UPDATE !! Its Now BRIAN !!
Who Goes.... updated!
Edited to add that someone told me TDT has gone with Brian, too! That makes me feel a little better about this pick.
This is from my previous post:
So really, the question is does Brian, Lydia or Amy turn on Gary? All it takes is one of them. Lydia probably wouldn't do it. She has a strong pact with Gary. Amy sees Gary as the only member of her alliance still on the tribe and probably doesn't want to lose him. Which leaves Brian, who considers himself a master player, the puppeteer of his tribe. I think the temptation to backstab Gary will be too strong to resist. He wants to play the game and is arrogant enough to believe that he can pull it off. So I think Brian turns on Gary.
And then Margaret tells Gary what Brian said and the oldYaxha turn on Brian. Yeah, I'm switching. But if you look at confessional analysis, Brian is potentially in danger with an equal number of Ds and Ts. Sure, I'd like to see more Ds than Ts like Gary has, but you can't have everything. Plus Brian thinks he's going to get a villain edit and that would fit with attempting to backstab his tribe even it resulted in his boot. So I'm switching. Change your scorecards. It's Brian's week.
Credit to Brownroach at SurvivorBlows for throwing the Brian goes home theory out there.
(And I'm glad that Jim boot was right, so no matter what happensat least my record will be better than the Packers. Hi, Dweeze!)
http://survivorthoughts.blogspot.com/TDT PICKS
Episode Four
RC: Switch instead
IC: Nakum
Boot: Brian