Author Topic: Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review (ep. 9)  (Read 1782 times)

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Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review (ep. 9)
« on: March 25, 2004, 07:37:05 PM »
Why do one you saw it!!!!!!!!............And one word says it all


Why have a blasted survivor redux?????? >:(

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Re:Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review (ep. 9)
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2004, 09:50:43 AM »
I was sad that their was a recrap show too survivordude_JT ..but I wrong ..after watching it ,I watched it was really funny :D (and Yep..I saw /hints /clues   ;) )

I found this at

Episode 9—Redux
Recap and Commentary
by Sandra Joslyn Tallarico

Well, truth be told, when I saw tonight’s episode was to be a rehash, uh, redux, ol’ Recap Girl planned on having the night off.  But alas, they tossed in some previously unseen footage and I’d be remiss in my recap if I didn’t at least cover those things.  Forgive the brevity.

Previously unbeknownst to me, Big Tom and Boston Rob (or, Big Tom and Big Mouth, if you like) created an alliance.  Tom doesn’t trust Rob, but he figures it’s worth a shot.  Of course, Rob doesn’t respect his alliance with Tom saying it’s just “on the side” and that his alliance with Amber is primary.  Rob and Amber with Big Tom on the side.  That’s just a picture I don’t need in my head.

Having dodged the first Tribal Council, Chapera decides to stage its own mock Saboga TC, each playing members of the losing tribe.  Rob C. plays Jeff Probst, and really, does a pretty decent job of it.  Sue plays Rudy; Rob M. plays Ethan, kicking around a hackey-sack en route; Big Tom comes out of the water with a mask, portraying Rupert; Alicia does a compelling impression of Jerri, “I just want to pour hot chocolate over some hot guy’s bod…”; Sue doubles as Jenna, bounding all over the beach like Snoopy on a pogo stick.  They vote faux-Jenna out.  I must say, though I cringed a little at some of it. as it was pushing mean-spirited, I had to chuckle, especially at Alicia’s dead-on impersonation of Jerri.

Day 4 brings the revelation of Colby and his “nether-regions” being chapped.  Ow.  He looks all-Texas with his exaggerated bull-legged gait, but it’s his only hope to remedy the pain that hurts “somethin’ fierce.”

Evidently, Darrah isn’t the only Survivor to ever have an unintelligible accent.  Big Tom constantly befuddles his tribe with a sort of slurred, garbled language all his own.  His team is forced to frequently query him for translations, understanding only key phrases such as “glob of love.”  Too bad there’s no translation for that.

We’re treated to a refresher course on Rupert’s disastrous deep-sand hut and it’s collapse, as well as Jerri’s deep-seated personality defects and her collapse.  The morning after the storm washed their house away, they begin rebuilding.  Jerri refuses to help, except to harass people on bamboo and palm frond placement.  Jenna wants different palm leaf position, which Jerri takes as a personal assault.  Rupert, formerly fond of Jerri, now feels “like the devil,” as everything he says, she greets with red-hot hostility.  I bet she was the kind of little kid who stole the other little kids’ toys and whacked them over the head.

Chapera, in a bonding ritual after the addition of Jenna and Rupert to their tribe, made necklaces for everyone.  They looked nice, actually.  Amber wants all members to wear their necklaces and not be afraid to show they’re a strong tribe.  Regardless, she claims they’re “going to take them down one by one.”

Warning: the following scene is not for the faint of heart—Mogo Mogo on coffee.  As part of their reward, the tribe received coffee beans.  They made “cowboy coffee” by smashing up the beans and pouring hot water on the contents.  The coffee-buzzed group begins talking really really fast, and Colby, obviously over his chafing predicament, does a cartwheel in the sand.

In a truly disturbing occurrence, Rob M. is sleeping between Amber and Jenna L.  “I’m out here on a deserted island in Panama, and I got two beautiful women, and they want to make a sandwich out of me.”  Yeah, a bologna sandwich, maybe.  Jenna thinks nothing of it, but Amber, while saying she’s not jealous, is obviously just that.  At the end of the game, Rob hopes to be spending either his million, or Amber’s.  I guess that would leave Jenna as leftover bread.

That was it for the new stuff.  Next week there’s to be an unprecedented twist--the tribes *think* they’re merging, but are they?  Shii-Ann worries about the Wrath of God descending upon them, but really, the only two things I can think of that are smite-worthy are having to see Amber and Rob make out, or Big Tom dancing; they stay away from that, and God will probably be too busy to rain fire upon the island.

Until next time…

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Re:Survivordude_JT's Survivor Review (ep. 9)
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2004, 01:42:17 PM »
thats funny, Big Tom and Big Mouth
« Last Edit: March 26, 2004, 01:43:07 PM by WENDY »
Wendy Jean