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BBCAN3: Godfrey Mangwiza
« on: March 19, 2015, 12:05:31 AM »

Godfrey Mangwiza
A Zimbabwe-born Psychology major from Toronto who won’t stop at anything to win the $100,000.

Age: 22
Hometown: Toronto, ON (from Zimbabwe)
Occupation: Psychology Student
Describe yourself in three words: Charismatic. Indecisive. Crazy.

Do you have a strategy to win Big Brother Canada?
My plan is to keep everyone distracted and paranoid. I’ll be the one in the house stirring up the rumours. My goal will be to get people to really go against each other while I fly under the radar. I’m bringing a gold ring in the house with me. When I see one of the guys get into a showmance, I’ll plant the ring in his suitcase and then show it to his girlfriend in the house and say, “Look! He’s been playing you. He’s a married man!” I’ll spread people’s secrets and I’ll lie to the houseguests about Canada giving me special powers. I’m a student of psychology and sociology and I’ve studied every version of this show from the Canadian series to the African series. My education will serve me well in the house, but I won’t tell the house that I’m a student. I’ll tell them that I dropped out of high school. They won’t know how big of a threat I truly am.

If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why?
I would take my cat Daisey. I share her with my girlfriend. My cat is so cute and she never bothers me. She just does her thing and when it’s time to go to sleep, we cuddle. She’s also great at catching rats and when you’re in the Big Brother Canada house, having some help catching the “rats” would be a great advantage.

Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?
I have the brains and I have the brawn. I’m an athlete and a scholar. I could win everything, but I won’t. I don’t want to excel in challenges. I want to play dumb in the house. In real life, I love working out and going to the gym. Sometimes I go twice a day. Arnold Schwarzenegger is my idol. He immigrated to the U.S. with nothing and became a huge public figure by excelling in body building, acting and politics. He does everything so well and he’s an extraordinarily adaptable person. I would love to emulate him, but the houseguests will never see my drive or this side of me.

If you won, how would you spend the $100k?
I would pay off my student debt and I would bring my grandma to live here with us. Grandma is in the UK now and bringing her here would be my number one priority. My grandma raised me in Zimbabwe. Life was hard there and she looked after my two sisters and me when my parents couldn’t anymore. I’d give anything to live with her again.

Who is your Big Brother Canada idol and why?
I would say Emmett (BBCAN1) but only because he played an amazing game. He hid behind Jillian (BBCAN1) and let her do all of his dirty work. So I can’t say I respect him, but I think he competed very well.

True North strong and free. What is your favourite thing about Canada?
The winters. I love the winter weather. I get to stay in and hybernate. Coming from the hot desert, you really appreciate the ice cold. I freaked OUT the first time I saw snow. It started to come down and I RAN inside my house to take cover. I thought it was going to be so heavy and crush me. I looked out my window and saw people standing outside and thought, “why the heck are these white people just chilling outside!?”

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Re: BBCAN3: Godfrey Mangwiza
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2015, 12:05:53 AM »
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Source: User sabrina on youtube

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Re: BBCAN3: Godfrey Mangwiza
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2015, 05:00:18 PM »
‘Big Brother Canada 3′ pre-game exclusive: Will Godfrey Mangwiza stir up some great drama?

Godfrey Mangwiza is going to be an interesting player to watch going into “Big Brother Canada 3.” At the moment, he’s the closest thing the show has to a villain before the season even starts. Most other people, especially in their preseason interviews with the media, want to give the impression that they are going to be nice and completely turn things around inside. Godfrey is already saying that he wants to stir up trouble, and that immediately makes us hope that he lasts a while.

The one thing that we should note here for you is that we don’t know how he’s come across in other interviews. We chatted with him before “ET Canada” did their segments on the show, and we’ve tried to steer clear of most other material so that we can judge him based on our conversation. If you’ve seen some of these questions before in our other exclusive “Big Brother Canada” interviews with the cast (head over here to take a look), the reason why is probably because we tried to ask most everyone the same thing for the sake of fairness. After all, these people talk about almost everything when they get into the game!

Tell us about yourself: Your name, where you’re from, your age, and what you do for a living.
My name is Godfrey, and I’m 22 years old right now. I don’t really work because I’m still going to school. I’m in my fourth year at the University of Toronto. I’m majoring in psychology and sociology. (Note: He is originally from Zimbabwe.)

What made you want to try out for Big Brother Canada this year?
Honestly, it’s just the cash! Definitely the [money] is tempting me, man! I watched the two seasons, and I said ‘I have what it takes to win this game.’ That is definitely my motivation right now.

If you could compare yourself to someone from either BB Canada or BB USA, who would it be?
Like I’d have to say personality-wise, I’d compare myself to Paul. But game strategy-wise, I’d want to compare myself to someone like Emmett, who is very low-key and under-the-radar, and not making too much noise in the house.

What’s something about you that would surprise people?
My educational background. I don’t really come across like someone who goes to school; most people think I’m just someone who chills in the streets, man.

What’s your basic strategy going into the house?
My strategy is to cause drama, get everybody distracted. But you don’t want them to know that you’re the source of the drama! So I’m going to be low-key, causing drama and have people basically go at it and I can go under the radar. You know how this game works!

Is there any one thing you are the most excited to do this season?
The one thing I’m the most excited to do is see what the house is like. See how big it is, see what kind of people I’m sleeping next to, that kind of stuff, and of course the Diary Room!

What do you think your biggest weakness could be?
My paranoia. I would be getting worried, because I don’t really trust people that much. That would be my biggest obstacle going into the house, just being able to build trust with somebody.

What are hoping to get out of the show: Money, fame, love, or just a good time?
I’m okay with anything I get, man! My main focus is the cash, but if I can get famous or get some fans, that’d be [great].

If there is one message you would pass along to the Canadian public before entering the game, what would it be?
Just get ready for a whole bunch of unpredictable stuff, and if you’re going to be on the show, don’t be on the same season as me because you’re going to lose.

Our prediction - We hope that Godfrey lasts for a long time, since what he is talking about here is super-entertaining and there’s nobody else this season even remotely like him. We don’t really think that it will work out for him, though. He is choosing a very high-risk way to play this game, and while he may know psychology, people are going to have so much free time to be paranoid themselves they may figure out his mindgames.


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Re: BBCAN3: Godfrey Mangwiza
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2015, 06:29:25 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Source: Big Brother Daily on Youtube

Offline gamerfan09

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Re: BBCAN3: Godfrey Mangwiza
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2015, 08:54:29 PM »
My opinion has totally changed on Godfrey!! Amazing character lol .

I'll try to see how he does next week but yeah, so far he's on my good list!

Him calling Zach out was hilarious :lol: