Author Topic: Seraphaem's "The Clue"  (Read 26191 times)

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Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2004, 08:40:56 PM »
I think that Sera put the list right in front of us  **:)**

BUBBA  (switch him for Lisa...move above JK  )
ELIZA (winner Eliza )

Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #26 on: October 22, 2004, 11:00:52 PM »

The Dark Author
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   Re: THE CLUE - Survivor 9: The Illuminati
Benbow and Arrow
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(8/13/04 11:13 am)
Reply Re: Her
Amy, very attractive in a strong female way.

The Apron of Washington, the power of 11 and 13. One of the Three and friend of the wild and tame. On the 26th of July the Serpent will burn another and the chain broken.

The HEX of Serpens. The physician will not heal thyself in time. Clue 3 of 13.

When asked at tribal council by Probst if she felt her team could trust her, she mentioned that she told them they could. This was a foreboding sign of things to come.

A snippet from the shooting calendar:

Mon. Jul 26th, Day 29, Ep 11 - Family Visit?

Tues., July 27th, Day 30, Ep 11 - IC and TC 12? Family members leave Vanuatu, except for Eliza's boyfriend? (from Survivor Fire info)

The Apron of Washington ... the power of 11 (EP.11). Friend of the wild and tame (LeAnn) who during the family visit will break the chain of alliance out of personal want. It will carry over until EP.13.

This will come to pass.


Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #27 on: October 23, 2004, 11:24:48 PM »
amikino..I remembered that I had the clues stored in a notepad  **:)**

Clue: Movie clip 1 - "Night of the Living Dead". Barbra and her brother just before being attacked by zombie cannibals at the beginning of the movie.

Put them on an island and the result would be the same in the beginning. Can you "C"?

Hobbies :: There are many websites about Freemasonry, but the one you are looking for goes by this key: 1547.

Personal Bio :: On the first page of the site you will find the initials of the winner of Survivor 9. Follow this guideline: Second paragraph, fifth line, seventh letter. Fifth paragraph, second line, twelfth letter.

( Anne JAGELLON died 1547...aka: The Holy Sepulchre; founded
the Priory of SION, mother of Anne (Wife of Henry VIII) )

Clue #2 Is the Easter Star

Clue #3 The foundation of the architect - Bricks and Motar The Grand Work of the Architect = Chatter
13 Hidden Clues

Amy, very attractive in a strong female way.

The Apron of Washington, the power of 11 and 13. One of the Three and friend of the wild and tame. On the 26th of July the Serpent will burn another and the chain broken.

The HEX of Serpens. The physician will not heal thyself in time. Clue 3 of 13.

Clue 4
When they are but 6 left the one of red will keep her secret as the wild one will fall and perish. This will lead to a superior alliance which the others won't be able to see or hear about, and the alliance will not speak of it until it's too late as they become 3.

Look for the hidden clue of the staff. Review the text and compare to the HEX. This is clue 4 of 13.

Clue 5
 remember bribS. i think he Could Only coUnt using his Toes as an abacus.

Her Benevolence, an inspirational sort, shall be the lynchpin of what will become a great undertaking. As if the monkey who keeps silent, this will keep her in good graces within the Three.

The AVE. Bearer of water. Clue 5 of 13.

Clue 6
I think the original CSI: Vegas is much better than Miami. The leads in this version have no personality in the slightest.

The feast of Red meat. Behold, ZEV the Great and Terrible. In Orion he stands with much to gain. His eyes covered to what is known at this juncture and will serve the other two heartily.

The Hunter shall never know a personal loss. 10.16. Clue 6 of 13.

 clue 7

The ghosts of the dead shall take the right branch of the path never to rise again. Here is wisdom - two of the mystic native, one will flourish and one will perish.

This is clue 7 of 13.

Clue 8
The traveler from the south shall be desolate in his own house. The shaking of the stones in reference to a point within Octans.

This is clue 8 of 13.

 clue 9
By sea they depart and by land they deploy. The grand Yasur, within the structure held court to disaster for the fair sex. The night of the great burn.

BEHOLD! The one who wrestles with idiocy will be fallen.

This is clue 9 of 13.

Clue 10

The Vanuatu team looked impressive. The Octant Combination: TWila before Mia, but Lea after Brook. Hammer, nails and wood in the depth of July but before the flow of the orange. This is clue 10 of 13.

 Clue 12
The lame shall go far, but not past the Three. The others all blind and banished, he walks alone on the right path as fourth.

The six Tam Tam, split in the middle. Observe the colors. This is clue 12 of 13.

The building blocks of the pyramid.

From front to back and left to right. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Here is the what will be known near the end of December:

J, E, S, J, T, L, L, B, R, A, L, J, D, C, M, T, J, J

This is clue 13 of 13.

Clue 1 may only be found in a profile hidden in code. Decipher with the key and the eye on top will open to give you the winner.

The only clue missing is 11... a magical number. This will be posted 11 days before the premier of Survivor (Labor Day) in honour of those who take the time to toil through the other clues.

Do you "C" the connection?

Ranger 11,13,33 Degree

Kansasville singer tries to survive Vanuatu
« Last Edit: October 23, 2004, 11:40:45 PM by puddin »

Offline justjude

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #28 on: October 29, 2004, 12:13:23 AM »
This is so frustrating... ?:)? Are the answers really hidden in these clues? Hope so cuz I'm spending an awful lot of time trying to figure this thing out, and I'm not getting very far. Has anyone else figured out anymore yet? I would love to see some more answers, then I could (MAYBE!) stop this never ending search to nowhere land.

Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #29 on: October 29, 2004, 12:22:28 AM »
It's crazy justjude.. I spent so much time on these  clues and only end up getting sidetracked :)ZZZ:)
You could check put Chatter and Sera's clues right here..Good Luck and would you please let us know if you find anything ?  :)_{}

wait untill you view the movie ..its really brilliant  **:)**

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #30 on: October 30, 2004, 01:19:04 AM »
It's crazy justjude.. I spent so much time on these  clues and only end up getting sidetracked

Same here. I think i've  looked EVERYWHERE...except where i'm supposed to be looking.

Good Luck and would you please let us know if you find anything ? 

Thanks! I defenitly will, but don't hold your breath- by the time I figure it out- Survivor will be on Season 15   :\/

Offline amikino

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #31 on: November 02, 2004, 02:31:28 PM »
Now I'm hooked again .. :)* Happened to google "47" Does this mean anything  :\/
More from Sera ~
The numbers have something to do with John Kennedy, the tiny pyschic from Poltergeist and my elderly neighbor whom I used an Airzooka on in the hallway of my building.

The number are 1, 3, 13, 33, 39, 47,


Finally I have some time for this riddle.  Since one of the messages was posted by 47Euclid, I was thinking the clue related to the 47th Problem of Euclid, which is the Pythagoreum Theorum.  The 47th Problem uses the numbers 3, 4, 5.  In Egyptian times a string would be tied with twelve knots, equidistant from from each other and tie the string in a circle.  Place one stick in one knot (in the ground), then in the 4th knot place another stick (that would give you three spaces between knots on one side).  From the knot you just placed a stick into, you count out five knots and place another stick (that gives you four spaces between the knots).  Mind you, you are making this in the shape of a triangle.  Take the remaining string and join it to the beginning stick.  You should have five spaces between knots on this side.  This proves the Pythagoreum Theorum also because you have a side = 3, side = 4, their squares are 9 + 16 = 25.  The square root of 25 is 5, which is the measurement of the third side.  The angle formed at side 3 and side 4 is a 90 degree angle.  Anyway, what all this has to do with the Vanuatu, I don't know.  Where does this clue show up exactly?  It refers to 3, 4, 5.  I'll have to do more research. 

Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #32 on: November 14, 2004, 11:15:12 PM »
big Stuff Today amikino !!!!!!!


Eliza Elected for Vanuatu
Multiple independent sources point to Eliza Orlins' participation in Survivor: Vanuatu.
Tuesday, July 20, 2004

In fact, one anonymous person (we don't know who), correctly 'guessed' her name in our online Contestant Confirmator last Saturday.

Various descriptions of her match an online profile on the public site

Gender: Female
Interested in Meeting People for: Friends
Status: In a Relationship
Age: 21
Occupation: Syracuse Student
Location: Syracuse, NY
Hometown: Washington DC
Interests: Reality TV, Alpha Phi, Justin, Pink, Hanging out with my girls, and doing work like the nerd that I am, oh and law it safe to add that now?
Affiliations: Alpha Phi
Schools: 92nd Street Y, Hong Kong International School, Dalton, Munsey Park, Sidwell Friends, Syracuse
Favorite Music: Country (Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Shania Twain, Dixie Chicks, George Strait, Alan Jackson, Toby Keith, etc, etc)
Favorite Books: Chicken Soup for the Soul books (yes, I'm a sap, I know), The Horse Whisperer, Runaway Jury, Memoirs of a Geisha, Tai Pan
Favorite TV Shows: Survivor, The Bachelor, The OC, The Apprentice, Sex and the City, Average Joe, 90210 (we miss you), Temptation Island, American Idol
Favorite Movies: Usual Suspects, My Cousin Vinny, Shawshank Redemption, Zoolander, Finding Nemo, Rudy, Old School
About Me: Anyone who knows me knows that I'm actually a really big dork. I sit in the front row in all my classes and I love getting As. I'm obsessed with eating, reality tv, and the color pink. I speak Chinese and I'll speak it for you if you ask nicely. I just took my LSATs and I'm applying to law school this fall. I can't believe we're seniors.

The photogenic Syracuse student, who majored in International Relations and Political Science, speaks Chinese and attended the prestigious Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C. Fellow alumni include Chelsea Clinton and young Al Gore III.

With a background and ambitions like that, she's bound to end up in the White House, or at least rub elbows someday with members of the powerful and secretive Council on Foreign Relations. { link Below}

And for the sake of addictive television drama, we can only hope her game play stays true to the form of powerful American movers and shakers that have influencedUS government foreign policies and world events in the past -- an evil brew of negotiation, bribery and threats, masked by a warm and approachable smile. Love her, hate her, but you can't ignore a superpower!

Survivor: Vanuatu premiers on Thursday, September 16. CBS reportedly will officially unveil the castaways around mid August.

If you have any information on potential Survivor: Vanuatu castaways, please email. Anonymity assured.

Council on Foreign Relations.~

Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #33 on: November 25, 2004, 11:44:45 PM »

The Ghost With The Most
Man Of Mystery
I'm not Seraphaem. Really.
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King of the Spoliers
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(11/25/04 8:52 pm)

   Re: To Sera-
The Ghost With The Most
Man Of Mystery
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King of the Spoliers
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(11/18/04 9:40 pm)
Reply | Edit

This clue shall become more clear next week, and it shall come to pass.

They are now 6. The one of red (Eliza) will keep her secret between herself and her loved one. The wild one will perish as the next boot. This action will lend strength to the alliance behind the scenes and it will be too late for the others as the final 3 have set themselves in stone.

The hidden clue of the Staff of Asclepius (Dr. Scout Cloud Lee) and the HEX (Eliza).


This has come to pass tonight. Eliza won time with her loved one. The wild one (Leann, who's mouth did her in) has been booted.

The alliance behind the scenes (Eliza, Chris, Twila, Scout) has gained strength and it will be too late for the others (Ami, Julie). The core of tonight's alliance you have now witnessed the final 3.


Edited by: Seraphaem at: 11/25/04 8:55 pm


Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #34 on: November 26, 2004, 12:03:25 AM »

« Last Edit: November 26, 2004, 12:07:41 AM by puddin »

Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #35 on: December 03, 2004, 04:21:39 PM »
Sera puts microphone to mouth and states in booming Biblical voice:

"Behold! The final hour is nigh, and those of strong faith shall bear witness to the greatness of her coming!"

"And I stood upon the sand of the Vanuatu sea, and saw a beast with two heads rise up out of the sea. The first head was aged and bearing an indian head-dress. The second head was that of a male, and the number two emblazoned on his forehead."

"And I witnessed the seven angels who were banished from Heaven and had been chosen to decide which of the heads would die, and which would survive and repent. The dark Seraph, head of the angels, came forth and opened the seal of the holy urn. The name of blasphemy has been called to the male as the female had become redeemed and entered Heaven with great riches."

- The Book of Legion, 6:66


Sera's Film Clues
(Not-see, nothear, not-speak),

From a Site I found today ~

I'm leaving these here  so I don't lose them .if anyone wants a go a the puzzle feel free  ;D,2,1,96/AUDI_VIDE_TACE.html
« Last Edit: December 03, 2004, 07:37:01 PM by puddin »

Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #36 on: December 03, 2004, 04:54:26 PM »

Clue 5
 remember bribS. i think he Could Only coUnt using his Toes as an abacus.

Her Benevolence, an inspirational sort, shall be the lynchpin of what will become a great undertaking. As if the monkey who keeps silent, this will keep her in good graces within the Three.

The AVE. Bearer of water. Clue 5 of 13.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2004, 05:15:54 PM by puddin »

Offline amikino

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #37 on: December 06, 2004, 12:05:33 PM »

If you decipher the Masonic lettering in the graphic, at the upper left you have "JP", upper right "SL", and at the bottom "EO".  SL = Scout Lee?  EO = Eliza Orlins?  JP = ?

Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #38 on: December 06, 2004, 12:19:29 PM »
Thank you Thank You amikino  **:)** thats what I've been trying to decipher amikino ..did you see what Sera posted at chatter ..?
Initially this is what I got from his clues too  8-)' first I thought he meant Eliza and John Paylok ( Sera's bootometer) in the final two but, then he admitted that he had Chris & JP mixed up..
The rumors from the start led me to believe either a man and Eliza in the final two or Scout & Eliza in the final two..who would ever have guessed that Eliza would have made it so far  ;)
I'm going to watch Sera's clue movie..again  :D.. you never know?

JP =John Paylok ..switch him for Chris ?
of course amikino figured out the Masonic lettering
EO= Elza

From Chatter
The Ghost With The Most
Man Of Mystery
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King of the Spoliers
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(12/4/04 8:17 pm)

   Re: Who do you think will win Survivor: Vanuatu?
 What the heck ... Eliza beats Chris thanks to the majority of female jurors. The vote will be divided between the sexes.


The Ghost With The Most
Man Of Mystery
I'm not Seraphaem. Really.
Once you go pale,
it never gets stale.
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King of the Spoliers
Posts: 2279
(12/4/04 8:33 pm)

   Re: Who do you think will win Survivor: Vanuatu?
Eliza. How is this a spoiler. :|

Signs, signs ... everywhere are signs. As Snews stated on his site before the season started, she would make a great Mayor of Vanuatu. Signs of editing ... the loudmouth whom everyone wanted gone, yet she still lives on another day.

Eliza is like that squeaky cabinet door that you want to fix every weekend but you always have something else more important to fix instead. Before you know it everything is fixed except that one door. Get it?


Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #39 on: December 06, 2004, 01:09:20 PM »
The Ghost With The Most
Man Of Mystery
I'm not Seraphaem. Really.
Once you go pale,
it never gets stale.
You can trust me
King of the Spoliers
Posts: 2158
(11/19/04 1:05 pm)

   Re: THE CLUE - Survivor 9: The Illuminati
 Palyok was wrong from the beginning (wrong male).

Soon my game ends and my ultimate fate draws nigh.


The Star = Eliza= Washingtons apron ( Eliza is from Washington)
The Blind = Chris ( the monkeys Audi Vide tace)
The Lame? maybe Scout ?
I'll work on some pictures later..gotta run  **:)**..puddin

"Secret sociaties like the illuminati go to enormous lenghs to remain covert"..Dan Brown
clue 1
St George and his Dragon
The first clue is:  Saint George and the Dragon, where the head of the dragon has been changed to Mark Burnett.  Typically, the battle between St George and the Dragon symbolises Good over Evil or Knowledge over Ignorance.

clue 2
The Eastern Star

Tu Tems wanem go nambawwam . Lukim blong mixmaster mo bisfala kakee.
Tata mo god naet.

Is there no help for the widow's son ?

 "Her benevolence"

" To adorn Washingtons Apron "

Audi Vide tace,2,1,96/AUDI_VIDE_TACE.html

Clue 3
The foundation of the architect

Bricks and mortar , the foundation of the Architect

Ask Seek Knock


The Branched Road

The red branch of Eri
ranger 11 13 33 degree

"The lame shall not walk and the blind shall not see and what is dead shall stay dead "

" The foundation has been cast. Brick by Brick the pyramid shall be built .The "eye" on top will give the answer.

The hidden clue of the Staff of Asclepius (Dr. Scout Cloud Lee) and the HEX (Eliza).


one last thing to add  ,something that maybe amikino can decipher  **:)** ?
this link may or may no help?

11 13 33  **:)**
« Last Edit: December 07, 2004, 03:01:30 AM by puddin »

Offline amikino

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #40 on: December 06, 2004, 02:56:29 PM »
Is there no help for the widow's son ?

"This [Hands raised above head and brought down into the Due Guard], my brother, is the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress. It is the sign you solemnly promised in your obligation never to give except in circumstances of the most imminent danger, or within a regularly constituted Lodge, or for the purpose of instruction. And should you ever see the sign given, or hear the words thereto annexed spoken, you are equally bound by your obligation to fly to the relief of the brother so giving it, should there be a greater probability of saving his life than of losing your own. The words to be used in the dark, or when for any reason the sign cannot be given are: Oh Lord, my God, is there no help for the widow's Son? Either one will constitute the Sign of Distress."

This may already have happened or might apply to Chris in his final moments should he be in F2.  He will ask the "guys" to vote for him because they should stick together in their brotherhood.  We'll see...

Offline puddin

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Re: Seraphaem's "The Clue"
« Reply #41 on: December 11, 2004, 12:22:50 PM »
" The foundation has been cast. Brick by Brick the pyramid shall be built .The"eye"on top will give the answer.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2004, 12:33:21 PM by puddin »