Author Topic: ADRIA FREES WILLY; NAKOMIS HoH AGAIN  (Read 3342 times)

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Offline puddin

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« on: August 20, 2004, 12:25:03 AM »


In a tense live vote that requires a tiebreaker vote from Adria, Will, the registered nurse from Tupelo, Mississippi, is evicted. Despite his solid alliance with Nakomis and Karen and Diane's voting against her House boyfriend Drew and going against her fledging alliance with the twins, Will is left out to dry and is the first to be on the Jury that will decide the winner of BIG BROTHER 5.


Will tells Diane he is upset with his situation because early on, Adria made a pinky swear that she would never put him on the block.

Adria breaks it down, observing that the House is split down the middle: "There is myself, Natalie, Drew, and we snagged Cowboy. Then there's Nakomis, Will and Karen, with Marvin standing around."

Diane seems uncomfortable with the new alliance with the twins. She says, "I am stuck between two alliances." Diane recounts how she and Drew had a twin-to-twin-to-twins meeting in the HoH Room, where they discussed Will, Marvin and the future. Diane left the meeting first, and Drew was supposed to follow quickly behind, yet did not emerge until forty-five minutes later. Adria and Natalie tell Drew that it's good that he keeps his woman in line, to which Drew replies, "Yeah she gets a little crazy sometimes."

Freaking out about Drew's long absence, Diane coins a new verb: "Drew was in there an extra forty-five minutes, and it's really starting to paranoia me." She is getting more and more frustrated at being stuck between Marvin and Will. Her mental health is not improved when she wakes in the middle of the night and, upon arriving in the kitchen, finds Natalie and Marvin. "I see two people split up like cockroaches when the light hits them." Natalie tells her they were both just hungry.

Diane seems to be playing both sides against the middle when she tells Will and Nakomis that the twins think she is with them. Then, like a pinball, she goes to Marvin in the Concrete Room to tell him her tale of woe. Marvin's response: "Adria's on a power trip thing."

Meanwhile, Drew seems to be seeing Diane as a possible liability. While reading the bible in the living room, he tells Cowboy he's been thinking about her some. "How she might turn against you?" asks Cowboy. "Yeah," Drew replies, adding, "I think am going to like this girl if she turns against me and when this House is over? No." Cowboy warns Drew that Diane has to go next week, adding that if Drew tries to save her, "I'm going to kick your freaking ass."

Still torn, Diane turns to Drew. When she asks how he is voting, he replies that he doesn't know. She asks how he handled being in the middle, but before he can answer, she says, "Everything sorts itself out." "Yeah," Drew remarks. Diane's so stressed out that she tells the twins that she is torn about her vote and she goes so far as to say, "Put me up and take me out."

In a tense live vote that requires a tiebreaker vote from Adria, Will, the registered nurse from Tupelo, Mississippi, is evicted. Despite his solid alliance with Nakomis and Karen and Diane's voting against her House boyfriend Drew and going against her fledging alliance with the twins, Will is left out to dry and is the first to be on the Jury that will decide the winner of BIG BROTHER 5.


Will tells Diane he is upset with his situation because early on, Adria made a pinky swear that she would never put him on the block.

Adria breaks it down, observing that the House is split down the middle: "There is myself, Natalie, Drew, and we snagged Cowboy. Then there's Nakomis, Will and Karen, with Marvin standing around."

Diane seems uncomfortable with the new alliance with the twins. She says, "I am stuck between two alliances." Diane recounts how she and Drew had a twin-to-twin-to-twins meeting in the HoH Room, where they discussed Will, Marvin and the future. Diane left the meeting first, and Drew was supposed to follow quickly behind, yet did not emerge until forty-five minutes later. Adria and Natalie tell Drew that it's good that he keeps his woman in line, to which Drew replies, "Yeah she gets a little crazy sometimes."

Freaking out about Drew's long absence, Diane coins a new verb: "Drew was in there an extra forty-five minutes, and it's really starting to paranoia me." She is getting more and more frustrated at being stuck between Marvin and Will. Her mental health is not improved when she wakes in the middle of the night and, upon arriving in the kitchen, finds Natalie and Marvin. "I see two people split up like cockroaches when the light hits them." Natalie tells her they were both just hungry.

Diane seems to be playing both sides against the middle when she tells Will and Nakomis that the twins think she is with them. Then, like a pinball, she goes to Marvin in the Concrete Room to tell him her tale of woe. Marvin's response: "Adria's on a power trip thing."

Meanwhile, Drew seems to be seeing Diane as a possible liability. While reading the bible in the living room, he tells Cowboy he's been thinking about her some. "How she might turn against you?" asks Cowboy. "Yeah," Drew replies, adding, "I think am going to like this girl if she turns against me and when this House is over? No." Cowboy warns Drew that Diane has to go next week, adding that if Drew tries to save her, "I'm going to kick your freaking ass."

Still torn, Diane turns to Drew. When she asks how he is voting, he replies that he doesn't know. She asks how he handled being in the middle, but before he can answer, she says, "Everything sorts itself out." "Yeah," Drew remarks. Diane's so stressed out that she tells the twins that she is torn about her vote and she goes so far as to say, "Put me up and take me out."

It's on to the voting. Cowboy goes first and he votes to evict Will. Despite his difference with Marvin in the past, his alliance with the twins set things right between him and his former nemesis. Karen votes to evict Marvin. Nakomis votes to evict Marvin. Natalie votes to evict Will. Drew votes to evict Will. Diane votes to evict Marvin. It's a three to three tie and it's going to have to go to Adria to cast the deciding vote, something which she wanted to have the opportunity to do.

Julie asks Adria, in front of the other HouseGuests, who she votes to evict. After saying she hopes their friendship will continue, she votes to evict Will. Julie makes it final by telling Will he is evicted. Natalie comes in for a hug, and Will walks away. He heads to the door with his bag, hugs those from his alliance and then rebuffs Adria's hug at the door, telling her, "If karma is a boomerang, I'll see you sooner rather than later."


An emotionally charged Will braves the sunlight for his moment with Julie. He makes no bones about being very disappointed with Adria and her actions, since he was an Adria supporter in the past. "I really went to bat for her, and to find I'm not only nominated, but then she cast the tiebreaker deciding vote?" He feels very strongly that Adria should be evicted. He explains that he is so overwhelmed because he has been supportive of the twins throughout and adds that he would have been more comfortable if Adria had taken personal responsibility for her decision. He did not put that much truck in her saying, "Jesus spoke to her in the middle of the night in the HoH Room."

Julie then plays Will the goodbye videos from his HouseGuest friends, goodbyes that bring tears to his eyes. When Natalie's video begins, he tries to block it out by throwing his hands up in protest.


It's time for a crucial HoH Competition. The remaining HouseGuests head to the backyard for a session of Who Said It? In this game, the HouseGuests must guess which evicted HouseGuest--Mike, Lori, Holly, Scott or Jase--said each statement that Julie reads aloud. In front of each player is a pentagon with the face of each evicted HouseGuest. After Julie reads a statement, the HouseGuests rotate the pentagon to show which person they believe said it. Those answering incorrectly are eliminated.

Natalie and Michael miss the first question about Jase and his puppy dog. Marvin, Karen and Drew are next to go when they don't know that Mike said he pampers himself by buying stuff at Kmart. It's down to Nakomis and Diane, and they both miss the next four questions which forces the game into a tie-breaker. The tie-breaker question is to guess how many pounds of M&Ms were used in the 'Admit One' Luxury Competition. Nakomis says 500; Diane says 400. When Julie reveals that the correct answer is 900 pounds, Nakomis, by virtue of being closest without going over, is the winner and the new HoH. Her second time!

How will Will's eviction change the dynamic in the House? Will Nakomis try to get one of the twins out? With Drew and Diane voting in different blocs, can their relationship last? Tune in Saturday at 9PM ET/PT and find out.

Don't forget to cast your vote right here at in the America's Choice Poll. You'll decide which HouseGuest should get the chance to appear on the CBS daytime series THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS.