Author Topic: A New Save The Mole Campaign...  (Read 5249 times)

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Offline abcmolefan18

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A New Save The Mole Campaign...
« on: August 03, 2008, 09:03:54 PM »
This is my first post here, but I'm a regular at the message board... I am sure you probably know about the producer's save the mole make a youtube video campaign. We aren't so sure it's going to work... So, my husband and I came up with an idea the other night... Following in the footsteps of Jericho (CBS) fans and Friday Night Lights (NBC), I make a petition to all fans to send a letter and lemonhead (to honor Paul Grassi) to the ABC headquarters. Below, I add my letter to ABC as an example:

ABC Headquarters
Re: Save The Mole!
77 W. 66th St. 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10023-6298

To ABC Executives:

I have watched every season of The Mole, and I believe it is the premier example of intelligent television. It requires so much more strategy than other reality shows out there right now.

I was so excited to see that you were bringing The Mole back for another season. But now that the season is almost over, I know of lots of people that would feel it's "sour" to not renew it for another season.

It would be beneficial if it was put on at an earlier time slot, where families can watch it together. As a family-friendly station, I would believe that you would want to have something that parents and their children would be able to watch as a family. It is so much more "pure" than many of the other shows that are on at 8 PM. I'll give you an example - Big Brother on CBS. It is extremely raunchy, and they put that show on at 8 PM.

I promise that I would get 5 more people to watch The Mole if you renew. Also, if you allow 1 sponsor every week put some kind of clue in one of their ads run during the episode, the fans will be forced to watch the advertisements, especially in the day and age of Tivo and DVR.

Consider this an avid fan of throwing lemons at you if you don't renew The Mole for another season. You know what they say when life gives you lemons? You make lemonheads and renew another season of The Mole!

Avid fan of The Mole,



Thanks for reading, and, if you want to really Save The Mole, please do your part...

Molefan18 from

Offline abcmolefan18

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Re: A New Save The Mole Campaign...
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2008, 10:01:16 PM »
Over on the abc board, dangerousbreed (aka Jim from season 1) has started an email ABC campaign because he knows how we all lead busy lives.  We have compiled a list of email addresses for all to email their wishes to keep The Mole on the air:
and their assistant

We have emailed our thoughts on why we believe they should keep The Mole and what they could do to create more buzz for it...

Send your emails.  We have been email-bombing them all day today...

Offline gingerman28

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Re: A New Save The Mole Campaign...
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2008, 07:39:10 PM »
Although I have been a fan of The Mole from day one of ep 1 of The Mole 1, I am afraid that the efforts of a few, dyed-in-the-wool internet fans will not have much effect on the network, producers, nor advertisers when the series currently is sunk in a 3.05 (or lower) audience rating and last in its time slot.

Of course, the time slot stinks, the promotion of the series stinks, (even trash like BB is promoted more by CBS), but until the audience improves, the series ain't going to be seen in the future.

Sorry to be such a pessimist, but facts is facts.

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Re: A New Save The Mole Campaign...
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2008, 07:45:33 PM »
The message board has an online petition to save The Mole.