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S20: Cirie Fields
« on: January 07, 2010, 12:42:52 AM »

Cirie Fields (39)

Tribe: Heroes
Hometown: Jersey City, N.J.
Current Residence: Norwalk, Conn.
Personal Claim To Fame: “Passion for providing extraordinary safe, quality patient care.”
Inspiration in Life: “My three sons John, Jamil and Jared.”
Previous Finishes: Panama: 12th Out, 6th Jury Member; Micronesia: 15th Out, 7th Jury Member
Favorite Past Moment: “Having my husband at camp.”
Previous Survivor She Respects Most: Aras Baskauskas (Panama)
Previous Survivor She Respects Least: “No comment.”
Why Did She Come Back? : “Because I didn’t win the last 2 times.”
« Last Edit: January 07, 2010, 02:24:37 PM by RealityFreakWill »

Offline Jobby

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Re: S20: Cirie Fields
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2010, 10:09:35 AM »
Cirieeeeee isssss back!

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Re: S20: Cirie Fields
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2010, 03:53:32 AM »
It'll be great to watch her again!!
This summer ※ The Amazing Race: ZBC // RSF,31363.0.html

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Re: S20: Cirie Fields
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2010, 02:51:23 PM »
Cirie past play (reasonably successful) caught up with her; enough of the tribe were concerned about her skill to stay in the game to get her out while they could.  Actually was a good move.
-- theschnauzers

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Re: S20: Cirie Fields
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2010, 08:38:21 PM »
Dalton Ross's great Interview!

'Survivor: Heroes vs Villains': Latest evictee responds to Tribal Council blindside
by Dalton Ross

Before Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains kicked off, there were two contestants everyone was worried about. One was Parvati. The other was just voted off. In a bold move, J.T. flipped sides at Tribal Council and voted out the master manipulator, Cirie Fields. How does the self-proclaimed “gangsta in an Oprah suit” feel about her unlikely ouster? Did Jeff Probst go too far at Tribal in influencing the vote? What did she think of James’ attack on Stephenie? And would she consider coming back a  — gulp! — fourth time to play? Cirie reveals all in the interview below!

I want to start where it all ended for you: Tribal Council. Were you cringing the entire time Probst went on an on about the idiocy of voting off strong players?
Oh my God! Was I?!? I try not to react when Jeff makes his comments because everyone’s watching, everyone’s listening, and I don’t want to influence any vote one way or the other. And I’m trying to not let what he says influence the votes one way or the other — but absolutely! We sit on these little tree stumps. After Tribal was over when I got up I don’t know if you saw that toothpick fall from right under, but I literally was clenching my behind the whole time, like, “Please, Jeff, just move on to something else!” He was going exactly against why I was telling them we should vote out Tom, so yeah, that was a real clencher for me.

Did Probst go too far, in your opinion?
Um, you know, no. I can’t say Jeff ever goes too far. This is what he does. This is why I love watching Survivor. Whether or not it ended up influencing people one way or another, we’ll never know. But I don’t think he went too far. You have to counteract what he’s saying, and if you can, you can, and if you can’t, you can’t.

Did you know it was J.T. that voted you off?
No, I wasn’t sure who it was. I felt like Rupert, Amanda, and James were pretty much going to stick to the plan, but you never know. I couldn’t tell. I knew Tom was talking to J.T. a lot and I never trusted J.T. I always said to Amanda, “Are you sure about J.T.?” because I could see J.T. playing. So it was hard for me to figure out which one flipped, but I wasn’t really that surprised.

Who was your closest ally out there?
See, that’s the problem, Dalton. I really didn’t have one. I was trying to make it Candice, but it was a work in progress. Candice is like a nervous Nellie, so I constantly had to reassure her. I never really had a close ally out there and that’s a problem. You can’t play the game of Survivor alone, and if everyone is threatened by you — even the people in your own alliance — it puts you in a bad spot.

Read the rest here:
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Re: S20: Cirie Fields
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2010, 09:54:24 AM »
“I Didn’t Have a Choice” – RealityNewsOnline’s Exclusive Interview with Survivor Hero Cirie
by David Bloomberg -- 03/05/2010

Cirie is one of David’s all-time Survivor favorites, but that didn’t stop him from asking her the difficult questions about how she played on Heroes vs. Villains. Does she think she should have handled things differently? Or does she have some very good reasons for doing what she did? Why does she say she didn’t have a choice in several things that happened out there? Find out all this and much more, right here!

RealityNewsOnline: Hello, Cirie, and thanks for taking the time to talk to us once again here at RealityNewsOnline. But, wow. I totally didn’t expect to be talking to you this early. Heck, I picked you to win it all! In case you didn’t already know, you are definitely at the top of my list of favorites to ever play this game! Plus, I’ve already been receiving e-mails and tweets from fans who feel similarly.

Cirie: Thank you, that’s great.

RNO: Now that I’ve buttered you up… [Cirie laughs], even though every word I said is true, I still have to ask you a tougher question – do you think you overdid it in getting so upset at the stupidity of your allies?

Cirie: No, I think I didn’t have a choice. My thoughts in the game were I knew from Day 1 that Tom wanted me gone. I heard through the grapevine that J.T. was a little sketchy. And from my perspective, to change the vote to Candice at that point, I’d be putting J.T. in the sweet spot, he’d have his alliance with James, Rupert, and Amanda, and set himself up with Tom and Colby. He wanted me gone, so if I let Candice go, I’d be the steak in the lion’s den.

RNO: Since fighting for Candice is what put you in the crosshairs, would you have played that differently in hindsight?

Cirie: I probably would not have. With the Heroes losing the way we were, it would have just bought me a week. If Candice went and we lost again, there was no other buffer. They wanted strength, we gotta win immunity challenges, which is true. Then who is left after we lose? James? Colby? Nuh uh. Me!

RNO: You still had a smile on your face as you spoke your final words – you’re even laughing now – what were you really thinking at that time?

Cirie: Of course you’re bummed. You don’t want to go. You play for a reason and you want to win. Never having experienced that part of the game, it is saddening. But for me, it is much easier to be voted out early than to make it to Day 38 and have a chance – that is devastating and heartbreaking. I wanted to stay, but it wasn’t as hard as it’s been in the past for me after being there for so long.

RNO: Did you have any idea at all that your name was being bandied about?

Cirie: I did. The episodes are based on a three-day schedule. They have to cram the best from those three days into an hour. Right before we we wnt to Tribal Council, J.T. said, “I’m going to tell Tom to play his idol.” That’s what I wanted and I knew Tom and Colby would vote for me. You could never be sure if J.T. would stick to the plan or if he would flip. He flipped, you know. It was a little bit of a surprise because you can’t predict what another person would do.

I knew Tom was constantly in J.T.’s ear. If I had let Candice go, I knew he would have plenty of time work on J.T. and he was constantly working on J.T.

RNO: Did you expect to make it further in the game, or did you know going in that your strategic abilities and fame – or infamy – might make you an early target?

Cirie: I expected the unexpected. But I will say I felt – maybe it’s me – that there were so many bigger targets. This is the crème de la crème – not speaking of myself. I’m a fan and I know these people and the strengths of these people. To me, I’m a good strategist but there are so many components I don’t have, I didn’t feel I would be as big of a threat as they felt I was.

RNO: This was your third time out there. How was this time different from the previous two?

Cirie: This time, I never felt like I truly had a good alliance. I never felt tight with my alliance, I was always a little leery. I didn’t feel like I had choices. My strategy that you didn’t see was I wanted to play with Tom, Colby, and Stephenie – and Stephenie was definitely open to it, but Tom and Colby never were. I have nothing against them, they’re great guys, but they had their own ideas, and rightfully so, who they waned to play with and why. I felt like there was nothing I could do to persuade them to give me a shot even though I tried and tried and tried and tried. You can’t play alone so I had to go with the other alliance. I feel I didn’t have the choices or the opportunities I had in the other seasons.

RNO: You denied repeatedly that there was a Micronesia alliance. But was there one?

Cirie: There absolutely was not. You have to form an alliance. I hadn’t spoken to or seen any of these people – I haven’t seen Amanda or James since Micronesia. How do you form an alliance? It would be smart, I guess, if you could relay to Parvati on the other tribe [that there is a new Micronesia alliance]. I have kids. My life goes on after the game. It’s not that I don’t like them. You get busy, everybody has a life. So no, there wasn’t a Micronesia alliance. I fell into the alliance I was in because I didn’t have a choice.

And if there was a Micronesia alliance, they didn’t call me, I didn’t get the message!

RNO: We knew you were with the majority, but who did you view as your key allies within that majority?

Cirie: Crazily so, I was really trying to get Candice as an ally because you had Tom and Colby and Stephenie at the beginning on one side and J.T., Amanda, and Rupert on another side. I felt like Candice and I together carried two votes that were necessary for either side. If we could get solid on the side we wanted to be with, that could carry us a long way.

I also wanted to be tight with Rupert – he made me feel like I could trust him. I didn’t really feel that from anybody else there.

RNO: You mentioned strength earlier. How much weight did your tribe really put into being strong for challenges vs. individual self-preservation?

Cirie: I think that was key for them, especially once we started losing. And it should be – I understand that part of the game. In the beginning, you want to keep the stronger people and win the challenges. They put a lot of weight on that in my tribe. Everybody that knows me, that’s not really my game. I have other strengths I’d like to focus on (laughing).

All the alpha males, all strong, all of them admire that in a person. Usually, what you are and who you are, you find attractive in another person. That’s scary for a person like me. If I’m surrounded by nine supermodels and I’m the fat kid on the block, where am I going to fit in?

RNO: Boston Rob has become the de facto leader of the Villains tribe, who would you say was the leader of the Heroes tribe? Some could argue you were the silent leader of the team.

Cirie: Ahhh, no. Not in this instance. In the beginning, from Day 1 through 4, Tom was the leader of the tribe. Then something happened – J.T. happened and flipped on Tom and Colby. Then J.T. had the ultimate decision on what was going on around camp. There were a couple in that short time – J.T. and Tom. RNO: Would you play again?

Cirie: That’s a tough one. I don’t know. I think being exposed the way I am and having people form their opinions of you, I don’t know if I’d ever have a chance again. I don’t know, I can’t really say.

RNO: I have a lot more questions I’d like to ask you, but I’m being told we’re out of time. So is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your time on Survivor?

Cirie: I had some of the most amazing experiences that I’ve ever had in my life being a part of this great, great show. I’ve always been a fan, I will probably always be a fan – unless I take over for Jeff if he ever leaves. I’m thankful I’ve had the opportunity to be exposed to so many great people and experiences. I have no regrets, I never hate the player. Life goes on.

RNO: Thanks again, Cirie!
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Re: S20: Cirie Fields
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2010, 05:51:41 AM »
Class act Cirie.. class act! :hearts: