1. Have you liked the season so far?
2. Did your opinion change about it after all the episodes aired?
3. Did you like the penultimate episode?
4. Which parts you enjoyed more and whicho ones you don't?
5. What do you expect for the season finale?
6. According to your heart, who deserves to win?
7. And according to your brain?
8. Which team don't you want to see winning?
9. How will be the finish order?
10. The final title quote is said by...
11. Why?
12. How many times you realized it was all about winning?
1. Nope. The Mine Five alliance has ruined the ENTIRE season
2. Nope. Legs 1-5 were good to watch, without too many alliances, but from Leg 6-10 the alliance really grinded my gears
3. I did enjoy the penultimate episode, expect for the answer sharing at the memory challenge
4. I really enjoyed the locations visited and the tasks that were featured, but my least favorite part of the entire season, was the Mine Five alliance
5. I expect to see a really competitive night finale in New Orleans! I expect it to be my favorite episode of the season!
6. Hung & Chee
7. Will & James
8. Will & James
9. 1st Place: Will & James, 2nd Place: Riley & Maddison, 3rd Place: Hung & Chee
10. One of the Beard Bros
11. Because they have just finish their final task and are heading to the Finish Line!
12. I realized it was about winning, when I won one baseball premiership, 3 cricket premierships and 2 Senior School Cricket premierships. You don't win those amount of championships, without realizing that you need to win from the moment the game starts.