Author Topic: Updates 8/24  (Read 4806 times)

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Offline puddin

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Updates 8/24
« on: August 24, 2004, 10:51:23 AM »
Well as of today this is how the votes are looking

Adria is really working the HG's to keep Nat..she may have convinced Drew to vote for CB...she convinced him that it would be all the better for him and Diane because she & Nat would not give Drew the jury votes.,.he would lose those two,.. if he votes them off and...she also explained that the Numbers are better for him and Diane to get the HOH this week because Nic can't and Karen will throw iot as usual .. if Marv does he will still be going after the twins ..

Votes for CB

Votes for Nat

theirs something on going right now..theirs a interview with Scott at BBQ.. Here

Monday, August 23, 2004

Interview with Scott Long from Big Brother 5 by Krystal

"1) What made you align with Jase, Cowboy and Drew during the first few days as the 4 Horsemen?

Forming an alliance right off the bat was my main goal because I felt that trusting people was the most important thing to me. If we all were on the same page from the beginning then we wouldn't second-guess each other at all.

2) Do you regret voting Holly out knowing she would have been a vote for you to stay the next week?

Yes and no. Losing Holly was a huge blow to our alliance and the #s that we needed but I felt the guys coming together as a focused unit was more important as did Drew. I backed Drew's decision and respected that and felt he had to do this in order to become a man in his own eyes as he asked me in the beginning of the show. Drew's decision hurt us but I can sit here now and say I helped Drew one way or another in achieving his goal.

3) How do you feel about the twin twist?

I knew it was going on but didn't piece it together enough to pick it apart. It's a lot harder than people think when you're in the nut house!!!!!! Plus you try to keep your mouth shut and not call anyone out as much as possible for your own safety.

4) Have you watched the show or the live feeds since your eviction?

I’ve watched the show.... It’s hard for me to watch the show...

5) As a member of the 4 horsemen alliance did you feel betrayed by Drew when he took Diane off the block knowing that Jase would go up in his place?

YES. LOYALTY period is why Jase and I are on the outside looking in. I WANT TO GO BACK for the four horsemen and COWBOY when and if it comes down to the final few. Drew let me down, as did he to Jase and cowboy. When Jase went on the block I was there with him. I would love nothing more to show Drew what loyalty is and trust in our group...

6) Who do you feel is playing the best game?

No one can play this game the best. Its luck 99% of the time...

7) Who are you gunning for now in this stage of the game?

I LIKE COWBOY and I want to go back (Twist) to help him and his family to win...I would sacrifice $500,000 for Cowboy and show Drew what LOYALTY is....

8) Who do you think will win it all?

Good guess. If it's not cowboy then I don't care.

9) Have you been surfing the net at all, checking out fan sites of the show and you, and if so what did you think?

Yea a little... It's pretty hard core and fun to see mail and chats and pics... I think the group of guys we had in the house this year was overall the most entertaining and best to look at group of guys the show and many of the reality shows have seen. Every where I go its nonstop fans and people asking questions and asking for pictures and autographs so I think I did a good job in getting my face out there... and hopefully that's just the start...

10) Jase said in a recent TV guide interview that you have been trying to hook up with Holly since your eviction, is this true?

No..... ha ha, Jase we need to grow up buddy and let this go. Your 28 now.... I'm single and that's the way I want it for now... Holly is cool but I would NEVER hook up with her... She's like a sister to me and I feel bad for what I did to her.... Jase needs to stop being immature and snap out. Hopefully when I'm 28 I will be happily in love or with someone special to me...

11) What was up with the whole "mandana" thing? Do you intend to market the idea?

OH YES. That would be amazing.... I just need a few sponsors and we will take it from there. I've already had some people ask me about that and that could seriously work if we did it right. Jase is my boy also so hopefully he could have some input. Jase and I brought that to the public's eyes and I hope we get rewarded for that someday soon!!!!! Hahaha!!! But yes for sure that's an idea!!

12) For the live feed watchers/readers can you explain how the whole "Santa Monica van boys" came about?

Can't really say because that's when the finals happened and I respect CBS and their privacy not to talk about what went down during finals.

13) What was it like living in that house with strangers for as long as you did?

CRAZY... Amazing.... Fun... Nerve racking.... UNREAL... Besides walking out in front of 100,000 fans in college for football the most amazing moment in my life!!!

14) Do you have any regrets about your time in the house?

LYING... I wish I were 100% honest because that's the way I am outside of the house. I looked like I liar in a lot of people's minds but when you play a game like this you get caught up in the whole deal and forget what's right and wrong. It's a nut house like I said and until you do something like this then you can't say what you would and wouldn't do. Its tough... Before and after the show let alone during the show...

15) Did/Do you really dislike Diane or was that just for show?

I would never date her. She's not my type. I like Karen better to be honest. Outside of the house I will say what's up to her because now she's CBS family 2 me!!!!

16) What was your strategy going into Big Brother?

Form an alliance.... GO CRAZY!!!!! Kamikaze style and have a **** load of FUN!!!!! And the occasional stunt here and there jackass style.... Bam Margera would love me in real life... I'm going to try and create something like that but better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's an opportunity there for a SAVAGE like myself....

17) Who do you hope is evicted next and why?

THE TWINS... HARDCORE LIARS and DOWN RIGHT EVIL.... its messed up doing what they did in that house. Jase and I were nuts but not like them..... Its just wrong I hope they realize what they have done to people like Will......

18) What has your family had to say about your stay in the house?

They loved it!!!!!!! I have a huge fan base and my parents are #1 and 2. They are still going nuts about me on the show.... Its fun!!

19) During the food competition you spelt cheese wrong the first time...was that on purpose or did you really just make a mistake?

Mistake...I was trying to be fast and it was a awkward situation... Anyone would do it... I HOPE.... It was funny though and I laugh about it every day!!!!! And I was a spelling B champ!!!

20) How did you end up doing playgirl?

Naked!!!!!! LOL

21) Do you regret it now?

NEVER... To me that was a once in a lifetime chance and I'm glad I did it... I met a lot of people and fans through that and its something I can say I did, just like BB5. LIVE LIFE period.... It would have helped if a woman were photographing me!!!!!! I'm not joking either... That was weird... hahaha

22) Are you single or attached?


23) Why did you give your email out on the live feeds?

To talk 2 people like you. I love to chat even if people hate me.... like I said you have one life to live and right now this is it. Tomorrow could be my last so I'm doing all I can now...

The following are some questions from some of the folks at the BB5BBQ Forum -

From 4Horsemen: How long did you actually think the 4H would last before one got voted out? Did you really think you’d make it to the final 4?

I'd say week 5 or 6.... no finals that was just a dream... but we all have to dream big in order to achieve our goals...

Will you be friends with anyone outside the house?

YES!!! A few people like Marvin and Jase and Drew and my boy COWBOY... I hope to be at his wedding this winter...

From huntra: How would you have handled the twin twist had you stayed in the house?

Put my head in the toilet and flush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or ate paint chips I guess....

From UKGirl: If you could go back into the house again what strategy would you use?

I’ve been preparing for this since the day I left the house and I want back in.... It will be TV RATINGS threw [sic] the roof.... CBS would be smart if it came down to the women and drew and cowboy... Bring Jase and me back in to reunite the 4 horsemen.... Tv land would go nuts. Think about that.... And the look on the houseguests faces when they saw me and/or Jase walk threw that door.... I think about that every day...I want back in period... Then watch and be amazed!!!!!!

From bbrules: Do you wish now you had aligned with Mike?

NOPE that's why he's home now...

From wqm: Do you prefer one-night stands or relationships?

Neither...I prefer the beach with a fire and coronas and friends... A little surfing and story telling. The 4 horsemen and a clear sky filled with stars... And maybe 4 or 5 single lovely women!!!!!!!! That's what I prefer...

From gypsylass: Have you had any unusual experiences since being out of the house?

EVERY day.... Fans and fans... Pictures and autographs. It weird because I'm just Scott Savage.... I would have never guessed I'd get this much attention...."

Thanks Krystal!

posted by
at 8/23/2004 08:44:07 PM 

Holly and Jase on Radio Show with Josh BB1 at

August 23rd, 7PM ET Reality Now Radio with Holly and Jase from "Big Brother 5"
Learn all about their romance and find out the true story behind their "Big Brother" strategy.

After the radio show they will have a chat for half an hour with the stars.

Click here to join's chat.

posted by
at 8/23/2004 04:42:16 PM 

America's Choice Winner

Click here to find out who won what (spoiler)

posted by
at 8/23/2004 03:11:02 PM 

The PoV Ceremony is over!

Click here to find out if it was used (spoiler)

posted by
at 8/23/2004 01:25:42 PM 


"I read the post of what the General Manager of the station had e-mailed, then I saw a post of you saying you heard that a person from Morty's called the station after seeing the link and that is why it was taken down. I feel that was wrong information. A day after the feed from the station went dark I posted that I will call the station and ask what is up, i left a message and got a prompt reply. The lady i spoked to was very casual and informed me that quote: "the site was taken down because it had came to our attention that someone offered the link up for auction on e-bay" then went on to say "well that and because of ratings and spoilers CBS wasnt thrilled". These were their words. I posted this on a thread on Morty's site and perhaps it got jumbled in the telling. I just wanted people to now that a person from Morty's (in my opinion) was not the reason the link went dead!" - Queen_Will

posted by
at 8/23/2004 12:39:12 PM

So...Jase & Holly are on
Holly is calling Scott a liarabout what was posted on BBQ..shes pissed because she told CBS not to give Scott her phone number.. ?:)?

Offline puddin

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Re: Updates 8/24
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2004, 11:16:39 AM »
By The Way...the votes are live on Thursday night and No BB5 on Saturday and No Amazing Race repeat..there is a scheduled Football game on CBS !!

Offline Texan

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Re: Updates 8/24
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2004, 03:02:21 PM »
12) For the live feed watchers/readers can you explain how the whole "Santa Monica van boys" came about?

Can't really say because that's when the finals happened and I respect CBS and their privacy not to talk about what went down during finals

I am confused....why would he already know the finals.....I did not think they were to that point yet.

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Re: Updates 8/24
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2004, 03:42:48 PM »
Texan, EXACTLY what I thought when I first read that.  I had to read a second time just to make sure I read it right.  Where is the confused scratching my head smiley?

Offline puddin

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Re: Updates 8/24
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2004, 06:38:25 PM »
LOL..I don't have a clue..maybe he misunderstood the question

Offline marv

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Re: Updates 8/24
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2004, 09:27:40 PM »
how was the show?? whos out?

Offline puddin

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Re: Updates 8/24
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2004, 11:05:35 PM »
Welcome to the forum marv.. :)_{} No one is out..Adria won POV and saved herself..Cowboy and Nat are up..most likely with Nat leaving Thursday when the live eviction happens   :)_{}

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Re: Updates 8/24
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2004, 07:04:59 AM »

I was thinking it may have had to be in reference to the interviewing process.
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