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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #150 on: August 07, 2014, 09:10:42 PM »
Feeds back.

COdy and Victoria in the have not room.

In the kitchen, Caleb, Frankie, Nicole, Derrick, Christine and Zach

Nicole: You flipped the house.  You wanted Zach out yesterday. 
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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #151 on: August 07, 2014, 09:11:40 PM »
Nicole: I'm sorry for putting a little bit of trust in you, Frankie

Derrick walks away. 
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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #152 on: August 07, 2014, 09:13:51 PM »
Derrick talking to Donny in the living room.

Nicole going after Frankie and Christine in the kitchen.

Caleb:  This is a game, you have to remember to trust one person in the game, and at the end of the game

Nicole:  Christine you told Cody in week two that Hayden and I were a power couple,  How am i supposed to trust you?

Christine: HOw am I supposed to trust you?

They all laugh at Nicole.

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #153 on: August 07, 2014, 09:17:33 PM »
Derrick and Cody in the living room with Donny

Donny:  Christine told me to put up Cody.

Derrick: That's interesting.

Back in the kitchen:

Zach and Caleb are brow beating Nicole.  It is painful to watch. 

Zach:  Hey Nicole, want to be in alliance with me? 

Nicole: Really Zach

Zach: I want to be in an alliance wih you and start lies

Nicole:  Whatever, I'm not getting into it with you.

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #154 on: August 07, 2014, 09:17:55 PM »
Zach is being horrible to Nicole
delightful just delightful

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #155 on: August 07, 2014, 09:18:40 PM »
Nicole is in tears
delightful just delightful

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #156 on: August 07, 2014, 09:19:53 PM »
Christine is trying to do damage control
delightful just delightful

Offline BelleJar

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #157 on: August 07, 2014, 09:22:06 PM »
Nicole:  in tears, Zach, please stop talking to me, stop saying my name, stop dancing around me.

Zach keeps going.

Christine: You can say no, but do youwant to go in the beehive.

Nicole:  Yes

In the beehive

Nicole: Christine what is up?  Someone is playing us!

Christine: I was told htis morning that you, hayden and Donny were coming after me and Frankie and that you say to other people and laugh "Ha she still trusts me."

Nicole: And someone told me that you were talking lies about

Chritine: I'm so frustrated right now.  GThey played me

Nicole: I'm going next week its fine.  I don't want to be here with these people.

Nicole in full melt down

Christine crying with Nicole.

Christine: Everything I said to you was true

Nicole: I'm confused by what happend. 

Christine: I never told anyone about me, you, Frankie and Hayden. 

A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #158 on: August 07, 2014, 09:26:00 PM »
Nicole spiling the beans on the alliance with COdy, Derrick, Hayden and herself.  That it was even named.

Nicole: Cody was the one that told me that you said me and hayden were a power couple.

Christine: OmG, OMG, I thought you were mad that cody and i were getting too close and he was upset we were too close/

Nicole: It doesn't matter. 

Christine: Its not over.  There are some serious gamers in here.

Nicole: There is and  I"m trying to figure it out.  It sucks because I have been so honest and my word means nothing.  I should just start making up crap like Zach and he's still here.

Christine: I'm so mad right now.

Nicole: I don't want to think about it.  It was put into my head that you were not at all loywal to me.

Christine: That's nice.  That's why didn't use the veto, because I didn't want more blood on your hands.   

Nicole: I was back to trusiting you again after the veto, because there was so much stuff in my ear.  I don't think we should talk the rest of the game.

Christine:  We got played

Nicole: My speech was so bad, I was like, I don't even know what happened and wanted to go home.  I'm in shocke and running my mouth and I never run my mouth.  If I need to be a fire cracker I will. 

A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
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Offline BelleJar

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #159 on: August 07, 2014, 09:27:15 PM »
Caleb, Derrick, Zach, Frankie and Cody in the living room. 

Zach:  So, Donny is going home this week?

Cody: Well , he proved he was a gamer.

A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
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Offline BelleJar

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #160 on: August 07, 2014, 09:32:25 PM »
Christine: I don't know what to do right now.

Nicole: So for anything that sounds like i don't trust you, don't listen to it.  I was controlled and robotically inserted things and I don' tknow.

Christine; Why would they go after me?  Why throw me under the plan?

Nicole: Why pin us against each other? They had to tell me in the DR to not cry when I thought you might be betraying me.  With all of these little bits of information and I know exactly who it was

Christine:  Before Cody told me anyting, I told cody that you and him are the only people that I would tell if they were going to be blindsided. 

Nicole: I literally looked at him and said I can't trust him.  Cody and Derrick went back on their votes and left Hayden in the dust. 

Christine: I am greatful that Hayden  hugged me cbecause I couldn't explain

Nicole: He's such a great guy. Why would you guys vote him out?  He kept me sane. He did so much work to mend fences with you and Donny.  He did so much work. 

Christine: Me and Frankie were 100% on board an dthen last night we were approached.

Nicole;  Think about it from my side, you planted the seed and

Christine; We didn't, but that would have been brilliant.

Nicole: Even Frankie went up to Victoria today and said that I was talking crap about her and her make up.  I was like I said it, yeah, you use my make up,  I"m sorry if you can't trust me in the game. 

A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas

Offline BelleJar

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #161 on: August 07, 2014, 09:35:14 PM »
Nicole is super pissed at Cody.

Christine is embarrassed and wants to pretend this diddn't happen. She is a master liar

Nicole: I can't believe Cody would do that.  He's so nice.

Christine: he has been so nice to me

Nicole: He won't even look me in the eye

Christie: I want you to know I'm sincerely your friend and want to apologize

Nicole: I accept your apologize and I'm sorry too

Christine:  It was 6 in the morning and my head hurt.

Nicole: They got into Hayden and my's head that we shouldn't trust you.
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
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Offline BelleJar

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #162 on: August 07, 2014, 09:39:26 PM »
Zach, Frankie and Cody in the fireroom

Cody and Frankie are confronting Zach about telling Cody and Frankie the exact same things from Day1.

Derrick comes in to mediate. 

Cody, Frankie and Derrick want to be final 2 with him.

Zach: That shows I have no chance of winning.

Zach: I can't tell you guys know.  I love you guys too much.

Cody: I know that's 100% honest

Frankie:  We love you too, but there was a lot of **** that went down this week thatyou weren't privvy too and it got a little messy.

Caleb enters and yells Beast Mode

They tell Caleb that they're yelling at Zach.

The boys are telling Victoria that she passed the test and now she won't be on the block. . . .

Caleb is going to be pissed off if he doesn't get a letter like we've never seen and he wants to tlak to the executive producer.


  those boys should remember it all comes back around . . .
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas

Offline BelleJar

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #163 on: August 07, 2014, 09:42:22 PM »
The boys are telling Zach that they need to take it easy on Nicole.

Zach: I am just going to instigate with her so she blows up and makes herself a target.

Everyone: SHe's already a target. 

Frankie: No more whispering in corners.  Let's just be honest and be open.

Caleb: This next HOH is huge.

Cody: YOu can' compete so we have to win.

Caleb: Our other two targets are competing and they can't win.

Frankie: this was a good move getting rid of Hayden.  GThis will be endurance. 

Caleb: Nicole and Donny aren't beating you guys at that.

A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas

Offline BelleJar

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #164 on: August 07, 2014, 09:54:38 PM »
Caleb leaves the fire room and Frankie and Cody continue their chastising of Zach. 

Zach: You guys don't trust me now

Frankie: if we didn't trust you, you wouldn't be here

Zach: I'm just a number

Frankie:  We can't pit each other against each other.

Zach: I never pit anyone against each other.  Can you explain this?

Cody:  YOu came to me and said that you weren't sure about Frankie

Zach: I never said that.

Frankie: Cody, did Zach say that I was coming after you?

Cody: Yeas

Zach: NO! I never said anything about eithe rof you wanting each other out.

Cody: It doesnt matter now

Zach: No more miscommunication.  It never happened.  I don't know where you heard it.  YOu honestly believe that?

COdy: It may have been a little misconstrued?

Zach: YOu believe that?

COdy: Sure it was misconstrued

Frankie: YOu have a habit of getting on a roll and syaing things and you don't remember and you rant

Zach: I didn't do that

Frankie: ALl you ahve to do is plant the seed and then I think about it for 4 days and say that's what Zach must have meant when Cody just looked at me strange.  Its all over and done its finished.  The litle stuff.  Do you see what Christine just did for us?  SHe was in with them 150% and what did she do is take a machete to their threats and she's the hero. And you say you constantly can't trust Christine.

Caleb: Who:

Frankie: Christine

Caleb: What?

Frankie: She cut them with a machete

Caleb: I have my doubts about Christine.  I feel like if Donny or Hayden had won christine would have been on their side.  That's why she's in there talking to them now.

Cody:  Christine asked Nicole to talk?

Caleb: Yes. I'm not going to talk to anyone else in the house because they're my target.  That says alot about Christine.  If you're someone you want gone I'm not going to talk to you.

COdy: Nicole can't trust me.  She said the majority of stuff to me.

Calebl: I feel like Christine was with Nicole the whole time and she had us to fall back on.  I have it in my memory and look where she is at right now to fix the situation.  I'm telling you now, if I want someone gone I'm not going to say antying.  Finesse those jury votes

Zach: Yeah. 

Caleb: I want you guys to wrap your head around that what Nicole was saying there was some truth to it.  SHe meant it  SHe was being dead serious about it.  NOw, you see where Christine is at.

Frankie and COdy think that Christine is loyal. 

Caleb is convinced that Christine is playing both sides

Frankie/COdy: There is no other side

Caleb: There is a line and there is two of them over there.

Derrick:  They are working their asses off outside right now.  I could be wrong. 


Meanwhile Derrick being the puppet master with Victoria.  They're good.

A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas

Offline BelleJar

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #165 on: August 07, 2014, 09:57:50 PM »
Back in the beehive, CHristine and Nicole are still talking.  Christine doing major damage control with Nicole.  Nicole is trying to figure everything out. 

Nicole: I"m so confused how this played out.  It doesn't make sense at all.

Christine: Zach has a final three deal with everyone. 

Nicole: I'm so sorry America for not trusting Christine and trusting stupid boys

CHristine: America is laughing at me and I'm an idiot.  This is so embarrassing

Nicole: I don't want to talk to anyone, I want to cry in my DR sessions.  Everyting was fine.My HOH was so good.  The two people that took the Germany trip and the $5000 are still in here and it makes me sick.  Zach will never get my vote

Christine: I"m so scared right now.  I'm an idiot.  It really sucks. 
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #166 on: August 07, 2014, 10:13:49 PM »
Nicole: I don't tget why they wanted to keep Zach so bad.  Do you think someone will get to come back/

Christine: Yes, I think that it will be exactly like last year. 

Nicole: It has to be week by week, I just need to make it through the week.   DIdn't Zach say something about my showmance?

Christine: Yea

Nicole: I hate him.  I'm definitely an outsider in this house now.  This sucks.  I thought I wasn't

Christine: I'm an outsider too. 

In the fire room, caleb and Zach and Cody

Cody: It was coming to me all week that Frankie and Christine wanted me out.

Caleb: You guys have to play strong. 

Cody: I know that Frankie and Christine wanted me on the block.  I'm not believing that they didn't want that.  I'm going to be loyal, but I know where things are at.

Zach: This week?

Cody:  They wanted me on the week  against you after the veto.  That's why you're sitting here and you're running your mouth.  I keep trying to tell you to keep your mouth shut. 

Derrick comes into the fire room.  Caleb leaves. The los tres amigos are meeting. 
Cody: going on an on about CHristine and Frankie wanting Cody out

Derrick: We knew there was something going on because Frankie and Christine didn't try to make an alliance with us.   

Cody: Just pay attention

Derrick: You need to start locking it in.

Cody: You know who didn't want you out of the house, but who were they going to put up next to you. 

Derrick: They told us it was goingto Cody or Derrick.

Zach: He said he had to pull it our.

Whisper, whisper, whisper and Caleb comes back. They kiss his ass. 

Derrick: Nicole is spitting game, she's telling us a lot of good stuff.

In the bathroom with NIcole and Frankie. . . .

Nicole: It sucks when you trust people but its part of the game.

Frankie: Exactly

Nicole: I just don't want it to be awkward.

Frankie: you know how much I like you.

Christine and Frankie meet on the way to the fire room. 

Christine in the fire room with Frankie. 

Frankie tells COdy and Caleb that Nicole apologized and he took it for what it was

Christine: this is going to be an awkward game.

COdy: And there's less of us and #thisisgettngawkward

Caleb:  We're at the jury and I'm happy

Cody: I just want to win the HOH.

Zach and Derrick in the beehive.

Zach: I told Frankie about los tres amigos

Derrick: I told you I'm never going to burn you.  YOu'll either burn me or we'll go to the end together. Week 1 I told you where my loyalty was.  They tried to send you packing.

Zach: Did Frankie and Christine want me gone?

Derrick: I'm just going by what Nicole said.   

Caleb and Frankie in the have not room.

Frankie: I think you said that Christine is covering her ass

Caleb: Your problem is because you're standing next to her doing all of the same stuff. they are looking at you and her as doing the same.

Frankie: Who is they?

Caleb:  ALl of them.

Frankie: I'm not allowed to talk to Nicole for two weeks

Caleb: It looks bad when you talk to people.  I'm not going to tell you who to talk too.  Actions speak louder than words.  There is a reason they want to talk alone

Frankie: I don't understand how there is a question when it comes to me?

Caleb: Because of where we are sitting. Nicole and Hayden said the same things.  It looks supspicous.

Frankie: What else could I say to them? YEah I said I want Zach out.

Caleb: You gotta see it form our side

Frankie: well we all were at a point with Zach. 

Caleb: Hayden through you under the buss that you guys were working with them. Its more so Christine than you.  So just be quiet

Cody back in the beehive with Zach

Cody: Christine told Nicole that I was the reason. 

Cody is telling Zach the story of what happened. 

Zach: Frankie is covering his ass.

I gotta go, I'm so sorry. 
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #167 on: August 07, 2014, 10:43:01 PM »
Derrick Frankie and Caleb still back slapping Caleb for his snide comments to Nicole and Hayden during the live show

delightful just delightful

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #168 on: August 07, 2014, 10:43:33 PM »
delightful just delightful

Offline KitKat

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Re: Live Feed Updates Monday Aug. 4 through Thursday Aug. 7
« Reply #169 on: August 07, 2014, 10:45:14 PM »
Everyone in the KT except for Nicole

good time to move to a new day,30299.0.html
delightful just delightful