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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 6
« Reply #150 on: October 13, 2009, 08:58:43 PM »
SPOILER >>>  highlight >> It came down to Dave and Kevin, Dave kicked ass and so deserved the win and he did win!

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 6
« Reply #151 on: October 13, 2009, 09:01:15 PM »
A very interesting article

'Hell's Kitchen' Claims about Araxi a Tad Overdone
Cooking show says winner gets to be 'head chef' at a top Whistler restaurant. Actually, no.

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 6
« Reply #152 on: October 14, 2009, 10:47:39 AM »
i am soooo happy dave won!!!!! :hearts: :hearts: also i wondered about the job thing becuse i rember the head chef being on hk and he was judging a dish.. hummmm it all makes sence now.
 two yrs in a row i danny and dave yea!!!! :hearts: :hearts: :happy: :happy: :party: :hellkitchen
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 6
« Reply #153 on: October 14, 2009, 10:56:53 AM »
That was a fascinating article. Thanks. For the 4 HK finales that I have watched, Gordon Ramsay always hypes the positions that winners get to make them seem more important than they really are. HK6 is the first time that I saw a slight dose of reality in making clear that Araxi Restaurant already has a top chef, as he was highlighted as a diner with the most votes in the HK dining room on last night's teelcast. The fact that Dave will be #4 in the hierarchy there is not that important; the key is that he is not #1 as you would have expected based on FOX and HK publicity from earlier this season. The $250,000 "salary" is out of line for even the top position. Hell's Kitchen is doing its winners no favors by raising unrealistic expectations. A cash prize would be a much more appropriate way to go, but FOX and Granada America executive producers Arthur Smith and Kent Weed have elected to go with less than full disclosure.

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 6
« Reply #154 on: October 14, 2009, 02:06:30 PM »
HK6, ep. 15, Semi-Finals

We start this episode with Dave, Kevin and Ariel still standing, but by the end of this episode one of them will be gone. Only 2 chefs will be moving on to the finals. Who will those lucky 2 be?

An International Challenge was immediately offered, 45 minutes to cook a meal of the nationality identified by random draw. It turned out that India, Mexico and China were the 3 cuisines and there was a generous array of ingredients to use in the dish chosen. A chef whose expertise is that cuisine was part of the judges' panel:

Vikas Khanna from the VK Hospitality Group
Elio Wong from the Mr. Chow's
Thomas Ortega from Ortega 120.

In designing an Indian dish, Dave had to consider the meat preferences of the major religious sects in India. I would have chosen fish if I was not sure. Vikas during judging told Dave that his choice of not-beef was good because Hindus consider cows sacred. However, Moslems, a subtantial minority in India, find pork unmentionable.  Vikas told him that chicken or fish would have been the best choice. Dave chose pork, but I think the decision will be based on his flavors and textures, not on Moslem beliefs.

The dishes selected were:
Dave - pork tenderloin with a bean puree
Ariel - duck breast marinated with plum-lychee puree over noodles with broth
Kevin - orange and cumin marinated pork tenderloin with mole chocolate sauce

All judges plus Ramsay taste all of those dishes. Comments were:

On Ariel's dish, the comments were "not together", interesting and good but Wong supplemented with "watery" (the killer remark).
On Kevin's dish he forgot to put the mole on. Mole is my favorite Mexican food and I order it almost always when in a Mexican restaurant. Without the mole, it was just pork and Dave had a better pork dish. Kevin still received some positive comments from Khanna and Wong, but Ortega sealed his fate with the statement that it would have been good with the mole to balance out the flavors.
On Dave's dish all chefs really liked the flavors he developed from Indian spices.

The vote of those chefs was 3 for Dave and 0 for Kevin and Arial. As winner, Dave got to have the signature dishes of those chefs prepared by them especially for Dave, his fianee and his sister. Thomas Ortega explained that his mole has 27 ingredients (which is fairly typical for a good mole).

The losers got the usual drudgery. They got to polish a huge amount of silverware under the exacting supervision of Jean Phillippe, restock and do the initial prep for the dinner service. Dave later joined them on the prep.

Ramsay gave a speech before dinner service. He points out that he will test each one of them at running the kitchen and the quality control responsibility which comes with it. He tells them he has never thrown anything at this stage of a Hell's Kitchen season. That's supposed to be a joke, but given the reality of life in Hell's Kitchen too much reality was involved so I think it fell flat on the floor.

Hell's Kitchen opens with its usual flair. It takes little time for Ramsay to put Kevin at the helm of the pass. Kevin is a bit rough in my opinion in ordering Ariel around. Always watch out for anything coming from the sous chefs is what I have learned from past seasons of Hell's Kitchen. This time the producers don't even show Ramsay's culpability in giving the orders for various types of sabotage. The first "quality control test" is Scot substituting halibut for sea bass. Kevin is on the ball and catches it. Ariel was slow on lamb, then she showed Kevin a set of bone-in lamb chops that were done that way to help it cook evenly. Kevin ordered the bones out and the lamb refired. It was no surprise to Ariel or to me that it came out overcooked. Orders could not leave the kitchen for lack of lamb components, so all of this made Kevin look bad. I am sure that he decided to reatliate when it was Ariel's turn at the pass.

Dave was next leading the pass and he was very aggressive and directive. It was almost as if he wants to demonstrate how macho he was. Asparagus risotto became spinach risotto. Dave did taste it but failed to notice the difference other than minor taste discrepancy as he sent it out, but it was immediately intercepted by Ramsay. Next, he got a second QC test with tuna not seared or having requisite sesame seeds and he failed again. In semifinals of seasons 3, 4 and 5 any chef failing the first two tests would have his stint terminated precipitously and they would be prime candidates for elimination later. Ramsay obviously wants Dave to succeed as he is given 3 more chances. One was tuna overcooked and the others no sauce on asparagus and no salt on potatoes. Dave was more vigilant and he caught all of them.

Next it was Ariel's turn. Heather prepared parsnip puree to substitute for the desired potato puree. Ariel tasted it but missed the flavor difference. Scot sends a salmon to substitute for sea bass. Ariel caught it. Next Ariel faced her biggest challenge, retribution by Kevin on multiple scallop dishes for what he preceived Ariel had done to him earlier. It did not matter what Ariel tried to motivate Kevin. He was going to punish her no matter what she did. Ramsay gave her low marks for leadership.

Ramsay rated hot plate performance at the pass good. He asked each of the 3 to nominate one of their colleagues for elimination. As always, I feel this is unfair and demeaning. Anyone but a fool knows that Ramsay makes the final decisions so these nominations are just window dressing to torture the chefs and occsaionally to calibrate them (but not in the finals). In this case Dave and Kevin nominated Ariel and Ariel nominated Kevin. I rated it as anyone's game, with Dave in the lead by a little and Ariel lagging a little. Ramsay called Dave a one-armed bandit, Kevin a country club chef and he eliminated Ariel. However, he expressed his belief that Ariel is a fine chef by asking her to keep her Hell's Kitchen jacket.

« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 05:24:57 PM by apskip »

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 6
« Reply #155 on: October 14, 2009, 06:06:54 PM »
HK6 ep. 16, Finale

So, it's Dave vs Kevin, with Ariel already eliminated. The chefs got a challenge right after that decision was announced by Ramsay. They were asked to follow Ramsay to a few stories up in a large building in Los Angeles and they went out onto a balcony overlooking a crowd of maybe 100 spectators. It looked as if FOX sent a significant number of its extras to supplement Dave's and Kevin's relatives. Dave and Kevin have 45 minutes to create a dish, cook it and plate it.

Kevin chooses for his menu petit clambake with poached lobster and corn pudding. Since almost everyone loves lobster I think he gave himself an edge. Dave chooses rack of venison with sour cream.

The judges are brought up to the podium to sample and vote.
Judge 1 is Alain Gayot from Gayot Publications. He picks Dave's dish.
Judge 2 is Jamie Maw an international food/wine critic from the Vancouver area. He picks Dave's dish.
With the score 2 to 0 anyone who has watched any episode of Hell's Kitchen knows that the producers will even the score to make it 2 to 2 before the final deciding vote can be cast. That means the next judges are shills who are going to vote to create a tie, whatever that takes. The other thing I consider very likely is that someone from the Araxi Restaurant will be the individual breaking the tie. Let's see if that happens like usual.
Judge 3 is Tanya Steel, Editor of Epicurious magazine. She picks Kevin.
Judge 4 is Warren Geraghty, executive chef of West in Vancouver. He picks Kevin.
So it's 2 to 2 and who steps up to the "plate". It's an unknown entity, Colman Andrews of Gourmet magazine from Vancouver, a contributing editor and western columnist for them. He casts the deciding vote for Dave.

Based on past history of Hell's Kitchen we know Dave will get an advantage of some sort. What will it be? The next morning Dave and Kevin each develop their menus of 3 appetizers, 3 entrees and 3 desserts. Each of them will have half of 100 covers, as a customer is known in the restaurant trade. Ramsay tells them that Dave gets Scot and the Blue kitchen while Kevin has Heather and the Red kitchen. Ramsay then leads them outside to a truck where a secret ingredient is waiting. It's 6 eliminated chefs coming back to serve as sous chefs! Not exactly a surprise, but there was good news. Tennille is not among them. We do not have to listen to any more bitching from her. Dave got first pick and then they alternated. Dave picked Ariel (a no-brainer), Robert and Suzanne. Kevin picked Van (expected), then made a controversial choice of Amanda because she was good with fish and was left with Sabrina as the last chef available.

Kevin's menu is Caramelized Scallops, Risotto, and an unrevealed third appetizer; coffee cured beef tenderloin and petit clambake and a third entree; creme brulee trio and 2 other dessrts. Dave's menu is Wild Mushroom Risotto, Prawns and an unrevealed third appetizer; Roasted loin of venison, salmon and a third entree; dark chocolate mousse stack and 2 other desserts. Ramsay does a quick sample of all 18 dishes that the two teams have prepared as a guide for what it should look like. Ramsay rates the Kevin's menu as much more complicated (although Robert says "if it tastes as good as it looks then the Blue team is in trouble") and Dave's as simple but easily capable of winning. The key will be execution.

Ramsay gets a special chef coat for Dave and for Kevin and tells Jean Phillippe to open Hell's Kitchen. There are 4 chefs from the Vancouver and Whistler areas among the diners in last night's telecast:

Frank Pabst, Blue Water Cafe
James Walt, Araxi Restaurant and Bar  (note- as the hiring manager he gets more effective votes than anyone else)
Thierry Busset, Cin Cin
Warren Geraghty, West restaurant

"the Robert that everyone loves" is shaking, twisting and shouting for joy of being in Hell's Kitchen, but unfortunately that does not last long. Amanda is on the Red Meat/Fish station and she is in trouble from the start. She messes up scallops, then cannot provide replacement scallops for a long time and is leaving the impression that she is a total airhead who should not be there. Kevin has no options but to put her on a different assignment. Van is brought over to do Meat/Fish and he solves the problem except that Amanda is screwing up risotto. In the Blue kitchen Ariel is having trouble with overcooking Fish and Meat on the venison. Robert is not getting support he expects from Dave and he threatens retaliation by not giving his all. It is just hot air, as he does not appear to act on this threat.

It reaches a point where Kevin is behind 6 tables left to complete to 4 tables left to complete for Dave. Kevin announces a strategy termed by Ramsay as "brilliant" by cooking two orders simultaneously. Duh, that's not brilliant, it's rather obvious. I guess for a normal audience what is obvious becomes "brilliant" when we are dealing with chefs. They finish at about the same time, with Dave telling his team he's very proud of their efforts and accomplishments and Kevin telling his team that they finished strong.

Who will win? it looks like Dave to me, by a small margin. In addition to his actual menu design skills and kitchen leadership skills, Dave has the aura of someone who want it so badly that he tolerated great pain and performed with only one arm from almost the beginning. Kevin has showed high presentation skills and ability to handle complex food, but those probably aren't what will win this competition. Ramsay says the results are the closest ever. He leads them to the famous doors. On his count, they simultaneously attempt to open the door they are behind. One opens and the other does not. Dave's door opens. He is the winner of Hells' Kitchen 6. I conside that a satisfactory outcome as he was the best overall chef and think of what he might be like with two functional arms. Ramsay explained that it was Dave's sophisticated palate and natural ability which won for him.

HK6 was probably the best of the entire Hell's Kitchen series. We had 3 semi-finalists who were quite close in skills and ability. The chef who wanted it the most won this, which is satisfying from a psychological perspective.

« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 08:41:31 PM by apskip »

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 6
« Reply #156 on: October 17, 2009, 09:53:20 AM »
This was one of my most favorite seasons. Can't wait till the next season!
delightful just delightful

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 6
« Reply #157 on: October 17, 2009, 11:30:24 AM »
Whoohoo!!! Dave won! I was SO happy!!! We were visiting our kids so I had to make my celebration low key but inside I was yelling YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! I thought he would and SHOULD be the winner.

Who will win? it looks like Dave to me, by a small margin. In addition to his actual menu design skills and kitchen leadership skills, Dave has the aura of someone who want it so badly that he tolerated great pain and performed with only one arm from almost the beginning.
Apskip, you were so right about Dave having the edge, he endured a lot of pain but still performed. Thanks as always for your excellent recaps!  :-*

Every year there is someone with the sour grape attitude, this year was Robert but as Apskip noted, it didn't stop him from performing in the kitchen. (All for show.) I was surprised that Tennille didn't return. Van made up for his one really bad performance and showed that he is valuable in the kitchen, a one man powerhouse.

"Hell's Kitchen is hosted by Gordon Ramsey, the celebrity chef and human aneurysm who has been entertaining Fox TV audiences for years with his particular brand of staff abuse."    :funny:

All in all, a great season! Hope the next season starts soon!

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Cookalong Live With Gordan Ramsay
« Reply #158 on: December 14, 2009, 08:30:38 PM »
This is as good a place as any.  :cmas16

Cook along with Gordon Ramsay
Tuesday 12/15/09, 9/8PM Fox Broadcast.

Gather your ingredients before hand and he'll show you how to use them.

Starter Course: Angel Hair Pasta with Shrimp, Chili and Tomatoes 

Main Course: Steak Diane With Sautéed Potatoes And Peas

Dessert: Quick Tiramisu


For more information:

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Offline apskip

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 6
« Reply #159 on: December 15, 2009, 08:18:01 AM »

Take a peek at the thread specifically devoted to the Gordon Ramay Cookalong tonight. You will find it under Dec. 10, 2009 11:39:16 in the list of threads. I have supplied equipment lists and ingredient lists and anything else Ramsay has made available on the Internet to allow people to participate. Note that these ingredient lists are quite long. Maybe that is the secret of his 3-star Michelin success, that he uses a lot of ingredients to get complex flavors.

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 6
« Reply #160 on: December 19, 2009, 01:00:01 PM »
Thanks apskip! I missed it. My bad!  :cmas20

:MC: :cmastree :HH:
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