Author Topic: EP4: Ruling the Roost  (Read 5158 times)

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Offline puddin

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EP4: Ruling the Roost
« on: September 29, 2006, 12:19:26 AM »

Feeling vulnerable, Ozzy proves his worth by catching a feasts of fish. As the only member left from his original tribe, would this be enough to keep him safe?
One tribe finds itself divided: men against women. Can they find a way to pull together as a team and work as a team or will their division be their downfall?
When Candice returns from Exile Island and is questioned about why she thinks she was sent away, she plays dumb and avoids discussing her ties to the other tribe. Will her tribe's growing suspicions put her in jeopardy or has she talked her way out of trouble?
J.P.'s dominance and controlling demeanor around camp angers some of the women in his tribe, will this behavior put a target on his back?

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« Last Edit: September 29, 2006, 06:11:19 PM by puddin »

Offline Texan

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Re: EP4: (Title ? someday ?)
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2006, 09:06:09 AM »
WOW sounds like lots of DRAMA!!

Offline puddin

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Re: EP4: Ruling the Roost
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2006, 05:51:46 PM »
after show preview
voiceover thanks to survivorfever

Offline puddin

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Re: EP4: Ruling the Roost
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2006, 06:04:31 PM »
on line promo

Offline puddin

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Re: EP4: Ruling the Roost
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2006, 12:51:20 AM »


   "Ruling The Roost" -- One tribe finds itself divided by gender, on SURVIVOR: COOK ISLANDS, Thursday, Oct. 5 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

   Can the men and women of this tribe find a way to pull it together and work as a team, or will this division be their downfall?  When Candice returns from Exile Island, her tribemates want to know why she thinks the other tribe decided to send her, thus keeping her safe from Tribal Council.  In a tactical move, she plays dumb and avoids discussing her ties to the other tribe.  J.P.'s dominance and controlling demeanor around camp anger some of the women in his tribe.  Will this behavior put a target on his back?  As the only member left from his original tribe, Ozzy proves his worth by catching a feast of fish, but will this be enough to keep him in the game?  And, the fourth castaway is voted off the island.

Offline Texan

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Re: EP4: Ruling the Roost
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2006, 09:03:02 AM »
So many people featured on these previews...not sure who to pick for the boot.  They are showing Parvati alot.  Normally i would say when they say things in previews like the woamn are mad ea the men it does not mean anything, BUT they did show us the HA tribe wanting to throw the challenge to get Billy out

Offline cinni

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Re: EP4: Ruling the Roost
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2006, 07:14:02 PM »
help, stuck at work. what's happening?  :luvu:

won't be home until late, late tonight. 
always remember....when life hands you lemons, ask for tequila and salt and call me over!

Offline puddin

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Re: EP4: Ruling the Roost
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2006, 08:23:34 PM »
cinni !  :-* , thanks to messhall !!


Drop your buffs
Four tribes dissolved into a melting pot
At new Raro...
Pavarti shtick
At new Aitu
new plans laid
Jon: B came right to me....
And Yul solidified bond with B'
Y: FOund idol
Y: Trust Becky
During IC
Aitu outmatched by brawn of new Raro
Raro sent Candice to EI, saving her from TC
Suddenly B on chopping block
J: I thought she was with me!!
Cowboy: She's a princess
Y/J scrambled to save B
J: Trying to convince F/C is the key, if not all bets off
at TC down to C and B, in end it was O's former tribemate voted off

Wow no intro!!

Aitu night 8 rats

Back from TC

Y: Oh man that sucked
S: What?
Yu: Sucked
S: Knew it wouldn't be nice

B conf: feel comfortable with Yul and Candice and J said he would stay with alliance

O conf: feel like on outside, person who helped me laid foundation out and makes me feel like crap; if they want to vote me out they should do it soon, don't feel like playing along anymore

They ask him stuff about crabbing in a.m and he is like whatever.


Candice arriving back Day 9

C: No idol, probably picked me cuz I am youngest
F: Do you think it was P and A idea?
C: I dunno, you are asking good questions

C conf: I think A/P told them to exile me but I don't want the rest of them to think I have somethng special with other tea, played dumb

S:Twist is that the person is exempt from TC
C: Oh didn't think of that

Raro Day 9

Women working
Men goofing
C: Boys will be boys
P conf: Annoying, thy were laying there and girls working... they are starting to rule roost a littl, comfortable with their position b/c they know we need them

Guys talking about the womens thoughts
JP conf: Guys hwere way stronger, testerone flying a little here, these girls need manpower here, this four guy alliance

Challenge Arrival

JP and Cristine react to Cecelia out

Jeff: RC, select two tribe members to be attached by belt to rope in a series of obstacles. Others push/pull people thru the obstacles. Reach puzzle table, one swimmer goes out gets a decoding wheel come back and decipher phrase. Blankets and pillows

Winner chooses from losers for EI until next IC

Stephannie sits out

Teamwork critical
Easy to get confused in maze of rope
Aitu with bit of lead
They are now going under log
Raro catches up
Yul pulls B feet first through and B is stuck under log, face full of sand
Raro head first
Jon: We are doing great come on
Candice slowed them down a bit
Next log they go over
Jona: Let's not kill these two!!
Cowboy is very vocal with instruction

Tight race though
Both neck and neck
Jonathan very good with them
Cristine: I'm telling you you have to pull up the slack
Raro disagreeing
Ozzy now is swimming out
Raro still stuck, way back

Ozzy had decoder wheel
Raro not giving up
Ozzy back.....
They are trying to figure out which number to what letter
Raro still working on obstacle

Flicka: They are coming
Brad now running out to water and gets decoder

J and O working
Ozzy: Not working
Brad unclipped and heading back

Yul now working
Brad back
Both tribes now working on puzzle
JP looks over
Yul trying to work it now

Nathan whispering what something is

Yul raises hand
Jeff: Aitu thinks they have it


Whew, that was close

Aitu congrats, send one person over to EI, not exempt from TC

Sending Adam over

JP with a look
Adam smiling as he leaves

Raro go back to camp

B/Cowboy hug

Whale shot

Aitu Day 10
J: Great job guys!!
F: Def like winnign challenge, other team all beefy you know

Ozzy catching fish now
J: Ozzy is the mad fisherman, fantastic (he is on boat)
Ozzy catching more

They come back TONS of fish
O conf: I caught 9 of 11 fish, I'm happy being sole provider, I feel I have most power, if they lose me, they lose strength

They are around him laughing saying King Neptune

Nath: We got humbled but
JP: Feel bad for Adam

JP conf: took pride in winning, bummed
JP: Let's cook, night fall soon; any more logs??
JP sits backa nd tells Jenny to put log on
P conf: JP very demanding but does it in sly way but way he even sitting all sprawled out and we are waiting on him, he is like hand me this bowl, serve me, doesn't fly with me at all
Night time

They are giggly
P conf: Have to figure out how to infiltrate group
P asks Nate about the guys
N: Guys are tight but we got yur back
N conf: She is a cool girl, we click, trust her, she is my ace
N: They have no clue how tight we are
N conf: Sparts but don't want to be thinking like a dumb dumb
P: JP is calling shots
N: Yeah cuz he knows he has the guys
P: Don't like tha the has control right now
N: Let the king sit pretty
P conf: don't want to upset JP right now, Ill let the king sit pretty right now
N: It's going to be very interesting

Okay Rainbow!
Aitu Day 11
Ozzy, Jona, Flicka, Cowboy
Birds ar ecalled boobies

C: they got eggs!
He is climbing
C conf: Kid in me wanted to get eggs, kid in me wanted to climb a tree
Cowboy with stick up there , bird screaming at him
Jon: OMG, has a baby bird, little chick
Jonathan really looks bummed
J: He can't fly
C: Do you want to put him back
J conf: THis thing is like new born, today and in myhand, wanted to cry, felt terrible
Cowboy saying he is sorry to the bird and will put it back

J: We are sorry mother
Cowoby putting it back
J: He is okay, forgive us
Cowboy: Forgive us
Ozzy: Good job
Cow conf: Wasn't thinking, I am really humbled

Adam arrives back
Rebecca big hug
All hugging

Jeff: Jenny take back idol. Four race to assemble stretcher puzzle, run through jungle to beach where another will be shackled to mast, one person swim out climb up release them both swim back with life ring, rscued person on stretcher and run back to start, three remaining build fire and release flag

Raro sits out Cristina

/Y/O/F building
N/A/JP/B building
Aitu a bit behind
Raro first up with strecher, running thru
Now Aitu running
Raro with lead, Aitu right behind with theirs
JP in water now
Ozzy now rushing into water
Ozzy with long run in water, he made a ton of time!

Who is stronger swimmer
F: Go Ozzy!!!!
Ozzy first to mast
JP climbing now up
Ozzy getting Candice, they jump in
P now released and they jump in
Race to shore
O/C with lead
JP/P trying to make up time
O/C in shallow water where they can run
Raro losing time
Candice on stretcher, headin back
Raro now catching up a bit
Aitu now starting the fire
Raro is now back
S/J/R starting their fire
Cowboy working hard with magnesium and he has flame, bringing it to the straw
Aitu with a lot of smoke, Cowboy in the cap waving the smoke
Cow either gonna be a hero or silly
Jenny trying to get the flint
OMG, Jenny with bloody hand!!!

Cowboy is working
Steph trying to get something going
Aitu now has nice flame
Raro not working with flame at all

R/S trying hard not working
Aitu working it and fire strong and bam!!!


Nate hugs the girls consolation
F got the II

Raro see you at tribal!
Cowboy gives Jon kiss on cheek

raro day 11
Arriving back, sad shot we saw
S conf No one looking forward but it has to be someoen going home tonight

P: too bad we went up against a zen fire master
S conf: I feel like I am weakest link an I'm so angry, I should have done something, to make more of a difference
B: Cowboy always the one making the fire
S: Look guys I'm the one who caused us to lose and proably the weakest link
N conf: Steph and I real tight, she knows I have her back then I think about it, all these people otu here if soemone this early is doubting themselves not going to keep you here

N: If she thinks now is tuff
C: Let's talk to her an dgive her that respect
N: She leaves on red carpet right

R: Did they tell you t hat is decision
J: Yes she volunteered
R: I wish she didn't, makes us look weaker
J: Us girls
R: Yeah!

R: JP thinks he has it all figure dout
Jenn: Yep

R conf: It's five women, four men, any alliance needs to be done now

R: How bout girls align
J: Let's have the girls align
R: women should stick together
J: I'm not ready to go home
R: Me neither

Steph: So angry I said soemthing
c: when you said that, form of weakness
S: should have kept it to myself

S conf: Moment of frustration, not giving up

Jenny comes over
J: you knwo there is a way to save you
S: How
J: girls come together
C: I'm up for it
S: Is R up for it
J: Yea
Cristine volunteers JP name
C: Is P on board? I have weird feeling about it
J goes after P
C: I think she will stick with guys

J: We are going to vote JP out
P: I don't know if good idea
J: we have to play our numbers. it's all on you
P: I don't know if in our best interest
J: Let me know

C: No huh?
J: jus tnervou
Brad comes over
S: I need you
C: we want to vote JP off

J conf: I don't completely trust Brad but I hope whateve rhe does is good for our tribe and not himself

Tribal Council

J: Nate how you feeling
N: we all feeling waters, not out of my shell yet
Jenny: No really a leader. Put me on spot. Alright JP don't hate me but JP likes to take command a lot
JP: No problemw ith her saying that. There are times I say I'm taking a nap, maybe I voice a little more but not how or when

R: We were confident about making fire and unfortunately I couldn't get right spark
Steph: I would say it wouldn't be fair to vote one of us three, if you vote someon eoff, consider big picture
JP: AGree, I got my butt kicked in swimming, I agree with her, not fair to go by challenge
Brad: Trust is foundation, I like to use go with your gut and 99 percent it is right
Pavarti: Most part I trust everyone
Steph: No I don't trust everyone but certain level but completely trust? No, it's a game
Rebecca: It won't be easy to let this vote go but has to be done to move on and get stronger
JP: I already told my self this would be my hardest vote



Offline cinni

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Re: EP4: Ruling the Roost
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2006, 08:39:21 PM »
 :hrt:  puddin!! thank you. and i love my new title. reminds me of something... ;)
always remember....when life hands you lemons, ask for tequila and salt and call me over!

Offline puddin

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Re: EP4: Ruling the Roost
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2006, 08:43:29 PM »
 :luvu: AWW cinni ! I miss the old gang ..the new place just isn't the same as the original RIII ..ya know ?
Whats happening ? first Snewser then Voted-off then Riii ? I'm missing Mike-e and rmax and everyone  :( . Now where the heck is gammy ?  :-\

Offline Texan

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Re: EP4: Ruling the Roost
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2006, 09:19:56 PM »
thanks for the update Puddin!! Kids stopped recording so it ended at the challenge.

Offline cinni

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Re: EP4: Ruling the Roost
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2006, 12:00:34 PM »
yeah, where is that handsome mike-e??   :hearts:  somebondy bring him back now!

and gammy must be lurking around here somewhere?? rmax is one very busy guy.   :hrt:  wonder if angel is hanging out somewhere yet?
always remember....when life hands you lemons, ask for tequila and salt and call me over!

Offline Texan

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Re: EP4: Ruling the Roost
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2006, 12:47:46 PM »
Mikeee is taking a reality show break.  Says he will come by and say Hi soon.

***I am probably going to get to meet him in person in November***

Offline puddin

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Re: EP4: Ruling the Roost
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2006, 04:42:17 PM »
Mikeee is taking a reality show break.  Says he will come by and say Hi soon.

***I am probably going to get to meet him in person in November***
OH you know how to make me greeen with envy Texan  :lol: !! I want me some Mike-e too !!
cinni i haven't seen angel anywhere ? He was posting at chatters but I lost the link .