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Offline puddin

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AR Recap EP6
« on: August 10, 2004, 07:12:45 PM »

After watching their seven-hour lead evaporate completely, dating couple Colin & Christie regained control after another spirited fight with cousins Charla & Mirna as Teams traveled to Luxor, Egypt. Wisely choosing hauling water instead of herding animals at the Detour made the difference for the dating couple, who were tied with all Teams when landing in Luxor. An archeological dig at the Roadblock slowed most Teams down. But in the end, brothers Marshall & Lance became too hampered by Marshall's aching knees to continue, opting to quit at the dig site. They became the fifth Team eliminated from THE AMAZING RACE.

Departing the Pit Stop at the Sphinx in Cairo at 11:27pm with a seven-hour lead, dating couple Colin & Christie opened their clue to discover they must make their way to the Great Pyramids, the sole remaining wonder of the ancient world. Once there, they must descend 350 feet down a narrow shaft to the chamber below, known as the Creation Room, the geographical center of the Earth. It was there that they would receive their next clue. On their remarkable lead, Colin commented, "Christie and I definitely feel very good. I'm more than confident that we're going to be the Team that wins." Arriving at the Pyramids, the couple discovered it was closed until 6am, slicing their seven-hour lead down to 40 minutes.

The following morning at 6:00, Colin & Christie, with the help of a guide rope, slowly began their descent down the shaft. Upon reaching the Creation Room, the pair opened their next clue to discover they must travel over 400 miles to Luxor, Egypt. To get there, Teams had to make their way to the domestic airport, known as the Old Airport, and take any available commercial flight or a charter flight, which was scheduled to depart at 11:30am. Once in Luxor, Teams had to make their way to the Karnak Temple, an ancient structure also called the Mound of Creation, to find their next clue. Dating couple Colin & Christie quickly took a taxi to the Old Airport in hopes of catching a flight to Luxor before other Teams could catch up.

Departing at 6:41am in second place, Charla & Mirna began their hike to the Great Pyramids. Discussing their relationship with other Teams, Mirna remarked, "Initially, everybody wrote us off. Slowly, each Team awoke to the idea that we are a strong, competitive Team and started going ballistic because they became so jealous." (Charla & Mirna on the other Teams) As the cousins reached the Pyramids, dating Christians Brandon & Nicole and married parents Chip & Kim joined them. All three Teams descended to the Creation Room, then headed to the airport. At the Old Airport, Colin & Christie received some disappointing news: they had just missed a 7:30am flight to Luxor. The next available flight was the 11:30am charter flight, which gave the other Teams four hours to catch up with Colin & Christie at the airport. . (Brandon & Nicole pray) (Chip on Charla & Mirna)

Departing the Pit Stop in fifth place, Marshall & Lance struggled from the beginning as the nerves under Marshall's kneecaps continued to be aggravated. About his brother, Marshall remarked, "Not once has Lance gotten angry at the fact that I can't go any faster." At the Pyramids, looking down the long shaft, Marshall gasped, "Oh boy!" and began his descent. During the climb down, Marshall surprisingly said, "To be honest with you, this doesn't hurt as much as walking." Eventually, the brothers completed the task, relieved to know there would still be time to join the other Teams waiting at the airport, where tempers were flaring. (Colin on Marshall & Lance)

With the arrival of Brandon & Nicole, Chip & Kim and Charla & Mirna, Colin & Christie's lead had completely vanished. In an attempt to find the charter flight, the cousins planned to take the next available taxi from terminal two to terminal one. At this moment, Colin & Christie, fresh from their disappointment at terminal one, pulled up in front of terminal two and left their bags in the trunk of their taxi while they looked for the charter flight. Mirna tried to take their taxi and was met with strong resistance from Colin, who yelled, "This is our car. Our bags are in the trunk!" "Get out!" Christie added, "That is so rude! The audacity of these people!" (Charla on Colin & Christie) (Mirna on Colin & Christie)

An offended Mirna commented, "I feel like I'm in junior high having bullies try to put me down. They disgust me." Colin later noted, "Our backpacks were in the trunk, and we hadn't paid the taxi driver yet. They had very little chance of driving away with this taxi."

As twins Kami & Karli rushed to the airport after receiving their clue, only last-place bowling moms Linda & Karen remained. They departed the Pit Stop with no money. The unlucky pair quickly surmised that in a country like Egypt, asking tourists would be the best way to raise some cash. After some failed attempts, including trying to sell an orange for fifty cents, the bowling moms hit pay dirt when a tour bus full of potential marks pulled up to the Sphinx. Within minutes, the money started rolling in, and Linda & Karen gathered enough money for a cab ride, along with a dose of confidence that they were back in the game. (Linda on her Team)

After descending into the Creation Room, the plucky pair had one hour to make it to the airport, where the other six Teams still awaited the charter flight. After explicitly telling their driver to take them to the Old Airport, Linda & Karen received an unpleasant shock when they learned they were at the New Airport: the wrong airport. With only five minutes before the charter flight was scheduled to leave, the frantic bowling moms jetted in the taxi, hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. Pulling up to terminal two at the New Airport at 11:33am, the excited bowling moms saw all six Teams still waiting for the charter flight. Once again, the playing field was level, and all Teams boarded the charter flight to Luxor.

ANIMAL ANGST Landing in Luxor, Charla & Mirna took an early lead in a caravan of taxis. But Chip & Kim, now in fifth place, scored by selecting a driver who passed everyone, bringing them to the head of the pack arriving at the Karnak Temple. In the mad dash from taxis to temples, Kami & Karli arrived first at the cluebox to discover a Detour. (Chip assesses his Team)

In this Detour, Teams had to choose between "Herd It" and "Haul It." Herd It required Teams to travel five miles by kalesh, a carriage, to Banana Island. They they had to load 10 sheep and goats onto a traditional boat known as a felucca, then sail across to the west bank of the Nile and give the animals to a waiting shepherd in exchange for a clue. Dealing with livestock could be frustrating, but once they were in the boat, Teams should have smooth sailing to complete the task. Teams choosing to Haul It must travel three miles by kalesh to Pigeon House Farm and use a traditional device to haul water from the river into an urn. Once the urn was filled, they must transport it by donkey to a farmhouse and fill a large jug to the marked line. Getting the water from the Nile would be easy, but transporting by donkey could prove difficult, and Teams may also have to make several trips before they complete the task.

With most Teams opting to Herd It, believing it would be faster, Colin & Christie and Brandon & Nicole opted to Haul It. Marshall & Lance, last to the cluebox because of Marshall's knee, chose Herd It because the other choice involved too much walking. (Brothers in the buggy)

Because they had a shorter distance to travel by kalesh, Colin & Christie and Brandon & Nicole arrived at their Detour selection first. While Colin & Christie demonstrated considerable efficiency using donkey transportation, Brandon & Nicole struggled somewhat. Nicole pulled too hard, causing the donkey to veer off its course. After a bit of bickering over the best way to guide the donkey, the Christian couple completed the task behind Colin & Christie, who reclaimed first place. (Brandon & Nicole on their troubles) Opening their clue, they learned they must take a marked taxi to the Habu Temple, an ancient structure filled with carved symbols of ancient mythology, to find the next Route Marker. (Brandon & Nicole assess their position)

Teams arriving at the Nile shore soon discovered the difficulty of herding 10 stubborn sheep and goats. Chip & Kim got an early lead over the cousins, twins and moms and finished loading to become the first Team to sail across the Nile. Chip marveled over the experience saying, "For us to come over to the motherland, to Egypt, is just unbelievable. The time we're having! We just feel blessed." (Kami & Karli wrestle sheep)

While Linda & Karen proved adept at loading their boat, Charla & Mirna had all sorts of problems. Charla unsuccessfully tried to keep the sheep from jumping out of the boat shouting, "Mirna, I'm scared of them!" Mirna, meanwhile, became tired from the exhausting task of carrying the animals. Watching Kami & Karli pass them leaving shore, Mirna said, "Charla, we're so behind." With a little concentration and encouragement, Mirna loaded the tenth animal, and the cousins set sail. Arriving at the shore immediately after, Marshall & Lance, in last place, quickly loaded their ship to join the other Teams on the Nile. On the west bank, Chip & Kim unloaded their cargo, grabbed their clue and hurried to the Habu Temple, followed closely by bowling moms Linda & Karen. (Kami & Karli discuss their position)

Arriving first at the Habu Temple, Colin & Christie opened their clue to discover a Roadblock. This Roadblock required one Team member to choose a large marked dig site in a field of sand and use tools provided for them to unearth a scarab, a stone carving of a beetle, an important symbol in Egyptian mythology. Once they found the scarab, they would receive their next clue. Unfamiliar with the definition of a scarab, Colin began his search in the field of sand, joking, "This could take hours and hours." Soon, the dating couple was joined by Brandon & Nicole, who asked the Lord for help.
As Colin and Brandon continued digging for the scarab, Chip & Kim arrived at the Habu Temple. After expressing a desire to contribute more to her Team, Kim volunteered to perform her first Roadblock. As soon as Kim began digging, Colin cheered because he found his scarab. Opening their next clue, Colin & Christie were instructed to take a water taxi to Crocodile Island, a lush plantation on the banks of the Nile and the Pit Stop for this leg of the Race.

At the dig, frustration began to set in for Brandon and Kim as Linda & Karen and Kami & Karli joined them. Kim commented, "I just kept digging and digging, and I'm not finding anything." To his partner Nicole, Brandon promised, "I'm doing my best." With the arrival of Charla & Mirna, the pressure increased, as any of the five Teams could find the scarab to vault into second place.

After her hard work and determination to help her Team, Kim found her scarab, and she and Chip headed off to Crocodile Island. (Chip on the Roadblocks) Soon after, Kami, feeling lucky, pointed to Karli where to dig. This technique paid off handsomely as the twins also found their scarab. Watching the twins leave, an exasperated Mirna said, "I'm digging my heart out. I don't know what I'm looking for." Brandon, having asked Nicole to pray for him, found his scarab next, leaving Mirna and Linda still digging through the endless sand. Finally, Mirna unearthed her scarab and received the clue directing them to the Pit Stop. A stunned Linda quipped, "How the hell did she find it and I can't find it?"

Landing on the shores of Crocodile Island, Colin & Christie stepped onto the mat in first place once again. Host Phil Keoghan informed the pair that, for their accomplishment, they would be rewarded with a vacation to exotic Mexico, compliments of American Airlines website,

As Chip & Kim and Kami & Karli finished in second and third respectively, Linda continued diggin through the sand, assuring Karen, "If the brothers come in two seconds and find it, I'm going to be pissed." At this point, Marshall & Lance arrived at the cluebox for the Roadblock, opting for Lance to perform it. An exhausted Linda kept digging to no avail as the brothers slowly walked towards the sand pit, slowed by Marshall's bad knees. At her wit's end, Linda said, "I don't know where it could be!" (Kami & Karli discuss their play)

With the brothers closing in on the dig site and Brandon & Nicole and Charla & Mirna finishing in fourth and fifth place respectively, Linda finally found her scarab, and the bowling moms raced off to a sixth-place finish. Arriving at the site, Lance began his dig for the scarab as Marshall pulled up a chair, unable to stand from the pain in his knees. Lance quickly realized the futility in the endeavor, noticing that six other sites had already been excavated. Marshall finally admitted, "Okay, game over."

In an unprecedented situation, Phil Keoghan arrived at the Habu Temple dig to accept brothers Marshall & Lance's decision to quit THE AMAZING RACE. On his brother's will and determination, Lance remarked, "I'd like my brother to know that I really appreciate the fact that he pushed on and spent the last two or three days in agony for me. That means a lot to me." About Lance, Marshall said, "I'm proud of the way Lance ran the Race. There was no 'quit' in him, and I apologize for ruining his chance of winning a million dollars." ." (Marshall & Lance's Parting Words)
« Last Edit: August 11, 2004, 02:53:56 AM by puddin »

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Re: AR Spoiler !! We know who was Eliminated Tonight !!
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2004, 01:40:18 AM »
Well at least they had a good reason for quitting...Marshall's injury.  I'm not glad about that..cuz I know he was in pain...but I am glad they are out of the race.  Didn't like them all that much from the beginning...

I'm verrrry happy the Moms are still there.  They did purtee dang good for having to beg for money to begin the leg & starting last.  But they forged ahead for awhile.  Just too bad they got bogged down diggin for that whatjamajigger in the sand! :':') 

Offline puddin

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Re: AR Spoiler !! We know who was Eliminated Tonight !!
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2004, 01:51:18 AM »
Were you yelling like me Rudy...? Use your hands use your hands dig !!
I was great that the Moms were treated so kindly by the tourists..and yes..I didn't care for the pizza boys either but, it was ashame that they made it so far and had quit because  of the bad knees could just feel the pain ...
Can't wait till next looks like the Cousins get into it again with there rivals Collin & Christie..

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Re: AR Recap EP6
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2004, 10:39:31 AM »
Okay Mirna and Chrla were a little rude about the cab....But Colin and christie are on my last nerve....they were holding the cab.  then at the ticket he ran into week will be interesting.

I was laughign out loud that everyone caught up to them!!!!

hey Donny....are these two just editied bad or were they like that?

Offline pittgirl

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Re: AR Recap EP6
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2004, 11:10:57 AM »
What a big surprise....Myrna/Shmirna were rude!!!

I missed last night, but thanks to the recap and everyones input i am following right along!  My mom said that she couldnt stop laughing when they had to do something with sheep in a boat.  I cant wait to watch the rerun this sat.

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Re: AR Recap EP6
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2004, 01:44:12 AM »
I was glad everyone caught up to Colin and Christie.  :)()  :)()He is such an ass.  |:( He is rude, rude, rude.  And I don't have much hope for this couple as Christie keeps sayin that they don't trust each other and they should work together more. Hulllooooooo--- that is what relationships are based on -- trust and respect.  B:) B:) B:) B:)