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Re: Jeff Probst blogs Survivor Nicaragua
« Reply #25 on: December 03, 2010, 04:31:25 PM »

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Re: Jeff Probst blogs Survivor Nicaragua
« Reply #26 on: December 04, 2010, 04:12:22 AM »


Maybe, if better people are around on the island. The girls could have been motivated to stay. More for Kelly. NaOnka will continue to live in her own world i guess.

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Re: Jeff Probst blogs Survivor Nicaragua
« Reply #27 on: December 09, 2010, 11:39:00 AM »
Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Nicaragua': Episode 13

Like a small town thief running from the local sheriff, this episode started with Sash on the run. Until last week, he had a great game going, but losing Brenda, Purple Kelly and Naonka put him in a deep, deep, deep hole.

I would have never believed that Sash would be able to get himself out of this mess and get back in the game, but he did. I continue to have to eat the words that I said to Sash at the beginning of the game, “Sash, you’ll be the first person voted out.”

Sash is not the most likable guy on the show and I’m not sure exactly why that is, but he is certainly one of the best strategists. More on that later…

Chase continues to be a threat to win his way to the end. It doesn’t mean he’ll win the game, but with Benry gone, his odds of immunity challenges and making it to the end just got a whole lot better.

He absolutely dominated the reward challenge. I said it during the challenge, “It’s like he’d done the challenge before.” It was crazy to watch. It was almost a perfect performance.


Chase may have made one mistake at the reward challenge and it may be a costly one. In choosing Jane and Holly to accompany him on the reward he really drew a line in the sand. He pissed off Sash, who thought he would be going on reward, and he left the four other guys behind to wallow in their unhappiness and possibly come together to form an alliance against Chase. Which it appears they did.

I’ve said this many times in these blogs, but winning a reward is sometimes a double-edged sword. On the one hand you usually get to eat some food and that’s very important on day 30 of Survivor. But the downside is you often have to choose someone to go with you and that means leaving others behind.

The distinction with Chase is that he didn’t seem to realize he was making a bad decision until hours later. It’s another reason why Chase needs to win challenges to get to the end because I’m not sure he’s got enough Survivor smarts to get there otherwise.

Yet another reason I love this show. The humanity! Jane was so honestly upset at the loss of the chicken that she had a funeral service for the little fella. We all have such different triggers. Some of you probably laughed at Jane for crying over the dead chicken while others probably cried along with her. It doesn’t matter to me who cries so long as somebody is crying.

We’ve been giving chickens as rewards for years and it almost always yields a similar result. A few people want to kill the chicken while at least one person thinks they should keep it as a pet. Either way it prompts discussion and creates conflict.  Two good elements for Survivor.

The chicken scene is also an example of the kinds of things that take place on the beach that I am not aware of while we’re shooting. I was actually surprised when I saw this moment. I figured Jane was the type of woman who killed chickens on a daily basis.

From here to the end the paranoia level will be 100%. Nobody left in the game can trust anybody else left in the game. There is just no way to anticipate who is going to stay true because everybody appears ready to turn on a dime.

Sash took advantage of this paranoia by trying to corner Chase…

He cornered Chase and made him promise on his mom. He even went so far as to try to get Chase to promise on his deceased father. Again, there will be many different feelings about this strategic approach. Some  of you will feel it was a slick and worthy move, while others may think it was taking advantage of a very sensitive topic for Chase. Either way, Sash got a result. Chase swore on his mom and now the question is will he keep his word? If I had to guess, I’d say yes. Despite his wishy-washy ways, I’d be wiling to wager that Chase keeps his word on this one.

That was one of the toughest puzzles we’ve ever done. It was extremely difficult to figure out how the stacks of coins fit together.

I’ll give you an example of how difficult it was. My dad was visiting location when we were testing this challenge and so we had him do it to see how long it would take him. It took him 23 minutes and this from a guy who had a full belly of food, a good nights sleep and an 40-year engineering background. While I don’t remember the exact time it took the Survivors, it was a lot longer than 23 minutes. In fact, I was worried that they may never finish…and then out of nowhere Sash figured it out.

The comeback is complete. Sash earned the gold star of the week. It was a masterful display of Survivor prowess. After going to tribal council with immunity around his neck, the hidden immunity idol in his pocket and being the swing vote, he was once again in control of the game.

He may be slightly socially uncomfortable at times but Sash knows his way around Survivor strategy. I think Sash is doing one thing very well and it’s a key to his success: Sash is doing a good job of consistently making his best move based on the assumption that everybody else is going to make their best move.  It’s a simple concept but a very good way to play Survivor.

It doesn’t always work.  Many times players are too stupid to make their best move, so instead they just…oh, quit for example or make an otherwise ridiculous move.  When they do that it screws up the game for somebody who is playing with a decent strategy. But it’s still the best way to play the game. In fact, it’s the only way to play the game. You have to assume that everybody is going to make their best move and then you have to make your move based on that assumed move. Did I just repeat myself?  Then it must be important.

My biggest surprise at this point in the game is that nobody is trying to flush the idol from Sash. It’s such a powerful weapon and he’s had it for so long. Then again, even with all this going for him, Sash will have a hard time winning the game because at the end of the day it’s about likability and as discussed earlier, I’m not yet convinced Sash has earned enough good will to pull it out.

Taking Benry over Fabio was a big vote. I think Sash made a good move to back the guys.

Jane is now in trouble.

Holly is in trouble.

Fabio is in big trouble.

See ya next week!

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Re: Jeff Probst blogs Survivor Nicaragua
« Reply #28 on: December 16, 2010, 08:12:02 AM »
Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Nicaragua': Episode 14


We’ve been through this season after season.  I love the “loved ones” visit.  I fight to have it in the show every season because it always pays off.  Plus, Sprint loves it and Sprint is a major sponsor so if they like it, we really like it.

It’s almost always emotional and on the rare occasions that it’s uncomfortable due to an odd family dynamic, you always learn something new about the Survivors.  This season was pure emotion. Let’s review, shall we?

HOLLY – I think it’s clear that Holly and Charlie have a great love affair.  He was a very nice guy and so happy for Holly’s adventure.  Married for 25 years and obviously still going strong.  In fact, if given the chance, I think he would have stayed for the rest of the show just to be with Holly.

JANE – This was the first time her daughter Ashley had been on a plane.  She was feisty just like her mom.  She’s clearly a young woman who carries a lot of responsibility.  She was a bit nervous at the prospect of being on television, but I have a feeling that once she was back home she was bragging about her trip to Nicaragua!

CHASE – Yeah, sure he’s a big football playin, country music singing, good ‘ole boy… but bring a boy a hug from his Mom and he’s reduced to tears.  Connie was a delight to have out in Nicaragua and I think the loved one visit really connected Chase with his mom in a new way.

FABIO – I really liked Fabio’s mom, Anne.  She has an amazing sense of calm about her and clearly loves her son.  She was smiling the entire time she was there, she had nothing but positive things to say and it made me look at Fabio, aka Judson in a different light.

SASH – Leigh was so excited to see her son, Sash. I loved hearing Sash talk about what it was like growing up with not much money but a lot of love.  I think Sash needed that comfort.  He doesn’t have a lot of friends in the game right now.

DAN – My personal highlight.  You don’t see men share affection enough, especially father/son affection.  I was truly moved watching Matthew kiss his father so openly and so often.  There was no embarrassment, only love.  If you were watching in HD you could probably see that I was tearing up myself.  The entire crew thought it was pretty fantastic.  For a moment I considered not giving Dan a hard time anymore.  But only for a moment.

It’s hard to criticize Chase’s decision of who to take with him on the reward.  He certainly bought some goodwill with Sash and Holly.  And just as important, by not taking Fabio, he kept Fabio from putting food in his belly.  It was a smart move as it could have made a difference in the next Immunity Challenge. Turns out it didn’t, but strategically it made sense.

When Chase came back from the reward, I really respected how honest Fabio was about how he was feeling.  He was trying so hard to be “fair” about his frustration but he knew he needed to share that frustration with Chase.  Fabio grew on me a lot with that exchange.  I didn’t sense any game play, just a guy trying to get something off his chest and then go kick some ass in the next challenge, which he did.

These types of memory challenges are already difficult but add 30 days of no food and no sleep and they become extremely challenging.  You are trying to remember symbols and placement. Fabio came through big and it seems clear that without immunity he was next to go.  He’s too big of a threat to leave in the game.

After the immunity challenge, the gang goes back to camp and now has to decide who to send home.

The moment of Chase, Sash, Holly standing in a circle as Jane approaches was riveting.  It was like an Alfred Hitchcock movie.  The other three knew they were going to “kill” Jane but didn’t know how to tell her.

Then… Jane starts to figure it out.

Jane: “So, is it me….?”

Cue the scary music…

Holly:  “This is not easy.”


Jane:  “So you all been conniving this whole time?”

Cue ominous bells…

Chase: “Yes, there has been discussion…”

Jane gives a not so subtle flip of the middle finger to the group.

Then tears.

Jane: “My alliance have turned on me.”

Then anger.

Jane: “ They’re liars. They’re cheats.  They’re backstabbers.  I’m most disappointed in my Carolina homeboy, Chase.  If I was Chase I wouldn’t show my ass back in North Carolina.”

Then the rage.

Jane grabs a bucket of water and violently dumps it on the fire.

Jane:  “By God I started it and I’ll put it out!”

And with that moment I think Jane solidified her spot as the most “root worthy” person on this season of Survivor.

I LOVED this moment.  Let’s pass out some recognition to the folks that made it happen:

Kudos to the team who shot this out in the field.  Great coverage of this scene.  Remember, there are no second takes.  What you see is happening in real time.  If we don’t get the shots, we don’t have it.  We got it.  All of it.

Don’t forget the audio.  Our sound team has to make sure they get every whisper without ever getting in the way of the shot.  When you’re shooting in a circle with four people, that is much easier said than done.

This was excellent work by the Survivor editing team.  This scene is brilliantly cut.  It’s cut so well you don’t even realize it’s cut.  Quentin Tarrantino would be proud.

Fantastic choice of music, which guided our emotions so seamlessly.

And finally, a huge nod to our producing team who oversee all of this.  This scene is yet another great example of why Survivor still shines above all the other shows in our genre.  We have the best of breed in every single department.

Whoa! Jane tore it up.  She broke it wide open.  Wow.  Fabio just got a huge wake up call.  Dan just got a huge wake up call.  Did either of them hear it?

At Tribal Council I always try to ask the questions I imagine you are asking at home.  Or in this case, the questions that I imagine my mom is asking at home.

When you looked at the scenario it was painfully obvious.  There are six people left.  Three of them — Chase, Sash and Holly — were hung out to dry by Jane when she exposed their alliance.  That leaves three others — Jane, Fabio and Dan.  Classic Survivor.  You wait for this moment because the game can change on a dime.  But did it?  Nope.

Even after discussing it, nobody changed their mind or their vote.  Now Dan and Fabio must win every challenge or they are gone.   That means one of them is gone next….

Unless of course something changes… ah, but that never happens on Survivor, right?

Okay – here’s where we sit.  Our final 5:

Holly – Could win.  She has made a dramatic comeback and seems well-liked.  A jury might respond to the underdog story.

Chase – Could win.  Especially if he dominates the last few challenges and takes the right people to the end with him.

Sash –A  long shot, would need to take the right people with him and do an amazing job at the final Tribal.

Dan – I just don’t see any way Dan can win, which is why I will be amazed if they vote him out.  Dan should be in the final.

Fabio – Could win but he will have to win every challenge because at this point if he loses, they’ll take him out.

Sunday is our two-hour finale followed by the Live Reunion show from CBS in Los Angeles.  I think it’s going to be a good one.

In addition to crowning a winner, I’m so looking forward to having Coach Jimmy Johnson back to chat.  Rumor has it he’s bringing a special guest with him. I’m very curious as to who will win the Sprint Award voted on by you guys.

And I can’t wait to talk to Naonka!  Yes I’m going to talk to her!  You’re crazy if you think I’d pass up that gold, especially during a “live” show!  Who knows what she might say or do?  I’ll be sure to have security close by in case she tries to take me out.

Finally, we have a big announcement regarding the next season of Survivor that I think you’re going to want to check out!  It’s.. EPIC.

I hope you enjoy Sunday’s finale!!

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Re: Jeff Probst blogs Survivor Nicaragua
« Reply #29 on: December 16, 2010, 09:39:50 AM »
After the immunity challenge, the gang goes back to camp and now has to decide who to send home.

The moment of Chase, Sash, Holly standing in a circle as Jane approaches was riveting.  It was like an Alfred Hitchcock movie.  The other three knew they were going to “kill” Jane but didn’t know how to tell her.

Then… Jane starts to figure it out.

Jane: “So, is it me….?”

Cue the scary music…

Holly:  “This is not easy.”


Jane:  “So you all been conniving this whole time?”

Cue ominous bells…

Chase: “Yes, there has been discussion…”

Jane gives a not so subtle flip of the middle finger to the group.

Then tears.

Jane: “My alliance have turned on me.”

Then anger.

Jane: “ They’re liars. They’re cheats.  They’re backstabbers.  I’m most disappointed in my Carolina homeboy, Chase.  If I was Chase I wouldn’t show my ass back in North Carolina.”

Then the rage.

Jane grabs a bucket of water and violently dumps it on the fire.

Jane:  “By God I started it and I’ll put it out!”

And with that moment I think Jane solidified her spot as the most “root worthy” person on this season of Survivor.

 :jam: Jeff!

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Re: Jeff Probst blogs Survivor Nicaragua
« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2010, 03:35:20 PM »
Loved LOVED Jane putting the fire out and the look on Fabio's face. Priceless!

And I can’t wait to talk to Naonka!  Yes I’m going to talk to her!  You’re crazy if you think I’d pass up that gold, especially during a “live” show!  Who knows what she might say or do?  I’ll be sure to have security close by in case she tries to take me out.

 :lol3:  And he could need security!
The choices we make dictate the life we lead.

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Re: Jeff Probst blogs Survivor Nicaragua
« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2010, 09:26:01 AM »
Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Nicaragua' finale

It’s late so this will be short:

I’m delighted that Fabio won.  He was the clear audience favorite. The crowd in the studio went wild when his name was announced. Kids seem to gravitate to Fabio. I think it’s his goofy honesty. He doesn’t filter much and though at times he is a bit scattered, there is an undeniable charm and it’s nice to have him on the list of Survivor winners.

I was really impressed. I’d never heard Chase play before but I just had a feeling it was worth a shot. He played once during our walk thru before the show and it sounded so good we asked the band to join in as well. I wish Chase well in his music endeavors.  I could see him having a lot of success in Nashville.

I think she held back a little bit from her true self during the live show. She had a bit more self-control last night, but she still came through with some colorful answers. I was most curious what her mom would be like and I was pleasantly surprised that her mom was so even-keeled and honest about her daughter.

That’s how you do an interview. His answers were great. That’s why he makes a lot of money working on television. He’s a pro. Loved what he said and that we were able to share the story of how Survivor helped save his life.

What a gift to have Bradshaw in the house and willing to let us ask him a few questions. Having Bradshaw gave us another element and a bit more insight into why someone like Jimmy Johnson would want to play Survivor.

As I said in the show, it was a BLOWOUT.  She had 60 percent of the vote. The next closest were Holly and Fabio at about 10 percent. I’m happy for Jane. I think she will use that money to help make her life a bit easier. Two years worth of salary is a lot of money. What I like most about this award is that it’s based on fan voting, nothing else.

I owe Rob an apology. I tried to squeeze in too much content before getting to Rob and as a result we were late on time, and so the band started playing as a cue for us to go to break and Rob did his best to rush through the story. That was my fault and I accept full responsibility. But damn, that baby is cute. That is three Survivor babies that have come from Survivor couples.  Rob and Amber have two and Jamie and Erik (from Survivor: China) have one as well!

I do believe this is our biggest twist yet.

I do believe it will change the game in a huge way.

I do believe you are going to love it.

Give it a chance.  Have some faith that we know what you guys want and expect from your favorite show.

If after 6 episodes the majority of you do not love what is happening with Redemption Island, you can let me know and I will vote myself off the show.

How’s that for stakes?

I hope all of you have a great Holiday!!

See ya Feb. 16 for Survivor: Redemption Island.