I really hate to say it but at this point i would love to see Amber leave before Jen. I can not stand Amber's crying, and now especially after watching her lying backstabbing ways with Nick i want her gone even more then ever. Amber is the whole main reason Nicks name was brought up to go on the block in the first place, then for her to cry and cry and say "oh i had no idea" what a crock. What happend to the holier then thou I am a Christian with Christian ways? I was lead to believe that one of the "Christian ways" was NOT to lie. Just because you go to church doesn't mean you are a Christian any more then stainding in the garage makes you a car. I would rather watch Jen and dick fight then see Amber cry at this stage of the game.
Amber and kail would be nice to see up at this point, and if either of them come off the block then Jen can go up.