Author Topic: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Sunday 8/24  (Read 102774 times)

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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Sunday 8/24
« Reply #500 on: August 24, 2008, 10:52:03 PM »
Michelle if everthing goes the way it is supposed to then we have a real shot here

jerry we need to protect each other when we are down to four

Jerry I dont think keesha or renny will win hoh again

jerry I would like to see you get enough money to go to college and I will look up grants for you

Jerry onto the grant and michelle's college stuff
delightful just delightful

Offline KitKat

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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Sunday 8/24
« Reply #501 on: August 24, 2008, 10:53:26 PM »
hey ken if you are here I will go if puddin is ok with that  :waves:

jerry and michelle in the spa room

may God help whoever takes those feeds  :lol:
delightful just delightful

Offline puddin

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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Sunday 8/24
« Reply #502 on: August 24, 2008, 10:53:28 PM »
jerry he she and ollie to laugh like they are havign a good time so that they all go banana's

michelle cannot wait until after the pov

jerry and she are giddy

michelle does not want to jinx them that this will be the biggest pov in history

jerry says that dan is afraid to lose his honor

michelle thinks hes been waiting to do soemthing like this

jerry - -we are honest sincere people the 3 of us

jerry saying that his game for this week is over has done all he can do and wants to talk with them if they let them not to stop loving them

michelle says tomorrow is huge shes at the edge of her seat

jerry- we have to protect each other till final 4

that the 3 of them going against memphis is big because renny and keesha wont win again

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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Sunday 8/24
« Reply #503 on: August 24, 2008, 10:56:23 PM »
hello Ken and please do go Kat, thank you   :-*

I hate to do this to Belle but if the updates overlap i will move them later

new updates when ready go here please,16889.0.html

Offline BelleJar

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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Sunday 8/24
« Reply #504 on: August 24, 2008, 10:58:13 PM »
Ollie: who is lying?

Dan: everyone, stuff isn't matching up.

O: If you're getting conflicting stories, bring them both in the room

D: You'll get lots of screaming.

O: the calm one will be the one telling the truth.

D: You might be on to something.

O: let me tell you . . . Jessie when April was HOH, he came up and said that Libra and Keesha said this and that. He didn't have to come up and say that.  April confronted them and basically Libra and Keesha went hysterical. April said this is what Jessie said. They didn't want to bring Jessie in.  When someone decided to call Jessie in and he said what they said and after two words they drowned him out with yelling and I knew Jessie was telling the truth. They were so hysterical in their yelling. Tha'ts how you know people are lying, they are yelling over and over. By the way, I told Michelle. 

Dan: I told her to ask you.

O: It was so hard not to tell her. I told her the outline of the deal, I told her the third part, that I get the replacment if Memphis uses it. I told her that she's safe and if Dan stays true, its all good.  Are you sold on Keesha or Renny?

D: That's what I'm trying to figure out.

O: If you need anything. Did you tell them about anything of the agreement?

D: They've pieced it together.

O: Renny did approach me and asked if I made a deal to protect Michelle.

D: Was this before or after the nomination?

O: After. SHe was trying to get info out of me. I didn't know if you told her or if she overheard. Be careful for her, she's curious and if she wants to know something she'll just ask it. 

D: When?

O: Yesterday or the day before. It was before POV.

D: It was the night of nominations.

O: you guys were all up there and then she came down and asked me if there was anything going on with me protecting Michelle.

D: That was in the doom room?

O: Yeah.  YOu can easily gauge the truth from a lie.  What people are a saying they're going to put a lot of salt or sugar in it. Just bring the two people in the room. You don't have to argue it, you just have to let them hash it out. I like your style, D. I like it.

D: I don't want everyone to be afraid to come up here.

O: Memphis is going to use it?

D: I don't know. 

O: What are you going to say to him to get him not to use it?

D: I don't know.

O: I told Michelle that its important for Dan to know that we have his back.  They'll freak out, they're not going to be happy.  I'll stick up for you, Michelle will stick up for you and Jerry for what its worth.

D: Are there any other scenarios that you can think of? 

O: Like what?

D: Alright

O: What are you thinking, man? 

O: I'm trying to think who is going to be left.  Say its Renny against Jerry and you send Renny home. That leaves me, you, Jerry and MIchelle against Keesha and Memphis. Only those two will be competing.  That's three v. 2.  I'm due. I promise I haven't won one yet. Let's say worst case, Memphis wins it and puts me up and you probably. He has one other person. Say I win POV or you win it and he'll have to put Keesha in place (What about Michelle?).  He could put up Jerry against you.  You have the votes. Say I win HOH next week. I'm going to put up Keesha and Memphis. IF one of them wins POV, I'll put up Jerry. We have the votes.

D: It doesn't matter at that point.

O: Its a numbers game.

D: Alright.

O: Next week who do you want to work against, renny or keesha?

D: alright, I have something to work with. Here's what I'm going to do, I'm going to get Renny right now. I need her to see you coming down the stairs and she's the next one up.  I don't want you say anything.  I want you coming down the stairs so that she sees you. I'm going to go down. As soon as I open the glass door, come downstairs.

Dan leaves.

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~ Caitlin Thomas