Author Topic: MW Round 5 /MW Round 4 results  (Read 2616 times)

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Offline puddin

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MW Round 5 /MW Round 4 results
« on: October 11, 2005, 11:23:48 PM »

Round 5 
What is wrong with you people? Three weeks in a row with barely 2% of you getting the boot pick right. It is like a black raincloud of suckage has descended upon us. Wait.... Stephenie has sucked the will to win out of tribes for two seasons and now... she has moved on to Mediia Whore scores? No, that can't be. That's crazy talk. But still it looks... no... enough of that.

Let us look at some stats: 44% of you picked Blake to go, Lydia was a distant second with 15%. Only 11 players picked Brooke and those were lucky guesses. BUT it gets worse this week. Much worse. An embrassing amount of you thought Nakum was going to win immunity even though the episode title and previews suggested otherwise. I can't even go over the rest... it is that painful. This week will go down as the most disgraceful display of spoiling in twenty-four editions of Mediiia Whore. Be proud of yourself: you were a part of history.

So what is the problem? Hmmm... there's the lack of real inside information this year. But that can not be the only problem because we still have traditional spoiling. Hmmm... wait that requires independent thought, team work and common sense. Who wants to be bothered with that? Not most of you after looking at your picks this week. Could Mediiia Whore have failed the player base? Yes... that has to be it. The questions must be too hard in this new era of Survivor spoiling without an insider leaking information. Alright. The solution to that is easy.

Welcome to the New and Improved Mediiia Whore! I hope you like it. Please wash your hands before making your picks.

Question My Answer
Who is NOT voted off this week? (20 Minutes of Fame) 
Amy Blake Bobby Jon Brandon Brian Cindy Danni Gary Jamie Jeff Probst Judd Lydia Margaret Rafe Stephenie 
Will there be an Immunity Challenge? (20 Minutes of Fame) 
No, not this time Yeah, there is one 
Will two tribes compete in a Reward Challenge? (20 Minutes of Fame) 
Dude, it takes two to tango NO! There's a surprise twist! 
Does either challenge involve one tribe winning and another losing? (20 Minutes of Fame)  Everyone wins! Yay! *group hug* We must have winners and losers 
Will Jeff tally the votes? (20 Minutes of Fame) 
No, he randomly boots someone Yes, Jeff da man 
Will the booted player receive more than one vote this week? (15 Minutes of Fame) 
No, the fix is in! Yes, it's called a majority 
Is there an opening cast sequence? (15 Minutes of Fame) 
No, wait... there's a cast? Yes, and there's a recap too! 
Will any player plot against another player? (15 Minutes of Fame) 
No, it's a lovefest this week Yes, that tends to happen in this game 
Is there a tribal council? (15 Minutes of Fame)  No, wait... what's tribal council? Yes, and they have fire too! 
Will Margaret be mad at Judd for betraying her? (15 Minutes of Fame) 
Just a teeny weeny bit No, I didn't see the preview 
Will the immunity idol be seen? (15 Minutes of Fame) 
No, wait... players can get immunity? Yes, it's part of the game 
Are there any white people playing the game? (15 Minutes of Fame) 
Hmmm... I'm guessing yes No, I'm color blind 
Is Rafe gay? (15 Minutes of Fame) 
No, wait... gay people play this game? Yes, they told us that 
Will Gary do or say anything stupid? (30 Minutes of Fame) 
What color is the blue sky? (10 Minutes of Fame) 
Black Brown Green Hmmm... blue? Orange Purple Red White Yellow 
How many of the above questions with the majority of players get wrong this week? (25 Minutes of Fame)
  A few of them, we be lucky All of them, we be stupid Half of them, we be half-wits I don't understand this question Most of them, we be unlucky None of them, we be smart 

Offline puddin

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Re: MW Round 5 /MW Round 4 results
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2005, 11:25:33 PM »
RealityFanForum (Public) 
Manager puddin
Password N/A
Number of Members 20
Average Total Score 2047
League Rank 17
Average Round Score 291
League Round Rank 17

Cumulative Scores
Member Score Rank

puddin 2363 1 << shocking !!
geo1bar2 2344 2
redbeard103 2332 3
cinniii 2294 4
DianeLane 2266 5
gammonwoman 2207 6
Talico 2175 7
DrScottJMD 2138 8
amikino 2137 9
weezerette 2127 10
x_kicks 2122 11
avian03 2012 12
TexanSurvivor 1970 13
LuvRudiii 1905 14
Survivor Maniac 1884 15
rmax 1859 16
Steffeny 1818 17
Shanghilil 1692 18
chitimacha6 1666 19
tinampg96 1640 20

Round 4 Scores
Member Score Rank

Survivor Maniac 446 1 << Congrats!!
Steffeny 424 2
redbeard103 382 3
TexanSurvivor 369 4
cinniii 358 5
rmax 353 6
x_kicks 339 7
puddin 333 8
DianeLane 332 9
amikino 328 10
LuvRudiii 327 11
Talico 307 12
geo1bar2 293 13
DrScottJMD 282 14
avian03 272 15
gammonwoman 269 16
weezerette 254 17
tinampg96 110 18
Shanghilil 40 19
chitimacha6 18 20

Offline puddin

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Re: MW Round 5 /MW Round 4 results
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2005, 11:29:52 PM »
WELL ??  8-)'

My Picks 
Question My Answer
Who is NOT voted off this week? (20 Minutes of Fame) Jeff Probst
Will there be an Immunity Challenge? (20 Minutes of Fame) Yeah, there is one
Will two tribes compete in a Reward Challenge? (20 Minutes of Fame) Dude, it takes two to tango
Does either challenge involve one tribe winning and another losing? (20 Minutes of Fame) We must have winners and losers
Will Jeff tally the votes? (20 Minutes of Fame) Yes, Jeff da man
Will the booted player receive more than one vote this week? (15 Minutes of Fame) Yes, it's called a majority
Is there an opening cast sequence? (15 Minutes of Fame) Yes, and there's a recap too!
Will any player plot against another player? (15 Minutes of Fame) Yes, that tends to happen in this game
Is there a tribal council? (15 Minutes of Fame) Yes, and they have fire too!
Will Margaret be mad at Judd for betraying her? (15 Minutes of Fame) Just a teeny weeny bit
Will the immunity idol be seen? (15 Minutes of Fame) Yes, it's part of the game
Are there any white people playing the game? (15 Minutes of Fame) Hmmm... I'm guessing yes
Is Rafe gay? (15 Minutes of Fame) Yes, they told us that
Will Gary do or say anything stupid? (30 Minutes of Fame) Yes
What color is the blue sky? (10 Minutes of Fame) Hmmm... blue?
How many of the above questions with the majority of players get wrong this week? (25 Minutes of Fame)

My team stays the same Judd/ BJ/ Cindy/Brandon
« Last Edit: October 12, 2005, 11:29:21 AM by puddin »

Offline shanghilill

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Re: MW Round 5 /MW Round 4 results
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2005, 06:38:56 AM »
  }^{ I'll be a dog-gone fool following drone..this just be too too rich MW..but I'll give you's right on the money..well it's right on 'someone's' money anyway.

Who is NOT voted off this week? (20 Minutes of Fame)

 Amy Blake Bobby Jon Brandon Brian Cindy Danni Gary Jamie Jeff Probst Judd Lydia Margaret Rafe Stephenie 

Will there be an Immunity Challenge? (20 Minutes of Fame) 
No, not this time Yeah, there is one 

Will two tribes compete in a Reward Challenge? (20 Minutes of Fame) 
Dude, it takes two to tango NO! There's a surprise twist! 

Does either challenge involve one tribe winning and another losing? (20 Minutes of Fame)  Everyone wins! Yay! *group hug* We must have winners and losers  

Will Jeff tally the votes? (20 Minutes of Fame) 
No, he randomly boots someone Yes, Jeff da man  

Will the booted player receive more than one vote this week? (15 Minutes of Fame) 
No, the fix is in! Yes, it's called a majority 

Is there an opening cast sequence? (15 Minutes of Fame) 
No, wait... there's a cast? Yes, and there's a recap too! 

Will any player plot against another player? (15 Minutes of Fame) 
No, it's a lovefest this week Yes, that tends to happen in this game  

Is there a tribal council? (15 Minutes of Fame)  No, wait... what's tribal council? Yes, and they have fire too! 

Will Margaret be mad at Judd for betraying her? (15 Minutes of Fame) 
Just a teeny weeny bit No, I didn't see the preview 

Will the immunity idol be seen? (15 Minutes of Fame) 
No, wait... players can get immunity? Yes, it's part of the game 

Are there any white people playing the game? (15 Minutes of Fame) 
Hmmm... I'm guessing yes No, I'm color blind 

Is Rafe gay? (15 Minutes of Fame) 
No, wait... gay people play this game? Yes, they told us that 

Will Gary do or say anything stupid? (30 Minutes of Fame) 

What color is the blue sky? (10 Minutes of Fame) 
 (25 Minutes of Fame) Hmmm to bad Blue isn't a primary color.. I would've picked red and black and hoped for a dark blue..but I can't so..Hmmm... blue? it is

How many of the above questions with the majority of players get wrong this week? (25 Minutes of Fame)
  A few of them, we be lucky All of them, we be stupid Half of them, we be half-wits I don't understand this question Most of them, we be unlucky None of them, we be smart

Here's a thought:

To drive the point home even well as being a novel idea..perhaps allowing us to enter our own 35 words or less of course...may have beeeeen...shall we say..a teeny weeny bit more 'entertaining?' But not by much. it would've made 'real' history anyway.

MW comes in with the old 1..2..3... _-^  ya nutbar you.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2005, 09:31:19 AM by shanghilill »
“We are driven by five genetic needs: survival, love, belonging, power, freedom, and fun.”
~William Glasser~
Wait..that's 6.

Offline amikino

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Re: MW Round 5 /MW Round 4 results
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2005, 10:56:42 AM »
We've had a dearth of spoilage this season as well as some misdirection here and there from some colorful characters.  And so, we are having just what some people have always wanted:  a totally spoiler-free season.  Either you get your knickers in a twist over bad pointage, or you sit back and enjoy yourself.  I intend to have fun and I only wish I had missed the first boot so I could have a perfect record of missing every single boot for the entire season. 

Who is NOT voted off this week? (20 Minutes of Fame)
Amy Blake Bobby Jon Brandon Brian Cindy Danni Gary Jamie Jeff Probst Judd Lydia Margaret Rafe Stephenie
Will there be an Immunity Challenge? (20 Minutes of Fame)
No, not this time Yeah, there is one
Will two tribes compete in a Reward Challenge? (20 Minutes of Fame)
Dude, it takes two to tango NO! There's a surprise twist!
Does either challenge involve one tribe winning and another losing? (20 Minutes of Fame)  Everyone wins! Yay! *group hug* We must have winners and losers
Will Jeff tally the votes? (20 Minutes of Fame)
No, he randomly boots someone Yes, Jeff da man
Will the booted player receive more than one vote this week? (15 Minutes of Fame)
No, the fix is in! Yes, it's called a majority
Is there an opening cast sequence? (15 Minutes of Fame)
No, wait... there's a cast? Yes, and there's a recap too!
Will any player plot against another player? (15 Minutes of Fame)
No, it's a lovefest this week Yes, that tends to happen in this game
Is there a tribal council? (15 Minutes of Fame)  No, wait... what's tribal council? Yes, and they have fire too!
Will Margaret be mad at Judd for betraying her? (15 Minutes of Fame)
Just a teeny weeny bit No, I didn't see the preview
Will the immunity idol be seen? (15 Minutes of Fame)
No, wait... players can get immunity? Yes, it's part of the game
Are there any white people playing the game? (15 Minutes of Fame)
Hmmm... I'm guessing yes No, I'm color blind
Is Rafe gay? (15 Minutes of Fame)
No, wait... gay people play this game? Yes, they told us that
Will Gary do or say anything stupid? (30 Minutes of Fame)
What color is the blue sky? (10 Minutes of Fame)
Black Brown Green Hmmm... blue? Orange Purple Red White Yellow
How many of the above questions with the majority of players get wrong this week? (25 Minutes of Fame)
  A few of them, we be lucky All of them, we be stupid Half of them, we be half-wits I don't understand this question Most of them, we be unlucky None of them, we be smart
« Last Edit: October 12, 2005, 11:01:17 AM by amikino »

Offline rmax

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Re: MW Round 5 /MW Round 4 results
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2005, 01:22:40 PM »
Well, it's all going to come down to how well MW scores our team Survivors. I have Margaret and Steph, both were high scorers at first, but haven't done well in past couple of weeks.  I'm hoping Margaret's boot is next week (maybe I should switch her this week, when I have a better chance at getting points for the questions).  I also have Rafe and Brandon.  Brandon is the only consistently high scorer (of my Team).  Sigh....

Offline Texan

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Re: MW Round 5 /MW Round 4 results
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2005, 02:10:52 PM »
Sadly I just went to the site last week to have answers and had brooke as she was the first person.....then changed it.

Well we will rmax I have steph who is not doing well right now.

Offline RudyRules

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Re: MW Round 5 /MW Round 4 results
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2005, 02:41:50 AM »
 {l{ ((^ ^/^
 LOL!  MW...whata hoot!!  |#'  I could we go wrong?  :tada:   :t-up:  Tanks MW...for the humor and a nice break fum beating our brains out this week!!  :)*

My picks purdy much the same as ya'lls...

Who is NOT voted off this week? (20 Minutes of Fame) Jeff Probst
Will there be an Immunity Challenge? (20 Minutes of Fame) Yeah, there is one
Will two tribes compete in a Reward Challenge? (20 Minutes of Fame) Dude, it takes two to tango
Does either challenge involve one tribe winning and another losing? (20 Minutes of Fame) We must have winners and losers
Will Jeff tally the votes? (20 Minutes of Fame) Yes, Jeff da man
Will the booted player receive more than one vote this week? (15 Minutes of Fame) Yes, it's called a majority
Is there an opening cast sequence? (15 Minutes of Fame) Yes, and there's a recap too!
Will any player plot against another player? (15 Minutes of Fame) Yes, that tends to happen in this game
Is there a tribal council? (15 Minutes of Fame) Yes, and they have fire too!
Will Margaret be mad at Judd for betraying her? (15 Minutes of Fame) Just a teeny weeny bit
Will the immunity idol be seen? (15 Minutes of Fame) Yes, it's part of the game
Are there any white people playing the game? (15 Minutes of Fame) Hmmm... I'm guessing yes
Is Rafe gay? (15 Minutes of Fame) Yes, they told us that
Will Gary do or say anything stupid? (30 Minutes of Fame) Yes
What color is the blue sky? (10 Minutes of Fame) Hmmm... blue?
How many of the above questions with the majority of players get wrong this week? (25 Minutes of Fame) I don't understand this question