Author Topic: TAR CANADA 3 Contestants - Hamilton Elliott and Michaelia Drever (Engaged)  (Read 9004 times)

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Offline Leafsfan.

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Hamilton Elliott and Michaelia Drever (Engaged)

Hamilton Elliott

Age: 19
Occupation: Service Industry
Current City: Centreville, N.S. 
Hometown: Pembroke, N.S. 
Strengths: Determination, charismatic, and optimistic.   
Fears/Phobia: Heights
Favourite Travel Destination: Paris, France
Pet Peeve about Teammate: “She interrupts me all the time!”

Michaelia Drever

Age: 19
Occupation: Service Industry
Current City: Centreville, N.S.   
Hometown: Centreville, N.S
Strengths: Athletic, energetic, and adventurous. 
Fears/Phobia: Ticks
Favourite Travel Destination: Paris, France
Pet Peeve about Teammate: “He can be annoying.”

Offline Leafsfan.

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Newly engaged couple Hamilton and Michaelia met in military cadets six years ago. They were best friends for four years before they started to date, and have recently returned from a European backpacking trip where Hamilton proposed to Michaelia under the sparkling lights of the Eiffel Tower. Being such great friends before they started to date has made them stronger as a couple, and allowed for a unique and amazing bond between them.

Hamilton has been transitioning from female to male since he was 15 years old and Michaelia has supported him throughout the entire process; first as his best friend and now as his fiancé. Hamilton and Michaelia are partners in every sense of the word, and Michaelia is proud that Hamilton is able to be true to himself and live his life to the fullest.         
Their background as cadets has provided them a set of skills that most wouldn’t expect from a young, charming East Coast couple. Hamilton loves snowboarding and golfing when he’s not busy at work, while Michaelia enjoys going for long runs on the Nova Scotia coastline and practicing yoga. The couple also loves to travel together, and have already conquered 13 European countries. “We’ve yet to escape to our dream destinations – Iceland and Greece – but hope to do so in the near future!,” says Michaelia.

If the pair wins THE AMAZING RACE CANADA, they plan to explore and travel the world together.

Hamilton hopes to be a positive role model for the transgender community and he wants to encourage others to live their truth. “I want Canadians to know that the search for one’s true gender identity is challenging, but ultimately rewarding,” says Hamilton.

Motto: “Go big or go home!”
Team they most associate with from Season 1 or 2:
Hamilton: Jody and Cory, because we have the military background.
Michaelia: Alain and Audrey, because we bicker but still love each other!
What is your favorite TV show? GAME OF THRONES
What three things can always be found in your refrigerator? Beer, mangos, and sushi.
If you could be an animal, what animal would you be? “Sea turtles!”

Offline Leafsfan.

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More team questions from their profile...

How did you train for the race?
Watched ‘Amazing Race Canada’ seasons over and over.

What’s your must-have item of clothing?
Shorts to lounge in.

What’s in your backpack?
Clothes, soap, my testosterone.

Why did you choose this as your racing outfit? - Michaelia
Because it matched and Ham looks cute in pink.

What’s one thing you wish you could bring on the Race? - Michaelia
My dog, Shiloh.

What’s in your backpack? - Michaelia
Towel, clothes, makeup, a crystal for good luck, glasses, hair supplies, a notebook.

Offline paradoxinee

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What? Both 19 and they are engaged?

Offline stekay

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Hope this team does well!

Offline TARloveit

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I want them to win but I haven't seen the entire cast yet so this might change

Offline toronto14

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For anyone wondering 19 is the legal age for drinking and smoking in Canada and that is probably why it is the lower age bound for casting.

Offline stekay

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Great to see young teams tbh

Offline Philimination

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Only 19 and already engaged? :o
You are the last team to arrive.
This is a Philmination leg, so I'm sorry to tell you that you have been Philiminated from the race.

Offline Polaroid

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Omg please make it far. :hearts:

Offline Maanca

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They are only 19 each! (Possibly the youngest team we have ever had?).

Definitely one of the youngest TAR teams ever (which they can do with Canada's legal age being a little lower).

Offline SamualDude

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Is Hamilton the first transgender that we've had on TAR? It's a big milestone for that community.
It's Clobbering Time!

Offline Philimination

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Also, yes! Game of Thrones fans!  :yess:
You are the last team to arrive.
This is a Philmination leg, so I'm sorry to tell you that you have been Philiminated from the race.

Offline Leafsfan.

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'Amazing Race Canada' Casts First Transgender Competitor

The Amazing Race Canada has embraced the transgender movement, casting Hamilton Elliott, who was born a woman, for its upcoming third season.

Elliott, 19, who began transitioning from female to male when he was 15 years old, will race across Canada in the popular TV competition series with fiancee Michaelia Drever for $1 million in prizes up for grabs.

“I want Canadians to know that the search for one’s true gender identity is challenging, but ultimately rewarding,” Hamilton said in a statement, as he looks to be a positive role model for Canada's transgender community.

Both Elliott and Drever are former military cadets now living in Centreville, Nova Scotia. Other competitors so far unveiled for The Amazing Race Canada include UFC fighter Elias Theodorou and girlfriend Max Altamuro, both from Toronto.

The Canadian version of the international TV franchise has been a summer hit series for CTV, averaging around 3 million viewers. The third season of The Amazing Race Canada debuts on July 8.


Offline gamerfan09

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Is Hamilton the first transgender that we've had on TAR? It's a big milestone for that community.

I don't really want to be a bitch and say irrelevant facts about other TARs, but Jervi from The Amazing Race Philippines 1 was the first :lol:

Offline claude_24hrs

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Is Hamilton the first transgender that we've had on TAR? It's a big milestone for that community.

I don't really want to be a bitch and say irrelevant facts about other TARs, but Jervi from The Amazing Race Philippines 1 was the first :lol:

You're right, Gamer. Hamilton will be the first transgender contestant in Anglophone TAR.

Offline SamualDude

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Is Hamilton the first transgender that we've had on TAR? It's a big milestone for that community.

I don't really want to be a bitch and say irrelevant facts about other TARs, but Jervi from The Amazing Race Philippines 1 was the first :lol:

Don't worry about it man, I wasn't sure if there were other transgenders in other editions.
It's Clobbering Time!

Offline trixie

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19 and already engaged? They sure didnt waste any time.
Also it's very rare to see a transgender male in the spotlight.

Offline Leafsfan.

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Kings County teenagers to star in Amazing Race Canada

Hamilton Elliott and Michaelia Drever, both 19, put their experience as military cadets to the test in the televised competition that, CTV promises, will deliver “edge-of-your-seat challenges.”

“The tasks are very stressful and they’re very time consuming. I think the most challenging was trying to stay positive and trying to keep going,” said Elliott.

“A big thing for us was how much you have to work with your teammate,” added Drever.

Elliott recently proposed to Drever, his partner of three years, under the Eiffel Tower while on a backpacking trip in Europe.

The easygoing East coasters met in cadets six years ago, and were best friends before they started to date. Drever became an important part of Elliott’s support network when he began the transition from female to male at the age of 15.

“We have our own relationship and we connect. It’s not about how you classify yourself, whether you’re straight or gay or trans – none of that really matters. It’s about who you are as a person,” said Drever, who hopes audiences around the globe will see that they are just two everyday people who fell in love.

“I think people will learn that it doesn’t matter what gender you are, (we) have a very good relationship.”

It's anticipated that millions of viewers will watch as the Centreville residents are pitted against 11 other teams vying for the same life-changing grand prize.

The grand prize includes $250,000 in cash, “gas for life” from Petro-Canada, business class flights to anywhere Air Canada flies for one year and two Chevrolet Colorado trucks.

Like their competition, the Valley racers were in it to win it. But Elliott, the show’s first transgendered racer, had other aspirations in mind.

“Being trans, I really wanted to inspire other kids to just be themselves because I know how hard it is,” he said.

Regardless of the outcome of the race, Elliott said he’d be happy to know his story made a difference in the life of someone struggling with gender identity.

“It would have meant the world to me just to help one person,” he said.

Elliott found a loving support network in his family and Drever when he began the transition that brought him out of depression. He hopes others in need of support will reach out and find the strength to embrace their individuality.

“You can love whomever you want to love and you can be who you want to be,” he said.

“I ran the race and I don’t care what anybody thinks of me, and I love who I am today.”

Landing a spot on the Amazing Race was a dream come true for Elliott, who grew up watching the American version of the show with his family.

“It was very life changing, and you learn a lot about yourself when you’re on the race,” said Elliott.

Drever concurred, adding that the sense of accomplishment they shared after a challenge was second to none.

“You feel incredible knowing that you ran this race with someone who you love and care about.”

The third season of Amazing Race Canada premieres July 8 at 9 p.m. ET on CTV.
