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Offline Texan

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Survivor Insider Ep 2
« on: February 25, 2005, 10:15:19 AM »
Thanks to Survivor Shrine

Survivor Insider Episode 02 Transcript
February 25, 2005
Transcribed by: Brett Murcott ( & James Le (
Clips Include: Tribal Council Votes, Ashlee's Final Words, Ashlee The Day After, Angie Steps Up, Happy Days Are Here Again, Light My Fire, Needle in a Haystack
Ulong Tribal Council
Ashlee Voted Out
Stephenie (Votes Ashley): My vote's for Ashley. I don't want to do this, but I think it's time for you to go. I think this is what's best for our team right now and I'm just going to honor what I believe is your wish. I'll miss you

DC Notes: She does NOT look happy - it's like a "I don't believe what I'm saying but I have to say it anyway" look.

Bobby Jon (Votes Ashley): No hard feelings.

Angie (Votes Ashlee): I didn't want to vote for you at all, but you asked. So I guess ye shall receive.

DC Notes: She waits about 15 seconds before writing, and does so very hesitantly.

James (Votes Ashley): Ashlee, I wish you would've hung in there. You were supposed to be part of the redneck brothers. Good luck. We love you.

Ashlee (Votes Jeff): My biggest is only because your hormones are way too loud and it's a distraction to the game (winks) (Thanks SPunKeeMonKee)

Ibrehem (Votes Kim): Ashlee was the one who picked me to be on this tribe so I just feel like I have to be loyal to her right now. Sorry.

Kim (Votes Ashley): I'm voting on my instincts here to vote for Ashlee. I'm hoping I can stay in. This is just a game. Both of us are on the chopping block tonight.

DC Notes: Apparently Kim didn't get the "Ashlee wants to quit" memo. I'd take that to mean she's on the outs with James, Stephenie, and Angie.

Jeff (Votes Ashley): I'm a man of my word, and plus, you bug the hell out of me.

Ashlee's Final Words
I wish my tribemates the best of luck, though they don't need it because they are all amazing. I am not surprised by the votes tonight, I think that they all sensed I was ready to go home.

Physically, it has been a challenge, the hardest part for me, was emotionally. As much as I like to have thought that I am a vindictive, deceitful person, and can talk bad about people behind their back for a million dollars, gosh I wish I could, I wish so bad I could. But I can't, and they all sensed it, so I am not surprised at all. I am cheering them all, and I know they will do great, and I want to see them kick butt.

The thing I take away from this whole experience for the most, is being grateful for the small things. It really humbles you. Most importantly, it really teaches you a lot about yourself, and your weaknesses and your strengths. I can take away from this whole experience my weaknesses and know that I need to work harder in those areas. And I am just so fortunate that I could have that opportunity to have that.

You wouldn't think that in only six days you could learn so much but I certainly I did. The only regret that I have is that I didn't use the excuse that I was cold to cuddle with Ibrehem because he sure is a cutie.

Ashlee The Day After
Ashlee: Right now I am feeling 100% completely satisfied. I cam here to play the game Survivor, I didn't, I did it with all my ability and I loved it. I had a blast. I am so thankful to have had this opportunity.

I have been a fan of Survivor since the very beginning. Watching it, I knew that it was such an ingenious, a battle of wit and a battle of strength. It wasn't until I actually played the game myself, that I realize that it was a truly hard game it is. It was particularly hard for me to leave my own morals and values aside and actually play the game, and focus on winning, without doing what it is necessary, which is lying, creating alliances, playing people. I, unfortunately, not able to do that, thus caused me to leave the game umm however, I enjoyed the time I had on the island and I am very grateful to have met all the people that I did. For instance, take me, I am a Mormon girl, never had a sex, on an island with Coby, a guy who takes sex where most people don't take it. Because of those dynamics, it was really humbling to be able to have to get along with these people and find food with these people, and shelter, and it was particularly hard to not create friendships with them when you're living with them everyday and you're there to compete with one another and to playing with one another and I couldn't do that, it was hard for me.

The hardest part of this game was definitely setting aside my own values and morals to play the game. I needed to be more deceitful and create more alliances and it was just too hard to tears. Gosh I wish I didn't have a conscience and unfortunately I do, and that was definitely a barrier for me to get far in the game.

There was a lot of sexual tension for me only because I am such a sexual person, unfortunately, I am also a Mormon girls and I have strict rules that I abide by, and if it came down to it, I probably would have used my sexuality a little bit more, although it wasn't really need at the time I was playing the game only because I was only in the game for a short amount of time, I was only there for six days. I was very prepared to break out anything I could use, my sexuality, whatever, to win the game. There were definitely a lot of guys that I thought were hot on the island. Ibrehem, especially. Yea I definitely had to be conservative around him. Also, I think the fact that this game is based around on alliances, and I was more concerned spending one on one time with just one person, because of in fear of what others thought as far as creating an alliance with that person, I would have certainly would have focused more attention on the guys, Ibrehem especially.

Being at Tribal Council, among all my tribemates and Jeff calling my name, I had a big gulp in my throat. So oh yea, it definitely sucked, having my name called, having to blow out my torch, especially early in the game. You know, I came into this game wanting to win the million dollars, even over that, I wanted to get far into the game, I wanted to have the experience and six days isn't a long time. I am fortunate to have so many wonderful and unique but none of them compare to this Survivor experience, not one. This game is truly a battle of physical strength, emotional strength, interaction with strangers, using your people skills, your survival skills, it is just an ingenious game and I love it and I am so thankful to have had this opportunity and I am going to go home appreciating just the little things.

What I learned about myself is that no matter how much I think I can leave and sacrifice all of my morals and values for a million dollars which would be my ideal dream come true, I cannot do it, it is not in my make up to do that. I also learned that I can push myself in ways that you're just not able to do with the luxuries that we have. And I learned that I can survive without fried chicken, grits and mashed potatoes.

I'd like to think that everyone is going to miss my optimism, my goofiness, the fact that I can laugh at myself and my effort to work hard and to contribute to the group. Before I started the game, my strategy was to kind of lay low and fly under the radar. That is completely opposite of my character. I love to be the center of attention, the boss, I am the oldest of five, I have no problem delegating, formulating plans, although on the island, I didn't do that. I fear that that may have hindered me in the little bit, especially the very beginning when we had an immunity challenge and people were choosing who they wanted and I was one of the last ones picked and I think one of the reasons I was the last one picked was because I wasn't extroverted enough, I didn't go out of my way and make an attempt to bond with everyone, or even with one person in particular. I was more focusing on doing what we needed to do, which was building a shelter, and going to get water, and trying to find food, so if there is anything I can do different, that is probably, no that is what I would do.

I hate to have regrets, I really do, and as happy as I am right now, and as full as my belly is right, and as pretty as I feel right now, with my hair clean and my make up on, and all my wounds tended to, I would most certainly to do it again, and if I had the opportunity to get back on that island I would, you know, I still, when I go to sleep and I wake up, I gotta go tend to the fire, I have to go get wood. Yea, I am sad, I most certainly wished I could be out on the island, and if I had the opportunity to go back, I would try more than anything, to let my devilish side out a little bit more, be a little bit more vindictive and deceitful and keep my mind focused on winning that million dollars rather than trying to please others and making others happy. So yea, if given the opportunity, I would most certainly do it again.

Angie Steps Up
Angie: Well I am just kind of hearing things out, watch what people do, watch what people say, and I knew that as soon as we had a next challenge, I really had to shine, I really had to prove that, I was you know, I had to change people's minds about what they felt were my physical limitations, I really had to prove that. I think we really need to do really good at the next challenge, and I think if we did really good at the next challenge, I would have a little bit more leverage to deal with people, especially if I cam through, I would definitely have more leverage than people who didn't do as good,

Treemail came today, we were kind of surprise it was kind of nice because we wanted fire really badly and we were pretty much thinking we would get our flint if we won this one. It pretty much said, it came with two barrels and two platforms and we kind of thought we would have to run across the barrels with our opponents, maybe we would have sticks and try to fight each other, we weren't quite sure but we knew it involved running across these barrels and keeping our balance. And that if we got through it, we would have the chance to catch more food and so we knew that that was going to be fishing gear and we were stoked, we were just so excited that fishing gear came into, so it would be flint and fishing gear. And we were like oh god, totally pumped, we kind of took it easy, didn't over exert ourselves, we sat around, we drank you know coconut milk and went off to our challenge, we were really cool, calm and collected.

When we got to the challenge today, it was a little bit more than we had just expected with the little barrel, it ended up being like a whole barrel onto a platform and a balance beam, buoy and rope swings and people were throwing sandbags at you. I really didn't think about my balance, I thought I might be okay at this kind of thing because it wasn't really a long endurance thing. It was really just more being smart about how you got across, taking your time, and watching where you were placing your feet.

And so I was just sizing it up, I didn't want to go first because I didn't want to, if I messed up right on right there, at the beginning, I didn't want to be the first one. And so I was about in the middle and I got across, everybody else had kind of fallen off, and I got across and brought the first flag. I was really stoked about that because it was such a jubilant feeling that I omg, I did it, I did it before all of these people, even though I was considered the weak link, and proved to some people that I wasn't. And then when we came back on our next rotation, and more people got it, I came back and got another flag. Both times I succeeded in bringing back flags, I didn't fall off once, I shone in that challenge, I showed that I wanted it bad, I wanted it real bad, I wanted it bad for three reasons.

I wanted it bad because I needed to do it to myself after having somebody critique your physical skills, you know, you get a little down on yourself, so I needed to do it for myself.

Two, I needed to do it for my teammates to show them that everything Jo was saying wasn't necessarily true, they needed to see it upfront, they couldn't have just heard it from my lips. They need to see what I could do physically.

And three, omg, I was thinking of so hard by water, the entire time, I didn't stop thinking about water. I knew that if we had that flint, we'd have water and I couldn't stop thinking about it. That was the biggest thing that just drove me water was just thinking about cool clean water.

Happy Days Are Here Again
Ashlee: It is amazing how quickly things can change in this game. We went from waking up in the morning with no food, no water, we were wet from the night, it had rained all night long, we were tired, we went into that challenge with no energy whatsoever, but we did have enthusiasm we knew that we had to win the challenge in order to survive. We did. We won the challenge, we got back, we were so stoked, we got flint, we got fishing equipment, right away we made fire, I say right away, it wasn't quite right away, actually took us quite awhile, but luckily, the men stayed very motivated, and they got it, they got the fire and so we were so excited and they went out fishing, came back got fish, it just turned everything around, our spirits were lifted, we were motivated, our bellies were full, we were ready to go. It really brought the tribe together.

I am so excited for Angie. Angie came from being the low person on the totem pole in our tribe, the last one picked and she dominated in the challenge yesterday, she led our team. She was the very first one to go all the way through and back with a flag and I know she felt good and it only motivated her and uplifted her and be able to go back and get a flag. And afterwards, she was beaming and she was glowing and I was so happy for her and I really feel like because she performed so well that just ignited a sense of motivation in her, yea maybe, I am tough, I could do this, because she is like a little busy bee, she is constantly working, she worked before the challenge but not as much as she is now. She has quick ideas, she is sharp on her feet, that challenge I am so glad for because our team is only benefiting from it not just because she helped us win, but now, she is just so hard working and everything else because of it.

Light My Fire
Gregg trying to make a fire, passes it off to Tom who tries.

Ian: We can't even make an ember. (confessional) I have no idea why the flint is not working, it really sucks, working so hard to get the fire, and working so hard to getting the flint and we can't even get a spark out of it, it just flattens? you, it takes everything out you (mumbling).

Gregg: We are doing something completely wrong, we are completely off, we are not making any progress. (confessional) Alright, why isn't it working, we got the magnesium, we got the steel, the shaving is going off and we are all puzzled. We looked at the slab closely and we could see that there was a groove, so there was obviously another piece missing, I mean we weren't getting anything.

Gregg: I don't know what the hell it could be.

Tom: Maybe almost some kind of file or something that goes down that slot.

???: But we were so careful.

Tom (confessional): At some point, we don't know how it happened, but we lost the flint that fits into the groove. We really don't know how it got lost, but we lost the flint somewhere around the camp. Why don't we do a real thorough search of everything, and if we're missing something and it here, that's an issue, ---?

Gregg (confessional): So at that point, we lost it, did we lose it on the shore, did we lose it at camp, where the hell did it go?

???: Well we opened it right there (more mumbling about the flint).

Gregg (confessional): It was awful, it was demoralizing, frustrating, you know, we were just so close, you know it just typical of the course of events for this tribe, we will have a high, we will be all excited, but then we will do something to screw it up.

Tom: You guys, come up and look

Coby: Okay (getting up from the water).

Ian:: It fits inside that groove

Janu:: And it's that thin?

Ian:: We'll find it.

Tom (confessional): Fire is primary right now, it's the only thing that matters, nothing else gets done until that gets done.

Shot of the tribe on all fours looking for the flint on the ground.

Needle in a Haystack
Tom (confessional): We are looking for a very thin piece of flint that we got. We found our box out in the middle of the ocean, now we gotta find our flint in the middle of a jungle.

Gregg (confessional): It's about a 2 and half inch black stick which looks very similar to every twig that you see on the ground there. It's a needle in a haystack, it is a complete needle in a haystack, it's a needle in a pile of needles, which needle do you want?

Gregg: Does anyone remember seeing it?

Tom: At one point, we were right here also (Tom suggesting where they have been inaudibly)

Coby: (looks at camera) I found it.

Janu (confessional): Coby is sitting there in his bubbly way, and he says, guys I found it.

Coby: That's it, I promise it. No no, you stick it in the groove and you hit it with the machete. This is supposed to be here.

Tom: Don't set yourself on fire.

Janu: That's it, I saw a spark.

Coby: But I mean you have to hit it at an angle.


Coby: Now we have to go get firewood.

Coby (confessional): We don't have fire yet so I am not celebrating again, until I have the fire, I am excited, but we don't have fire yet.

Offline Texan

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Re: Survivor Insider Ep 2
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2005, 10:30:15 AM »
Ashlee Quit!!!  Kim better thank Ashlee or she would have been gone.

Why do these people keep quiting the game!?!?!?  |(  *(^

From the votes it looks like james, Steph, angie and Ashlee were an alliance.  Make you wonder where Bj and Ibe are.  I think they are with Ibe says Ashlee picked me I can not vote for her.  they better hope they can get BJ or Ibe to switch or they will be losing their alliance buddies.  Jeff and Kim will stick together.

sounds like Kuror had alot of issues with fire

Offline puddin

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Re: Survivor Insider Ep 2
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2005, 01:06:55 PM »
thanks again saved me the trouble .. :))

Offline Texan

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Re: Survivor Insider Ep 2
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2005, 02:54:24 PM »
thought i could help a little around here work aholic :-)

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Re: Survivor Insider Ep 2
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2005, 02:59:09 PM »
I overslept can you beleive that  {l{ I was like OMG its 1:00 pm  `/~ ..good thing the kittys were hungry   ]][

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Re: Survivor Insider Ep 2
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2005, 02:52:20 AM »
Well it's about time, puddin dear!!  I've wondered if you evvverrr sleep!? |( :)ZZZ:)
I figgered you must sleep at your PC.  {l{ ]][

Ruday /*^