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HOH Blogs & Pictures
« on: July 19, 2012, 09:46:25 AM »
HoH Blog: Willie

 Hi everyone this is willie from bb 14 its been a crazy week not looking good right now but it changes from day to day in this crazy house. none of these players have a mind of there on. the vets are running the game and it makes me sick. im going to do what ever it takes to stay here. i miss my family and my daughters chelsea and britt i love yall so much. to all you fans out there thank yall i will never give up.

Yup, that's it. Shortest one ever. Probably a good thing. LOL

Pictures to follow on next post

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2012, 10:22:41 AM »
I'm having trouble trying to get the pics. CBS is making it very difficult as we have to "flock to unlock" the pics via twitter. I'm working on it and once I can see the pics, I'll post. So hang on for now.

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2012, 10:29:13 AM »
Week 1 HOH pics:

more to come....

« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 11:52:58 AM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2012, 12:01:46 AM »

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2012, 01:31:54 PM »
HOH Blog: Frank

Going from the block to the HOH room is definitely not a lateral move! Being a huge fan of the show made just competing in my first solo HOH competition an incredible experience, and winning my first HOH (hopefully many to follow) was just icing on the cake. I'm sure everyone is aware of the drama that has taken place in the Big Brother house over the last several days, especially somebody's self eviction, but as a fan of the show I do hate to see somebody leave the house in that manner. It would have much sweeter to send him home with the help of my current alliance this Thursday.

I wish I could ask everyone who reads this if I'm making good decisions and aligning with the right people. This house is like the twilight zone at times, I believe I started off down the wrong road and I hope now that I have corrected my course. The people with whom I am working are definitely a fantastic group of people (Ian, Jen, Wil, Ashley, and Joe) and completely diverse which makes our group very unique. Since I am a big fan of Big Brother its definitely pretty surreal to be playing the game with the coaches that helped make me such a fan. They are larger than life and as entertaining as I expected them to be!

Of course I want to send my love to Nana, Mom, Gunnar, Dad and all of my other family and friends. Jungle Juice Daniel and Zebra Cake Chris, I hope you like your new nicknames, you're definitely a hit in the house. David I hope you're taking good care of the house and not throwing too many pool parties.

If I can back it up a little bit, just being in the Big Brother house is a dream come true! For all the fans out there who have tried or want to try to get on, take it from me, sometimes you meet resistance but it was definitely worth the wait. Everyday in the house I wake up utterly grateful for the chance that I have been given, I wish I could describe the feeling of actually playing the game to all you fans out there! I hope that we're entertaining everyone more than enough (and not singing too much) and don't forget to eat your fruit loops!


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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2012, 06:38:21 PM »
Week 2 HOH pics:

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2012, 09:13:13 PM »

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2012, 02:00:53 PM »
HOH Blog: Shane

Big Brother Fans and the rest of world, First of all, I would like to thank all of my fans for the support, prayers, and believing in me even when the odds weren't in my favor. This is by far the hardest game I have ever played and without the fans I wouldn't have this opportunity. Secondly, I want to give a shout out to all of my fellow Vermonters. Vermont is such a beautiful state with a lot of down to earth people, great maple syrup and cheese, hiking trails, and not to mention the gorgeous green mountains. If you ever get a chance to visit one of the ski areas or parks you will not be disappointed. Shout out to my mom, dad, and sister Shannon. I love you all very so much and being away from you all for a month makes me realize that even more. I hope all is well and thank you for my HOH card. Mom, I will try not to wear my hair in a faux-hawk but I was supposed to dress up like an 80s dance party so not my fault : ) Dad, hope your rocking out hard. Shannon, You know I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you so I owe you a lot. Olden, I hope racing is going well and that you haven't started working on our Bachelor pad without me. Ron, fingers are crossed that while I am gone East Street, Wall Street, or West Road houses will sell. I miss you both just as much. Please give Dozer the biggest bone you can find for me. Chris sorry about not getting the chance to chill when you came home. As soon as I am out of the Big Brother House I am coming to visit you in West Palm for show. I am sorry if I missed anyone. This house is crazy and you barely have time to get away for 5 minutes and not think about game. OK, now its time for the good stuff; Big Brother 14!

I believe this is by far the biggest twist in Big Brother history. Having the coaches in the house creates such an awkward aroma in the air and really changes how the game is being played. I know I am judging most of my decisions based on the coaches reputation instead of the actual houseguest. I feel like I can trust certain houseguest, however I don't trust their coach and what they are telling their players. For example, week one Frank and Kara were put up on the block. Willie, JoJo, Britney, and myself made the decision to put them up because of how dangerous their coaches where when they played the game.

In addition, the coaches play a huge role in your own individual game plan. With the new coaches competition, a coach can decide to save or trade you so your fate in this game is directly linked to your coach. Also, you have no control whether deciding who is a have not and who isn't as this is ultimately up to one of the four coaches to decide. In many circumstances players do not often listen to their coach in sports which doesn't affect the coach. They will just put another player into the game, but not in the Big Brother house. The coaches need their players more than the players need their coaches. Ultimately, a player can still win the grand prize even if they do not listen to their coach, but I believe this season you have to make the best decision for yourself in this game and not for your coach. I know if I get sent home this year, I want it to be for a decision I made and not my coach.

This week in the Big Brother house emotions are a little up and down. Things really calmed down after Willie was expelled. However, fans keep watching very closely! With me being the HOH this week I need to make a strong move that will benefit me as well as really get some emotions flaring. Once again, Thanks to ALL my fans for your support. I will never give up in this game until I am the last one walking out of the house. Much love to America and our troops!! Get home safe troops. GOD BLESS EVERYONE!

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2012, 01:15:14 PM »
Week 3 HOH pictures:

There are  54 pictures this week so I'm not posting them one by one but click on the link to view them:

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2012, 02:33:48 PM »
Thanks Will. I'm struck by just how beautiful Kara is. (She is in the first batch.)
The choices we make dictate the life we lead.

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2012, 11:10:32 AM »
HOH Blog: Danielle

Hey Y'all!! I just wanted to start by saying thank you to everyone who is watching and everyone who is supporting us!! Right now, the tension isn't really bad in the house but i know on Wednesday a lot of drama will probably occur because of the 2 house guests that are currently on the block.

I wanted to let all of my friends and family in Tuscaloosa, Alabama know that i can't wait to see them again and ROLL TIDE!!! :-) I love you all (Trey, Jessica, Danielle, Kurt, Matt)!! Thank you to all of my amazing coworkers and employers at my job for supporting and cheering for me while on BB!

This experience has been so amazing for me!!! I can't believe that i am currently HOH and that i am able to send a message to all of the AMAZING fans out there!! I hope that y'all are enjoying the season so far and i just wanted to personally let y'all know that I am so thankful and grateful to everyone and anyone who is watching the show and cheering us on! Y'all are the best :-)!!

If y'all want to know who i am truly close with in the house then you obviously know that i am extremely close to Dan, Shane, and Britney. Those 3 really mean the world to me and i am so beyond blessed and honored to be working and be friends with them :-). Dan, to me is almost like a father figure, he is always looking out for me and is constantly coaching me. He is one of my best friends and he will always be so special to me. Now, i think everyone knows what my relationship with Shane is ;-). Hahaha no seriously Shane is one of my best friends and he truly has a heart of gold, he is an amazing guy. Lastly, Britney is the best!! I love that her and I are so similar and that we can talk about everything! Britney will be one of the girls in my wedding someday :-) that should tell you just how important she is to me!

Last but certainly not least, i wanted to thank God for all of my blessings and helping me get to this place in my life. I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without him! Again, i can not say thank you enough to everyone who is watching and supporting us!! Thank you so much!! Love y'all!!

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2012, 11:57:44 AM »
To view week 4 HOH pictures, click on the link below...

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2012, 10:30:20 AM »
HOH Blog: Frank

Hello again everyone in the Big Brother Fandom!!! This is the comeback kid coming atcha, but don't call it a comeback!! After Three times on the block I pulled off another HOH win helping guarantee myself a week off the block! If anyone is out there sending good vibes and prayers my way, thank you very much, and will I ever get a chance to vote?!

Even though I was on the block last week, sitting next to Janelle as she went out the door on an eight to one vote, it felt pretty good. I was a big fan a Janelles on season 6 and season 7, but she has been my main adversary for the last few weeks, and has dogged me pretty hard so seeing her go was a big relief.

House Updates: A chunk of the house has been participating in the Big Brother Boot Camp lately in the evening, Shane has been organizing some workout stations to shake up the monotony of working out in the house. I've done a few myself and they are pretty tuff. . . The tickle monster has resurfaced after what was thought to be the extinction of the species, its funny how moods change in a weeks time!

Mike, Dan and I, despite Dan originally trying to get me out, have formed a core alliance within the silent six (Dan, Danielle, Brittany, Shane, Boogie, and myself). I just hope I'm making a good decision and trusting the right people for now. This house can play mind games on you, and the people you trust the most one day might be the people you trust the least the next and vise versa. Ex-coach Boogs and I seem to have a pretty good thing going, I just hope its as concrete as he says, because we all know the Boogster can get one over on ya!

The house is definitely taking a toll on the house guests. Ashley has been dealing with the repercussions of being a have not a couple weeks ago (worse beds ever), and Boogie is suffering from a Lemonade ear infection thanks to the X-Squeeze me have/have-not competition. Not that we're complaining, its all part the game!

I would like to send a shout out to all of the friends and family of all the house guests, you are all loved and missed very much. Specifically I would like to say hello to my nana, my momma, my dad, and Gunnar, also to Jungle Juice Daniel and Zebra Cake Chris, Candace Bailey and Sarah Underwood, and all my other homies out there! David and Carm you better be keeping the house in good shape. For my boy Boogs, big love to Brady, keep it moving little guy!! I would also like to shout out to my homegirl Julie Chen, in case we don't get our one on one time Thursday (which would break my heart), your home skillet says hello and watch me go!!!

Frankie and Big Teddy
CGR (Clean Game Running).

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2012, 11:20:46 AM »
To view week 5 HOH pics, click on the link below:

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2012, 01:17:09 PM »
HOH Blog: Shane

Dear Big Brother Fans and America,

WOW, what a week huh? The past couple of weeks have gone by so fast without much drama or tension. However, the moods and feelings have changed dramatically since I heard Frank and Boogie were coming after me and I nominated them. GO BIG OR GO HOME!! I had to make the best decision to protect the quack pack and myself. Ultimately, this puts a huge target on my head but it also guarantees a big threat leaves the game. Now I just have to put my trust in my alliance and believe they can keep me safe! GO QUACK PACK! GOODBYE SILENT 6!

The final show is less than a month away, so America be prepared for four weeks of intense game talking, up and down emotions, game changing twists, decision making flips, votes that will leave you stunned, and nominations that leave you on the edge of your seat. Its time for the craziest month in Big Brother history, stay tuned!!

Changing subjects, I want to express my love to all Big Brother Fans! Without you I wouldn't have this amazing life changing experience as well as the best summer of my life. Most importantly, a special shout out to all my fans!! I appreciate all of the support you have given me. I will never give up in this game and I will do everything I can to protect my closest friends and allies. I will continue making big moves even if it puts me as the biggest target in the game. Congratulations to the U.S.A. in the Olympics!!! Hooorahh! I pray for our troops everyday that they are safe and come home soon and without harm. I need to give a shout out to God for he has given me the strength and courage to make it this far and will remain by my side until the end.

Lastly, I would like to give out some personal shootouts including some for the houseguest. Mom, Dad, Shannon and all of my other immediate family I love you all so much. Thank you for believing in me and for your support. Keep your fingers crossed. Mom, I am glad you took my advice and are working at the animal shelter and have a passion for it. Dad, you are the hardest working dad and I hope one day I am in a position so you don't have to work so much and you can just focus on your music. Shannon, good luck with school and your internship in Concord, NH. Tell Greg I say hi. I will come visit when I return home. Ron and Olden, you know I miss my two roommates. I hope all is well in good old Bennington. Olden I hope your race car is still in tack and Ron I hope you are behaving yourself without your wingman ;) Dozer I miss you terribly but I am glad I got a picture of you. Dani has been your replacement while I have been gone. She's a good cuddler but not as good as you! ha-ha Lastly, all my boys back home! Chris Stacy you know I miss you and please tell all the other guys I am thinking about them as well and miss them.

- Shane Meaney

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2012, 02:17:12 PM »
To view Shane's HOH pictures, click the link below:

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2012, 03:56:55 PM »
HOH Blog: Frank

Hello again from the HOH room!! Three W's in the HOH column is definitely a great feeling, especially when you've needed them like I have, this one the most!! I'm not sure how I pulled off the POV win and the HOH win like I did on Thursday, and I hope everyone watching can see how bad I want this and how much I love this game. Having Mike and Ashley go in the same night was definitely a low blow, especially when you consider that it was Ian who was behind what happened. Not having them in the game is absolutely going to make it harder for me going forward, but I'm doing my best to get myself situated for a run down the stretch.

Big shout outs to friends and family, you are all loved and missed. Also big props to all our troops stationed all over the world, whether you're fans or not, we are all fans of yours!! Mom, Nana, Gunnar, Dad, Juice, Cake, Jonathan, and all my other friends and family, I hope I'm representing you all well and not embarrassing anyone, I love you all and can feel you cheering me on every step of the way. David and Carm I hope you haven't set the house on fire!! Hello Mike Boogie and Brady Boogie, wish you were still here brother, but I know you're rooting for me.

The finish line is almost in sight, and I've fought too hard up to this point to not make it to the end. I felt really alone in this game after Thursday nights' double eviction, but now I'm starting to not feel so alone. Some people in the house are going from thinking 'this guy can win this game' to 'this guy deserves to win this game' which is the mindset I need people to have.

I hope I haven't rubbed any of you the wrong way with my some of my louder moments, I just hope everyone can see the passion I have for Big Brother. I fought really hard for three years to make it into this house, and I've had to fight even harder ever since I walked through the door to stay in this house. For all of you fans out there who have tried to make it on the show, know that persistence really can pay off!! I'm living my dream as you read this!! I also hope that we are putting on a great show for all of you this summer, we try to keep it interesting!!

I know its a game, but I didn't check my character at the door, some people obviously feel different.

Root for me, the unlikely underdog!

Frank and Teddy B!

P.S. From being on the block five times, to wearing a spriritard, to chum baths and a carrot suit I can't catch a break!!! Kids eat your vegetables, especially your carrots!!!

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2012, 05:57:39 PM »
Are Frank's pics gonna be posted from this week?
Misted by Dan Gheesling :)

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #18 on: September 05, 2012, 05:48:14 PM »
HOH Blog: Ian

What a crazy week it's been… from my best friend in the house getting evicted to me winning HoH only a couple hours later. Now that the game is getting down to the nitty-gritty, any nominations that I make have to be strategic and not personal, so even though I really like hanging out with Frank, he's too much of a threat to leave in this game any longer. I really hope that this season is as fun to watch as it is to play in (I can't wait to watch it).

Several months ago, I never would've dreamed I would be in the Big Brother HoH room typing this blog. When I got invited to come here, I was completely shocked, and I'm very excited that I've even managed to last this long (I thought I would've been out before the jury for sure!). It just goes to show that if you make a good attempt at achieving some of your craziest dreams, they might actually become your reality.

I'm glad that this HoH reign for me has lasted more than 30 minutes, especially since last time I got it, it was extremely stressful and made my head spin. Having the room and perks is definitely a really crucial part of the HoH experience and I'm glad that I got to experience it fully.

To my family: I still don't know how I've lasted so long in here… I honestly thought I was going to be the first person voted out of the house, but once I found my footing and people started to "get" my sense of humor I figured I'd be around for a good while. That reset about a month ago sent my head spinning in approximately 17 different directions, but looking back that was probably really good for my game. There's only going to be 6 people left after the end of this week and I'm one of them, so we have a 33.33% at a good payout (fingers crossed, mom and dad). I hope that you guys are doing well. I love and miss you guys and think about you every day, but fortunately I'm used to going a while without seeing you so I'm pretty used to it. I thought it was funny that grandma didn't know I wouldn't get the room for being HoH during a double eviction, but it doesn't matter since I got a real HoH week now (I bet she's excited!). I bet Ryan and his friends find watching Big Brother: After Dark amusing now since someone they know is on it. I hope that the whole extended family is doing well. I love and miss all of you!

To my friends: I hope that this semester hasn't gotten too difficult yet. Have fun and I will see all of you again in January when I come back for the Spring semester. It should be a real blast. Scott and the boys, I hope you guys are behaving yourselves and watching the show. I remember how funny we thought it would be if I got on here when I got back from going to try-out.

Now that we're in September, I think it's a really good time of year to honor those who lost their lives in the tragic terror attacks that occurred almost 11 years ago. In addition, I'd like to send love to the family and friends of those victims. Let's not also forget to give a "Support Our Troops", since they risk their lives everyday to help protect this great country. Best, IPT

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Re: HOH Blogs & Pictures
« Reply #19 on: September 12, 2012, 12:48:00 PM »
HOH Blog: Ian

Thanks! What a week! Another crazy few days in the Big Brother house… not to mention that I've gotten to sleep upstairs for two straight weeks now :P. Getting the Quack Pack to the end together definitely wasn't easy at all, and though we did lose Britney along the way, we still managed to get 80% of our alliance to the Final 5.

Though I don't know a whole lot of what's going to happen in the next few days, it seems as if the Quack Pack will make its mark as one of the most successful alliances in the history of Big Brother. QP is the alliance that I'd always dreamed of and even planned out before coming on the show. Shane, with his athletic prowess, was able to combat Frank in several competitions. Dan, was older and wiser than the rest of us, and able to impart some of his Big Brother wisdom on us. Danielle was able to use her Southern charm and determination to succeed in many situations we faced in the house. Britney, while she was with us, used her persuasive tongue to get what we needed during the week Frank nominated Wil and Joe. I somehow brought this group together, founded it, did some strategizing, and got information from our opponents that we could use against them. QP was the perfect Big Brother alliance combination, especially since unconditional trust held the group together. Even though I know that this alliance will soon become a fierce two-on-two match between the Renegades and the Couple, I'm thrilled to have taken part in the QP!

Evicting Frank from the house was a tremendous relief for me and the rest of the Quack Pack, and I hope that he isn't too bitter about the whole situation. I seriously thought I would never see the day when his picture turned to grayscale. I will say that I am definitely disappointed in Joe's eviction. It really shouldn't have been him, but as Dan said, "It's either your hand or mine."

Now that I'm done with this Quack-Pack related bragging, I'd like to move to a more serious topic.

11 years ago today, America was faced with the largest attack on our country's soil in history. It seems like just yesterday I was sitting in my 2nd period Social Studies class as a 5th grader when I found out the news that turned my life (and most of America's lives) upside-down. I ask that anybody reading this take a moment to reflect on the lives of those lost in the tragedies and on the family and friends of those victims as well.

I'd like to shout-out to my friends, family, and all of the eliminated BB14 HouseGuests.

Best, IPT

PS: Quack Quack QUACK!!!!!!!!!