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Austin Carty /Voted Off
« on: January 16, 2006, 03:57:59 PM »

Austin Carty was born and raised in High Point, North Carolina. He studied three years at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, where he played Division One soccer while studying speech communications and public speaking. 
Carty is currently an established author (he is signed with a literary agent based in New York City). In 2003, his first novel, Somewhere Beyond Here, was published. His agent is currently shopping his two subsequent novels, Storm of Fireflies and Grays' Sacrifice. He supplements his income with modeling for print and commercial advertising. He has previously worked in retail, as a waiter and as a bartender. 
Carty enjoys writing, reading, playing guitar and piano. His favorite sport is soccer. He describes himself as charismatic, humorous and genuine. He believes his athleticism, strength and intelligence will help him become the Sole Survivor. Carty's hero is his grandfather. He says if he can one day secure half of his grandfather's faith and integrity, he'll consider his life a success. 
Carty is currently single and residing in High Point, North Carolina. He is very proud of his sister, Elizabeth, who is currently Miss United States Teen. His birth date is April 29, 1981. 
Colors  Blue, Green 
Scents Vanilla, cinnamon 
Flowers No favorite 
Board Games Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, Scattegories 
Video Games No favorite 
Sports to Play Soccer, beach volleyball 
Sports Teams Chicago Cubs, Carolina Panthers 
Outdoor Activities Running, going to the beach, hiking in the mountains 
TV Shows Seinfeld, SURVIVOR 
Movies A River Runs Through It, the Shawshank Redemption, Braveheart 
Actors Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman 
Actresses Charlize Theron, Ashley Judd, Kate Bosworth 
Music Country, anything but jazz 
Magazines No favorite 
Books/Authors The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; C.S. Lewis, Nicholas Evans, Sue Monk Kidd, Nicholas Sparks, Brad Meltzer 
Cereals Cheerios 
Fruits Grapes, pineapple, watermelon 
Snack Foods Barbeque chips, Cheetos, sour cream & onion chips 
Cookies Chocolate chip, Oreo 
Candy Bars Snickers, Milky Way 
Alcoholic Drinks No favorite 
Non-Alcoholic Coke, Gatorade 
« Last Edit: April 07, 2006, 11:01:37 AM by puddin »

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Re: Austin Carty
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2006, 04:09:51 PM »
High Point Man Chosen For Next 'Survivor' Show

POSTED: 12:00 pm EST January 9, 2006
UPDATED: 12:06 pm EST January 9, 2006

HIGH POINT, N.C. -- A High Point man was picked as one of 16 people to be on the new Survivor TV show set in Panama.

Austin Carty

Austin Carty, 24, was born and raised in High Point. He studied for three years at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., where he played soccer while studying speech communications and public speaking.

Carty is currently an author. In 2003, his first novel, "Somewhere Beyond Here," was published, according to the CBS Survivor Web site. The bio said that he supplements his income with modeling for print and commercial advertising. He has previously worked in retail, as a waiter and as a bartender.

Carty enjoys writing, reading, playing guitar and piano. His favorite sport is soccer.

Carty is currently single and residing in High Point. His sister, Elizabeth, is currently Miss United States Teen. Austin Carty's birth date is April 29, 1981.

This latest installment of Survivor will premiere on Thursday, Feb. 2 at 8 p.m.

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Re: Austin Carty
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2006, 10:49:15 AM »
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
High Point native aims to be the next 'Survivor'

By Sue Schultz
Staff Writer

To two little girls who lived next door, he was their “big boyfriend.”

To his former high school soccer coach, he was one of the fastest players seen by college recruiters.

To his longtime best friend, he was the “nerdy” kid.

To television viewers, he could be the next “Survivor.”

High Point’s own Austin Carty, 24, will be the third Triad hopeful to compete for $1 million on the CBS hit reality show “Survivor,” which airs at 8 p.m. Thursday. Greensboro natives Kelly Wiglesworth and Jeff Varner participated in earlier seasons of the show.

Survivorpanama.htmlCarty and 15 other contestants will face the elements on an isolated island off the coast of Panama in the latest edition of the show, “Survivor: Panama — Exile Island.” Through a series of team and individual challenges, he will try to outlast his competition and avoid a vote off the island.

But a game of survival isn’t exactly something the local author/model/actor is accustomed to, say family and friends.

“We didn’t go camping as a family or learn any survival skills,” said Austin’s father, Warren Carty, laughing at the thought of his son setting up a tent and rubbing sticks for fire. “This will be a test for him. Although he’s very athletic, this is much different, and he will have to adapt to a harsh environment.”

His family lives in Emerywood, one of High Point’s oldest neighborhoods.

Carty has self-published his first novel, “Somewhere Beyond Here,” a fictional account of a High Point man’s relationship with his mother. Working with a New York agent, he’s shopping around two more novels. He also has made appearances on television shows such as The WB’s “One Tree Hill” and has modeled since childhood.

The Cartys weren’t too surprised to hear of their son’s latest venture. For a family of reality television junkies, it’s nothing new.

Carty’s sister, Elizabeth, the current Miss United States Teen, swapped lives with a California teen in ABC’s reality show “Switched.” Last year, the family auditioned for another CBS reality show, “Amazing Race,” but didn’t make the cut.

“If the family can’t do it, then I will,” was Carty’s response in trying out for “Survivor,” said his mom, Mausty Carty.

Outside of his entertainment career, most know Carty as a top high school and college athlete.

At Wesleyan Christian Academy, Carty’s soccer team was ranked ninth in the nation.

He went on to play Division One at Liberty University where he studied communications and public speech for three years.

“He was a great athlete,” said Ed Price, who coached Carty on several YMCA teams. “I knew at 9 or 10 he would be a real achiever and standout.”

Friends say what Carty lacks in woodsy experience, he will make up for in character and communications skills.

Longtime friend and roommate Robbie Hall remembers Carty as one of the “nerdy” kids who kept to himself growing up. But after getting to know each other, they became fast friends.

And Carty grew into his handsome countenance in high school, making him popular with the ladies and the envy of the guys, Hall said.

Hall recalled seeing through Carty’s exterior a few years ago at a Christian rally where Hall accepted salvation. “I turned to look at Austin, and he was crying,” Hall said. “He told me it was something he had prayed for over the last five years.”

But with integrity and morals put to the test on the often ruthless competition of “Survivor,” many debate whether Carty will be able to hold his own.

“Winning takes the ability to lie, deceive, back stab and manipulate under the face of an angel,” said former “Survivor” contestant and Greensboro native Jeff Varner.

Varner, who placed 10th on the show in 2001, is now a television reporter and weekend anchor for FOX8 News (WGHP). “Austin’s a nice guy. I don’t know if he’s a good liar.”

Next door to his Carty’s family’s home, neighbor Katie Wheatley said it could be a tough call.

“I think he’ll do well up until the merge,” Wheatley said about the show’s routine merger of tribes. “He will be too big of a threat athletically.”

Before he left for his “Survivor” challenge, Carty’s sister doled out some advice at the airport: “Don’t be the first voted off.”

Contractual rules prohibit Carty from doing interviews and personal appearances until the end of “Survivor,” but Thursday night he’ll sit elbow to elbow with family and friends at Liberty Steakhouse and Brewery in High Point to watch the premiere.


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Re: Austin Carty
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2006, 09:29:38 PM »
Eye on 'Survivor'
News Record - 2.10.06

WHO: Austin Carty, a High Point native and local author/model/actor.

WHAT: "Survivor: Panama — Exile Island"

WHERE: 8 p.m. Thursdays on CBS (WFMY, Channel 2)

LOCATION: An island off the coast of Panama

STRATEGY: Alliances abound! On Day 4, Carty finds himself in the midst of not one but two alliance proposals. Older men Dan Barry and Terry Deitz approach the young Carty and Nick Stanbury about forming an-all male alliance. "It's in our best interest," Carty responds. But tribemate Sally Schumann finds Carty at camp to forge an alliance with Stanbury and some of the women.

TRIBE: The four former tribes dissolved on the second episode and formed two tribes, La Mina and Casaya. Carty is selected for La Mina.

NICKNAME: Carty gets the moniker "fast guy" when a tribemate selects him for La Mina.

HOW DID HE DO? Carty uses his speed to help his tribe win the reward challenge. Staying out front, Carty helps tribemates over obstacles and under bamboo bars. His tribe wins fishing gear and a raft. In the immunity challenge, Carty puts his skills to use bailing water from his tribe’s boat as others try to pull it to shore. He steps in to help drag the anchor to shore into first place and away from Tribal Council.

INTERESTING REMARKS: "It isn't all just fun and games," rants Carty. "Someone is going to get hurt."

WHAT HIS FAMILY SAYS: "If people are asking for an alliance that means they like you, trust you and think you have some strength that can help them," Mausty Carty, Austin's mom, said after the show. "He's definitely pulling his weight."

GRAND PRIZE: $1 million for the last person standing after 39 days. Other contestants are paid on a scale: runner-up, $100,000;
third place, $85,000.

TOO HOT TO HANDLE: In a "Survivor" story in Us Weekly, Carty is ranked as one of three "hot guys" on the show. Aras Baskauskas and Shane Powers were also selected.


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Re: Austin Carty /Voted Off
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2006, 11:02:02 AM »
Austin Carty's Early Show Interview
(Transcript by James Barber for  4.07.06)

Julie : Last night was a real nail-biter on Survivor: Exile Island. The 3 remaining La Mina members tried to swing the game back in their direction, but in the end, even the promise of the Hidden Immunity Idol was not enough to keep Austin in the game.

(clips package)

Julie : Good morning.

Austin : Morning. Pleasure to be here.

Julie : It was surprising watching last night, you getting the boot. Were you as surprised as most viewers were?

Austin : No. I think that was a brilliant job in the editing department. It was pretty much a foregone conclusion. Danielle and I had created, as everybody saw, a good bond on Exile Island...

Julie : Yeah, and Bruce, also known as Mr. Miyagi, they looked like they were going to turn...

Austin : I think Bruce was always vacillating and right on the verge of coming over, but never quite did. But we knew going into the Tribal Council that Danielle was not coming over to our side, and obviously I knew Terry had not given me the Hidden Immunity Idol, so I was not surprised when the vote went down.

Julie : How about that? When did you actually realize that your buddy Terry had that Immunity Idol, and shouldn't he have given it to you? Didn't he kind of stab you in the back?

Austin : He definitely didn't stab me in the back at all. I didn't find out he had the Idol until an hour and a half before Tribal Council. He had it for all those days and we were not aware of it.

Julie : So why didn't he give it to you? Why didn't you ask him, an hour and a half, "Hey, listen, this is not looking good for me..."

Austin : As you can see, I did. I said, "Hey, Terry, why don't you let me have the Idol." And he thought it was better for his game to hold onto it. Do I feel betrayed? Not at all. I think strategically he could have made a better move on his own part by giving me that Idol. We could have then gotten Aras eliminated and I think that tribe would have completely fractured at that point, but that's all hindsight and hindsight is always 20/20.

Julie : If the tables were turned, would you have given it to Terry?

Austin : I would like to think I would have. Strategically I just think it was the best decision. But when all is said and done, he was the owner of the Idol and it was up to him what he wanted to do with it.

Julie : Every Friday morning we play a secret scene that did not get played on last night's show. I want to play it and then we can talk about it.

Austin : OK, I'll do it.

[(on Exile Island)

AUSTIN (solo): Coming over here, my original intention with the Idol was to make a forgery to look like I had found the Idol. I happened to have the amulet that I won the very first reward challenge in my bag, and all I did was take this scepter-ish looking bamboo rock and wrap the amulet I had around it to make it look like a hidden immunity idol.

(shots of Austin wrapping the amulet around the rock, sticks rock in bag)

AUSTIN (solo): I wanted Danielle to see, so that way she would believe I had the hidden immunity idol.

(Danielle and Austin sit together)

AUSTIN (solo): I think that my scheme is brilliant, but it's eating me up inside, and I believe I've reached the point where I found out what I'm not willing to do for a million dollars, so I'm not going through with it.]

Julie : Do you regret that decision as you're sitting here this morning?

Austin : I don't so much as regret it - the thing you have to understand about my time out there is my pride myself on being honest, and there was a lot of vacillation going on about trying to negotiate that line of integrity and advancing myself in the game. And while you're out there, the relationships you have are so intense that you feel anything slightly duplicitous is going to be so magnified. I don't think it would have been a bad thing for me to use that, I don't think it would have been the most dishonest thing in the history of the world, but I walked out of there without having to lie, and I kept my integrity intact.

Julie : Why did Aras call you a slimeball?

Austin : That was rough, wasn't it?

Julie : I thought so!

Austin : He called me a slimeball! No, Aras is a good guy. Like I said, everything is so intense out there, and he's a sharp guy, so I think he felt outfoxed by that maneuver that I pulled. I think he wanted to point out, "Hey, Austin's playing this game pretty cleverly." And the reason I pulled the ultimate bonehead move, probably the stupidest move in the history of Survivor, announcing my plan at Tribal Council, was A) I was fully convinced I was going home, cause Aras had told me I was going home, which I guess is just as dishonest as my getting off the pole, but because it was eating me up inside. I came into this game saying, "Listen, I'm not going to lie." I subscribe very much to the belief that lying can definitely buy you advancement in this life, in this world, but I don't think it can buy you respect. When all is said and done, I try to live my everyday life by that maxim, and I try to live Survivor by that. That's why I announced that plan.

Julie : Austin Carty, good for you. It sounds like you don't regret being the first juror.

Austin : No, not one bit. Thanks for having me.

Julie (shakes his hand): Thanks for coming on the show

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Re: Austin Carty /Voted Off
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2006, 01:00:31 PM »
TOO HOT TO HANDLE: In a "Survivor" story in Us Weekly, Carty is ranked as one of three "hot guys" on the show. Aras Baskauskas and Shane Powers were also selected.

Shane might be considered hot...on the Planet of the Apes!

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Re: Austin Carty /Voted Off
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2006, 01:59:38 AM »
Rmax, totally agree with you on Shane being a hottie on the Planet of the Apes.   :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:

Austin, Nick are definite hotties and Aras as well.

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Re: Austin Carty /Voted Off
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2006, 01:15:37 AM »
I agree to rmax & BF , Shane is very APE like  :lol:

Austin Powerless to Elude Survivor Exit
by Allison Corneau
Austin Carty, Survivor: Panama---Exile Island
He played the game with true honesty and integrity, but North Carolinian author Austin Carty found his Survivor: Panama — Exile Island (Thursdays at 8 pm/ET on CBS) tribe mates eager to turn the page after his island stay reached the three week mark. chatted with Austin — who earned the first seat on this season's jury — the day after his snuffing to find out how he managed to survive Exile Island, his voting strategy for the finale and his reality-star crush. What has been the reaction at home to your elimination?
Austin Carty: Everyone's incredibly disappointed. The way things started out, people thought I had a chance to win. I thought so, too. You recently admitted to throwing a challenge by not performing to your true ability, in order to hide your athleticism from the tribe. Did you regret revealing your strategy?
Austin: Once I realized I had not been voted out, I knew it was probably not the brightest idea to have outed my plan. At the same time, it got that feeling of conviction off my chest. Dishonesty doesn't sit well with me, and although it's not the most duplicitous thing, I wasn't proud of it at all. During Episode 7, which resulted in Nick's exit, you firmly believed you would be the one to go in his place. So it's almost as if you had "bonus time" in Panama.
Austin: It was, like, three extra days...  to spend on Exile Island. After I didn't win immunity, I thought for certain I was a goner, but there was a twist when I found out Terry had the immunity idol. For a brief period I thought maybe we'd be able to sway Danielle, or perhaps Terry would have given me the immunity idol, but I realized neither of those contingencies was going to happen. Did you ask Terry to use the idol to save you if the vote came down to it?
Austin: I asked him right when we realized Danielle most likely was not going to flop. He politely said no. Tell me about the immunity challenge with the obstacle course. That looked rather fun, but terribly difficult and tiring!
Austin: It was tailor-made for me. Had I not been on Exile Island and drained of so much energy, I'd like to think I would have come away victorious. What was the hardest part of that challenge?
Austin: The lack of food bred exhaustion. If we were able to have food out there, we wouldn't have realized how miserable we were. You get acclimated to the situation very quickly but you never get acclimated to being hungry. And the hunger pangs persisted when you and Danielle were sent to Exile Island to deal with some of the soggiest days you survivors had seen so far.
Austin: [Laughs] It was Noah's flood reincarnate. It never stopped. Every moment of it was miserable, but it did lend me a lot of perspective on life and the blessings we have and realizing the small things you take for granted every day, such as shelter and water. We weren't even able to drink because we weren't able to sustain fire for water-boiling purposes. Did you realize those things introspectively, or through conversations with Danielle?
Austin: Introspectively mostly. It was very nice to have someone to commiserate with over there. We both got to pout about how miserable it was and to fortify each other through the situation. Alas, once you returned for tribal council, your island buddy put your name into the ballot box.
Austin: It's every person for themselves out there. They're equipped with whatever knowledge they have of what's best to get them furthest in the game. Danielle used those tools and she thought staying with Casaya was her best bet. Honestly, I do, too. Prior to that vote, Terry revealed to Danielle that he in fact had the immunity idol and would be willing to offer it to her as long as she voted according to his wishes.
Austin: He told her that he had it and if it came down to it, he'd be able to use it to his advantage. Strategically, he could have done a lot of smarter things with it, but it was his decision. Terry touts himself as an honest Naval Academy man who would never "lie, cheat or steal." Did he play up his background any other times?
Austin: Not too much, because it wasn't really an issue with La Mina. Right off the bat, Nick and I both bonded with Dan and Terry. I wanted to be with other men I could hide behind going into the merge, because at every Survivor merge, the athletic guys are picked off one by one. There was an immediate sense of honor and integrity in both Dan and Terry because of their background and training and because they're such accomplished people. Not to say that Misty and Sally weren't honest, too, but when you're young, the million dollars means a lot more to you. One of your biggest concerns in Panama was striking a balance between maintaining your integrity and playing the game. What surprised you most about the game play?
Austin: How quickly misery sets in. After fewer than 24 hours, you're wondering what you got yourself into. It hits you quickly and it hits you hard. Did your time on the island feel like 21 days?
Austin: It felt like 121 days! When it came time for the merge, what excited you and what really bothered you about having to leave La Mina beach?
Austin: I was excited to break the monotony of the situation we had going on at La Mina. What scared me — and this would scare any competent, coherent individual — was that we didn't have the numbers, the worry that [the Casaya members] weren't going to crack. I'm sitting here now — they didn't crack! As the first member of the jury, are there any specific comments or interactions that you'll take into consideration at the final vote?
Austin: Obviously, if Terry or Sally are one of the final two, they've got my vote without my asking a question. If it's two Casaya members, it's going to come down to the wire. I'm going to to sit in on all the tribal councils and weigh everything they say that entire time. When all is said and done, I'm going to give it to the person I feel is most deserving, not necessarily the person I like the most. Were you OK with your on-screen portrayal?
Austin: I was certainly happy with my portrayal. It only really had me make reference to my Christian faith once. I do not consider myself a "Christian salesman," but it's how I filter a lot of my decisions. I'm surprised more of that didn't show, but I'm not offended or upset at all. Fans may not be aware of the fact that you're an accomplished author with a novel under your belt.
Austin: I wrote [Somewhere Beyond Here] when I was 20, and it was definitely a first effort in terms of grammar and plot strategy. Before my sister was born, my mom set aside a day to take just me to see the movie An American Tail. She explained that while my sister was new and needed lots of love, it didn't mean she loved me any less. The movie's theme song was "Somewhere Out There," and my mom made me promise at the end of the movie that that would always be our song and that whenever she passed away, I could look to heaven and see her somewhere out there. As a 5-year-old kid, that was the first time I ever pondered the fact that my mom might die. When I sat down to write my first book, I wanted it to be based on that relationship. I've written two new full-length novels, and I've got an agent who I'm hoping will secure me a book deal come finale time. In a perfect world, I'd like for the books to be published and to be able to use my Survivor experience and my writing as a platform to do motivational speaking. And we've also seen you as "Young Dan" in the third One Tree Hill episode of 2003.
Austin: It was an Emmy-winning turn, let me tell you! "Young Dan" definitely catapulted that show to success. It was a very small bit part where I said two words. I was very excited to do that — it made me SAG eligible. If a television opportunity presented itself in the future, it's definitely something I'd enjoy doing. Are any other reality shows in your future?
Austin: American Idol winner Fantasia [Barrino] is from my hometown. I watch Idol all the time — my family knows Kellie Pickler a little bit. You know what I've started watching? 8th and Ocean. I've developed a slight crush on little Britt. It must bring back memories of your time as a model.
Austin: [Pauses] I really don't talk about that too much because it's never been a full career and it breeds a stereotype I don't like to be associated with, but yeah. Our dad was a Wilhelmina model for years and my mom was a casting agent, so we kind of got thrown into it. My freshman year in college I was contracted to go down and work with Irene Marie, the woman from 8th and Ocean, but I was playing soccer in college and it didn't work out. Now I wish it had, so I could get Britt's phone number. She's right up my alley — cute, Christian.... I'm all about it!

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Re: Austin Carty /Voted Off
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2006, 10:01:50 AM »
He is SO hot.  :hrt:
oXo Justine

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Re: Austin Carty /Voted Off
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2006, 10:22:02 AM »
so how do I I mean find this guy!!! hhaah :flirt:
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Re: Austin Carty /Voted Off
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2006, 11:08:12 PM »
Hahaha...good question.  ;)
oXo Justine

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Re: Austin Carty /Voted Off
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2006, 11:46:30 AM »
Vintage...We need to work together on this one.  :gman:
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Re: Austin Carty /Voted Off
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2006, 10:58:03 PM »
I hate to break this to you, but I'm probably the worst detective EVER. lol.  :-\
oXo Justine

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Re: Austin Carty /Voted Off
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2006, 01:14:27 AM »

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Re: Austin Carty /Voted Off
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2006, 06:51:01 AM »
hmmmmmmmmmm...............well hopefully he'll add me...i just need to make my first pic a yummy one!!!! bikini shot it is!! hahaha  :beach:
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Re: Austin Carty /Voted Off
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2006, 11:46:16 AM »
LOL CeeJay ! The thing I liked about Austin is that he was a real person and of course easy on the eyes ..what a cutie  :hearts:

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Re: Austin Carty /Voted Off
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2006, 02:23:11 PM »
wasn't he the one that said the dumb comment of how he pretended to be weak at the tribal council so that way he wasn't seen as a threat...the next week he was kicked off!!! ... dumb move...but yes i agree...he seemed REAL...and he was very EASY (we wish on the eyes!!)
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