The Racers


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[1] TAR18: Zev Glassenberg & Justin Kanew (friends)

[2] TAR 16: Jody Kelly and Shannon Foster--Grandmother/Granddaughter

[3] MOVED: TAR35: Jocelyn Chao & Vincent Limary (Married)

[4] MOVED: TAR35: Jocelyn Chao & Vincent Limary (Married)

[5] TAR34: Glenda Roberts & Lumumba Roberts (Newlyweds)

[6] TAR 25: Adam Dirks and Bethany Hamilton "Soul Surfers"

[7] TAR34: Derek Xiao & Claire Rehfuss (Dating)

[8] TAR 6 "The Grandparents" Don and Mary Jean

[9] TAR34: Abby Garrett & Will Freeman (Dating)


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