Author Topic: SURVIVOR INSIDER, Vanuatu:EP 8 Finished/Updated !!  (Read 2786 times)

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SURVIVOR INSIDER, Vanuatu:EP 8 Finished/Updated !!
« on: November 05, 2004, 09:11:02 PM »
Special thanks to DCReads56 @Sucks 
I will update the Transcripts as DC finishes with them
SURVIVOR INSIDER, Vanuatu: Episode 8

Welcome to Survivor Insider!

Finished! Spread the love!

Alinta Tribal Council
Rory Rejected

Chris (Votes Ami): Ami, it was great finally meeting ya. I’m playing the game. This is all strategy. I hope I get to talk to you again. Take care.

DC Notes: His first female vote. Aww, he’s so sweet (comparatively – usually “I’m playing the game” is all he says)

Eliza (Votes Rory): There’s a hole in your back pocket, dear Rory, dear Rory. I thought you said you had me in your back pocket. I may be 21, but I wasn’t born yesterday.

Scout (Votes Rory): Rory, these tears on my face are for you tonight. I wish you had been willing to vote for a different woman than the one that you had to go after. I’d have backed you otherwise. God bless you, man.

Chad (Votes Ami): You’re a really cool gal, but I think you took the male-female thing a little too far. Tis my brother Rory over there, so it’s your time to go.

Ami (Votes Rory): Rory, I totally felt like you and I were kind of teammates, and I heard you tried to get rid of me, so that’s all I can do. Counteract. Sorry bud.

DC Notes: The manner in which she votes is really sadistic. She takes her time to write, sounds like she’s babytalking, and smiles the whole way through.

Leann (Votes Rory): You’re just the unfortunate victim of the master plan. But I sure do like you.

Julie (Votes Rory): This is really nothing personal. You’re the one person I haven’t spent any time with. Gotta go with just the group consensus. You seem like a great guy. Sorry I don’t have anything bad to say!

Rory (Votes Amy): Ami, this is the first time that I’ve made a completely personal vote. Your treatment of me over the last nine days has been horrible. I have little or no respect for you, and I really hope that like a bad rash, you’re finally gone. Thank you. This one is no business; it’s all personal.

Twila (Votes Rory): Rory, I have nothing against you. I really didn’t get the chance to know you. But you and Sarge happen to be the strong ones. That’s the only reason. Sarge had immunity, and you didn’t.

Sarge (Votes Ami): This vote goes with much respect to you. You’re my number one arch rival right now. We both carry one thing we like in common. So long.

Final Words

Rory: What surprised me the most about my experience in Survivor 9 is the sheer amount of work that it’s entailed. You can watch and you can imagine playing, but you cannot imagine the difficulty, the trials, how hard it is to play this game on a daily and a nightly basis. It’s physically grueling. It’s emotionally battering. It takes a lot of faith and stamina to even be able to make it this far.


I learned that I can go way outside my boundaries. I have pushed myself physically beyond – waaaaaaaaay beyond what I imagined I’d be able to do. 26 feet deeper than imagined I’d be able to do. I learned endurance and stamina are a lot better than I even thought they could be. I learned my wife really adds a lot to my faith and my ability to be able to stand here as a man. And I realize I have grown as a man of god and a man, period. I’ve learned that you gotta work to get anything in this world.


I will never forget the Islands of Fire. I will never forget Vanuatu. The atmosphere, the climate, the edge of magic, custom. The fruit bats in the morning and the beautiful sunrises and sunsets. I’m taking – I am by far the biggest winner on Survivor. I may not be a million dollars richer, but no one has enjoyed the experience of being on this land more than I have, and being in this game more than I have. I just wish I could have lasted a little while longer.

The Day After

DC Notes: Rory! What an enigma! He is deliciously intuitive at comprehending others, but horribly incorrect in how he views himself. I love the part in this clip when he talks about the other Survivors and their mistakes and disorders. Love it. He's never even met Julie or Twila, and he has them pegged (of course, he could have been talking to Scout, who is pretty observant herself). For a guy who received votes at EVERY SINGLE TRIBAL COUNCIL he was in, he's very cocky and upbeat.

Rory: My overall experience personally with Survivor 9: Vanuatu is that nobody has enjoyed their experience on this island more than me. I have enjoyed every morning. I have enjoyed every evening. I have grown as a man, spiritually, physically, mentally. The fact of the matter is, I probably needed to be knocked out pretty soon, because while everybody else is complaining about food, and being tired, and having injuries, I am at 110%. I have no injuries. I have lots of joy. And I could easily do another 20 days of this.


I would say, without having any extraordinarily accomplishments on a day, that my best example of a day that I would have that I really enjoyed personally would be to wake up, have a cup of coffee, sit down on the beach when nobody else is there, and drink my cup of coffee. And then do a walkabout through the bush, just looking at the spiders, looking at the fruit, looking at the plants. Having the dew all over you first thing in the morning. Come back, swallow some water, head out and do the same thing on the coral: find a couple crabs, see some seasnakes, some octopus, and then just come back. And just the beauty of being able to take that all in within three or four hours. Being from Iowa, that’s just so foreign to me. That really it was just a slice of heaven. Every moment to me was just a slice of heaven. There was no big drama for me every morning.


There were two points when I literally just bottomed out. One of them was entirely crushing, and the other was entirely infuriating.

The first one when I was bottomed out was the day after Bubba had been voted off, and we went to the hog challenge. And the new Yasur comes in without Bubba, and Lopevi comes in, and Jeff asks, “What do you think of Bubba not being here?” Jeff asked Lopevi, “What do you think about Bubba not being here?” And Sarge and Chris and Chad, each to a person, said, “Oh, well, I can’t believe they didn’t vote Rory out of here. Everybody loved Bubba.” And here I am, and I’m in the middle of the ladies’ camp, and the only thing I’m looking forward to is the possibility of going back and being with people I have an alliance with and people I have a relationship with, and they just dogged me out. They were just like, I didn’t even exist as far as they were concerned. And that just served to completely isolate me out on the island.

But that’s fine. That just told me I had to shift into another gear, and I only had to focus on myself.

The second opportunity that really bottomed me out was the day that I had a conversation with Ami and Leann. We were standing in the banana grove, and I told them, “I’ve been busting my hump. I put in 12 hours to get you guys water, I bring you in food, I bring you in crabs, I bring you firewood. I do ten times as much work as anybody in the Yasur camp. And I just want to know if you’re going to give me a chance to be a member of this team.” And Ami quite pointedly told me, “We’re a female alliance, and you have a penis, and I don’t care what you do, you will never be a part of this team, and as soon as we get an opportunity, we will vote you out of here.”


I am extraordinarily disappointed in the men. I thought when Chris and Chad and Sarge and John, when they saw how Lisa got voted out of Yasur, that was a perfect opportunity for them to vote a woman out and go into the merge at 5 men and 5 women. And they’re so stupid that they didn’t even take advantage of it! They kicked John off instead of Twila or Juile! They put all their trust in two women who they’ve known for nine days, ten days, and they kick somebody off that they’ve known for 20 days!

And in so doing that, they knew the women had an alliance, and they automatically doomed every man in this game! Automatically. Straight off the bat. 100%. And not a single one of them, it never occurred to them! Sarge puts on a good game, but he’s tired. Chris - Chris has been suffering physically this entire game. We know that speed and agility is not his forte, and if his injuries continue to be as bad as they have been during the 21 days previously, he’ll be lucky if he makes it out just based on his own physical abilities! Chad - I’m disappointed probably the most in Chad, because Chad is an extremely smart man, and I would have thought that as well-rounded as he is, he would have seen this ship coming, And seeing their faces last night after I got voted out, and realizing, the sheer shock of realizing that they were bamboozled and hoodwinked by Julie and Twila, ugh.


I am most angry with Ami because I think Ami is not nearly as smart as she seems. I think she’s obviously using some sexual innuendos, flirtation. Not just towards the guys, which she does constantly, and I think it’s disgusting, but obviously towards the girls as well. Some people may say, “Oh, well, she’s a good looking lady,” but she has the soul of a troll. She is not appealing to me in any way, shape or form. She obviously has no moral standing, very little moral fiber, and she’s dishonest. She puts on this good game, like she’s all about harmony and everything else, and fact of the matter is, she’s the most manipulative person on the island.

And she’s preying on people. She’s preying on the weakest people, which is Leann, who is horribly, horribly weak-minded in her current state, and Eliza, who is just naive as all get-out and dumb as a box of rocks. And then you’ve got Twila who obviously has some serious, serious emotional issues related to the men in her life, and then you’ve got Julie who obviously has some psycho-social-sexual issues of her own. And playing this harmony among all of them is Ami.


I tend to be a fairly observant person. I might seem like I’m not looking in the direction. I might seem like I’m staring at the fire, but the fact of the matter is, I take in a whole lot. And I’m pretty sure there are some sexual things going on with Ami and some others within the Yasur-Lopevi tribe. I don’t know the exact dynamics, but I’m pretty sure it’s happening. Some stuff is going on there.


If there’s anything I would have done differently in the game, I would have gone ahead and I’d have burnt Yasur to the *beep* ground. Just out of sheer statement. Because that’s my personality, and sometimes my wife reins me in, and sometimes I really hate that because I would really, really have enjoyed doing that from the bottom of my soul. I would have really, really enjoyed doing that.


I would take away the fact that I am blessed. That I am 100% standing strong physically, mentally, and spiritually, whereas I thought Survivor might have broke me, it didn’t. I am thriving right now! I am still pumped right now! And they needed to knock me out of the game because I could have easily gone the rest this way.

Scout Dissects Rory

Description: In a private moment, Scout tells us exactly what she thinks of Rory and evaluates his chances of staying around.

DC Notes: What a great clip! Scout is not nearly as dumb as I pegged her to be. She seems to have a really good grasp on understanding her tribemates. This clip reveals that Scout is not entirely committed to an all-female alliance, Rory deserved to get the boot for being inflexible, and, IMHO, she was being nice to Rory so she could count on Rory’s vote in the jury.

Scout (Confessional): Let me say this. Just about everybody I know, I have at least two minds about. Everybody. It’s relative and it’s situational. It’s always just been a trait of mine. What comes up is what I’m noticing at the moment. The two minds of Rory, I tried to be a peacemaker with Rory at the other camp. Tried to keep him chilled and calm and continuing to the play the game. And I think I was very fundamental in saving his ass on the first vote. I just wasn’t ready to vote him out.


And I think he’s grown, emotionally. I think he’s really been forced into a situation of pulling himself together, and demonstrating some skills he didn’t even know he had. In terms of coming over here, I wish that he’d have given a little bit, just come on over here and move Eliza out so I can, you know. It would have accomplished the same thing. But he didn’t want to give. He, in fact, had established a -supposedly, he has established, at least Chris says, an alliance with Sarge and Chris and Chad. And that he’s coming back and playing on that. I don’t see them - I don’t see the relationship with him that to me equals an alliance. From Sarge, Chad, or Chris, toward Rory that means that there is a relationship. Like Twila and I have a relationship. Julie and I are reestablishing a relationship. Leann and I have a relationship. Even a little one. I’ve got a relationship with her of some sort. I don’t see any definable relationship in that supposed alliance.

And I think of the men here and the kind of energy – just for today – the kind of energy to keep intact, I think it’s time for Rory to go home. I would have loved to have helped him get to the jury anyway, because he really wanted to do that, if he could just get to the jury. But it’s not going to happen because he has pushed and shoved to have Ami taken out right now and as a result of that, he’s going to get taken out, I think.


Rory and I would watch out for each other when we came back over here. And I talked to him, privately about, “Let’s get rid of Eliza.” “No no no, it’s got to be Ami, it’s got to be Ami.” I just can’t go there. I can’t do that. So who else? If not Ami then who?

You look around at the energy in the camp and the kind of interplay that goes on with people, and it’s Rory. Rory’s kind of the odd man out. I’d write down Rory’s name. In some point in time I’d like to write down Rory’s name, and I think tonight’s the night. I really wish he would have played along. I feel like I’ve been pretty giving, both to Rory and being supportive of him and being a friend and listening. You know, helping him with his emotional states. I wish he would have been willing to play the game a little bit differently.

Rory Chaps Scout

Description: Rory and Scout bicker about whether he’s being helpful or patronizing when he offers to help her. Ever the diplomat, Rory insists that he’s not offering to help because Scout’s a woman, but because she’s “the elder.”

Shots of Scout hauling wood, Rory making a fire. Scout tries to lift a log

Rory: No no no.

Scout: I want to see how heavy it is. Don’t patronize me.

Rory: Scout, You’re patronizing me.

(Scout struggles to lift the log)

Scout: Listen, this thing is not – this is half the weight of a bale of hay.

Scout (Confessional): A man coming in and trying to take over work when you’re doing it just totally frosts – chaps me.

Rory: I’ll get it, Scout.

Scout (Confessional): Men for some reason believe that it is their divine destiny to take charge of everything. It is the reason that I do not have a man living in my home.

Rory: You take everything as being patronizing, and you know you’re stubborn. If you’re being stubborn, don’t call me patronizing.

Scout: I want to give you some advice.

Rory: What’s that?

Scout: The word “everything” is an always kind of thing – it includes everything. And it is rarely that I have used the word “patronizing.”

Rory: You know, hey – don’t, don’t turn away.

Scout: Okay. Are you and I going to have an argument?

Rory: No, you’re being very stubborn.

Scout, Oh, I am!

Rory (Confessional): Scout and I have our normal five minute argument. Every single morning we’ve done that, and every single night we’ve slept together (HEAVENS!). (Shrugs) Go figure!

Scout: I’ll tell you what I’ve been thinking about.

Rory: What?

Scout: This is the first time – It’s the first time in my life that I’ve ended up for an extended period of time being the elder.

Rory (Confessional): Scout is having a hard time accepting the mantle of her age, and she takes everything you try to do for her, every sign of kindness that you make towards her, she takes as an affront that you think she’s somehow weak. Hell, how can you think a woman like that is weak?

Rory: Elders are to be revered, and you do anything you can for an elder. And the fact of the matter is Scout, you are my elder, and I will do everything I can for you. I don’t care what you want me to do. And there’s never going to be a time when you lift a log, there’s never going to be a time when you come out here and check the fire that I’m not going to feel like that’s my job because you are older than me. And I have the utmost respect for my elders.

Scout (Confessional): Rory is, in his way, pontificating respect. But respect is not to be pontificated. It’s not a speech. It’s an action.

Rory: You are my senior, and you have every right and privilege to ask me to bow down and do anything you want. (OH YEAH? WHAT ABOUT SARGE? HE’S YOUR SENIOR) That’s the way I was raised. You shouldn’t be doing a damn thing in this camp as far as I’m concerned. See, that’s –

Scout: I’m not that elder. (Laughs)

DC Notes: Anyone remember “Animorphs?” Rory’s reminding me of Ax – “Yes, Prince Jake.” “Don’t call me prince!”

Scout (Confessional): Pushing his ideas of elder off of an elder, this elder’s got something to tell him about that, and that’s a back up jack. I mean, this cowgirl’s got a sweet smile, but my branding iron is hot. I mean really. Whoof.

Urge to Merge

Description: Reading the Reward Challenge Tree Mail, both tribes wonder whether a merge is in their future.

(Yasur camp)

Ami: Tree mail!

Leann: Okay guys, ready?

(Reads treemail)

Ami: Hmm, what does that mean?

(Lopevi camp)

Sarge: You! It only says you. There’s nothing about tribal or a get together about that.

(Yasur camp)

Eliza: Do you think it’s an individual or a group thing?

Leann: If we lose Rory goes home.

Ami: Let’s just –

Eliza: No, what if Julie and Twila are with them, and then, you know?

Ami: Julie and Twila are not with them. Have more faith in your girls.

(Lopevi camp)

Julie: (Waving flag) Lopevi! Lopevi! Just when we all start to fall in love with each other, we’re going to get split up.

Twila: Don’t say that!

Julie (Confessional): There’s definitely a team unity and everyone’s definitely feeling closer and more comfortable.

Chris: See, that’s a race.

Julie: I love the sound of race and Scout in the same sentence. Is that what it means?

Twila (Confessional): I’m ready. I’m ready to see what happens. Let’s go do it. Let’s see what unfolds today.

Eliza’s Sweet Tooth

Description: Sick of manioc stew, Eliza eagerly anticipates the Reward Challenge, which she assumes will involve goodies.

Eliza (Confessional, yellow buff): So, so far, today’s been great. I’m really glad that we have something going on today, and it sounds like a reward challenge with the reward being something sweet. And that’s like my favorite thing in the entire world, so I’m really excited about that.


Oh my god, I would eat candy, cookies, cake, ice-cream. I’d eat anything right now.


Food-wise we’re managing, but we’re not eating nearly as much as we would eat in an everyday situation at home. We have usually one big meal a day, which is our manioc stew, so it’s manioc and watercress and cabbage in a broth, which isn’t even that much and that’s our big meal. And then we have coconut and plantains throughout the day. But I’m hungry all the time. Definitely feel like I’m losing a lot of weight.


I’m never full after I eat. Even if I’m kind of full, it’s just, you know, like a full that lasts for 10 minutes and then I feel that I could eat again. Or even the minute I finish - after dinner last night when we were saying that we were full, I still could have eaten a cheeseburger and a steak if you’d have put them in front of me. So full is kind of relative out here.


In our treemail that we received, it said something along the lines of: “From water get flame”? So perhaps it’s something swimming with a torch of some sort. It sounds physical. Right now everybody seems to think it’s tribal, but I still think it could be individual. You never know what to expect.


I think it’s going to be a merge prior to the challenge today. I think we’re going to get there and be ready, and then Jeff’s going to say, “All right, drop your buffs,” and pull out a new color and merge us. I’m also prepared for the fact that that might not be the case.


Well, even if there isn’t a merge we’ll still get to see who Lopevi voted out at the last tribal council. Right now we’re assuming it’s either Julie or Twila, so it will be nice to see the other one if they’re there, or it would be even better to see both of them. But if there were a merge, we would reunite with our long lost tribemate and it’d be nice to get to know the four guys that we haven’t gotten to know yet.


I think right now as a group we’re anticipating a merge. We’re all kind of waiting on that because that’s the supposed next step. Then the game will change and so we’ll have to see where we go from there.

Foot Care with Chris

Description: Footsore Chris will go to great lengths to ease his painful condition. Here, he fesses up about exactly how he’s been doing that.

Chris (Confessional): Hey, my feet are doing better every day. I just been taking care of them, soaking them in salt water, letting them air out at night. Actually, John got voted of last night, and I was able to collect up a sock of his that he never wore. Little bit more padding.


Actually, John never kept track of anything of his. It was either his bag or his shoes or his underwear or his shirt or his pants. He was always looking for something. And I think he lost his socks like day 2 or 3, and he only found one. And I happen to find one of his socks in our hut, and I pretty much stashed it until he was gone so I could use it for my foot (laughs). I needed it really bad, and he went home last night, so I figured I’d utilize that sock. It’s made a big difference on my right foot. That’s where probably my worst sore is. I’m good to go, yeah. Went on a good journey today with Chad and Sarge, so my feet are doing real good.


(Laughs) I swiped John’s sock about first week. I didn’t swipe it! He lost his socks, okay? And he couldn’t find them, and then they found one, and it was apparent. He told everybody in the tribe, “Hey, I lost one of my socks. Has anyone seen it?” Sarge made the comment he saw a sock in the hut, and John never looked in the hut, so I looked in the hut and there was a sock. It just laid there for so long. So I might have placed it to where it wasn’t in sight. He was going home anyway. It was inevitable. I planned it that way (laughs). Okay, I stole the dude’s sock. It’s doing me good now. It’s bad news for everyone else cause my feet are getting better. Cause that’s my only ailment, my feet, and this could turn individual. If it don’t, it don’t matter, but the challenges are vital. Immunity is important. And the more physical the challenge, the better off I am if I have good feet. Yeah, I stole his sock. That’s the way it goes.


We took a good long walk. We really didn’t talk about – we talked about home, visiting each other maybe some day. Actually, we talked a little about if we did merge, what would be in our best interests. Sticking together. Just it’s coming back to numbers. You get that pact. You make that alliance and you’re strong. And then the game shifts and you got to rely on something else, and numbers is a factor if we merge. That’s what we got to work on right now.


I would say the water has reached the top of the glass when it comes to food talk. I am probably eating the least out of everyone at the tribe. That’s by choice. I just don’t like the food. I don’t like manioc. I don’t like nothing about it. It was seasoning. I don’t like anything else that we cook. I don’t like the fruits. Nothing tastes good to me here. I need some meat. I need a hamburger, and I can’t have one and there’s not one here. They eat it. I don’t know how. I mean Chad and Julie and Twila and Sarge are eating it. They eat four bowls of this stuff. I can barely stomach one bowl of the broth. It’s not doing me any good. It’s not making me any stronger. And then the food talk continues, and it’s actually got on my nerves, last day and a half. I don’t even want to hear about other food right now.


(Laughs) Man, I would love to have some cheeseburgers and bourbon, but that’s not possible! I don’t even want to talk about food.


Well, I mean, you look for things to talk about. You talk about the best! You don’t talk about your average lunch – a ham sandwich and some fritos. When you’re as hungry as we are, you’re talking about chocolate cake. You’re talking about just delicious dessert food. And that’s what we’ve been talking about. It’s just teasing ourselves. It’s not doing us any good to talk about it. Some of them, makes them feel better, but me, it doesn’t. Chad – I think it bothers him too. That’s the way it goes. It’s going to continue to be talked about.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2004, 12:05:01 AM by puddin »

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Re: SURVIVOR INSIDER, Vanuatu: Episode 8
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2004, 11:13:37 PM »
More tidbits from the CBS Insider ~really interesting..after reading this could it be that Eliza knows that shes on the outs with Scout ? Scout wanted her out after the piggy catching incident ?
This week in the CBS preview something happens between Scout and Eliza ..something that then men are planning ,cooking up ..after reading this it has me wondering if maybe it is Eliza ( could be she brings Julie in on this ) that switches sides ? Jeff did mention somewhere (if I could find it ) that Eliza has a evil side ..

Scout said that Rory was hellbent on getting out Ami, to the extent that he wasn't very subtle about it. So she, Scout, suggested to Rory that he should target Eliza, not Ami. In fact, the implication was that if he'd targeted Eliza, Scout might have considered voting out Eliza instead of Rory. But Scout just could not vote out Ami so her only other choice was to vote for Rory. She also said that she could tell that Rory didn't really have any relationships with the men from Lopevi, not the same way that she had relationships with individuals on Yasur. Then Scout went on to detail that she had a relationship with Twila, etc. (see my previous post). It's very clear that from Scout's side, at least, she's very tight with Twila, and definately not so much with Eliza. She also said she tried to run interference with Rory, that she saved him in the first vote (for BUbba), that she felt badly that she couldn't do anything differently this week because she knew it really meant alot to him to make the jury.

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Re: SURVIVOR INSIDER, Vanuatu: Episode 8
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2004, 12:48:33 AM »
Pudding, thanks for all these good tidbits.  It is always good to read what they say exactly when they are standing up there voting someone off.  I thought Rory was a little mean with his comments.  Its only a game Rory, its only a game. |:(

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Re: SURVIVOR INSIDER, Vanuatu: Episode 8
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2004, 01:04:13 AM »
I just updated it Bathfizzy ..wait untill what Rory had to say..lots of good stuff
theres another clip of Chris and his feet
   Foot Care with Chris
Footsore Chris will go to great lengths to ease his painful condition. Here, he fesses up about exactly how he's been doing that.

 ..heres what Rory had to say about this ~
Chris - Chris has been suffering physically this entire game. We know that speed and agility is not his forte, and if his injuries continue to be as bad as they have been during the 21 days previously, he’ll be lucky if he makes it out just based on his own physical abilities...