Author Topic: Sue Hawk's Survivor: ASS Web Chat Transcript  (Read 3767 times)

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Sue Hawk's Survivor: ASS Web Chat Transcript
« on: March 05, 2004, 04:07:01 PM »
Sue Hawk's Survivor: All-Stars Web Chat Transcript

Host:  Hi Sue, thanks for being here today.  Are you ready to take some questions?
Sue:  Yes, yes we are.
Q:  Sue, I felt for you and I think you were 100% right in your feelings.  How are you dealing with it now?  
Sue:  Actually I learned a huge lesson out of it and am moving forward one day at a time.

Q:  When did you decide to quit?  Was it after you talked to Jeff or did you know before you even arrived at the Reward Challenge?
Sue:  Actually, I decided to quit that morning after I woke up, about an hour to a half hour after being awake I knew I wanted to quit.

Q:  What was your family's reaction when you came back from the island?  Were you able to tell them anything about what happened?
Sue:  I could talk to my husband Tim when I came back because he signed a disclosure.  I told Tim what happened and he supported my decision 100 percent

Q:   It was a horrible thing that happened, do you wish you had not even played the All Star game?
Sue:  If I had known that was going to happen ahead of time, no I would not have played the game.

Q:  Did you and Big Tom enjoy each other's company, or did CBS edit it to make it look like you two never got along?
Sue:  There's no love lost between me and Tom.  He thinks he's a charmer but I think he's just a dim wit.


Q:   How did you feel seeing Boston Rob singing and Big Tom dancing to "Ding dong the wicked witch is dead" song?
Sue:  I didn't watch the episode but I did see Tom's dance, and I'm really glad he got a chance to do it on TV because he had been doing it every day since we were there.

Q:  Was there anyone in particular you were close to.  If so, who?
Sue: I was close to Alicia.

Q:  Did you have an alliance with anyone?  
Sue:  Yeah I had an alliance with Alicia.

Q:  If you could pick the people to be in your tribe, who would you choose?
Sue:  It'd be Alicia, Shii Ann, Rupert, Rudy and Colby.

Q:  You mentioned on The Early Show that you had plenty of food, and that it was easier this time for you...yet CBS and your prior "bootees" say  different... was it really easier or did you treat the situation different this time?
Sue:  It was really easier this time.  I just believe they tried to edit to make it look like it was hard on me. That's probably why you didn't see much of me, there wasn't much you could grab.

Q:  What is the major difference between being on All Stars and the original Survivor?
Sue:  The major difference for me was the fact that on the original everyone had the exact same of equivalent [clothing], like Colby, where on All stars, some people had long sleeved-shirts, some people had short-sleeved. Some with pants...Yeah...we didn't have a choice of what we could wear on the show.

Q:  Why didn't you and RobC team up to get rid of Amber or Rob M?  Those two seem to be running Chapera.
Sue:  To team up with RobC was such a hard judgment to make because of the way he played the Amazon prior.  He bounced from alliance to alliance, it made it hard to trust him.

Q:   You never seemed to be happy.  From day one you seemed very down in the dumps - was it your team?
Sue:  I was happy, and the two minutes of air time I had was what they could grab, I believe it was so that they could feed my exit more liberally.

Q:  Sue, I am so sorry for your distress, you didn't deserve what happened to you.  Are you planning on suing Richard over the incident?
Sue:  There was a time when I was contemplating a lawsuit, but CBS brought Richard and I together to confront each other about the incident and talk through each other's perspectives.  From that meeting I was able to then move forward with my life rather than tie myself up anymore emotionally in this matter.

Q:  Your camp looked like a mountain shack.  Was it more comfortable than Borneo?
Sue:  Our hut was very comfortable in the fact that we had won so many luxury items.  We won the blankets, then we won the parachute, which was great, it kept the rain out.  It might of looked like hell, but it was a great house.  Looks are deceiving.

Q:  Hope you are feeling better. Sue why did you not protest Richard's behavior right then and there when it happened?
Sue:  Thanks for the greeting.  I did not protest that immediately because my head was so deeply emerged in the challenge and the moment to win the game with the team.  You could equate it with a soldier being in battle, and after the battle is over with he has time to think over what had happened, and it just traumatized me.

Q:  Would you do a second Survivor All Stars if asked?
Sue:  No. I would not play the game ever again.

Q:   Sue did Tom smell as bad as he looks?
Sue:  Big Tom.. YES, he smells even worse than he looks.  So that's why I kept my distance.

Q:  Did the water that you drank unboiled affect you at all???
Sue:  No.  I started drinking the water on day 2.  I never got sick from it, and I actually never drank any boiled water, which allowed me to consume way more water than anybody else was drinking.

Q:   Was the animosity from Survivor 1 with Richard still very much in your game this time?
Sue: No, actually my feelings about Rich have been on a congenial basis during and since Survivor.

Q:  After Saboga got dissolved, you gave Jenna a big hug when she joined your tribe.  Was it nice to have a familiar face around?
Sue: Yes it was good to have Jenna on our tribe.  When their tribe dissolved our choice was going to be Rupert and Jenna.  So it was really nice to have Jenna back.

Q:  You seemed the workhorse of your tribe.  Who other than you did the most work around camp?
Sue:  That's correct and it's a hard draw, but it's probably between Alicia and Rob C. then Rupert came along.

Q:  Did Jenna's departure a few weeks ago make it an easier decision to leave the game?
Sue:  Jenna's departure took me by surprise, and that wasn't even on my mind.  Jenna never even passed through my mind when I was making my personal decision.

Q:  Do you think the other members were unsympathetic to you because of your previous behavior?
Sue:  I didn't watch last night's episode.  As far as caring if I had a sympathy vote or not from anybody did not concern me, and to this day does not concern me. This is America and everybody's welcome to their opinion.

Q:  After the Early Show this morning, I'm glad to see that you're putting the Hatch thing behind you.  What do those little snails actually taste like without garlic?
Sue:  The snails are not bad without garlic.  The biggest problem with snails is having leftover shell on them.  You need to rinse off the shell.

Q:  Do you feel Jeff is at all responsible for what happened?  After all, he is in charge out there, he should have told Richard to put his clothes back on immediately.
Sue:  Jeff was in a position where, us being all adults in the game, this occurrence was something he might have not even thought of foreseeing.  So he probably felt no need to tell Richard to put his clothes back on.  I hope to see in the future of the game that an incident like this could be prevented next time.

Q:  Did you feel physically prepared for this Survivor?
Sue:  Yes, I was physically prepared because I had an inkling two years prior that something like this could come down the road sometime, so I started preparing at least two years ahead.

Q:  In one word, describe everyone left in the game.
Sue:  Alicia - intelligent;  Rupert - hard worker; Jenna L - deceiving;  Rob M. - coach;  Tom - dimwit;  Amber - pushy.

Q:  On the Early Show you said the rules for the balance beam game forced you to run into Richard, could you elaborate on that?
Sue:  Prior to the game, Jeff gave us the rules.  One set of the rules was we had to exit our platform on a certain beam, and return to our platform on another beam.  So that's what I was aiming for.  Jeff didn't tell Mogo Mogo about the beam rule.

Q:  How did they get a boat to you so fast?
Sue:  Because the producers, cameramen, sound people all have to get to the island on a boat, so there was probably 100 boats floating in the water at the time because of the challenge.

Q: What did you think of Boston Rob?
Sue: Actually I like his energy and enjoyed his accent.  You can understand what he's saying.

Q:  Why did nobody on your tribe try to fish, until the merge?  Is it because the "provider" is vulnerable for being voted out?
Sue: Boston Rob and Tom did try fishing prior to the merge.  They just didn't have no luck.  We were gathering a lot of shell fish at that time rather than wasting our energy on trying to fish when we couldn't get them.

Q:  If Richard had not been voted off, how do you think you would have reacted at the challenge?
Sue:  I would have probably tried to claw his eyeballs out, but then I would have been disqualified for being physically abusive -- but that would have been okay.

Q:  After seeing Big Tom sing the celebratory song after you left...if he was writhing in the desert, drunk but dying of dehydration, would you give him a drink?
Sue:  The best thing for Big Tom would just be to keep a spicket of whiskey running into him at all times.  That is the only way you can stand to be around the guy.

Q:  Who were the laziest people on your tribe?
Sue:  Let me think... laziest people were Boston Rob and Amber.

Q:  I know you opened your juice bar in Vegas...I wondered if you were still driving your semi?
Sue: Actually, my CDL is active, but I do not drive a truck at the time.

Q:  You are my favorite player! Tell me, who is your favorite player of all time and why?
Sue:  My favorite player of all time is Jonny Rotten from the Pearl Islands because I absolutely loved the grandma joke.

Q:  My daughter is a Leo too.  How's the Juice Biz going?  What kind of new plans do you have for the future if any?
Sue:  The juice biz is going fabulous, thank you.  My plans for the future as of right now is one day at a time.

Q:  Sorry to say our time with Sue is up.  Any final comments for the fans?
Sue:  Thank you for taking your time to talk to me today.  Truly enjoy watching the rest of the show and keep watching any other series that comes along.  Thanks everybody for the well wishes, it is much appreciated.

{copied from}

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Re:Sue Hawk's Survivor: ASS Web Chat Transcript
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2004, 04:53:50 PM »
She doesn't really say much about the "incident" or Rich? hmmmm
Wendy Jean



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Re:Sue Hawk's Survivor: ASS Web Chat Transcript
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2004, 07:02:55 PM »
Q:  You are my favorite player! Tell me, who is your favorite player of all time and why?
Sue:  My favorite player of all time is Jonny Rotten from the Pearl Islands because I absolutely loved the grandma joke.

Sue has got to be kidding?

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Re:Sue Hawk's Survivor: ASS Web Chat Transcript
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2004, 07:55:44 PM »
Interesting questions.  I liked her descriptionof Big Tom as a dimwit.  That is so funny.  It is good to hear that Alicia is a hardworker.  She doesn't seem to get much air time.  Thanks for posting Puddin.


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Re:Sue Hawk's Survivor: ASS Web Chat Transcript
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2004, 09:04:09 AM »

Some fans said last week's Survivor was a very boring episode. Not so to alot of other fans. Read the paragraph below taken from the New York Post Online site.
Last Thursday's episode of "Survivor," in which Susan Hawk stormed off after delivering a profanity-laced tirade, spiked interest in Hawk's post-show Web chat the next day on A CBS spokeswoman says that 25,000 people logged in for the chat with Hawk, held at 2:30 p.m. Friday. In the chat, Hawk discussed her anger at exiled Richard Hatch - who had rubbed his naked body up against her in the immunity challenge.

By comparison, the "Survivor" chats had previously maxed out at 6,700 log-ins - and the biggest-ever "Survivor" chat was in season #2 (10,000 log-ins).

Offline puddin

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Re:Sue Hawk's Survivor: ASS Web Chat Transcript
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2004, 09:13:50 AM »
Thanks CindiLou  :)
OT: Do you chat at the CBS website? I thought that I saw you there but,you left before I could chat with you?


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Re:Sue Hawk's Survivor: ASS Web Chat Transcript
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2004, 11:52:24 AM »
No wonder I could never log in during season 2 too many durn log ins

Offline puddin

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Re:Sue Hawk's Survivor: ASS Web Chat Transcript
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2004, 02:10:10 PM »

I didn't have a PC when season 2 was on  :-\..

 ..the chat closes at 8:00 ET..if you log on before could stay on all throught the show ;)

Offline puddin

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Re:Sue Hawk's Survivor: ASS Web Chat Transcript
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2004, 06:10:33 PM »

SURVIVOR PHONE CALLS: Make sure to tell your viewers to phone in to ask the latest "Survivor" cast-off their own questions. The toll free number is 1-800-377-1718.


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Re:Sue Hawk's Survivor: ASS Web Chat Transcript
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2004, 06:34:05 PM »
Great!!!  :D  I might have to do that tomorrow