Author Topic: 'Survivor Insider': Expect the tribes to be evened out this week  (Read 3236 times)

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Offline puddin

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Thursday, April 1, 2004


OK, so we are finally back on track. We all know that the last person voted off was Ethan, no thanks to Lex and his sidekicks, and last week's episode was just highlights of island life from our favorite all-stars.

  As those who watched Sandra Diaz-Twine win the million on "Survivor: Pearl Islands" know, she isn't afraid to speak her mind. Here's what she had to say about last week's "Survivor All-Stars" episode, in which nice-guy Ethan -- the last remaining past winner -- got the boot. The next episode airs Thursday night at 8 on CBS/7.

See our photo gallery, double-check who's been booted off so far and more... all on our Survivor Page!
Now it's back to business. What can we expect this week? Well, first of all, there's some kind of a merge because the survivors have to take off their buffs, but I don't think it's the merge they desire. I think it's more or less that the two tribes will be evened out. Instead of six against four it will maybe be five to five. Amber mentions she gets screwed, so is it because she and Rob are no longer on the same tribe?

I'm sure we all laughed at the highlights seeing strong Colby having a chafing problem. I know exactly how that feels 'cause believe it or not even I encountered that problem, but on a smaller scale. Rupert was the worst off since he had those thick blue jeans! Been there, done that. And then there was Tom. How funny when no one could understand what in the heck he was saying, especially Rob. I'm almost sure Tom's speech is only hindered when he's been drinking. Didn't Sue call him a drunk? As far as the mock tribal council was concerned, I think Rob M. deserves an award for nailing Ethan to a "T." Rob C. can always have Jeff's job if Jeff were ever to become ill. Actually everyone involved did a good job getting into character.

Well, speaking of Amber, and listening to her confessional, it obviously didn't bother her that Jenna was lying on Rob. I would have been very upset, but she wants to distance herself a little from Rob, even though everyone on the Chapera tribe knows that these two are an item. But the Mogo Mogo tribe doesn't seem to know about this relationship and there are a few clues that they will somehow find out in tonight's episode.

So who will go home? Well I think Jerri and Alicia are the only disposable ones. I say Alicia because she's not part of the Tom, Rupert, Amber, Jenna and Rob alliance. I believe Lex will sacrifice Jerri in order to keep Kathy and Shii Ann happy. But if the tribes do merge, will one of these two ladies be voted off? If this doesn't happen I will be in total shock!


In the "All-Star" incarnation of "Survivor," the tribes have been reduced from three to two, with remaining Saboga members split between Chapera and Mogo Mogo. Players with their names in bold have been voted out.

CHAPERA: Amber Brkich (Australian Outback), "Big Tom" Buchanan (Africa), Alicia Calaway (Outback), Rob Cesternino (Amazon), Susan Hawk (Borneo), Rob Mariano (Marquesas), Rupert Boneham (Pearl Islands), Jenna Lewis (Pulau Tiga).

SABOGA: Rudy Boesch (Borneo) and Tina Wesson (Outback winner).

MOGO MOGO: Colby Donaldson (Outback), Richard Hatch (Borneo winner), Shii Ann Huang (Thailand), Jenna Morasca (Amazon winner), Lex van den Berghe (Africa), Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien (Marquesas), Ethan Zohn (Africa winner) and Jerri Manthey (Outback).

Sandra Diaz-Twine lives with her husband and two children at Fort Lewis. Contact her at

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« Last Edit: April 01, 2004, 09:22:01 AM by Puddin »


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Re: 'Survivor Insider': Expect the tribes to be evened out this week
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2004, 11:57:49 AM »
When I saw the preview of the next survivor it sounds like "Ambuh" gets screwed & I think it is very very funny because she doesn't have little rob to cover up with any more Ha ha ha  ;D

Offline puddin

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Re: 'Survivor Insider': Expect the tribes to be evened out this week
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2004, 12:29:38 PM »
Its not fair at all theresa..I hope that they give Amber or Rob or whoever immunity least untill the merge?

Offline WENDY

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Re: 'Survivor Insider': Expect the tribes to be evened out this week
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2004, 08:48:02 AM »
It made me sick to my stomach to see Shii Ann and Kathy bathing, with Chapera's things, and saying "Chaperan's ROCK!!!" No doubt, they do.... and it sucks for them that they have to switch camps..... I am extremely upset about it.... I think it is going to slowly take away morale from the team. Funny how they all picked the same buffs (except Amber)..... do you guys think that is a good thing? I think it is... I think they tried to switch them all around, to try to get drama started because I'm sure people would talk..... But, Sorry Jeff, not this time!
Wendy Jean


Offline puddin

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Re: 'Survivor Insider': Expect the tribes to be evened out this week
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2004, 06:56:20 PM » crap!! I'm sick of it because we know all of the all stars? Is that why I'm feeling down at the end of every episode? In the past Survivors I always walked away feeling happy..but ,not this time? Theirs so much tention and drama and favorites right now and who I would Love to see in the final two..ShiAnn and Rupert..for some reason they make me smile :)..yeah..Big Tom makes me smile too :) but,I don't want him to win..
How uncomfortable did Amber feel with the New Chappys using her old tribes stuff? It sucked the way that Jiffy strategically placed those buffs in order??I Swear..that was how MB wanted it to turn out..I watched it over and over..Jiffy called the castaways by their name the way that he wanted them to pick the buffs :( It was no was fixed!

Offline Bathfizzy

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Re: 'Survivor Insider': Expect the tribes to be evened out this week
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2004, 01:14:32 AM »
Puddin, do you really think it was fixed that Amber would be switched?  I thought Jeff called them in the same order they had numbered themselves when they first picked a rival team member to have a personal chat with.  Rob was first to pick Lex and first to pick a buff and so on and I thought Amber was #6.  And the way Jerri was digging in there, it looked like she was feeling around for the buff.  Who knows, the switch sucks for the original Chapera members but they can be proud of the fact that no matter what is thrown at them, they still come out strong and win. ;D

Offline puddin

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Re: 'Survivor Insider': Expect the tribes to be evened out this week
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2004, 02:28:03 AM »
I really really think that it was fixed..but, that's my opinion...It was rigged.. :(...

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Re: 'Survivor Insider': Expect the tribes to be evened out this week
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2004, 08:53:06 AM »
no doubt it was rigged.... that way it just brings out the "godfather" side of Rob..... I mean, those people will feel the WRATH if they mess with his Amber! All about ratings, that's all.....
Wendy Jean



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Re: 'Survivor Insider': Expect the tribes to be evened out this week
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2004, 12:28:58 PM »
I could have went that whole episode without seeing those gross upclose views of Jerri brushing her teeth *BARF*