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Offline puddin

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Ep 2 Recap
« on: July 14, 2004, 02:06:02 PM »
After a strong showing in the first leg, dating couple Alison & Donny fell apart when Teams traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the Argentine city, several Teams struggled with a stressful dog-walking Detour, causing tempers to flare. When faced with a choice of transportation to the countryside Pit Stop location at La Porteña, most Teams opted for a taxi ride. But three Teams, Alison & Donny, married parents Chip & Kim and twins Kami & Karli, chose to take a bus, placing them at the back of the pack. While a standoff over an available taxi at the bus station near La Invernada caused bad blood between the twins and Chip & Kim, dating couple Alison & Donny, bickering through their bus ride, arrived in last place and became the second Team eliminated from THE AMAZING RACE.


After a mandatory rest period allowing Teams to eat, sleep and mingle, Alison & Donny departed the Pit Stop at Casa del Pueblo in first place at 12:48am. Opening their clue, the pair learned they must drive a marked vehicle 75 miles to Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay. Once there, they needed to find the Shake Mega Disco, go inside onto the foam-filled dance floor crowded with revelers and search for their next clue hidden within inflated balls. On their sometimes volatile relationship raising issues in the Race, Alison remarked, "Yelling is our way of communicating, and we're still getting the job done."

Departing in second place at 12:51am, brothers Marshall & Lance got off to a rocky start when they took a wrong turn and found themselves at a dead end. This allowed bowling moms Linda & Karen, who departed at 12:54am, to pass the brothers before they could find the freeway to Montevideo. About her Team's chances, Linda said, "I know Karen really well. We've known each other for fifteen years. I think we're going to be a tough team."

Leaving Casa del Pueblo in fourth place at 1:05am internet dating couple Bob & Joyce commented on their age as a factor: "Us older folks are hanging in there, but they'll find out sooner or later. We're stronger than we look." On the heels of Bob & Joyce, cousins Charla & Mirna drove out of the Pit Stop, only to encounter the same dead end as Marshall & Lance, allowing dating couple Brandon & Nicole to pass them.

As the remaining four Teams departed Casa del Pueblo in quick succession, Linda & Karen arrived at the Shake Mega Disco followed closely by Alison & Donny. The two Teams stepped onto the crowded, foam-filled dance floor, looking for the inflatable balls. Finding one quickly, Linda tore it open and took the clue from inside. Reading it, she discovered she and Karen must drive 100 miles to the ferry station at Colonial de Sacramento and then travel by ferry to Buenos Aires, Argentina.

As Linda & Karen and Alison & Donny made their way to the ferry station, other Teams began descending upon Montevideo. While Marshall & Lance, Bob & Joyce and Brandon & Nicole quickly found Shake Mega Disco, Chip & Kim became lost, as did Charla & Mirna, who asked for directions from a woman of questionable repute at a bus stop. After finding their clue, Kim complained to Chip how she was groped on the dance floor by unruly patrons, a problem also encountered by Nicole. Charla & Mirna, finally having found the disco, noted that father and daughter Jim & Marsha were moments ahead of them. Mirna said, "That Team was last. Now they're ahead of us."

Arriving at Colonial de Sacramento in first place, Alison & Donny purchased tickets for the first ferry at 4:30am. Soon other Teams began arriving in quick succession, except for Charla & Mirna, who were lost again. Nicole commented, "We're hoping one Team doesn't make this ferry so we can get a break." With only 20 minutes left until the ferry departed, the cousins were asking a gas station attendant for directions. As the Teams settled into their seats for the ferry ride to Argentina, Charla & Mirna desperately ran for the ticket window. The gangway was already retracted, and the cousins begged to get on. With the help of a nice worker who held the ferry, the cousins made it on board in time. Charla commented, "My size is an advantage, because most people think I can't do anything."


When the ten Teams landed in Buenos Aires, they needed to find the correct cemetery, Recoleta, and search through thousands of monuments for the grave of former Argentinean first lady, Evita Peron, to find their next clue. While most Teams received the correct information from locals, Colin & Christie, Bob & Joyce and Chip & Kim were incorrectly told to go to the Chacarita cemetery. Brandon & Nicole also received the bad information, but their cab driver corrected the mistake. With all Teams headed to either cemetery, Jim & Marsha trailed the pack because Linda & Karen had told them to exchange their American dollars. After seeing that the other Teams didn't exchange money, Marsha said, "I think the moms…screwed us."

After a rocky beginning, Charla & Mirna arrived at the Recoleta cemetery in first place, passing Linda & Karen and Alison & Donny at its gates. Reaching Evita's tomb, the cousins ripped open their clue to discover a Detour. This Detour required Teams to choose between "Perro" or "Tango." Teams choosing Perro, the Spanish word for dog, must take on the extremely popular job of dog walking. One Team member must take charge of eight dogs while the other uses a map to navigate them past a series of checkpoints to their final destination, one mile away at a statue called La Flor. Teams were able to begin the task immediately because the dogs were right outside the cemetery. Teams opting for Tango must travel through crowded streets 1.5 miles across town to a theater and search among similar-looking tango dancers for the man pictured in the program, who would give them their next clue. If Teams found the wrong man, he would take their program, forcing them to get a new program and try again. Charla & Mirna opted for Tango, heading out of the cemetery quickly, while Linda & Karen chose Perro.

Stuck in gridlock traffic, Mirna questioned whether she and Charla made the correct Detour choice. Meanwhile, Linda & Karen struggled to maintain control of their very active dogs. Faced with the same options, Marshall & Lance, Alison & Donny and Brandon & Nicole all chose Tango. However, seeing the pack of dogs waiting anxiously outside the cemetery, Donny convinced Alison to switch to Perro. Instantly, trouble began as Alison, the dog walker, screamed at Donny, the navigator, to take her bag. Donny shouted, "Shut up! I'm reading this!" To make matters worse, Alison complained that her dogs kept having sex.
Arriving at the theater, Charla & Mirna entered to find dozens of couples tango dancing. Seeing that many of the men looked strikingly similar, Mirna commented, "This is too difficult to figure out." She made a decision and handed her program to a dancer, who took it without giving her the clue. Getting a second chance, Mirna got it right, and the cousins received their next clue, instructing them to take a taxi or a bus 70 miles to La Estancia La Invernada, an Argentine ranch, to find the next Route Marker. The cousins chose a cab ride, even though it was considerably more expensive, to ensure they would arrive faster. Mirna observed, "There's no doubt in my mind: if we take a bus to this place, we will be eliminated." Finishing Tango soon after, Brandon & Nicole opted for the cab ride as well.

Walking the dogs proved an exercise in futility for both Alison & Donny and Linda & Karen. Teaming up to find the checkpoints more quickly didn't seem to help. A furious Alison yelled at Donny, "We didn't pass by three checkpoints!" Frustrated, Donny added, "This is the worse one ever." A resigned Alison replied, "Well, you know what? We're done." Realizing this could cost them the Race, both Alison & Donny and Linda & Karen threw in the towel on Perro and hoped for better luck with Tango. On the car ride to the theater, Donny & Alison continued to bicker with Donny calling Alison an "embarrassment."

While most remaining Teams figured looking for a tango dancer would be much easier, two other Teams decided to walk the dogs. Twins Kami & Karli found the task daunting until they found a local to guide them. Across town, as Teams identified their tango dancers, they all considered whether to take a bus or taxi. Wanting to save money, Donny decided he and Alison would take the bus, while Marshall & Lance, Colin & Christie, Jim & Marsha and Linda & Karen all took taxis. In the back of the pack, Chip & Kim and Kami & Karli met up at the bus station and took an express bus together, while last-place Bob & Joyce opted for the taxi.


Arriving at La Invernada, cousins Charla & Mirna and dating couple Brandon & Nicole encountered their first Roadblock. A Roadblock is a task that only one person may perform. In this Roadblock, that person must play a game called ribbon roping traditionally played by children on a ranch. Participants must enter a corral and attempt to remove a bandana from the neck of one of the calves. Since they were not allowed to tackle the animals, the task could prove frustrating. Once they got the bandana, a gaucho would hand them their next clue. Choosing to perform the task for their Teams, Brandon and Mirna each learned how difficult it could be to snag a bandana off a calf. Encouraging her timid partner, Charla cheered, "Come on, Mirna! You can do it! They're afraid of you!"

As Teams made their way to La Invernada, Brandon finally managed to snag a bandana and Mirna grabbed one immediately after. Both Teams opened their clue that, instructed them to travel by horse-drawn carriage two miles to La Porteña, a 150-year-old estate in the Argentine countryside and the Pit Stop for this leg of the Race. Running to their carriage, Brandon & Nicole took the lead hoping for a first-place finish. On their carriage, Mirna said, "We're going to run our hearts out, and maybe something good will happen." Arriving at La Porteña, the two Teams quickly left their carriages and raced across the beautiful lawns to the mat where host Phil Keoghan waited. While Charla gave it her all, it wasn't quite enough as dating couple Brandon & Nicole finished in first place. Arriving in second place, cousins Charla & Mirna celebrated their strong showing. Charla remarked, "I am determined to get to that finish line to win the million dollars and show the world what I'm capable of."


As Jim & Marsha and Linda & Karen sped to third and fourth place finishes respectively, Chip & Kim and Kami & Karli arrived at the bus station needing a taxi to take them to La Invernada. Having spotted one, Kami began running towards it, only to find herself in a footrace with Chip, who was trying to claim it for his Team. The two competitors got into the back seat from opposite sides, and neither would relinquish their position. Chip stood his ground until a second taxi arrived, and both Teams headed for La Invernada. About the incident, Kami remarked, "It felt like it turned really ugly just now." Karli added, "I'm so pissed because Chip turned into a completely different person. I did not like Chip."

With Bob & Joyce, Colin & Christie and Marshall & Lance arriving at the Pit Stop in fifth, sixth and seventh place, the pressure began to mount for Kami & Karli and Chip & Kim. Kami and Chip opted to perform the Roadblock for their Teams and hurried into the corral. As each of them managed to snag a bandana, Alison & Donny arrived, trying to catch up.


On the carriage ride, Chip remarked, "This could be an elimination round." Kami feared, "This is our last chance to stay in the game." Racing from the carriage, Chip & Kim beat the twins to the mat for an eighth-place finish. Arriving in ninth place, stunned Kami & Karli commented, "You know what? We played fair."

Arriving at the Pit Stop in last place, dating couple Alison & Donny were told by Phil Keoghan that they had been eliminated from THE AMAZING RACE. On going from first to worst, Donny said, "We expected to be up there in the front of the pack again, but we got ourselves in a hole too deep we couldn't get ourselves out." On her partner, Alison noted, "Donny and I haven't had the healthiest relationship, ever. It's been rough." Adding a final comment on their rocky relationship, Donny remarked, "Dealing with Alison was the hardest part of the Race for me. I hate her. I can't believe I'm here with her. I'd rather change partners than be with her. This Race has really taught me to redefine my love for Alison."

Offline Texan

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Re: Ep 2 Recap
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2004, 02:32:12 PM »
Thansk for the recap puddin.

Offline DonnyPatrickfan

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Re: Ep 2 Recap
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2004, 06:41:26 PM »
I may not be so intent on making sure I don't miss any further episodes, with Donny now gone.  Some of the characters are interesing, but I would say Donny is a dream..  Alison is like a bad nightmare, his nightmare.  I can't see how anyone would want to be around someone with her personality.  SHe's why they both lost.

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Re: Ep 2 Recap
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2004, 09:20:42 AM »
Welcome to the might want to watch the show still or at least check in here from time to time.

Still lookign I warned you
rumors on the other board is that Donny may come back similar to the ghost tribe is survivor....their clue said the last team MAY be eliminated where all the others said WILL be eliminated.  This is just a rumor right now

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Re: Ep 2 Recap
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2004, 09:27:09 AM »
Spoiler from pittgirl connections

Keep watching Donny fan...............It is not over yet!!!!!!! That is all I can say!

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Re: Ep 2 Recap
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2004, 09:38:45 AM »
WOO HOO!!!  Thanks pittgirl

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Re: Ep 2 Recap
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2004, 01:26:20 AM »
Thanks for the post and spoiler.  I am intrigued now.  I was actually glad Donny and Alison were eliminated.  Listening to them bicker was not a treat.  I hope when Alison watches the shows, she can see how poisnous her words are. :(*8 :(*8

Offline puddin

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Re: Ep 2 Recap
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2004, 02:13:09 PM »
LOL ( I have to admit I lwould have loved it if they were still in the race..I could look at Donny all day long )