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Survivor: Redemption Island - Ralph Kiser
« on: January 10, 2011, 11:53:18 AM »


Name (Age): Ralph Kiser (45)
Tribe Designation: Zapatera
Current Residence: Lebanon, Va.
Occupation: Farmer
Personal Claim to Fame: Being completely debt-free at age 44. No vehicle payments, no mortgage payments, plus I own two homes on the same farm.
Inspiration in Life: I'm inspired by my farm; I've been at it all my life. I'm always amazed at my animals - how they grow and survive. Being able to watch the circle of life go 'round and be a part of it is a very satisfying adventure that I never get tired of.
Hobbies: Hunting, hiking and traveling.
Pet Peeves: People who are lazy and donÂ’t try to make anything of themselves.
3 Words to Describe You: Determined, strong-willed and stubborn
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: I'm probably a combo of Big Tom and J.T.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: I've wanted to be on the show for years and knew one day I'd get my chance. I want to be a hometown hero for the folks back home!
Why you think you'll "Survive" SURVIVOR: I'm an outdoors mountain man. I know plants, trees and what most of their uses are. I can also build anything; start a fire anywhere and make people believe anything I say!
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: I will be the king at camp because I can build shelter, cook, find food and be the leader.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 11:57:11 PM by georgiapeach »
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Re: Survivor: Redemption Island - Ralph Kiser
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2011, 09:43:37 AM »
Survivor not first reality TV experience for Ralph Kiser

By Debra Mccown
Published: January 13, 2011

Survivor isn’t the first reality TV experience for Ralph Kiser, the Lebanon, Va., man who was chosen as a contestant for the show’s newest season, which begins Feb. 16.

Kiser and teammate Ronnie Smith placed second in an adventure race show called Back to the Woods, which was filmed in the recreational area straddling Washington, Smyth and Grayson counties in the summer of 2009.

Back to the Woods first aired in a series of online episodes. Then, in November, it aired as an hour-long show on CW4-TV.

Greg Gross, director of Back to the Woods, said Kiser was exactly the kind of character he was seeking for the show, which sent eight teams of two running and biking through the woods in a contest that combined puzzle challenges with physical endurance. The three fastest teams in the initial competition then went head-to-head in a final challenge at Backbone Rock, where Smith made an error that cost he and Kiser the win.

“Just the way they attacked the game and played the game was fun,” Gross said. “If he [Kiser] couldn’t figure something out, he’d make a joke about it or he’d play around with it.”

A telling moment came when a clue confused the team but Kiser came through, creating a great scene in the show.

“One of them [the clues] said, ‘Act like Bambi and flank the glade.’ … He didn’t know what it meant, so he got down on all fours and acted like Bambi, and literally he was running across the field acting like Bambi,” Gross said. “He’s just a fun guy to be around, and he brought a lot of life and a lot of energy to what we were doing.”

Kiser, in his introductory video on, points to multiple applications – and multiple interviews – for Survivor in his efforts to get on the show.

“I applied three times out of four years and they interviewed me all three times,” Kiser said in the video. “There’s something they like.”

Gross predicts that Kiser will do well on Survivor: Redemption Island.

“I think if he can build a couple of really solid relationships … I think he understands the game, and I think he’ll do pretty well,” Gross said. “I think some people will underestimate him.”

He said the way Kiser attacked the adventure race will serve him well on Survivor, with his zest for life and ability to have fun while taking the game seriously as a serious competitor.

“He’s certainly going to be the kind of person that the area can get behind and feel good about,” Gross said. “I think he’ll represent us well, I really do.”
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Re: Survivor: Redemption Island - Ralph Kiser
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2011, 07:52:13 PM »
OMG i heard ralph on a podcast and he was hysterical!!  I hope rob can get him on sometime!!

 FYI CBS?survivor asked him to grow out that beard the way he did for the show. he was clean shaven after he sent in his application!!

 ralph also said that Phillip was no wher nears as crazy in real life  to what he was on the show!!
WHO KNEW! :lol3:
zero, zilch, nada, nothing!