on their cabin and then down a ladder on the side. They must then traverse a set of monkey bars under the cabin to a ladder on the other side.

This is s spectacular task, teams are high up in the air and they must perform a frightening and difficult physical task.

The racers are secured by a bungee cord so if they fall they get to bounce a bit before they are hoisted back into the cable car cabin. If they fall they will have to go to the back of the line and try again. However on their second attempt they will have an additional harness which will bear most of their weight, so the task will be much easier.

The non-participating team member will look on from the other cable car. This requires the cars to travel up and down first. All in all it seems to take about an hour for each set of three teams to make an attempt. Which means that teams failing the task or arriving late will have to wait a long time.

 "Better that we not get lost than we get lost, Anne

Teams arrive at the skytram in the following order:
  1. Stéphane & Antoine
  2. Joel & Ashley
  3. Jilian & Emmett
  4. Frankie & Amy
  5. Kelly & Kate
  6. Steph & Kristen
  7. Rita & Yvette
  8. Julie & Lowell
  9. Anthony & Brandon
 10. Anne & Tanya, got lost on the way

 "I'm so scared of what I'm about to do", Stéphane is very afraid of heights
 "I feel like I'm jumping to my death", Ashley is not entirely comfortable either
 "We're small but we're mighty", Kate

The different attempts are:
Tram #1
 Stéphane, fall after getting half the way
 Ashley, fall immediately
 Emmett, complete the task

Tram #2
 Amy, fall after getting half the way
 Kelly, falls almost immediately
 Steph, makes it all the way over but falls as she is transitioning to
 the rope ladder. However she get stuck in the ladder and
 ends up hanging by her feet. She manages to pull herself up and complete the task.

Tram #3
 Yvette, almost made it
 Lowell, almost made it
 Brandon, falls almost immediately

Tram #4
 Stéphane (attempt #2), completes the task
 Ashley (attempt #2), completes the task
 Amy (attempt #2), task closed before she could make her attempt

Once they get back down Kelly & Kate decide to take the penalty and skip this road block. They can keep racing but will have to wait 4 hours when they reach the pit stop before they can check in.

Anthony & Brandon also decide to take the penalty.

Unfortunately, as the fourth batch of teams is doing their attempts, the weather turns bad so it is no longer safe to do this task. Teams will have to wait the length of time it would have taken them to complete the challenge.

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock):
1(+2)Jilian & Emmett*   (0-1)
2(+4)Steph* & Kristen   (1-0)
3(+2)Kelly* & Kate      (1-0)Gave up and took the penalty
4(+5)Anthony & Brandon* (0-1)Gave up and took the penalty
5(-4)Stéphane* & Antoine(1-0)
6(-4)Joel & Ashley*     (0-1)
7(-3)Frankie & Amy*     (0-1)
8(-1)Rita & Yvette*     (0-1)
9(-1)Julie & Lowell*    (0-1)
10(+0)Anne* & Tanya      (1-0)

The next route info tells teams to drive to the Athabasca River. Here teams must suit up and paddle down the ice cold river to find their next clue.

On the river we get to see Jillian get upset with Emmett. Many hard words are flying, and this happens a lot through the episode. I'm not going to dwell any more on this.

The clue box by the river is hard to miss and contains another road block clue. Teams reach this in the following order:
  1(+0) Jilian & Emmett
  2(+0) Steph & Kristen
  3(+0) Kelly & Kate
  4(+0) Anthony & Brandon
  5(+0) Stéphane & Antoine
  6(+0) Joel & Ashley
  7(+1) Rita & Yvette
  8(+1) Julie & Lowell, close after #7
  9(-2) Frankie & Amy, close after #7
 10(+0) Anne & Tanya


Who's ready to search
high and low?

Note: The team member
who DID NOT participate in
the previous road block
MUST do this road block.

Teams must first drive to two valley creek canyon. Then the performing team member must hike up to a rappelling station. Here they must rappel down 80ft into the canyon below. They must then make their way along the canyon to the river valley where they will receive an avalanche beacon which will lead them to one of three caches of clues.

Before they can drive away teams must paddle a bit further down the river. This is hard for Kelly & Kate since they just left their raft in the water and the current grabbed it and carried it away. They have to run along the shore and wade through water before they magically end up on a raft again.

Anthony & Brandon arrive at the Canyon as Kate is doing the task. Brandon tells Kelly they also took the penalty and both teams realize that whoever comes first of them is safe, and the other will probably get eliminated. The race is on.

Julie & Lowell, Rita & Yvette and Frankie & Amy drive together in a convoy towards the canyon. Or at least that is what they hope. It turns out that they are not so after consulting a local they reverse course and eventually they find it. By that time Anne & Tanya have caught up to them.

 "I have no idea what I'm doing", Julie has trouble finding the next clue with the beacon

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock):
1(+0)Jilian* & Emmett   (1-1)
2(+0)Steph & Kristen*   (1-1)
3(+0)Kelly & Kate*      (1-1)
4(+0)Anthony* & Brandon (1-1)About a minute after Kelly & Kate
?(+?)Stéphane & Antoine*(1-1)
?(+?)Joel* & Ashley     (1-1)
7(+0)Rita* & Yvette     (1-1)
8(+2)Anne & Tanya*      (1-1)
9(+0)Frankie* & Amy     (1-1)
10(-2)Julie* & Lowell    (1-1)

This clue tells teams to make their way to the island in Pyramid lake and search for the pit stop.

The island is small so the pit stop is kind of hard to miss.

Anthony & Brandon feel sure that they can beat Kelly & Kate in a footrace. But they arrive too late for that to be a factor. Both teams have a 4 hour penalty to serve, but the girls are happy since they know that the boys are behind them so they are not going home. For the boys this is the start of an agonizing wait, will the remaining teams arrive within 4 hours or not.

The convoy with Rita & Yvette, Anne & Tanya and Frankie & Amy manage to get lost again. But this time Frankie & Amy decides to break away from the others. They have a map and think they know how to read it.

Teams reach the pit stop in the following order:
  1(+0) Jilian & Emmett, win a trip to London
  2(+0) Steph & Kristen
  -(+0) Kelly & Kate, have to wait their 4 hour penalty before they can check in
  -(+0) Anthony & Brandon, have to wait their 4 hour penal before they can check in
  3(+?) Stéphane & Antoine
  4(+?) Joel & Ashley
  5(+5) Julie & Lowell, win a footrace against #6
  6(+3) Frankie & Amy, Anthony & Brandon now have about 1 hour left on their penalty
  7(+0) Rita & Yvette
  8(+0) Anne & Tanya
  9(-6) Kelly & Kate
 10(-6) Anthony & Brandon, are eliminated

 "I expected the race to be difficult, but it totally surprised us", Brandon

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Re: Racing report TAR Canada 4, episode 2
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2016, 03:07:14 PM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Canada Season 4, Episode 2, "Deal Guys? Deal! Deal!"
Film date: 2016-04-30

The last pit stop was on the island in Pyramid lake near Jasper. Teams are released later that night from somewhere in Jasper 6km away.

 "We are starting to understand that this race is going to be a lot more physically demanding than we thought", Kristen

Teams are released in the following order:
1.Jilian & Emmett   00:56
2.Steph & Kristen   01:45+0:49
3.Stéphane & Antoine04:32+3:36
4.Joel & Ashley     04:35+3:39
5.Julie & Lowell    06:11+5:15
6.Frankie & Amy     06:13+5:17
7.Rita & Yvette     06:27+5:31
8.Anne & Tanya      06:29+5:33
9.Kelly & Kate      06:56+6:00


Make your way to Calgary,

Once there, search outside
City Hall for Calgary's
Mayor, Naheed Nenshi,
who will give you your next

BMO is here to help. For
this leg of the Race you
have $150 on your
Cashback Mastercard.

NOTE: In this leg of the
Race there are two Express
Passes up for grabs!

Teams must now sign up for one of three buses which will drive them to Calgary. Each bus can hold 3 teams. The sign-up sheet seems to be located by the Jasper Park information center.

Bus #1
 Jilian & Emmett
 Steph & Kristen
 Stéphane & Antoine

Bus #2
 Joel & Ashley
 Julie & Lowell
 Frankie & Amy

Bus #3
 Anne & Tanya
 Rita & Yvette
 Kelly & Kate

The bus ride takes about 5 hours and teams are dropped off in front of the City Hall. Teams seem to be released one by one from the buses so there is only one team at a time by the mayor. They reach him in the following order:
 1(+0) Jilian & Emmett
 2(+0) Steph & Kristen
 3(+0) Stéphane & Antoine
 4(+0) Joel & Ashley
 5(+0) Julie & Lowell
 6(+0) Frankie & Amy
 7(+0) Anne & Tanya
 8(+0) Rita & Yvette
 9(+0) Kelly & Kate

The mayor repeats the city tag line to each team and the hands over a postcard. This postcard is their next clue and shows a statue consisting of a wire-frame head. The statue is called Wonderland and is well known so lots of locals know where it is, which is just a couple of blocks away.

Teams reach the clue box by the statue (450m) in the following order:
 1(+2) Stéphane & Antoine
 2(+0) Steph & Kristen
 3(-2) Jilian & Emmett
 4(+0) Joel & Ashley
 5(+0) Julie & Lowell
 6(+0) Frankie & Amy
 7(+0) Anne & Tanya
 8(+0) Rita & Yvette
 9(+0) Kelly & Kate


Who feels like they are in

In this road block contestants must rappel 58 stories down from the Calgary tower. Once back on the ground the tower mascot will give them their next clue.

There seems to be room for three teams to do this road block at any one time. Contestants are also accompanied by a safety tech who is rappelling next to them.

 "You do this for fun?", A scared Emmett asks the safety tech

The safety tech is really handy to have when Kristen's lines jams.

Rita & Yvette are a bit too stressed and look for the marked entrance at the building where they got the road block clue. It takes a while before they spot the real Calgary tower nearby.

 "On a scale 1-10 how excited I'm to do this I'm like a 100", Frankie is excited

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock):
1(+2)Jilian & Emmett*   (1-2)
2(+0)Steph & Kristen*   (1-2)
3(-2)Stéphane & Antoine*(1-2)
4(+0)Joel* & Ashley     (2-1)
5(+1)Frankie* & Amy     (2-1)
6(-1)Julie & Lowell*    (1-2)
7(+0)Anne* & Tanya      (2-1)
8(+1)Kelly* & Kate      (2-1)
9(-1)Rita & Yvette*     (1-2)


Make your way to the
Beatnik Bus by following
it on social media.

Once there, find the
musician who will hand
you your next clue after
his performance.

Teams must now find the Beatnik bus. This bus rotates between different stops and only stays for 10 minutes at each stop. Teams must use social media to find where it is. It seems to stop at three different places today: Century Gardens, Harley Hotchkiss Gardens and Mc Dougall Centre.

The first two teams, Jillian & Emmett and Steph & Kristen, arrive together to where the Beatnik bus is parked. Only to see it pull away. I get a feeling this was planned, no other teams arrive with so "perfect" timing.

While searching for the bus Rita & Yvette find a random local carrying a guitar. After some mutual confusion they realize that this guy does not have their next clue.

Teams get their clue from the musician in the following order:
 1(+1) Steph & Kristen
 2(-1) Jilian & Emmett, seconds after #1
 3(+0) Stéphane & Antoine
 4(+0) Joel & Ashley
 5(+0) Frankie & Amy
 6(+0) Julie & Lowell
 7(+0) Anne & Tanya
 8(+0) Kelly & Kate
 9(+0) Rita & Yvette

The clue envelope here contains a detour and an express pass clue.


Make your way to
Canada Boy Vinyl and
sleeve vinyl records until
you uncover two
Express Passes!

At Canada Boy vinyl teams will find 13 crates of vinyl records which need to be put into sleeves. Hidden between two records in these crates are two express passes. One for the teams which finds it and one which have to be given away to another team before the end of the fourth leg.

Steph & Kristen immediately decide to go for the express pass, and so does Jilian & Emmett. Both teams promise to give the other express pass to the other team.

 "Deal Guys? Deal! Deal!", Kristen gets the title

Both teams jump into taxis. While en route Jilian & Emmett note the detour clue. They decide to abandon the express pass and go directly to the detour.
 "It's more important for us to get the detour done and finish the leg ahead of everybody else", Emmett

Steph & Kristen is the only team actually searching for the express passes. After having been searching for more than an hour they are starting their 7th crate and still haven't found it. They are considering quitting but decide to do one more crate. And of course they find the express passes in the next crate. They can now rejoin the other racers at the detour.

All other teams go directly for the detour:

Detour: "Sim" or "Swim"

Sim: Take the controls of
a 4D crane simulator
and beat the cock in a
training exercise to
receive your next clue.

Swim: Help restock
Albertan lakes ad rivers
by filling two cages with
12 month old rainbow
trout to receive your next

NOTE: There are limited
stations at both detours.

In sim teams must locate the Southern Alberta institute of technology. Here they must use a crane simulator to move a weight through an obstacle course. They must each move the weight through the course and the combined time must be under 6 minutes. Teams will not receive any instructions on how to use the controls.

In Swim teams must make their way to the Sam Livingston Fish Hatchery. Here they must enter a pond and use mobile fencing to corral the trout into a small area. Then they must scoop up all the trout and deposit them into two cages.

 "This is going to require a lot of patience, something which we both don't have a lot of", Antoine
 "They are floppy suckers", Frankie realize the fish want to escape

Steph & Kristen go for the crane but quickly decide to switch.
 "We will switch because we're awful", Kristen
They get happy when they got to the swim detour because there are multiple other teams there doing the task.
 "We have a chance to push through and not be last", Kristen

Many teams at the swim detour have problems with straggling fish. That is fishes who have escaped the nets and are still swimming around.
 "This is frustrating[/]", Antoine

Some teams have themselves to blame for their problems. For example Julie & Lowell have corralled all the fish in the same area as the cages, which means that they have a lot of fish hiding under the cages. And Kelly & Kate have corralled their fish in the opposite end of the pond from where their cages are. They do not think of moving the cages but instead walk back and forth, which is tiring and slow in the waist deep water.

Rita & Yvette are last to get the detour clue, and they switch detours. So they are very happy to see that Kelly & Kate are still collecting fish when they turn up.

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+1) Jilian & Emmett, fish
 2(+1) Stéphane & Antoine, fish
 3(+2) Frankie & Amy, fish
 4(+0) Joel & Ashley, crane
 5(+2) Anne & Tanya, fish
 6(-5) Steph & Kristen, started crane but switched to swim (also got the express passes)
 7(-1) Julie & Lowell, fish
 8(+0) Kelly & Kate, started crane but switched to swim
 9(+0) Rita & Yvette, started crane but switched to swim


Make your way to Studio
Bell, home of the National
Music Centre, and search
inside for Jon and your next
Pit Stop.

Warning! The last team to
check in may be eliminated!

This is a brand new music centre. In fact so new that it will open during the summer (when this season airs).

Rita & Yvette leave the detour in last place, just two minutes after Kelly & Kate. But Rita & Yvette have a better taxi driver so he catches up and passes the other taxi just as they arrive. Then there is a footrace.

Teams find Jon here in the following order:
 1(+0) Jilian & Emmett, win a trip to Paris, France
 2(+0) Stéphane & Antoine
 3(+0) Frankie & Amy
 4(+0) Joel & Ashley
 5(+0) Anne & Tanya
 6(+0) Steph & Kristen
 7(+0) Julie & Lowell
 8(+1) Rita & Yvette, seconds before #9
 9(-1) Kelly & Kate, are saved by a non-elimination

Jilian & Emmett realize they have to do some sucking up to Steph & Kristen after having abandoned the express pass searching. Steph & Kristen on the other hand reflects that they do not feel obliged to give Jillian & Emmett the second express pass.

Next week teams travel to the Mekong delta in Vietnam.

Offline maf

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Re: Racing report TAR Canada 4, episode 3
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2016, 02:59:35 PM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Canada Season 4, Episode 3, "Toads! Are you kidding me?"
Film date: 2016-05-03 - 2016-05-05

The last pit stop was in Studio Bell in Calgary. Teams seem to be released from a different location in Calgary two days later.

Teams are released in the following order:
1.Jilian & Emmett   01:49
2.Stéphane & Antoine03:07+1:18
3.Frankie & Amy     03:39+1:50
4.Joel & Ashley     03:53+2:04
5.Anne & Tanya      04:45+2:56
6.Steph & Kristen   05:05+3:16
7.Julie & Lowell    06:17+4:28
8.Rita & Yvette     06:38+4:49
9.Kelly & Kate      06:43+4:54


Fly to the Mekong Delta in

Once there, make your way
to the village of Cái Bè and
search the Cái Bè Tourist
Dock for your next clue.

BMO is here to help, and
you have $360 US Dollars
for this leg of the Race.

Here we get a short introduction to Vietnam narrated by Jon. Among other things he points out the connection to Canada, which is that Canada has welcomed 60.000 boat refugees from Vietnam.

Steph & Kristen have decided to keep their express passes secret. The idea is to avoid putting a big target on their backs. So when they run into the other teams at the airport they say they tried to get the express passes, but failed.
 "It took forever to not get the express pass", Kristen

We are not shown any airport drama and all teams are on the same set of flights so it feels as if this was prearranged. Teams fly from Calgary via Vancouver and Hong Kong to Ho Chi Minh City. They departed Calgary in the morning on the 3rd of May and arrive in Vietnam after midnight on the 5th (either at 00:05 or 00:50).

Once teams land they jump into taxis and make for the Cái Bè tourist dock (111km 2h16min).

 "It's our first time in Thailand", Emmett seems to be suffering from too much jet lag

At the dock teams sign up for water taxis which start will departing
at 6am the following morning. One team per water taxi. Teams sign up
in the following order:
 1. Stéphane & Antoine
 2. Steph & Kristen
 3. Kelly & Kate
 4. Anne & Tanya
 5. Jilian & Emmett
 6. Frankie & Amy
 7. Rita & Yvette
 8. Julie & Lowell
 9. Joel & Ashley

The following morning teams are given their next clue in the order they signed up. We are not told how much time separates the teams.


Time for a supply run!

Pick up the supplies on the
list the dock master gives
you and deliver them to Mr.
Tam at the Tân Ohong
Island Ferry Dock to receive
your next clue.

Teams are the give a shopping list which reads:
     1 Rông đât
Hoăc 1 Kỳ lân xanh

  6 Hú chao môn id

GHE TG-4791
 1 Gió trái cây

GHE TG-12354
 4 Bao gao 10Kg

The list shows places (capital letters) and what need to be fetched from that place. The items are:
 1 ceramic statue
 6 jars of fermented Tofu
 1 fruit basket
 1 10kg bag of rice
The places starting with GHE are actually registration numbers of boats which teams must locate.

 "We love shopping", Kelly & Kate think this challenge is perfect for them
 "We have no idea what these words even mean on this shopping list", Steph & Kristen do not feel up to this task

A lot seem to depend on how well the boat drivers know the different places on the shopping list.

Teams complete this task in the following order:
 1(+2) Kelly & Kate
 2(-1) Stéphane & Antoine
 3(+2) Jilian & Emmett
 4(+3) Rita & Yvette
 5(+4) Joel & Ashley
 6(-2) Anne & Tanya
 7(-5) Steph & Kristen
 8(+0) Julie & Lowell
 9(-3) Frankie & Amy


Take the ferry to Cái Bè
and search for your next
clue at the Bẽn phà Cái Bè
qua Tân Phong.

Mr. Tam who gives them this clue is standing right next to the ferry dock, so it is easy to find. However some teams do not read their clue carefully enough and jump into their water taxis. These are: Jilian & Emmett, Rita & Yvette, Joel & Ashley and Anne & Tanya

Steph & Kristen also jump into their water taxi but then Kristen realize they have to take the ferry so they turn back and take the ferry.
 "I misread that big time", Steph takes the blame, but Kristen is not upset

The next clue is right where the ferry lands and teams find it in the
following order:
 1(+0) Kelly & Kate
 2(+0) Stéphane & Antoine
 3(+0) Jilian & Emmett
 4(+0) Rita & Yvette
 5(+0) Joel & Ashley
 6(+0) Anne & Tanya
 7(+0) Steph & Kristen
 8(+0) Julie & Lowell
 9(+0) Frankie & Amy


Who has all their ducks in a

Contestants are given a pole with a flag at the top and must use this to guide exactly 20 ducks into a pen. All the pens are next to each other in the middle of a larger enclosure which holds 300 ducks.

Kate admits of being afraid of feathered animals, but she thinks she will do fine, specially since she doesn't need to actually touch the ducks.

This task is harder than it seems. Lots of contestants have trouble with ducks escaping when they open the gate to herd more ducks into their pen.
 "The heat is unlike any heat I have ever experienced in my life", Rita
 "Unfortunately the ducks are very smart and very sneaky", Kate about the escaping ducks
 "I love animals, this is definitely going to be very easy", Stéphane thinks this is going to be a walk in the park
 "This is not easy, and I love ducks", Ashley

Stéphane has a not so successful tactic at this road block. He helps other teams in the vain hope that they will help him. Unfortunately none do.
 "Don't waste your time opening other people's pens", Antoine is frustrated by his dads tactics

It is really hot and Stéphane looks like he is about to collapse. After a while he has a moment of success and manages to get 18 ducks into his pen. But as he is chasing the last ones nine of them escape. He is getting more and more fatigued and after 2+ hours, when they are the last team left, he decides to give up and take the penalty.

Steph is smart and realize that the key to beating this challenge is to work together with somebody else. She teams up with Amy and together they make short work of the task.

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock):
1(+4)Joel & Ashley*     (2-2)
2(-1)Kelly & Kate*      (2-2)
3(+0)Jilian* & Emmett   (2-2)
4(+1)Anne & Tanya*      (2-2)
5(-1)Rita* & Yvette     (2-2)
6(+1)Steph* & Kristen   (2-2)
7(+2)Frankie & Amy*     (2-2)
8(+0)Julie* & Lowell    (2-2)
9(-7)Stéphane* & Antoine(2-2)Gave up and took the penalty

The next clue directs teams to carry two ducks to the chaotic Cái Bè land market and deliver their ducks to a specific duck vendor.

 "I hope he doesn't make you for supper", Ashley talks to her duck

Teams deliver their ducks in the same order they completed the detour.

Kelly & Kate find they speed bump net to the duck vendor. They must transport 20 toads to a pen on the other side of the market. They end up hand-carrying them so they need to make 5 runs.
 "Toads! Are you kidding me?", Kate gets the title
The speed bump seems to be pretty quick and only one other team pass them while they are performing it.


Detour: "Vibrate" or

Vibrate: Join a troupe of
Vietnamese Drum
Dancers and perform
one of their traditional
dances to receive your
next clue.

Hydrate: Transport 60
coconuts up river in a
Sampan and serve
coconut water to a local
construction crew to
receive your next clue.

NOTE: There are limited
stations at both detours.

Vibrate takes place in the Chùa Phuóc ân temple. Teams must dress up for this detour option.

Ashley feel confident going into the detour since she is a dancer.

 "It's a little more complicated than anticipated", Yvette realize the dance is hard
 "Learning steps is not my strong point", Kristen

Steph & Kristen initially select dance, they look once at the demonstration before they decide to switch. Anne & Tanya see that and switch as well

 "Oh my god", Frankie after having seen the dance
 "What, did you think this was gonna be easy?", Amy knew what to expect

The dance is complicated but the judges turn out not be too strict and teams get accepted even though they make some minor errors.

Stéphane & Antoine arrive at the dance detour just as Rita & Yvette leave.

In coconuts teams must first load a sampan with 60 coconuts. Then paddle it upstream to a marked dock whee they must unload the coconuts and carry them a short distance.

Jillian & Emmett have serious troubles with the concept of teamwork, 'nuff said.

 "Italian vikings, here we go", Anne & Tanya start paddling with their coconuts

Julie & Lowell have trouble finding the start of the coconut detour. Julie spots Steph & Kristen paddling a sampan with coconuts and asks where they should go and Steph points them in the right direction.

Tanya is on the verge of collapsing as they are carrying the coconuts so she has to sit down and call for the medic.
 "I'm scared, my vision is blurred and I can not feel my legs and my feet", Tanya
As the medic is helping Tanya Anne keeps transporting the coconuts. After a while Tanya is declared fit to continue the race so she resumes transporting the coconuts.

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+0) Joel & Ashley, dance on their first shown attempt
 2(+1) Jilian & Emmett, coconuts
 3(-1) Kelly & Kate, dance on their first attempt
 4(+2) Steph & Kristen, started dance but switched to coconuts
 5(+0) Rita & Yvette, dance on their second attempt
 6(+1) Frankie & Amy, dance on their first attempt
 7(+1) Julie & Lowell, coconuts
 8(-4) Anne & Tanya, started dance but switched to coconuts
 9(+0) Stéphane & Antoine, started dance but switched to coconuts

Teams must now make their way by water taxi to the Mekong Lodge where the pit stop awaits. The clue does not say they need to take a water taxi so for some teams it take while before they realize they have to travel by water. Jillian & Emmett, Kelly & Kate and Steph & Kristen all run into each other and end up sharing a water taxi.

Teams reach Jon and check in in the following order:
       Joel & Ashley, get a 30 minute penalty for not taking the ferry
 1(+0) Joel & Ashley, win a trip to Tokyo
 2(+2) Steph & Kristen
       Jilian & Emmett, get a 30 minute penalty for not taking the ferry
 3(+0) Kelly & Kate, seconds after #2
 4(-2) Jilian & Emmett
       Rita & Yvette, get a 30 minute penalty for not taking the ferry
 5(+1) Frankie & Amy
 6(-1) Rita & Yvette
       Anne & Tanya, get a 30 minute penalty for not taking the ferry
 7(+0) Julie & Lowell
       Stéphane & Antoine, still have their 4 hour penalty from skipping the detour
 8(+0) Anne & Tanya
 9(+0) Stéphane & Antoine, are eliminated

As they run to the pit stop Julie is a bit too rushed and manages to steer Lowell into one of the stems of the wines covering the walkway. When Jon later asks if he is okay his response is "Merely a flesh wound".

 "I don't know if he knows how amazing he is, I'm just very proud of him", Antoine about his dad

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Re: Racing report TAR Canada 4, episode 4
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2016, 03:17:51 PM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Canada Season 4, Episode 4, "Shine your light"
Film date: 2016-05-07

The last pit stop was at the Mekong Lodge close to Cái Bè. And this is where teams are released after a pit stop of about 48h.

Teams are released in the following order:
1.Joel & Ashley     11:41
2.Steph & Kristen   11:44+0:03
3.Kelly & Kate      11:45+0:04
4.Jilian & Emmett   12:14+0:33
5.Frankie & Amy     12:29+0:48
6.Rita & Yvette     12:52+1:11
7.Julie & Lowell    13:15+1:34
8.Anne & Tanya      13:44+2:03


Make your way by bus to
Hô Chi Minh City!

Once there, find Bà Thiên
Hâu Temple in Cho Lón
and search for your next

BMO is here to help. You
have 1.5 million Vietnam
Dong on your Cashback
MasterCard for this leg of
the Race.

Teams must now travel by water taxi to Cái Bè and then by public bus to Hô Chi Minh City.
 "We feel like home being in the city because we love shopping", Kate
 "We may bicker but it helps to push each other to win", Jillian

We get an interview with Steph & Kristen about that they must give away the second express pass this leg. They are considering giving it to Frankie & Amy or Anne & Tanya.
 "We just feel a connection with them, and we know that when it comes down to it we can beat them in a footrace", Kristen

Teams start by taking local bus #3. This seems to leave fairly often so teams are spread onto a few different buses.

Bus #1 carries:
 Joel & Ashley
 Steph & Kristen
 Kelly & Kate

Bus #2 carries:
 Jilian & Emmett

Bus #3 carries:
 Frankie & Amy (just missed #2)

Bus #4 carries:
 Rita & Yvette

Bus #5 carries:
 Julie & Lowell

Bus #6 carries:
 Anne & Tanya

 "I hope that doesn't give us bad karma", Jillian when they are happy that Frankie & Amy missed their bus

Once teams arrive in Hô Chi Minh City they jump into taxis and make their way to the Bà Thiên Hâu Temple. This temple turns out to be dedicated to the protector of travelers. Teams must now take part in a ceremony where they must release birds. This is said to release negative energies and bring good luck.

This task is pretty simple. Pick a cage, bring it out in the courtyard and open it. Wait for the birds to leave.


Make your way to the
corner of Lý Chính Thăng
and Nguyên Thông and
search for your next clue.

Teams arrive at the clue box in this corner in the following order:
 1(+1) Steph & Kristen
 2(+1) Kelly & Kate
 3(-2) Joel & Ashley, just after #2
 4(+0) Jilian & Emmett, before the first team is done
 5(+1) Rita & Yvette, after the first three teams have left
 6(-1) Frankie & Amy
 7(+0) Julie & Lowell, before team #5 is done
 8(+0) Anne & Tanya, after all others have left


Who feels like a tool?

In this road block contestants must enter a nearby mechanics shop (just across the road) and assemble a scooter. Teams are given a set of tools, an instruction booklet in Vietnamese and a set of parts (all of which must be used).

 "For my 18th birthday my dad got me a toolkit and said 'since there's not gonna be a man around you gotta learn how to use these'", Kristen
 "I always feel like a tool because I'm a mechanic", Joel feel that this task is made for him
 "This is totally not my thing", Kelly is not comfortable with this task
 "Yeah, this is my thing", Emmett is also used to assembling bikes

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock):
1(+2)Joel* & Ashley     (3-2)
2(-1)Steph & Kristen*   (2-3)
3(+1)Jilian & Emmett*   (2-3)
4(-2)Kelly* & Kate      (3-2)
5(+1)Frankie* & Amy     (3-2)
6(-1)Rita & Yvette*     (2-3)
7(+0)Julie* & Lowell    (3-2)
8(+0)Anne* & Tanya      (3-2)

After the road block we get to see Rita & Yvette getting escorted by their taxi driver across the street. Crossing the street in Vietnam is an experience out of the ordinary due to the enormous amount of scooters occupying the road.


Bon Appétit!

Make your way to Quán A
Sòi Quân 1 and enjoy a
plate of local delicacies to
receive your next clue.

 "I'm hoping Cheesecake but I don't think that's gonna happen", Joel

The plate of delicacies turns out to consist of fried crickets, centipedes, worms and a bat. Each team get one plate and once they have finished it they get a dessert. A pair of big fat juicy living Coconut worms. They must eat one each to receive their next clue.

 "Oh god, I can't eat that. I hate bugs so much", Ashley after she sees the plate of local delicacies
 "Let's get this over and done with so I can move on with my life", Ashley

Ashley reacts strongly when the "dessert" (live worms) is presented but she eats it rather quickly.

 "When I look into the bats eyes it gets way worse", Steph
 "It's really good, I'm sorry about the face", Steph apologizes to the locals after her meal

 "Oh, it's bugs", Kelly & Kate are not scared of this task
 "I'm a vegetarian animal lover", Amy do not feel she can do this
 "At least they are not alive", Julie when they get the main course

Teams complete the meal in the following order:
 1(+0) Joel & Ashley, before the next team even arrives
 2(+1) Jilian & Emmett
 3(-1) Steph & Kristen
 4(+0) Kelly & Kate
 5(+1) Rita & Yvette
 6(-1) Frankie & Amy
 7(+0) Julie & Lowell
 8(+0) Anne & Tanya


Detour: "Flip Flop" or "V-

Flip Flop: Perform a bottle-
tossing routine of flair
bartending fast enough to
impress the bar manager to
receive your next clue.


The FLip Flop option takes part at the Glow rooftop bar. Teams must master a flair-bartending routine. Both team members must perform the routine simultaneously, but they do not need to be in sync.

V-Pop takes place at Kingdom Karaoke. Teams must use a phonetic guide to memorize and properly pronounce the words of a popular Vietnamese pop song (Shine Your Light). Once they have managed to perform it in front of an audience they will get their next clue. They only need to get the words and pronunciations right, it does not matter if they are out of tune.

 "Oh my god, am I really a good singer?", Jillian turns out to better than Emmett

Jillian & Emmett are first at the karaoke detour. They make one failed attempt and then go back to study. After a while Emmett say that he will not be able to learn this and that he is afraid that other teams will pass them. So they switch to the bartending task. Once they see the bartending demonstration Jillian wants to switch back, but Emmett vetoes this.

 "We sing in church you know. Singing Karaoke, how hard can it be?", Rita & Yvette are abut to find out
 "This smiling little sunshine face turns into cranky Frankie", Frankie found the song frustrating

Jillian & Emmett are really getting stressed at the bartending task when the other teams who were there manage to complete the task. They may even think they are last, and then Anne & Tanya arrive and they know they are fighting to avoid elimination. Anne & Tanya get a boost of energy when they see that one other team is here since they have not seen anybody else during the entire day.
 "Come on love we can do this, we ate a whole bunch of bugs", Anne wants to remain in the race

Team complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+3) Kelly & Kate, sing on their 1st attempt
 2(+1) Steph & Kristen, bar on their 25th attempt
 3(+2) Rita & Yvette, sing on their 2nd attempt
 4(+2) Frankie & Amy, sing on their 2nd attempt
 5(-4) Joel & Ashley, bar on their 59th attempt
 6(+1) Julie & Lowell, sing on their 1st attempt
 7(-5) Jilian & Emmett, started to sing but switched to bar, which they completed on they 63rd attempt
 8(+0) Anne & Tanya, bar on their 30th attempt

The next route info tells teams to search for Jon on the pedestrian boulevard in front of the city hall.

The episode is edited to make it seem as if Anne & Tanya complete the detour just after Jillian & Emmett. But looking at the attempt counts it seems they made at least 14 more attempts before they got it. The editing also tries to make it look like it is a close finish, but it really is not.

Teams reach Jon in the following order:
 1(+0) Kelly & Kate, win a trip to Los Angeles
 2(+0) Steph & Kristen
 3(+0) Rita & Yvette
 4(+0) Frankie & Amy
 5(+0) Joel & Ashley, lost a footrace against Frankie & Amy
 6(+0) Julie & Lowell
 7(+0) Jilian & Emmett
 8(+0) Anne & Tanya, are eliminated

At the mat Jon asks Steph & Kristen who they want to give the second express pass to. They say Frankie & Amy so they will be brought back when the latter check in.

Unfortunately for Steph & Kristen, Joel & Ashley are also on the mat with Frankie & Amy when they give over the second express pass. So the secret is out.
 "In this race expect the unexpected. Steph & Kristen are a threat", Ashley

 "The whole point of this is for us to show our kids, try and try and try again and never give up", Anne

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Re: Racing report TAR Canada 4, episode 5
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2016, 03:59:57 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Canada Season 4, Episode 5, "Little blind tugboat that could"
Film date: 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-10

The last pit stop was on the pedestrian boulevard in front of the city hall in Ho Chi Mih City. Teams are released from a sidewalk at a different place in the city. They are released in the following order:
1.Kelly & Kate      10:28
2.Steph & Kristen   10:38+0:10
3.Rita & Yvette     11:17+0:49
4.Frankie & Amy     11:56+1:28
5.Joel & Ashley     11:57+1:29
6.Julie & Lowell    12:18+1:50
7.Jilian & Emmett   12:56+2:28

All teams are motivated for this leg. Steph & Kristen want to get first as a change (after 3 second places). Frankie & Amy are stoked about the express pass they got from Steph & Kristen in the previous leg and Jillian & Emmett want to get back into first where they think they belong.


Fly to Haida Gwaii, British

Once there, find your next
clue in the new 2017
Chevrolet Volt.

BMO is here to help. You
have $550 on your
Cashback MasterCard for
this leg of the Race.

We are not shown any airport drama so we can assume that the flights were pre-arranged. Teams first flew to Taipei on the 9th and from there they probably flew:
 BR10    TPE - YVR  02:03 - 21:46-1 (scheduled 23:55 - 19:40)
 AC8504  YVR - YZP  13:08 - 15:10   (scheduled 13:10 - 15:07)

We next see teams exiting the small plane in Sandspit, grab their bags from the cart outside and run for the cars. They must then drive to the ferry (14.5km 16min) which will take them to Skidegate. Once off the ferry they must drive themselves to the Haida heritage center and museum (950m) where they will find their next clue.

All teams catch the same ferry. The ferry ride is extremely scenic and they even come across a bunch of whales.

Teams arrive at the Heritage center in the following order:
 1. Jilian & Emmett
 2. Steph & Kristen
 3. Joel & Ashley
 4. Julie & Lowell
 5. Kelly & Kate
 6. Rita & Yvette
 7. Frankie & Amy

Road block: "Who wants the inside story?"

In this road block racers will need to find the carving shed where they can listen to 6 Haida storytellers. Each will tell the story of one of the six totem poles standing outside the center. Each story ends with the name of the carver. The racers must then go outside and identify each of the poles using the carvers name to the judge.

The stories are basically descriptions of the totem poles so they are fairly easy to recognize. The hard part is memorizing all the names. It seems the racers are forbidden to write anything down.

The six carvers they are asking for are: Ron Wilson, Tim Boyko, Jim Hart, Guujaaw, Garner Moody and Norman Price.

 "Being here makes me feel super proud to be a Canadian and call this home", Kristen

Rita & Julie immediately decide to work together. Towards the end Jillian also joins them and they all try to solve the task.

 "Julie used to have an amazing memory, but then we had two kids and her memory kid of went south", Lowell
 "I think Amy's gonna do good. She's got the brains in this operation, that's for sure", Frankie

As Amy got her next clue and is running towards Frankie Jillian asks if she can help them (Jillian, Rita and Julie). But she pretends not to hear.

Later when Julie gets the clue she stops to help Jillian and Rita. She and Lowell home the others will remember this and help them in the future.

Jillian has a really hard time and has to shout a question to Julia and Rita who are waiting for her to get it.

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock):
1(+1)Steph & Kristen*   (2-4)
2(+1)Joel & Ashley*     (3-3)
3(+2)Kelly & Kate*      (3-3)
4(+3)Frankie & Amy*     (3-3)
5(-1)Julie* & Lowell    (4-2)
6(+0)Rita* & Yvette     (3-3)
7(-6)Jilian* & Emmett   (3-3)

The next clue is a route info which tells teams to drive themselves to the Spirit Lake trail (3min 2.0km). A bit up along the trail they will find tables with two piles of puzzle pieces. They must use these pieces to recreate two works of contemporary Haida art.

Teams arrive at the puzzles in the following order:
 1(+0) Steph & Kristen
 2(+0) Joel & Ashley
 3(+0) Kelly & Kate
 4(+0) Frankie & Amy
 5(+2) Jilian & Emmett
 6(-1) Julie & Lowell
 7(-1) Rita & Yvette

These are not your ordinary puzzle pieces which lock into each other. Rather these are long curved pieces in different colors. They only fit together in one way. There is nowhere for teams to see what the final images are supposed to look like.

Jillian & Emmett are extremely stressed when they arrive and they immediately start shouting questions to the nearest team, which happens to be Frankie & Amy.
 "What do you have to do Amy?", Emmett
 "That's super annoying, do it yourself[/]", Amy mutters to herself

The puzzles are hard so every team have time to arrive here before the first team completes the puzzle.

 "I'm stuck at this point", Joel
 "I think we need a strategy, we are just trying to put random things together right now", Kelly

Teams complete the puzzles in the following order:
 1(+0) Steph & Kristen
 2(+3) Jilian & Emmett
 3(-1) Joel & Ashley
 4(+3) Rita & Yvette
 5(+1) Julie & Lowell
 6(-2) Frankie & Amy
 7(-4) Kelly & Kate, seems to be quite a while after the others

The next clue is a route info directing teams to take a sea plane to Prince Rupert, BC. They must first drive to Queen Charlotte city (10min 8.8km) where they can board the plane which will fly them to Prince Rupert. Once they are back on land they may pick up a Camaro (lots of added engine noise in the rest of the episode). Finally they must search the town for the statue of its founding father.

Once Jillian & Emmett are done with the puzzle they stop and help Julie & Lowell. They do this since Julie helped Jillian in the previous road block, and they have to pass their station anyway. But as soon as Joel & Ashley are done Jillian & Emmett take off. They desperately want to catch a seaplane before Joel & Ashley (there is probably a minimum time between departures).

As they run to the car Jillian drop their clue on the ground. When they reach the car they realize the clue is missing. While Jillian is searching Emmett distracts Joel with questions. The plan is for Jillian & Emmett to get to the planes before Joel & Ashley, and they succeed with that.

The flight to Prince Rupert is like everything else gorgeous.
 "This is probably one of the most romantic things we've done", Steph

Teams reach the clue box by the statue in the following order:
 1(+0) Steph & Kristen
 2(+0) Jilian & Emmett
 3(+0) Joel & Ashley
 4(+2) Frankie & Amy
 5(-1) Rita & Yvette
 6(-1) Julie & Lowell
 7(+0) Kelly & Kate


Who's ready to Log On?

Note: The team member
who DID NOT participate in
the previous road block
MUST do this road block.

Teams must find the Cow Bay marina and take one of the water taxis that depart every 20 minutes. This will take them to the actual road block location, a log boom out in the bay. The task is for each player to use a small tug boat, called a dowser, to push three marked bundles of logs from one end of a lane to the other.

We also learn that there is a limited number of lanes and if a line does form teams will be allowed 20 minute shifts on the boats.

Julie & Lowell are not happy when they read this clue. Julie did the previous task and that means that Lowell must do this. He has very limited vision so this task will be hard for him.

The water taxis separates some teams and joins others.
Water taxi #1 carries:
 Steph & Kristen

Water taxi #2 carries:
 Jilian & Emmett

Water taxi #3 carries:
 Joel & Ashley

Water taxi #3 carries:
 Frankie & Amy
 Rita & Yvette

Water taxi #4 carries:
 Julie & Lowell, they missed #3 with seconds
They also meet team #1 who arrive with the boat after having done the task

Water taxi #5 carries:
 Kelly & Kate

 "This is sketchy", Steph realize that the tug boat swings a lot from the sides when you drive it
 "She drives a boat almost as well as she dances, which is not good", Kristen about Stephs driving
 "Emmett is pretty awesome at almost everything, except being a boyfriend", Jillian thinks Emmett's i driving the boat well
 "We are so hungry for this win", Kristen wants to be first
 "The tug boat looks really rocky so I hope she doesn't start harfing", Amy hopes her mom does ok
 "He doesn't usually get to operate machinery like this", Julie about her almost bind husband (who is also very happy)

The first bundle of logs which Frankie delivers turns out to not be marked, so it does not count. This makes her angry so she starts killing the task. Instead of fetching the bundles one by one she gets all three in one go.

 "The little blind tug boat that could", Julie gets the title when Lowell delivers his first bunch
 "Kelly is very scared of operating motor vehicles", Kate

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock):
1(+0)Steph* & Kristen   (3-4)
2(+0)Jilian & Emmett*   (3-5)
3(+1)Frankie* & Amy     (4-3)
4(-1)Joel* & Ashley     (4-3)
5(+0)Rita & Yvette*     (3-4)
6(+0)Julie & Lowell*    (4-3)
7(+0)Kelly* & Kate      (4-3)

Teams must now make their way to the finishing village of Port Edward where they must find the old North Pacific Cannery (24min 22.5km) where Jon and the pit stop awaits.

The first step of the journey is to take the water taxi back to shore. As before this leaves once every 20 minutes.

Water taxi #1 carries:
 Steph & Kristen

Water taxi #2 carries:
 Jilian & Emmett
This is actually the taxi which carried Frankie & Amy and Rita & Yvette
to the log boom.

Water taxi #3 carries:
 Frankie & Amy
 Joel & Ashley

Water taxi #4 carries:
 Rita & Yvette
This is the taxi which brought Kelly & Kate to the log boom

Water taxi #5 carries:
 Julie & Lowell

Water taxi #6 carries:
 Kelly & Kate

The editors try to trick us into thinking that it is a tight race between the first two teams. But Steph & Kristen have a 20 minute head start due to the water taxis so it is not close in reality. The editors then try the same trick with the last two teams, with the same result.

 "We are following Joel & Ashley, we want to beat them to the mat", Frankie as they drive towards the pit stop
 "Careful now, don't kill each other", John when two teams have footrace to the mat

Teams reach Jon in the following order:
 1(+0) Steph & Kristen, win a trip to New York
 2(+0) Jilian & Emmett
 3(+0) Frankie & Amy, won a footrace against #4
 4(+0) Joel & Ashley
 5(+0) Rita & Yvette
 6(+0) Julie & Lowell
 7(+0) Kelly & Kate, are eliminated

 "It sucks, we want o be in that #1 spot", Emmett is not happy about their placement

 "This race has really opened our eyes to what the world has to offer, most importantly what Canada has to offer", Kate

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Re: Racing report TAR Canada 4, episode 6
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2016, 08:08:22 PM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Canada Season 4, Episode 6, "Am I actually operating the plane?"
Film date: 2016-05-12? - 2016-05-13

The last pit stop was at the North Pacific Cannery in Prince Rupert, BC. Teams are released from a different location. It is unclear exactly which day they start racing but it must have been the 12th or possibly the 11th.

1.Steph & Kristen   14:09
2.Jilian & Emmett   14:28+0:19
3.Frankie & Amy     15:01+0:52
4.Joel & Ashley     15:03+0:54
5.Rita & Yvette     15:10+1:01
6.Julie & Lowell    15:29+1:19

We learn that Steph & Kristen worry that people will find out they have an express pass. Meanwhile Frankie & Amy want to use theirs to get first in this leg.


Fly to Hamilton, Ontario!

Once there, make your way
to the BMO main branch in
downtown Hamilton and
search inside for your next

BMO is here to help. You
have $400 on your
Cashback MasterCard for
this leg of the Race.

There is no airport drama shown and all teams are on the same flights from Prince Rupert via Vancouver and on to Toronto. Teams then travel by taxi from Toronto to Hamilton.

In Toronto there is an entirely expected mad dash for the taxis.
 "It's the first time we've seen the front of Steph & Kristen's faces, usually it's the backs of their heads and butts", Julie is happy to be in the first taxi

Teams reach the BMO branch in Hamilton in the following order:
 1. Julie & Lowell
 2. Steph & Kristen
 3. Frankie & Amy
 4. Jilian & Emmett
 5. Rita & Yvette
 6. Joel & Ashley

Here each team receives a tablet with a special message. This turns out to be a video message from home. All the messages ends with their loved ones telling the racers to make their way to the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum and find their next clue.

Teams jump back into their taxis and make for the museum. Teams reach the clue box here in the same order the visited the bank.


Who's the best backseat

Once teams have decided who is going to do this they can open the clue and read:

Take the controls of a World
War II era military plane and
execute a perfectly timed
360-degree turn to receive
your next clue.

The plane is a DeHaviland Chipmunk from 1952. The pilot will fly to a safe altitude and then give the racers control of the plane. They must then execute the turn without changing altitude more then 200 feet up or down. players will receive instructions on how to fly the plane before departure.

There seems to be three planes available at the museum (16min 20km) and once a racer has made two attempts it seems they must land and sign up for a new flight.

 "Am I actually operating the plane?", Steph thought this was going to be a simulator thing (and gets the title)
 "Is it safe to let random people drive these things?", Steph again, she sounds a bit worried

Julie is unfortunate and has to ask for a barf bag.

Frankie & Amy want to get first in a leg so they decide to use their express pass. The other teams see them arrive and then leave so they figure they used an express pass. Much speculation where they could have obtained this ensues. Kristen is very uncomfortable with this situation. She does not want the other teams to know they have an express pass, but she does not want to lie either.

Joel & Ashley is the only other team which knows that Steph & Kristen has an express pass. Kirsten has a chat with them and the end result is that Ashley promises to not say anything and Kristen promises they will not U-turn them.

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock):
1(+2)Frankie & Amy*     (4-4)Used their express pass
2(-1)Steph* & Kristen   (4-4)On her 2nd attempt
3(-2)Julie* & Lowell    (5-3)On her 2nd attempt
4(+0)Jilian* & Emmett   (4-5)On her 1st attempt
5(+0)Rita* & Yvette     (4-4)On her 2nd attempt
6(+0)Joel & Ashley*     (4-4)On her 2nd attempt


Make your way to the
Hamilton Bayfront Boat
Launch and search for
your next clue.

In the Bayfront park (20min 21km) teams will have to try three different action sports. First they must ride a mountain bike along a course then paddle a kayak across the harbor and finally both team members must climb up a climbing wall and ring the bell at the top.

Steph is not comfortable climbing and does not want to release her grip to ring the bell so she uses her head instead.

 "He's rocking it", Julie about Lowell when he's rock climbing. i.e. she has the same kind of humor as he has

Joel & Ashley are unlucky and their driver drives them to the wrong location, The Royal Hamilton Yacht Club, fortunately this is rather close to the real location. Then once they get to the rock climbing we learn that Ashley is very afraid of heights.
 "I'm scared already", Ashley after her first step up on the wall

Teams complete these tasks in he following order
 1(+0) Frankie & Amy, without seeing anybody else
 2(+0) Steph & Kristen
 3(+1) Jilian & Emmett
 4(-1) Julie & Lowell
 5(+0) Rita & Yvette
 6(+0) Joel & Ashley


Detour: "Dry Dock" or "Art

Dry Dock: Join the shipyard
crew at Heddle Marine
Service and weld two steel
plates together to receive
your next clue.

Art Rock: Recreate a work
of art to be used by
Collective Arts Brewery to
the high standards of the
original artist to receive your
next clue.

NOTE: There are limited
stations at both detours.

In dry dock each team member must use welding to create an airtight seal.

In art rock teams must recreate a work of art. They get a bunch of stencils and must figure out which of them to use and in which order to use them to recreate a given piece of artwork.

 "Kris is a professional. She's a lesbian, since fourteen", Steph when Kris gets her seal approved

Frankie & Amy have trouble with the welding. The more they try the worse their seals are getting.
 "The longer we're working on this, the worse it's getting. This is where we should have used out express pass", Frankie
After having failed 8 times they finally decide to switch. When they arrive at the art detour Rita & Yvette and Joel & Ashley are still there. This inspires Frankie & Amy and they think they have a chance to stay in the race.

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+1) Steph & Kristen, weld on their 3rd attempt
 2(+1) Jilian & Emmett, weld on their 6th attempt
 3(+1) Julie & Lowell, art (just as Joel & Ashley arrive)
 4(+1) Rita & Yvette, art
 5(-4) Frankie & Amy, started welding but switched to paint after failing the welding 8 times
 6(+0) Joel & Ashley, art


Make your way to
Dundurn Castle and
search the grounds for
Jon at your next Pit Stop.

Warning! The last team
to check in may be

 "We deserve this beer more than ever", Frankie & Amy brought a couple of beers from the art detour

Teams must now jump into taxis and make their way to the pit stop. They reach Jon in the following order:

 1(+0) Steph & Kristen, win a trip to Dehli, India
 2(+0) Jilian & Emmett
 3(+0) Julie & Lowell
 4(+0) Rita & Yvette
 5(+0) Frankie & Amy
 6(+0) Joel & Ashley, are saved by a keep on racing

On the mat Jon tells teams they are still racing and give them their next clue.

 "Oh my god, I can't believe we have to keep racing right now. I had a nice buzz going on", Frankie


Make your way by train to
the Limestone City,
Kingston, Ontario!

Once there, go to the
Springer Market Square and
search for your next clue.

For this leg of the Race you
have $580 on your BMO
Cashback MasterCard.

Caution, Double U-Turn

Teams must now travel by a local train from Aldershot to Toronto and then catch another train to Kingston.

Steph & Kristen leave just after 14:00. Jillian & Emmett just miss that train and catch the next train which is probably about 30 minutes later. Julie & Lowell also manage to catch this train. Later Frankie & Amy make the same train as Rita & Yvette.

Meanwhile on the first train Steph & Kristen borrow a phone and check the trains schedules. They find that there is one leaving Toronto at 15:30. The next train leaves at 17:40, and that is the last train for the day.

Given the fact that it seems to take 1 hour and 10 minutes to Toronto it seems Steph & Kristen is the oony team which can make the 15:30 train. The train to Kingston takes just over 2 hours. However I would say that the odds for an hours of operation in KIngston are extremely high.

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Re: Racing report TAR Canada 4, episode 6 is on page 1
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2016, 11:54:34 PM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Canada Season 4, Episode 7, "I could be prime minister"
Film date: 2016-05-13 - 2016-05-14

The last lag ended with a keep on racing pit stop at Dundurn Castle, Hamilton ON. The episode went on a bit after this and showed teams trying to get to Kingston via train.

Teams reached the mat in the following order:
1.Steph & Kristen   
2.Jilian & Emmett   
3.Julie & Lowell   
4.Rita & Yvette     
5.Frankie & Amy     
6.Joel & Ashley     15:37

This episode starts with the last team, Joel & Ashley, on the mat receiving their next clue.


Make your way by train to
the Limestone City,
Kingston, Ontario!

Once there, go to the
Springer Market Square and
search for your next clue.

For this leg of the Race you
have $580 on your BMO
Cashback MasterCard.

Caution, Double U-Turn

Teams first travel by Go train to Toronto and there they change to a different train which takes them to Kingston. There are only two more trains to Kingston today.

Train #1 departs 13:30 and carries:
 Steph & Kristen

Train #2 departs 17:40 and carries:
 Jilian & Emmett
 Julie & Lowell
 Rita & Yvette
 Frankie & Amy

In Toronto Jillian & Emmett grill Frankie & Amy about where they got the express pass. Frankie & Amy try to not say anything but give enough hints that the other figure out that Steph & Kristen have the other express pass. Strangely enough we never get to see anybody confront Steph & Kristen about this.

Poor Joel & Ashley miss the 17:40 train so they have to take the 06:40 train the next morning instead.

Meanwhile Steph & Kristen are happy to arrive in Kingston hours before any other team. That is until they get to Springer market and find a sign:
AT 9:30 AM

Joel & Ashley seem to arrive at the market right around 9:30 when the clues become available.


Make your way to Clarence
Street and unlock your all-
new 2016 Chevrolet Cruze
using the myChevrolet App
to find your next clue inside.

When teams arrive at Clarence street they find a number of cars (at least 16) and seven clear locked plastic cases which each contain a tablet. Each team must now claim a case (by putting a name tag on it) and then try the different four-digit codes on the license plates until they find which one opens their case. They can then retrieve the tablet and open the car with the app.

Teams get to their tablets in the following order:
 1. Rita & Yvette
 2. Frankie & Amy
 3. Joel & Ashley
 4. Jilian & Emmett
 5. Steph & Kristen
 6. Julie & Lowell

Inside each car is a clue

Detour: "On the Field" or

On the field: Suit up
against the Queen's
University Women's Soccer
Champions. Then pass an
accuracy drill before trying
to score a goal in a real

Offshore: Rig a sailboat to
make it seaworthy, then
take a sailing lesson to
reach your clue floating on
the water.

In the soccer challenge teams will have to get into a giant plastic bubble, which covers the top half of their body, and roll once before passing a ball between them a few times and finally score a goal. All this has to be done in under 25 seconds. The goalkeeper is also in a bubble and will charge the team member preparing to shoot. It seems as if the goalie waits longer before charging for each failed attempt a team makes.

In the sailing task teams must first rig their boat according to an example. Once approved they must sail their boat to a buoy where their next clue awaits. Sailing to the buoy seems fairly easy, but grabbing the clue is not You need to get close enough with a slow enough speed.

Steph & Kristen discuss whether to use the express pass or not. It turns out this is the last leg where it can be used.

 "This is complicated", Frankie about the rigging

 "You got smoked", Jillian to Emmett when after the goalkeeper got him
 "He definitely got easier on you", Emmett to Kristen after the latter also got hit
 "Oh my god, we're gonna die", Ashley when she spot the soccer challenge

Joel & Ashley arrive to the soccer challenge after Steph & Kristen have left. Julie & Lowell arrive as Jillian & Emmett leave.

Lowell has a really hard time with the soccer. The big bubbles they have to encase themselves in limits the players visit so Lowell can hardly see anything. He has to peer through the top or bottom, and that is very time consuming.

Rita & Yvette need a lesson in the fine art of docking the boat. But after a few tries they also succeed.

 "The fact that we have to go on the water in something we rigged freaks me out", Ashley

Eventually Julie & Lowell switch to the sailing detour. And that seems to go fairly well. Their only mishap is that as Julie is trying to grab the clue Lowell gets hit in the head by the boom. It does not really hurt him since he is wearing a helmet but hes does get pushed overboard.
 "Whoa, what's happening", Julie does not see that her team mate just fell into the water
The situation is never critical and Lowell can climb back into the boat without help.

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+4) Steph & Kristen, soccer on their 5th attempt
       Jilian & Emmett, soccer on their 9th attempt
       Joel & Ashley, soccer
 2(+0) Frankie & Amy, yacht
 3(+1) Jilian & Emmett, thatch
 4(-3) Rita & Yvette, watch
 5(-2) Joel & Ashley
 6(+0) Julie & Lowell, started soccer but witched to yacht after 5 failed attempts

The next clue is a route info: "Drive yourselves to the penitentiary and search the front entrance for your next clue." Here teams find the U-turn board. Steph & Kristen reach it first and are determined to use it. The question is which team to U-turn. They discuss this and end up U-turning Jillian & Emmett.

Jillian & Emmett is the second team to reach the U-turn board and they U-turn Joel & Ashley because this is a team they know is behind them.

The clue here tells teams to search through the cells of the penitentiary for their next clue. The clues are placed in the middle of the floor in some cells.

Rita & Yvette are smart and search from the top down, and they seem to find the clue very fast.

Julie & Lowell struggle with this task as well since Lowell is blind in low-light situations.
 "Today is a very visual day", Lowell

Teams find their next clue in the following order:
 1(+0) Steph & Kristen
 2(+1) Jilian & Emmett
 3(-1) Frankie & Amy
 4(+0) Rita & Yvette
 5(+0) Joel & Ashley
 6(+0) Julie & Lowell


Drive yourselves to
Bellevue House, Sir John A.
MacDonald's Kingston
home, and search for your
next clue.

Teams reach the Bellevue house in the following order:
 1(+0) Steph & Kristen
 2(+0) Jilian & Emmett, after #1 has left
 3(+1) Rita & Yvette
 4(-1) Frankie & Amy
 5(+0) Joel & Ashley
 6(+0) Julie & Lowell, as #5 leave the task


Who wants to be first?

In this road block contestants must dress up as Sir John A. MacDonald. They must then memorize a speech and deliver it to an audience dressed in period clothing.

Steph & Kristen think about using the express pass but decide to try the task first.
 "We're not sure if this is our last road block or if there's going to be another challenge ahead", Steph

 "Larders? What are larders?", Emmett has trouble parsing the speech

Ashley feel this road block was made for her as she has been an actress since she was 5. And indeed she does seem to do very well.

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock):
1(+0)Steph & Kristen*   (4-5)On her 2nd attempt
2(+1)Rita & Yvette*     (4-5)On her 2nd attempt
3(+1)Frankie & Amy*     (4-5)After at least 3 attempts
4(+1)Joel & Ashley*     (4-5)On her 1st attempt
5(-3)Jilian & Emmett*   (4-5)After at least 7 attempts
6(+0)Julie & Lowell*    (5-4)On his 1st attempt

 "You know I could be prime minister", Kristen after the task (and she gets the title)

Th next clue is a route info: "Drive yourselves to the Kingston Mills lock station and search for Jon and your next pit stop".

The episode is cut to make it look like a tight race between the last three teams. In reality it is only tight between #4 and #5, and we get a footrace between them.

Teams reach Jon at the pt stop in the following order:
 1(+0) Steph & Kristen, win a trip to Rome
 2(+0) Rita & Yvette
 3(+1) Joel & Ashley
 4(+1) Jilian & Emmett
 5(-1) Frankie & Amy, lost a footrace against #4
 6(+0) Julie & Lowell, are eliminated

At the mat Steph & Kristen have to hand over their express pass since it had to be used by the 7th leg.
 "We didn't use it, but it really felt good to always have it in our back pocket", Steph

 "The Amazing race has been an amazing experience that we will never forget", Lowell
« Last Edit: August 29, 2016, 11:46:12 PM by maf »

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Re: Racing report TAR Canada 4, episode 8
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2016, 11:44:24 PM »
 Racing report
Amazing Race Canada Season 4, Episode 8, "I just wanna win"
Film date: 2016-05-16 - 2016-05-17

The last pit stop was at the Kingston Mills lock station outside Kingston, ON. Teams are released from city hall in downtown Kingston in the following order:
1.Steph & Kristen   09:09
2.Rita & Yvette     10:35+1:26
3.Joel & Ashley     10:45+1:36
4.Jilian & Emmett   10:58+1:49
5.Frankie & Amy     10:59+1:50

The first clue tells teams to fly to Havana, Cuba, and that they get $450 for this leg of the race. Teams travel by train to the Toronto airport and from there they fly to Havana. All teams are on the same
  AC1752  YYZ-HAV  18:55 - 22:12  (scheduled 18:55 - 22:20)

This flight arrives late in the night and we can kind of figure that it seems to be dark outside when teams jump into the taxis. But the following shots have teams traveling in the morning. So they must have spent the night somewhere and are then released the following morning.

Teams must now make their way to Castillo real de la Fuerza. This old fort is now a large museum. Here teams must find the replica (as a small scale model) of a famous Canadian ship, the Blue Nose. Their next cue can be found in a box next to the ship.

Teams find the clue by the ship model in the following order:
 1. Jilian & Emmett
 2. Steph & Kristen, just after #1
 3. Joel & Ashley
 4. Frankie & Amy
 5. Rita & Yvette, just after #3


Detour: "Sugar" or "Shake"

Sugar: Extract sugarcane
juice to restock a popular
bar in old Havana, then
serve drinks in Parque
Humboldt to receive your
next clue.

Shake: Watch the locals
performs Cuba's famous
casino-style salsa.

The sugar detour takes place in the Havana club rum museum. Here teams must manually push sugarcane through a grinder until they have extracted 15 liters of sugarcane juice. Once complete they must each carry two trays with four drinks each to Parque Humboldt, which seems to be just around the corner. Once they have delivered the drinks they can go back to Havana club and get their next clue.

In shake teams must make their way to Parque Humboldt and learn a dance known as Casino Salsa. This is an intricate dance for up to 4 couples.

 "I am overwhelmed", Frankie when trying to learn the dance
 "We're gonna do all of that?", Joel after having seen the dance once
 "The thing that is most difficult for me is someone leading me... I like to lead", Ashley has a hard time letting her dad lead

 "This is by far the most intense workout I've ever had in my... entire... life", Emmett

The sugar detour turns into an intense head to head contest between Jillian & Emmett and Steph & Kristen. Jillian & Emmett arrive first so they have a lead but Steph & Kristen start catching up. Then the latter put too many sugar canes into their grinder so it jams. Steph see a machete nearby so she grabs it and start hacking at the stuck sugarcane. This is not a good idea when you are super stressed and predictably she cuts her finger fairly bad.
 "I just wanna win", Steph as the staff dresses her wound (and she gets the title)

As Steph is getting her wound dressed Kristen is told she can switch to another grinder, there are three stations, so she finishes the grinding part of the task.
 "Good news Kris, it's still attached", Steph still has all her fingers
Fortunately the drinks carrying part of this detour is fairly simple so Steph can do it even with a bandaged finger.

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+4) Rita & Yvette, salsa on their 1st attempt
 2(-1) Jilian & Emmett, sugar
 3(-1) Steph & Kristen, sugar
 4(-1) Joel & Ashley, salsa on their 2nd attempt
 5(-1) Frankie & Amy, salsa o their 1st attempt


Make your way to the
Cámara Oscura and pay
attention to the guided
tour to figure out the
location of your next

This is a regular Camera Obscura and the guided tour consists of a guide showing different landmarks through it and talking a bit about them. One of the landmarks, the Ambos Mundos Hotel, has a race-flag hanging from the wall. The guide mentions that Hemingway lived here for five years in room 511. This is where teams will find their next clue.

 "We don't actually know what we are looking for", Rita

Steph & Kristen arrive just after Jillian & Emmett so they have to wait while the former get their tour. As they are waiting on the terrace Steph notices the race flag hanging from the Ambos Mundos Hotel. So when they go in to the tour they know which building they are interested in.

Teams leave the Cámara Oscura in the following order:
 1(+0) Rita & Yvette, leave as team #2 arrive
 2(+0) Jilian & Emmett
 3(+0) Steph & Kristen
 4(+1) Frankie & Amy
 5(-1) Joel & Ashley

Teams get their clue from the Hemingway museum in the hotel in the same order they left the Cámara Oscura.


It's time for a Face Off!

Make your way to Mi
Cayito in Playas Del Este
and beat another Race
team at beach volleyball to
earn your next clue.

Here teams must face each other in beach volleyball. The first team to get 15 points get their next clue while the losers must wait for the next team to arrive and play them. The final loser must wait a predetermined amount of time before they get their next clue.

There is an intense taxi race between the first three teams to get to the volleyball location since all want to be in the first game.

Teams arrive to the volleyball beach in the following order:
 1(+2) Steph & Kristen
 2(+0) Jilian & Emmett
 3(-1) Rita & Yvette
 4(+0) Frankie & Amy
 5(+0) Joel & Ashley

Emmett looks forward to playing Steph & Kristen. He wants to beat them to get revenge for the U-turn in the previous episode.

Steph is having problems with the injured finger and they have to pause the game once for her to get it properly taped. This is also the first time we see a bit of tension between Steph & Kristen as they narrowly loose their first game.
 "I'm pissed, I'm really mad we lost that one", Kristen
 "Look, I love love love beach volleyball. But I hate losing way more than I love beach volleyball", Kristen

Other teams also have their issues:
 "She doesn't want to listen to anything that I have to say, as per usual", Amy about her mother
 "It's a slaughterhouse in here", Frankie after they get soundly beaten by Rita & Yvette

Teams leave the volleyball in the following order:
 1(+1) Jilian & Emmett, win against Steph & Kristen with 15-12
 2(-1) Steph & Kristen, win against Rita & Yvette with 15-12
 3(+0) Rita & Yvette, win against Frankie & Amy with 15-5
 4(+1) Joel & Ashley, win against Frankie & Amy with 15-13
 5(-1) Frankie & Amy


Make your way to
Pedrito's Max Brakes
and search for your next

Teams arrive at Pederito's Max Brakes in the same order they left the volleyball. Here they find a road block: "Who's ready to seal the deal?".

In this road block teams must use the provided tools and part of an old tire to make three gaskets. There is a silent demonstration they can watch. This is the kind of task where you have to take your time and concentrate on getting it right. But once you get one done the following two seem to be fairly easy.

 "It's hot", Emmett

 "I'm freaking out, Steph is not in a good mindset right now", Kristen has a hard time waiting
Steph & Kristen has not really had their day today. And at the road block Steph is hot, stressed and not at all happy.

Rita is also getting frustrated with this task, and that is not ideal when what you need to do small fiddly work with tools.

 "Oh my god, I'm an idiot", Frankie realize what she has been doing wrong.
Once Frankie realizes what she has been doing wrong she seems to whip out the three gaskets very quickly.

Eventually Rita figure out how to do the task and get the gaskets done. But it seems they are quite a bit behind the others.

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock):
1(+0)Jilian & Emmett*   (4-6)
2(+2)Joel* & Ashley     (5-5)
3(-1)Steph* & Kristen   (5-5)
4(+1)Frankie* & Amy     (5-5)
5(-2)Rita* & Yvette     (5-5)


Make your way to
Restaurante La Divina
Pastora at El Morro and
search the grounds for
Jon and your next Pit

Warning! The last team
to check in may be

Teams reach the pit stop in the following order:
 1(+0) Jilian & Emmett, win a trip to Cancun, Mexico
 2(+0) Joel & Ashley
 3(+0) Steph & Kristen
 4(+0) Frankie & Amy
 5(+0) Rita & Yvette, are saved by a non-elimination

 "We're not quitters", Rita

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Re: Racing report TAR Canada 4, episode 9
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2016, 03:21:26 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Canada Season 4, Episode 9, "For Those About To Rock"
Film date: 2016-05-19 - 2016-05-20

The last pit stop was by Restaurante La Divina Pastora at El Morro in Havana, Cuba. Teams seem to be released from somewhere in front of the Melia hotel, Havana, in the following order:

1.Jilian & Emmett   00:53
2.Joel & Ashley     02:35+1:42
3.Steph & Kristen   02:43+1:50
4.Frankie & Amy     03:17+2:24
5.Rita & Yvette     04:17+3:24


Fly to Cape Breton Island,
Nova Scotia!

Once there, choose an all
new 2016 Chevrolet Malibu
and search inside for your
next clue.

BMO is here to help. For
this leg of the Race you
have $300 on your
Cashback MasterCard.

Caution: Double U-Turn

When Rita & Yvette turn up at the airport the other teams learn that last leg was a non-elimination. There is a marked non-enthusiasm about this.
 "Sucks for you guys but it rocks for us", Rita & Yvette

All teams end up on the same set of flights to Sydney, NS, via Toronto and Halifax. They probably flew:
  AC1753 HAV - YYZ  08:00 - 11:11  (scheduled 08:00 - 11:25)
  AC614  YYZ - YHZ  15:48 - 18:09  (scheduled 15:00 - 18:06)
  AC8812 YHZ - YQY  19:14 - 20:05  (scheduled 19:25 - 20:15)

Route info: "Drive yourselves to the Canadian Coast Guard College". They also learn that the team which drives the shortest distance during this leg will win $5000.

It is evening when teams arrive in Sydney and the sun casts lovely evening rays. But when they arrive at the coast guard college it is overcast so they have probably spent the night in Sydney.

Teams reach the clue box by the coast guard college (26k 23min) in the following order:
 1. Steph & Kristen
 2. Frankie & Amy
 3. Jilian & Emmett, seconds after #1
 4. Rita & Yvette
 5. Joel & Ashley

Teams must now gear up and jump into a small coast guard rib boat. In each boat lies a set of directions. Teams must follow these and will eventually reach one of two rescue locations. Here one team member must get into the water and rescue one dummy victim. They must then bring the dummy to the ambulance waiting ashore.

The instructions in one of the boats reads:
1.  When departing the college basin, direct the coxswain to steer to port or to
    starboard as needed. For a visual steering mark ahead, look for a blue water
    tank on the hilltop. Direct the coxswain to adjust vessel speed.
2.  Once you past the vessel Princess of Acadia, look for a blue structure to the
    left of the water tower. Steer for the blue structure.
3.  Cross the harbour.
4.  Prior to reaching the ruin piles (old logs sticking up from the water), you will
    need to search for the white and orange range markers on your starboard
5.  The white and orange markers must be aligned behind you to navigate
6.  Head straight out to sea. For a visual steering mark ahead, look for a large
    green building on the horizon. Continue on range until the last breakwater
    (wall of stones) is on port beam.
7.  Steer toward the breakwater and search for a body in the water.
8.  Deploy your rescue equipment. One teammate must swim to a body in the
    water and bring it abord. Remember when using the rescue equipment that
    the head must be at the bow. Recover your teammate using the same equipment.
9.  Direct your coxswain back toward the college. Again remember to provide
    port or starboard instructions as necessary.

10. Once in the college basin, your coxswain will put the vessel alongside the

The back side of the instruction sheet contains a boat outline with Sosa nautical terms; starboard port, abeam, bow and stern marked.

 "Which one is which?", Rita and Yvette has a hard time with port and starboard
 "It depends on what kind of left you are talking about", A while later they still are not sure

The boats turn out to be really fast and fun to ride. They also has an interesting and very smart contraption used to roll bodies from the water into the boat.

 "Just your everyday hero", Steph when they roll Kristen aboard again
 "Getting this body from the water is crazy hard work[\i]", Emmett

Rita & Yvette has a hard time following the instructions so when they spot Joel & Ashley they just go there. Unfortunately this is the wrong rescue location. Rita & Yvette only learn this when they deliver the dummy to the ambulance and get told they have to go back out on the boat to get one from the right location.

Teams complete this task in the following order:
 1(+2) Jilian & Emmett
 2(-1) Steph & Kristen, just after #1
 3(-1) Frankie & Amy
 4(+1) Joel & Ashley
 5(-1) Rita & Yvette, had to redo the task.

As teams leave the coast guard college a number of coast guard members stand along the road and give the a round of applause. On the other side of the road is a speed bump sign for Rita & Yvette. They have to transport two sacks of mail from the coast guard college to the Christmas island post office (55km 41min). Once there they have to stamp all the letters before they can continue to the Highland village (7km 6min).

The other teams can go directly to the detour.


"Feel the Rhythm" or
"Feel the Burn"

Feel the Rhythm: Put on
a kilt an perform a
Highland dance with
Cape Bretoners to
receive your next clue.

Feel the Burn: Test your
strength and compete in
the traditional Highland

Teams have to change into kilts for both sides of the detour and they both take place at the Highland village (62km 48min).

The dance seems to be quite arduous, but not overly complicated once you figure out the basic structure.

In the highland games teams must perform a caber toss (toss a pole so it flips and lands between two lines), a farmers walk (carrying two heavy logs) and the stone throw (where the stone must land on a fairly small marked spot).

At the games the ladies get smaller logs and the spot they need to hit is a little bit close. They probably also got slightly smaller poles in the caber toss.

Steph has a hard time with the farmers walk since she injured her finger in the previous leg.

 "Are you kidding me? No joke how heavy that is", Emmett when he lifts the logs he has to carry.

 "I just have to imagine throwing this on Steph & Kristen", Ashley motivates herself at the caber toss after being U-turned
 "My body is beat", Ashley after completing the games

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+1) Steph & Kristen, games
 2(-1) Jilian & Emmett, games
 3(+0) Frankie & Amy, games
       Joel & Ashley, dance on their 3rd attempt
       Rita & Yvette, dance on their 2nd shown attempt
 4(+0) Joel & Ashley, games
 5(+0) Rita & Yvette, games


Make your way on foot to
the Blackhouse in
Highland Village.

Caution: Double U-Turn

On twitter we learn that Steph & Kristen made a pact with Jillian & Emmett at the coast guard college that they would not U-turn each other.

Steph & Kristen U-turns Joel & Ashley and Jillian & Emmett U-turns Rita & Yvette.
 "Our plan is to U-turn Rita & Yvette so that Joel & Ashley can't U-turn Frankie & Amy", Emmett
Emmett wants Frankie & Amy in the finals since he considers them to be a weak team.

 "Not seeing our picture on the U-turn board is like waking up every morning without a pimple in your face, it feels great",Amy

Route info: "Drive yourselves to the fortress of Louisburg and search the waterfront for your next clue".

Teams arrive at Louisburg (104km 1h22min) in the same order they left the previous task.

Here teams must change into period clothing before they pick up their next clue. This clue tells teams to transport 6 heavy barrels of gunpowder from the waterfront up the hill to the Kings bastion. Once all barrels have been delivered the team may fire one of the forts cannons. Once that is done the mayor will hand them their next clue.

Steph & Kristen come up with a system where Kristen does most of the barrel rolling so that Steph can save her injured finger. Even so Jillian & Emmett pass them during the rolling.

At the gun Emmett wants to savor the moment while Jillian is in race-mode and just wants to get out of there as quickly as possible.

True to form Frankie & Amy decide to roll all six barrels at once instead of doing three runs. It is unclear if this is any faster.
 "The pain is at a 10 right now", Amy is exhausted

The last two teams are close at the barrel task. So close that we get to see both of them in the same shot. This adds a lot of extra urgency to the task. But it seems both teams get the same boost from this because Rita & Yvette stay behind and do not catch up.
 "For those about to rock", Joel gets the title when he is about to fire the gun
 "I think my ovaries burst", Ashley found the cannon shot intense

Teams complete this task in the following order:
 1(+1) Jilian & Emmett
 2(-1) Steph & Kristen, a couple of minutes after #1
 3(+0) Frankie & Amy
 4(+0) Joel & Ashley
 5(+0) Rita & Yvette


Drive yourselves to the
Louisburg Lighthouse
and search for Jon and
your next Pit Stop.

Warning! The last team
to check in may be

At the pit stop teams will be greeted by the Men of the deeps, a male coal miners choir.

Jillian has trouble getting her shoe on when changing back into ordinary clothes after the barrel task. Since they are neck and neck with Steph & Kristen there is a slight rush and she just grabs everything and runs to the car. In the haste she forgot her right shoe and they drive off without it.
 "Lets just go without it I guess, I don't know what else to do", Jillian

I wonder if this couple is not a bit too focused on winning every single leg. The drive to win a single leg has caused teams to be eliminated before and unless she can conjure up a second pair of shoes they may be in trouble.

Teams reach Jon and the mat (10km 18min) in the following order:
 1(+0) Jilian & Emmett, win a trip to Mexico City
 2(+0) Steph & Kristen, seconds after #1
 3(+0) Frankie & Amy
 4(+0) Joel & Ashley
 5(+0) Rita & Yvette, are eliminated

 "Well Jillian, you are going to have to get creating to find a shoe for that foot", Jon

 "It's been an incredible journey", Yvette

After Rita & Yvette have left Jon brings back the other teams and announce that the winners of the driving distance challenge is Jillian & Emmett and Frankie & Amy. Both drove 215km and both win $5000 each.

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Re: Racing report TAR Canada 4, episode 10
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2016, 02:11:22 PM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Canada Season 4, Episode 10, "We are doing it wrong"
Film date: 2016-05-21 - 2016-05-22

The last pit stop was at the Louisburg Lighthouse, NS. Teams are released from the Merchant Mariners monument in Sydney, NS, in the following order:

1.Jilian & Emmett   21:05
2.Steph & Kristen   21:08+0:03
3.Frankie & Amy     21:45+0:40
4.Joel & Ashley     23:40+2:35


Hop on a bus to Saint John
New Bruswick!

Once there, find the all new
2016 Chevrolet Spark
waiting for you downtown
and search inside for your
next clue.

For this leg of the Race you
have a Loonie on your BMO
Cashback MasterCard.

There are two buses departing from Sydney to Saint John so teams run to the sign-up board. We are not told how much time separates the two buses.

While they are waiting for the bus Jillian & Emmett go to a hotel to try to find a new pair of shoes for Jillian. They find one very helpful lady who drives home and fetches a pair of sneakers for Jillian.

Bus #1 carries:
 Jilian & Emmett
 Steph & Kristen

Bus #2 carries
 Joel & Ashley
 Frankie & Amy

When the buses arrive the following morning team run out to find the cars. Teams reach them in the following order:
 1. Steph & Kristen
 2. Jilian & Emmett
 3. Joel & Ashley
 4. Frankie & Amy, a second after #3

Teams must now find Saint Johns city market where they will find a kiosk. Here teams must pick up five gift baskets and deliver them to nearby hotels. The catch is that the label on the baskets does not say directly which hotel they should be delivered to. Instead each tag has a number of search terms they can use in the app on the provided tablet. For example one label reads:
Turn On Rewards
Themes: Family Friendly
Accommodation Type: Hotel
Facilities: Airport Transfers, Connecting
            Rooms Available, Internet Access

The hotels they need to go to are: Hilton Saint John, Delta Brunswick, Chateau Saint John, Best Western Plus and Howard Johnson.

Jillian & Emmett are extremely stressed during this task. Probably mostly because it took them a while to find the cars so the teas from bus #2 have caught up. So predictably Jillian starts screaming.
 "This is the best show ever", Ashley about looking at Jillian yelling at Emmett

Jillian & Emmett are having a rough leg. When Emmett finally spots the last hotel it is on the other side of a freeway and he doesn't know how to drive there. He decides they should run instead. Jillian complains about this and her shoes, which are too small, but they do it.

Once teams have delivered all baskets they must go back to the kiosk and hand in the receipts to get the next clue. Teams complete this task in the following order:
 1(+0) Steph & Kristen
 2(+1) Joel & Ashley
 3(-1) Jilian & Emmett
 4(+0) Frankie & Amy


Detour: "1867" or "1879"

1867: Make your way to
Canada's oldest and largest
independent brewery and
receive instructions from the
Owner on how to earn your
next clue!

1879: Make your way to
Canada's oldest molasses
factory and receive
instructions from the Owner
on how to earn your next

In 1867 teams have to make their way to the Moosehead Breweries where they have to pick beer bottles with a specific label from a moving production line. They have to fill 5 cases, a total of 140 bottles.

In 1879 teams must make their way to Crosby's molasses. Here teams must follow a recipe and make 650g of Molasses taffy. The ingredients in the recipe are:
 1½ Cup of fancy molasses
 4½ Cups of sugar
 4½ Tablespoons of vinegar
 1½ Cup of water
 ¾  Teaspoon of cream of tartar
 12 Tablespoons of butter
 ⅜  Teaspoon of baking soda

All teams end up choosing the molasses detour.

 "Neither of us are bakers", Kristen
 "We need 4.5 cups of vinegar", Amy misreads the recipe
 "It burns my eyeballs", Amy as their vinegar is boiling away

Frankie & Amy misread their recipe and puts a lot more vinegar in the taffy than needed. Fortunately for them the only consequence seems to be that it takes a lot longer to reach the required temperature.

Teams complete the detour in the following order:
 1(+0) Steph & Kristen
 2(+1) Jilian & Emmett
 3(-1) Joel & Ashley
 4(+0) Frankie & Amy


Who's Teed Off?

It's time for another Face

Make your way to the
Algonquin Signature Golf
course and beat your

In this face off teams must make change into golfing gear and make their way to the 12th hole. Here teams must meet each other and the team who sinks the ball with the fewest number of shots can move on while the loser must face the next team. The final loser will have to wait a predetermined time.

 "I buckle under pressure", Jillian
 "We are looking really really badly right now. It's 18 to 1 and, that's not good", Amy

Teams exit the face off in the following order:
 1(+2) Joel & Ashley, win against Steph & Kristen with 4-5
 2(-1) Steph & Kristen, win against Jillian & Emmett
 3(-1) Jilian & Emmett, win against Frankie & Amy with 6-28
 4(+0) Frankie & Amy, have to wait for the timer to run out

 "We suck so bad", Amy after they lost their match
 "I had fun", Frankie can't resist teasing her a bit
 "I didn't, I hated it", Amy

Teams must now make their way to the Kingsbrae garden where they will find their next clue.


Who can make sense of
this clue?

NOTE: Jillian and Amy
MUST perform this Road

In this road block one team member must put on a blindfold. Their partner can then help them memorize the English names of 15 different plants. They may only use their hands and nose to feel and smell the plants.  Once they have learned the plants they will be lead to a different part f the garden where they must correctly identify all 15 plants.

 "I feel frazzled today", Kristen does not want to do this road block
 "This is by far the hardest road block", Joel

Steph is close to loosing it here but Kristen manages to make her pull herself together and continue the task.

One thing which trips some racers is that the name tags on the plants in the practice area list both the Latin and English names. The clue clearly states "Your answer must include the entire English name of each plant", but Jillian and Frankie both learn the Latin names at first. Both Steph & Kristen and Joel & Ashley realize this and decide to keep quiet.

Fortunately for Jillian and Amy the judge says "Sorry, you are using the incorrect language" on their first attempt.
 "We're doing it wrong, we're in big trouble", Jillian shouts the title

As Frankie & Amy wait for their turn to make an attempt Frankie talks to Ashley. Ashley lie and say they have memorize both the English and the Latin names, and that Steph & Kristen did so as well.
 "This is the first time I'm dishonest in this race", Ashley
Ashley lie because she wants to have a spot in the finals. In hindsight it would probably have been better for her to not do this any maybe Frankie & Amy could have beaten Jillian & Emmett.

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock):
1(+1)Steph* & Kristen   (6-5)On her 4th attempt
2(-1)Joel* & Ashley     (6-5)On his 10th attempt
3(+0)Jilian* & Emmett   (5-6)On her 5th attempt
4(+0)Frankie & Amy*     (6-5)After at least 4 attempts


Using OnStar's hands-
free calling system in
your Chevrolet Spark,
call Jon Montgomery to
receive your next clue.

Once they call Jon they get a prerecorded message: "Hi guys, It's Jon. Drive yourselves to Indian point on the shores of Passamaquoddy bay and search the beach for me, and the next pit stop".

Teams reach the pit stop in the following order:
 1(+0) Steph & Kristen, win a trip to Sydney, Australia
 2(+0) Joel & Ashley
 3(+0) Jilian & Emmett
 4(+0) Frankie & Amy, are eliminated

 "We might now have won the grand prize, but we got a grand prize", Frankie likes to have experienced this with her daughter

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Re: Racing report TAR Canada 4, episode 11
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2016, 02:58:37 AM »
Racing report
Amazing Race Canada Season 4, Episode 11, "Second place isn't good enough"
Film date: 2016-05-24

The last pit stop was by Indian point on the shores of Passamaquoddy bay. Teams are released from the nearby St Andrews by the sea, NB.

1.Steph & Kristen   00:22
2.Joel & Ashley     01:40+1:18
3.Jilian & Emmett   02:04+1:42


Fly to Montréal, Quebec!

Once there, make your way
to 8400 2ième avenue,
Montréal and search
outside the front entrance
for your next clue.

BMO is here to help. You
have $500 on your
Cashback MasterCard for
this leg of the Race.

 "Emmett hasn't said, 'get away from me, you're crazy' yet", Jillian feels good
 "It's either first or nothing now", Emmett

All teams are on the same flight from Saint John to Montréal. It is probably:
  AC8791  YSJ - YUL  05:38 - 06:15  (scheduled 05:45 - 06:34)

At the airport we have the customary mad dash for the taxis. Teams leave the airport in the following order:
 1. Jilian & Emmett
 2. Steph & Kristen
 3. Joel & Ashley

The address they are given are for the headquarters for Cirque du Soleil. Only seconds separate the teams when they arrive at the clue box here.


The cirque is in town!

Go behind the scenes at
Cirque du Soleil and
master three acrobatic
skills to receive your
next clue.

The three skills they have to master are:
 1. The bungee-trapeze
 2. The balance ball
 3. Climbing the Chinese pole
Teams can select which team member should do each task but both team members must do at least one task each.

Before they can start they must change into costumes. They all look very much Cirque du Solei in their outlandish colors and patterns. The best costume is Joel who wears a one with vertical black and white stripes, this costume is made perfect by the matching hat.

The first task, trapeze bungee, turns out to be surprisingly tiring. They are hoisted up in two bungee cords and must then use their own power to introduce bounce until they can reach a trapeze hanging above. Ashley have to switch so Joel can do this and Kristen struggles for a bit before she gets it. The only one seeming to have it easy is Emmett.

The balance ball is also pretty tiring. It is a big ball and they must balance on it and roll it across the gym without falling off. Jillian tries but fails a couple of times so Emmett has to take over, but he seems to make it on his first attempt.

The last task, the Chinese pole, is easier than expected and we do not see anybody falter. It is a thin vertical pole which teams must climb up. It turns out that the pole is coated with a material which gives a very good grip so it is easier than it looks.

Teams complete these tasks in the following order:
 1(+0) Jilian & Emmett
 2(+1) Joel & Ashley
 3(-1) Steph & Kristen

Teams must now make their way to the heart of old Montreal and find the headquarters of Bank of Montreal. Getting there, turns out to be hard for Jillian & Emmett since they have a hard time finding a taxi.

Teams arrive at the bank in the following order:
 1(+1) Joel & Ashley
 2(+1) Steph & Kristen
 3(-2) Jilian & Emmett

Once at the bank teams must select an envelope. Each envelope contains a different text they must decode. Undecoded the text is gibberish, for example one of the texts starts with: "Mesmerism foot gash naïve foam field...".

Teams are also given a code-book which they can use to decode their message. Once they have decoded the message correctly they will be given a key to safety deposit 1813 box in the vault where they will find their next clue.

Teams complete this task in the following order:
 1(+0) Joel & Ashley
 2(+0) Steph & Kristen
 3(+0) Jilian & Emmett


Who's on the bubble?

Teams must now make their way to Île sainte-Hélène and locate the Biosphere. Here contestants must pass a number of obstacles. They must use a mechanical ascender to climb 120ft to the observation deck, then traverse the inside of the dome and finally rappel down on the outside. They must also not forget to pick up their next clue during the rappel.

The task is physical but straightforward and quick so there are no placement changes.

 "I'm gonna go savage on this challenge", Emmett wants to catch up
 "You look like Robin Hood", Jillian to Emmett as he traverses the dome

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock):
1(+0)Joel* & Ashley     (7-5)
2(+0)Steph* & Kristen   (7-5)
3(+0)Jilian & Emmett*   (5-7)


Make your way to St-
Viateur Bagel and
search outside for your
next clue.

 "We have to close the gap because today is not about not coming last, today is all about go go go winning", Steph

At the bagel shop teams find a second road block:

Bagels can't be

The team member who
did not perform the
Biosphère Road Block
MUST attempt this Road

Inside the bagel shop there is a big blackboard on which they have written three bagel orders. They are for three different places:
  Boucherie Chez Vito (650m away)
  Jeans jeans jeans (650m away)
  Bishop & Bagg (250m away)
Each place wants three sticks of bagels. Each stick has about 30 bagels of nine different varieties in a specific order on them.

Each contestant must fill the sticks and deliver the orders by foot.

 "Oh no, I'm doing it wrong", Ashley realize she is packing in the wrong order

Ashley quickly make her way to the first location, but when she arrive at the intersection she has forgotten the name of the place. So after running around a bit she asks a local who just turns around and says "Well, there is this pace" and we see that they are standing right in front of it.
 "I've passed Ashley so I'm feeling really good", Kristen was faster and remembered the name of the place

It seems Jillian has a hard time handling the stress here. They start in last and en route to the first place she keeps repeating the name so as to not forget it. But when she asks a local it escapes from her and all she remember is Vito, which is close to Viateur so that is where the woman directs her. She gets back to the starting point before realizing the error.

Jillian decides to go to the second place, Jeans Jeans Jeans, instead since the name is easier to remember. Once she gets there she is told that the order is not correct. On her way back she realizes she has stacked the bagels in the reverse order. She tries to fix it there on the spot, but holding 30 bagels is not easily done and predictably she drops some and has to go back to the Bagel shop and start over.

 "Emmett is going to be so disappointed", Jillian does not want to fail

Teams complete this road block in the following order (* denotes team member doing the roadblock):
1(+1)Steph & Kristen*   (7-6)
2(-1)Joel & Ashley*     (7-6)
3(+0)Jilian* & Emmett   (6-7)


Make your way to
Moment Factory and
search inside for your
next clue.

At the moment factory teams find a memory task. They each get a big screen with maps of Canada, Vietnam and Cuba on it. Below are 11 slots where they can place small pieces of plastic with phrases on it. There are 33 phrases to choose from and they must pick the 11 phrases they heard on the race and place them on the correct slots.

The phrases are all things they heard on the race, or something quite like it. For example one phrase is "Camera Obstructa" which is close but not exactly what they encountered. Another tricky one is the two phrases "Be part of the synergy" and "Be part of the energy" of which one is right. And we have "Bishop & Bragg" which is just a misspelling of the destination (Bishop & Bagg).

Once teams think they have a solution they yell Check and somebody checks their solution. The screen will show if it is correct or wrong. The viewer is also shown how many of the phrases they got right.

This task takes a while so it seems all three teams are there at the same time.

Jillian has a good idea and start by discarding all the phrases they are sure are wrong. This makes the rest of the task a lot easier.

Teams complete this challenge in the following order:
 1(+0) Steph & Kristen
 2(+1) Jilian & Emmett
 3(-1) Joel & Ashley


At last: the end of the

Make your way to
Mont-Royal and search
for Jon at the Finish

The editing tries to make it look like a tight race between the first two teams, but it does not really feel like it is at all close. Teams reach Jon in the following order:
 1(+0) Steph & Kristen, win the race
 2(+0) Jilian & Emmett
 3(+0) Joel & Ashley

 "Ladies, 3 countries, 7 provinces, 14 cities and over 25.000 kilometers", Jon
 "Nothing can compare to the feeling of being the first on this mat this final leg", Kristen

On the mat Jon also asks Steph & Kristen which of the sponsor cars they want. Their response there is one of the trucks and a Volt. But we later learn that they got a chance to reconsider and decided to go with two trucks instead.

 "I couldn't have asked for a better team mate and a better partner in this and better girlfriend. She really kept it together for us and I'm so proud of her and it was so much fun", Steph
 "Ditto", Kristen

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Re: Re: Racing report TAR Canada 4, episode 11 is on page 1
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2016, 01:46:00 PM »
Thank you for these Maf!! I am savouring each one, and always learn something new!
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Have RESPECT for each other, regardless of opinion. This of course includes no flaming/insulting other users and/or their posts.