Author Topic: EP5:' We're Getting out of the Country Girls '  (Read 41235 times)

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Offline supsandalee

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Re: EP5:' We're Getting out of the Country Girls '
« Reply #175 on: October 26, 2005, 09:05:04 AM »
Just a couple comments on the show:

1. I'm amazed that the Godlewskis did not even consider doing the fast forward. Big mistake that could have cost them the game.

2. Can you believe how civil they all were about getting on the boats in the same order they arrived the night before? This is highly unlike past seasons. Wonder how long this will last? That's all nice and sweet but it's a R A C E people!!!

Offline Slowhatch

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Re: EP5:' We're Getting out of the Country Girls '
« Reply #176 on: October 26, 2005, 09:11:25 AM »
It looks like they took off from LAX again; judging from the perspective, they used runway 7left.

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Offline gingerman28

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Re: EP5:' We're Getting out of the Country Girls '
« Reply #177 on: October 26, 2005, 09:38:53 AM »
Time for a little MMQ (Monday Morning Quarterbacking for you non-football fans)

Overall we did not do too bad; mainly we had the events right but the order wrong.

Departure times from New Orleans Pit Stop were dead on; we called for a 1AM to 2AM departure and teams actually left between 12:40AM and 1:54AM.

We had the two flights Continental and American pegged; and yes it looks like these were their only options. Both brought teams to Panama City about when expected.

Not too good on the next call; trip to STRI led off the task, but we did call for an overnight stop and bunch. Yes, this is the first time we had teams agreeing to leave in order arrived. Some boats sure were faster than others. And the VO we had of Mama Gaghan saying that they were going to stop to pickup another person was for the boat and not the bus. The sun angles did show that the boat race was early in the morning.

Strange to make the long boat trip out to Isla Barro Colorado just to find the guy with the next clue, and then another boat race back to shore to get to the DETOUR and FAST FORWARD.  Note that Phil says that this is is ONLY Fast Forward during the race. (Does that also mean next weeks YIELD is the only one we will have?)

We had it right that Paolos would beat out the Gaghans on the Fast Forward.  From the looks of things, it looks like the Paolos got to the pitstop way in advance of the next team. But time advantage will probably dissappear next week at the airport waiting for flights to San Jose.

Looks like most of the teams got to the pit stop before noon; this is getting to be trend to start off at daybreak and complete tasks by early afternoon; which leads to early morning departure.  Note that Phil now says only "after a mandatory rest period" he never says after a mandatory 12-hour rest stop. It looks more and more like most pit stops are running to 36hours; is this because of the youngin's and some kind of legal rules?

Pretty sloppy ball playing; the only really good hit was by Papa Gaghan! And it was a little unfair that the batter only got to see 3 pitches and everything counted even balls thrown way wide! And errors counted as much as hits.

How is it that the Gaghans continue to be the penultamate team and continue on. But this is the basic rule of TAR: it doesn't count that much to arrive first (except for the added freebies - free gas from ARCO and BP for LIFE!!) but always keep one team BEHIND YOU.

There was an early tease in I think a Phil interview that one team put on all their clothes in anticipation of being last during a NONELIMINATION Leg. Good thinking.  And we are pretty sure that they get to Montreal in the FINAL FOUR.  But did they have to surrrender all their camping gear also?  There must be some use for it since the producers included it in the SUV's they moved to Huntsville for the teams (it wasn't on the buses from Charleston) and we see the teams continue to lug it everywhere they go; so some more camping probably is on the agenda and what about the girls? share tents with the boys???????????

Offline puddin

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Re: EP5:' We're Getting out of the Country Girls '
« Reply #178 on: October 26, 2005, 10:52:51 AM »
my guesses were sorta close  {l{

climb some stairs near the canals..location unknown but we do see muddy waters in the background...some sort of visitors center, lighthouse ??

clue takes them to the docks/ boats ..head to STRI , Barro Colorado Nature Monument in Panama
we see the Paolo's/Godlewskis/Linzes/Weavers

Somehow the Gaghans fall behind , maybe they were last to arrive from the airport?
Anyway the teams land at STRI the Paolo's snag the Fast Forward , this could be why the Gaghans don't know that another team has already taken it ..,
The Fast Forward takes the Paolo's back to near the Bridge of the Americans where DJ performs the task ..Bungee ?  and are sent on there way to the Pitstop
The trip back & forth from STRI can take an hour and a half round trip

Meanwhile ... the other teams at STRI get a clue sending them to the Ballfield /Roadblock
We see the Weavers / Bransens both looking good with the Godlewski sister struggling .


Maybe this is where the teams grab the dingo bus whatever to take them to the town of Casco Viejo, district to find the Hoochy Coochy Punta dancers to recieve there next clue to the detour
Bird watching or unknown ??

The Bird watching is not on STRI , Barro Colorado but somewhere else ..with the pitstop around the corner

I'm going to guess the Weavers place second .. I think mom has 2 fingers up ? and thats why they are cheering ..I don't think they would be that excited if they were next to last ..last team being the Gaghans who " couldn't catch a break" changing buses and all ?

..also had the Weavers cheering at the Bird watching place right but thought it was the pitstop too..
« Last Edit: October 26, 2005, 11:30:01 AM by puddin »

Offline rmax

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Re: EP5:' We're Getting out of the Country Girls '
« Reply #179 on: October 26, 2005, 11:32:59 AM »
good call on the Weavers' second place, puddin, though the vidcap was from when they finished the birdwatching detour.  They're a strong team, but it's apparent they are not well-liked.  After telling the Linz boatman to go slow, they weren't happy when the Linz's tried to psych out Rolly on the baseball field.  "How rude" indeed!

And I too thought it was silly that the Godlewski's said "we don't need to be first" and didn't go for the FF.  Considering it was the only FF (they must have known), wouldn't it have been nice to be in the running for a 1st place pitstop prize? 

Oh, my favorite moment came from Phil, when he said to the G-ski's after mugging them "Did you know it's against the law in Panama to wear underpants over underpants over your pants?"   Good one, Phil!

Offline gingerman28

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Re: EP5:' We're Getting out of the Country Girls '
« Reply #180 on: October 26, 2005, 04:01:16 PM »
That plane takeoff is a recycle from TAR5 Ep1

Offline puddin

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Re: EP5:' We're Getting out of the Country Girls '
« Reply #181 on: October 26, 2005, 07:11:12 PM »
Cheap or hiding something Gman??

just for fun

« Last Edit: October 26, 2005, 07:14:20 PM by puddin »

Offline puddin

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Re: EP5:' We're Getting out of the Country Girls '
« Reply #182 on: October 26, 2005, 07:40:19 PM »
watching the insider clips ..The DJ is the narrator for his famliy ,he talks about the Weavers ans how NOW they want to make alliances ..but did not want nothing to do with any of the familys in the beginning ..untill now.

The Gaghans feel that they bonded with the Linzes out of all the other teams ..

The Weavers talk about how proud they are of Rolly for hitting the Ball in the Roadblock ..the sis in the white tank top said " I know I needed to do a roadblock...." and then says she knew hitting balls was more for Rolly

The Gaghans wanted to do the FF for Carissa ..shes been hoping for a bungee jump challenge ..they knew DJ was afraid of heights , also they said that Billy wanted to do the birds but mom said that after the Card/detour they no longer wanted to gamble ..they wanted a sure thing , the instruments ..also they thanked the dude spoke Engilsh that guided them there .

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Offline Slowhatch

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Re: EP5:' We're Getting out of the Country Girls '
« Reply #183 on: November 05, 2005, 03:46:47 PM »
For the conspiracy-minded:
It looks like most (probably all) of the boats used to take the teams out to STRI were chartered from Aventuras 2000, a tour company operating out of the Melia Colon resort. This can be established three ways: first, the parrot logo on the side of the boat (compare with the logo on their webpage); second, the phone number on the boat (listed here); and third, the lifejacket worn by the Linz driver. Conclusions? Either the producers got a lousy return on the money they spent, or...they told the drivers to screw up deliberately.

Offline puddin

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Re: EP5:' We're Getting out of the Country Girls '
« Reply #184 on: November 05, 2005, 05:21:57 PM »
 {l{ The Gaghans had the worst luck , too bad Dad lost his lucky pencil  ;)