H and B talking
H we did protect you
B I had you on a pedastal, thought oh H would never lie to me, you didn't exactly lie but...it sucks
B wish I had been in the Brigade but I cant be mad about that
H everything has been true except the Brigade
B it feels different coming from you, it isnt that I wont get over it, I am already 180 from yest
H I just feel terrible
B just a game, that I could have lost.
B I trusted you for no reason, thought you were so trustworthy
H I thought about throwing the comp...then Enzo went home. So I decided to try...
B it is a game that I lost, I can go home knowing I tried my hardest.
H you have nothing to be ashamed of, you carried yourself better than anyone in the house
B I dont think you are a bad person, it just affected me more coming from you
B it was a horrible way to tell me, everyone is laughing and joking... it felt really cold and harsh
B what is my reaction supposed to be? it didnt feel sympathetic, it felt like haha you are gone.
H wasnt suppose to be that way