Author Topic: Rachel on Elissa's Eviction  (Read 1841 times)

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Rachel on Elissa's Eviction
« on: September 06, 2013, 11:53:27 PM »
Hey Big Brother Groupies!

Today I write this blog with a heart full of sadness. I think America and Canada can agree with me, in that we are all upset about the results of tonight’s eviction. Let’s start from the beginning of the week and see if we can understand how we arrived to Elissa being evicted. As we know, GinaMarie thinks she has conquered the world by putting McCranda on the block and she pulls a Britney from BB season 12, aligning herself with the exterminators as their “token girl.” (Side Note: how annoying are the “Exterminators” with their group movements? I have seen an exterminator before and I am pretty sure they don’t use water cannons on the insects.) After McCrae wins the POV, Amanda has no choice but to try her hardest to stay in the house doing anything she can to convince EVERYONE to keep her. About the same time, Elissa begins to realize that she is not safe with anyone in the house. If Elissa votes to keep Amanda in the game, it is actually a good game move for her because it leaves a huge target in the game other than herself. Elissa is forced to put her pride and ego aside and does the UNTHINKABLE……..she aligns with her worst enemy, Amanda. In an effort to prove she is genuine, Elissa trades her wedding ring for Amanda to hold, in an act of good faith; to prove that she is serious about their deal. What Amanda and McCcrae could not have expected is that Andy, their BFF and minion, would actually be the one to turn on them; only proving yet again why we are not rat-a-tAndy fans. The votes come in and it’s a tie: Amanda with 2 votes and Spencer with 2 votes for eviction. In the event of a tie, the Head of Household (HOH) is the deciding vote to determine who is evicted from the BB house. GinaMarie is the deciding vote and it does not look good for Amanda, especially since GM and Demanda spent Wednesday night yelling obscenities at each other like high school girls.

Read the Full Blog Here!

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