TAR Australia


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[1] TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) News, Media & Speculation Thread!

[2] Amazing Race AUS 8 LIVE SIGHTINGS! Tweets GO HERE! *please read post 1*

[3] TAR Australia 8: Locations Thread (NO SPOILERS!)

[4] TAR Australia 8: Bitch, Moan & Squeal Thread (Possible Spoilers!)

[5] TAR Australia 8: Cast Discussion & ID Thread

[6] TARaus 2 Ross and Tarryn *Father and Daughter*

[7] TARAus1: Chris Pselletes & Anastasia Drimousis

[8] TARaus 2 Geoff Stick "Sticky" and Sam Hay *Friends*

[9] TAR Australia 6: Kelly & Georgia (Newlywed Teachers)


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