Author Topic: EP6 RECAP ~Lori & Bolo left hanging in Hungary  (Read 5610 times)

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Offline puddin

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EP6 RECAP ~Lori & Bolo left hanging in Hungary
« on: December 22, 2004, 12:05:56 AM »
Lori & Bolo left hanging in Hungary

After a queasy start for Kendra at a bungee jump Roadblock, engaged models Freddy & Kendra led the pack as Teams headed to Budapest, Hungary. Many Teams encountered difficulties driving to Eger, Hungary in notoriously unreliable local cars called trabbants, but last-place married pro wrestlers Lori & Bolo suffered the worst blow after car troubles forced them to miss the last train back to Hungary. While the pro wrestlers settled into a bench for the night, the other six Teams walked into the next Route Marker with a nine-hour lead.

Departing the Berlin Pit Stop in first place at 2:55 am, Freddy & Kendra opened their first clue, which instructed them to travel to Checkpoint Charlie, the infamous East-West border crossing of the old Berlin wall. Leaving the Brandenburg Gate moments later, married entrepreneurs Jonathan & Victoria began this leg more civilly than they had ended the previous one. Hot on their heels, dating actors Hayden & Aaron also began the trek across town to Checkpoint Charlie.

Arriving at Checkpoint Charlie in first place, Freddy & Kendra opened their clue to discover they needed to make their way to Olympic Stadium, home of the 1936 Olympic Games. Once there, they had to search for a signup board near the front entrance. Freddy & Kendra led the way to the stadium, first to sign up for an event the following morning at 6:00. More fireworks exploded between Jonathan & Victoria when Hayden & Aaron beat them to the signup board to snag the second slot. A fuming Jonathan blamed Victoria for missing the board, asking, "When are you going to just carry your own weight?" Victoria replied to her husband, "Whatever, Jonathan. You blame me for everything." As last-place Lori & Bolo signed up at the board, they noticed that Freddy & Kendra and Hayden & Aaron had signed first and second, commenting, "They follow each other around like whipped puppy dogs."

The next day at 6 am, Freddy & Kendra opened their clue to find a Roadblock. In this Roadblock, one Team member had to complete what's known as a "hot rocket bungee." After being strapped into a harness and tether on the ground, the Racer is flung 200 feet into the air like a rocket in a slingshot. After returning to the ground, the jump master hands them their next clue. Girl power ruled the morning as Kendra, Hayden, Victoria, Kris, Hera, Rebecca and Lori all opted to perform the task for their Teams. After soaring through the air, Kendra felt a little queasy when she returned to the ground. After a few moments, she picked herself up and she and Freddy opened the next clue, instructing them to fly 450 miles to Budapest, Hungary. Once there, they had to select a trabbant, a notoriously unreliable local car. If the car breaks down through no fault of the Team, a replacement car may be provided. Teams had to drive their trabbant 62 miles to the town of Eger for their next clue.

With all women successfully completing the bungee jump, Teams raced to the airport, hoping to catch the first flight out to Budapest. Freddy & Kendra and Hayden & Aaron booked a Malev Air flight, landing in Budapest at 11:05 am. Jonathan & Victoria also tried getting tickets on this flight, but were blocked by father and daughter Gus & Hera, who snagged the last tickets by going to a travel agent just as Jonathan & Victoria stepped up to the Malev counter. After throwing a small tantrum directed at the Malev ticket agent, Jonathan & Victoria settled for an Air Berlin flight landing at 12:10 pm, along with long-distance dating couple Kris & Jon and former dating couple Adam & Rebecca. Having arrived last at the airport, Lori & Bolo found the Air Berlin flight booked as well, forcing them to take a Lufthansa flight arriving at 12:20 pm.

Landing in Budapest in first place, Gus & Hera, Hayden & Aaron and Freddy & Kendra were all shocked to find their incredibly small trabbants waiting for them. Hera remarked, "This is like a clown car!" Being more familiar with the antiquated transmission, Gus sped his Team out to an early lead while Hayden & Aaron floundered because of a dead battery in their trabbant. After receiving a replacement, the dating actors were on their way as the second plane landed, carrying Adam & Rebecca, Jonathan & Victoria and Kris & Jon. Having experience with cars, Jonathan cruised ahead of Kris & Jon, while Adam & Rebecca struggled long enough for Lori & Bolo to catch up, having landed on the third flight.

Arriving in Eger at the Eger Castle in first place, Freddy & Kendra opened their clue to find a Detour. In this Detour, Teams had to choose between "Catapult Crash" and "Cannonball Run." Teams choosing Catapult Crash must use a traditional catapult to hurl a watermelon 150 feet at a wooden target. By smashing the target, Teams would find their clue hidden inside. While not physically demanding, mastering the ancient weapon could take some time. Teams choosing Cannonball Run must push a cannon uphill to the castle's courtyard. Then, they must carry 55 4-pound cannonballs up the same hill and stack them in a pyramid. The task could be exhausting, but Teams with enough muscle could finish quickly.

Opting for Cannonball Run, Freddy & Kendra began pushing their cannon up the long, winding hill with some bickering, but soon moved on to the task of carrying the cannonballs. Meanwhile, arriving in second place, Gus & Hera chose to use the catapult with very little success. While Gus & Hera continually missed their target, Freddy & Kendra made several trips up and down the castle hill to form their cannonball pyramid. Opening their next clue, the engaged models discovered they must travel by train to Budapest and make their way through the busy metropolis to the Net Klub Internet Café. They would pick up their next clue by logging onto America Online.

As Freddy & Kendra darted off to the train station, Gus & Hera, incredibly frustrated with Catapult Crash, switched tasks to Cannonball Run. While the father and daughter trudged slowly up the hill with the massive cannon, Jonathan & Victoria arrived, opting for Cannonball Run as well. Upon seeing Gus & Hera, Jonathan, still bitter about the airport, complained, "We had tickets to get on that plane, and you took our seats!" "Little bastard," Gus replied under his breath. As Jonathan continued ranting about the flight, Gus simply remarked, "Pain in the ass." Soon, Gus & Hera completed the task, along with Jonathan & Victoria, who had wisely used a tarp to carry more cannonballs at one time.

Car problems and misdirections plagued the remaining four Teams en route to Eger. Kris & Jon needed a replacement car, while Adam & Rebecca got roadside help from a stranger who fixed their car. Hayden & Aaron, touching down first in Budapest, struggled even to find Eger on the map, while Lori & Bolo couldn't get out of last place, continually having to ask for directions.

Finally arriving at the Detour, Hayden & Aaron made quick work of Cannonball Run after Aaron dumped the contents of his backpack and filled it with cannonballs. As the dating actors were finishing up, Kris & Jon arrived at the castle after an afternoon of trabbant frustration. Soon, they too finished Cannonball Run and headed back to Budapest. Adam & Rebecca arrived at the castle in sixth place and, in a common occurrence for the pair, opted for Catapult Crash only to switch their Detour choice to Cannonball Run. Lori & Bolo now became the only Team still trying to reach Eger. This goal became even more difficult for the wrestlers when their car broke down, forcing them to wait for a replacement.

Arriving in Budapest in first place, Freddy & Kendra made their way to the Net Klub Internet Café, only to discover it did not open for another three hours at 10 pm. This allowed Gus & Hera and Jonathan & Victoria to catch up, but not before Jonathan's frantic behavior upset a cab driver so badly that he kicked Jonathan & Victoria out of his taxi.

As Hayden & Aaron and Kris & Jon arrived at the internet café, Lori & Bolo finally made it to Eger Castle and began to lug the cannon up the hill. The sweating pair expended all the energy they could muster to build their cannonball pyramid, then headed down to the train station.

With Adam & Rebecca arriving at the internet café, the six Teams now only had an hour to wait before the café opened. At the train station, Lori & Bolo received crushing news that no more trains would be departing to Budapest until tomorrow morning, getting them to the city by 7:23 am. As lightning filled the dark skies, the married pro wrestlers had no choice but to sleep curled on a bench in the train station for the night. At the same moment, the doors of the Net Klub Internet Café opened, allowing the other six Teams to enter. Will Lori & Bolo be able to make up time on this leg and avoid elimination? Find out on the next new episode of THE AMAZING RACE.

Offline Texan

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Re: EP6 RECAP ~Lori & Bolo left hanging in Hungary
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2004, 08:47:03 AM »
Still can not believe it is a continuation!!!  I sooo hope Lori and Bolo catch up.....maybe instead of a non elimination round they skip a pit stop and have to do another road block and detour.

Offline puddin

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Re: EP6 RECAP ~Lori & Bolo left hanging in Hungary
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2004, 03:53:07 PM »
one of you I'm gonna break in half fits the  Ep 8 title  :\/

On the next Amazing Race ~

Phil: when the amazing race continues ,Rebecca rebusts (?) Adams advances
Rebecca : go away . I'm so over being romantic with you
Phil: while Victoria has had enough of Jonathan
Vic: go away your only making it worse
Phil: and Freddy has a tantrum
Freddy : When I find out.. one of you I'm gonna break in half

We see Rebecca & Adam at night walking over a bridge , theres traffic
Jon & Vic ..she appears to be doing a Roadblock in a restaurant , she has a big bowl in front of her with a spoon ..she's crying and drinking wine , Jon is sitting next to her holding a yellow clue/envelope
Then we see Freddy freaking out , it's daytime and it appears to be a railroad yard of some sort . The only couples missing from this scene are Rebecca & Adam and Bolo & Lori

Offline Texan

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Re: EP6 RECAP ~Lori & Bolo left hanging in Hungary
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2004, 04:38:39 PM »
Why woudl freddy freak out....what did someone do tatle on him for something?

Offline puddin

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Re: EP6 RECAP ~Lori & Bolo left hanging in Hungary
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2004, 04:44:11 PM »
Texan seems that hes yelling because someone took something that belonged to him? They all look really scared ..because the veins are popping out of his neck ..I'm looking for some more details..I'll be back .......

Offline tanbuns

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Re: EP6 RECAP ~Lori & Bolo left hanging in Hungary
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2004, 05:10:46 PM »
Do you think it is possible that someone "Yields"  Freddy and Kendra, and that's what he is mad about?  |:(

Offline puddin

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Re: EP6 RECAP ~Lori & Bolo left hanging in Hungary
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2004, 05:26:57 PM »
 hiya buns ...let me watch again... **:)** **:)** they are at a cluebox and Freddy has something in his hand may be right tanbuns ..good guess, I posted another clue about a FF in the EP8 topic  **:)** **:)**  the teams not shown are Rebecca & Adam , Lori & Bolo  as far as I could tell  **:)**

Offline 'keeta

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Re: EP6 RECAP ~Lori & Bolo left hanging in Hungary
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2004, 08:13:21 PM »
When someone yields they have to leave their picture on there as well. Unless the rules changed. I was thinking that some does something to Kendra. They show Bluehair walking toward Freddy at the end of the clip.  ?:)?

Hey, I have been to Eger. That castle is awesome. lol, I even took the train there from Budapest. Gees, I would have loved to be on this season. I really enjoy Europe.
Make it Idiot Proof and Someone will make a better Idiot.  :whip:

Offline puddin

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Re: EP6 RECAP ~Lori & Bolo left hanging in Hungary
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2004, 08:37:45 PM »
Theres a new clue that someone closes a gate on another team ! I hope that is Bluehairs doing and Freddy breaks him in half  **:)**

Cool chakeeta ..your so lucky to have traveled so far .. **:)**

Offline tanbuns

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Re: EP6 RECAP ~Lori & Bolo left hanging in Hungary
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2004, 09:37:58 PM »
I posted another clue about a FF in the EP8 topic     the teams not shown are Rebecca & Adam , Lori & Bolo  as far as I could tell 

Since Adam/Rebecca and Lori/Bolo aren't there, then I would say that does not bode well for one of them. This should be episode 8, which means that possibly one of them get eliminated next week in episode 7.

Please not Lori and Bolo!  :':')

Offline puddin

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Re: EP6 RECAP ~Lori & Bolo left hanging in Hungary
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2004, 10:55:37 PM »
I just dont see how L&B can catch up? they are at least 10 hrs behind..Maybe the a non elim that goes right to an elim  :\/ but still to catch the teams can they ? unless  ?:)?..maybe another team quits  :D ?

Offline 'keeta

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Re: EP6 RECAP ~Lori & Bolo left hanging in Hungary
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2004, 01:30:41 AM »
This last ep there were no catch up points, except at the end with the internet cafe. So, maybe on the next episode there is a couple of catch up points. There has to be a way for Lori and Bolo make up ground.
Make it Idiot Proof and Someone will make a better Idiot.  :whip: