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Archive => RFF Archived Boards => Big Brother 14 Live Feed Updates => Topic started by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 20, 2012, 08:15:36 PM

Title: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 20, 2012, 08:15:36 PM
Frank  is HOH

Janelle won Coaches Challenge and saved Ashley

No player was swapped out

Janelle also chose the Have- Nots who are: Willie, Jojo,Shane and Ian (who volunteered )

America voted on Pudding and Pork-Rinds as the Have Not food

Willie Hantz is no longer in the game, Unsure if he self evicted or was pulled from the game but his picture is grayed out.

Nominations  were today Shane and Jojo are on the block

Boogie says what up internet people you may have been blocked.

 janie says willie crunched up pork rinds and threw it at her.. kicked in the door  on the DR

boogie said he head butted joe 4 times and was taken out by production

not sure if that is what happened but thats what  janie  and boogie said 7/20/12   11:30 pm EST 8:30 PT
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 20, 2012, 10:59:17 PM
Everyone still eating pizza Dan talks about all the sodium thats in raman noodles..
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:00:27 PM
Everyone really being friendly with each other  :ghug:
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:02:29 PM
Boogie mentioning that Showtime will be coming on in a few minutes

Jojo and Frank up into the HOH
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:04:14 PM
Jojo, what did we do?  We didn't do anything personal.  If I go out at least I go out knowing I was myself

Frank, it's nothing personal, I only had a few people to pick from

Jojo, I just know that many people aren't going to be that loyal down the line

Shane comes in.  Frank explaining why he picked them,
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: coolio on July 20, 2012, 11:04:55 PM
JoJo and Frank in HOH
Frank0 I only had a couple people to pick from
Jojo- It's ok, I understand
---Shane enters---
Frank- It's not personal
Jojo & Shane- Yeah

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:05:54 PM
Frank, it would have been great if Willie could have been my target this week.  I don't know if you saw how fast I had to go in there.  I didn't get to discuss any direction

Boogie comes in to his HOH now too
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:07:31 PM
Coolio, would you like me to take 1 & 2?

HOH still talking about Willie and how he screwed everything up

Frank, you guys have all week to . . . .

Jojo just can't give up the Willie talk
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: coolio on July 20, 2012, 11:12:25 PM
Could you BamBam?
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:13:45 PM
Joe, Brittney, Ashley and Ian still sitting at the table.  Danielle, Dan and Jenn doing the dishes/cleaning

They are doing a recap of the day per Ian:

Got up this am and told to put on their best rap gear for the coaches challenges.  Janelle won and saved Ashley.  She then got to choose the have nots, choosing Shane, Jojo, Willie and Ian.  Willie didn't take it very well, kicked a door, said swear words (Ian won't say the words since his mother is watching) threw pork rines at Janelle and she said duck you with the middle finger, he head butted Joe and called everyone a whussy, they told Joe to stay int he bathroom and willie to the DR, they waited a couple of hours and then Allison came on and they were told he wasn't coming back
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:15:54 PM
Kitchen giving Britt a round of applause, not totally sure why though ???

Wil joins the kitchen crowd but convo has moved to hats, having swag,  blahblah
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:18:53 PM
Still on lockdown and talking about washing towels as soon as they can go outside.  Lots of rapping on the table but soon realize they will get yelled at soon so stop
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:23:04 PM
Some talk about what beds might be available now.  Danielle needs to put her sheets into the dryer.

Just Danielle, Ashley and Ian at the table now.  Ashley sits down with a big bowl of ice cream
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: coolio on July 20, 2012, 11:23:38 PM
Wikipedia isn't really a reliable source. However, according to the HG's that is what happened.
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:25:02 PM
Wil, Brittney and Joe rejoin the table.  Talking about food and Danielle has a bowl of ice cream now. 
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:26:51 PM
checking on the HOH . . . .

Frank, Jojo and Shane still rehashing Willie.  Ian joins.  Pretty sure Boogie and Dan are in the coaches room but haven't seen them for a while

Ask Ian about Willies brother on Survivor and how he was.  Did he attack people like Willie?  No, he just took 3 dumb girls to manipulate  :lol3:
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:28:59 PM
Jojo doesn't watch Survivor so HOH is explaining how it is played and what happens.  She is amazed at how they have to live.  Ian is a wealth of information on Survivor too but Frank knows quite a bit too.  Shane is keeping quiet
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: coolio on July 20, 2012, 11:30:12 PM
Joe, Ashley, Dani, Brit and Wil in kitchen
Talking about mints
Talk is back to Willie
Brit is talking about stress
Aaaaannnnndddd... back to Willie

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:32:18 PM
back in the kitchen . . . .

Wil thinks Willie should have to take care of his issues behind bars

Joe, well maybe not behind bars but not on a TV show  :lol3:

Brittney beating herself up over Willie and the others trying to reassure her that she did the best she could have

Ashley, can we go to bed now?

Britt, seriously.  I'm going to try and stay up to 11pm

Danielle, BB can you please open the backyard so I can dry my sheets?  Im freezing

Britt, I am frickin cold and wearing my boots
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:34:23 PM
Janie out of the DR now and joins the kitchen.  Seems kind of awkward between her and Britt.

Ashley, we are just trying to make Brittney smile. 

Brittney called to the DR
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:36:37 PM
Joe to Shane, tell me something about yourself that we don't know

Shane, I was in a magazine.  2010 Cosmo Vermont Bachelor.  His sister nomed him for that

Danielle wants to know if he knew the Tenn Bachelor

Shane, don't think so.

Joe, what wer eyou like in High school?

Shane, I was a drummer in band.  Mom worked in the cafeteria (?)
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: coolio on July 20, 2012, 11:38:08 PM
Brit- It's freezing in my room
Dani- yeah
---Janie out of DR---
Ash feels sick after ice cream
---Shane comes in---
Shane thought Ash was sick from pizza
---Brit to DR---
Shane went to some Bachelor party
Dani asks him if he knew somebody
JoJo joked that she worked that event
Dani is talking about her dad

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:38:32 PM
Danielle, my dad tried to name me after Pricilla because her dad was obcessed by Elvis. 

Shane, what about you Joe? 

Joe, I was a major bully in HS.  Had a father who abused me, was a Vietnam Vet
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: coolio on July 20, 2012, 11:42:18 PM
I have to go BamBam. Good night!  :hrt:
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:46:49 PM
Goodnight Coolio, thanks for helping out  :yourock:

HOH has Frank with Ian now taking his turn bad mouthing Willie

Frank, I think they let me keep my MC Hammer Suit.  That might be an ebay item or halloween costume

Ian saying Kara was a lovely person and one of the most beautiful people he has come in contact with

Frank feeding the fish, says this one is for you Kara

Ian, I am hurting to get this room.  Next week I hope I get it

Frank, I hope you do get it
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:48:30 PM
Frank just let out one long fart  :fart  He was looking for a hat and went in and asked Boogie if he had seen it.  Dan is with Boogie

Ian going downstairs to stink up that bathroom

Frank leaves now too
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:51:39 PM
Janelle and Ashley laying in bed talking

J, when he started growing out his mustache, he looked like a criminal.  (Willie?)

A, if Britt really cared about him, she should have talked him and told him his options

J, did you see the whole fight go down?

A, I was peeing and I finally get out and they had left the bathroom area and that was his final attempt before he went into the DR

J, at the bottom of the stairs Willie confronted me

Frank comes in
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:54:55 PM
Frank, Janelle and Ashley now rehashing what happened with Willie

Willie head butted Joe a few times apparently. 

Frank, Willie came up to the HOH and let us know he was going to evict himself

All wondering how much we saw on the feeds
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:57:13 PM
Calling Willie a coward.

Janelle, I didn't mind him throwing the pork rines, I just thought this was awesome.  I wanted to get into an argument with him too but I lost my chance.  I wanted to speak my mind

Frank, what a freaking 14 days.  Wondering when they will open the backyard.  Boogie asked and they thought it would be open tonight

Janelle, anybody ask for booze tonight?

Ashley, we aren't allowed to ask anymore.  It's a privledge

Wil comes into the room now
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 20, 2012, 11:59:59 PM
Dan, Boogie and Ian are in the HOH coach room

saying they should have made a bet on somebody being expelled. 

Ian thought it's great there is another room up there now and mentions when he was watching season whatever when they announced the two story house . . . . 

Boogie, next year they should let the HOH pick somebody to have this room with them.  That will mess with the dynamic

Good idea actually!
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 21, 2012, 12:03:46 AM
Boogie to Ian, would you be super excited if you came in 2nd and won $50K?

Ian, yeah, I would be super excited.  I would buy a $5K bike and give the rest to my Mom and Dad.  Pay off the student loans

Dan, do you have a car?

Ian, no

Boogie, you'd have to buy yourself a car

Ian, I don't have a license

Dan, you've never driven a car?

Ian, nope.  I had a permit but then I got really busy with school, I put it off
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 21, 2012, 12:08:11 AM
Back down on skid row . . . .

Wil, Frank, Janelle, Ashley still laying around talking.  Joe comes in and tells them the backyard is open

Wil back to talking about how people with issues shouldn't be out on the streets, he has zero tollerance for those people.

Danielle comes into the room.  Convo continues on Willie.  It's getting old now  )-**
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 21, 2012, 12:12:21 AM
Boogie is really having a nice conversation with Ian, trying to get to know him better, saying how his dad must be very proud of him.

Feed switched and have Jenn and Joe with their feet in the hot tub talking about how that bad energy is gone
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: RealityFreakWill on July 21, 2012, 12:14:42 AM
Sorry I'm late.  Home from work and was doing some catch up online in regards of Willie....

Jenn and Joe has their feet in the hot tub and are chatting

Shane at the lounge

Frank, Ashley and Janelle talking about Willie in the blue bedroom

Dan, Boogie and Ian in HOH chatting
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 21, 2012, 12:15:35 AM
Jojo comes out looking for the lighter that seems to be missing.  They are now convinced Willie took it.

Jenn so happy to be outside

Joe, where you born in NY?

Jenn, yeah Staten Island, dad was a Marine so they moved around a lot

Jojo brings the toaster out to heat up to light her cigarette
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 21, 2012, 12:18:50 AM
 :hiya  Will!

Shane trying to help Jojo with lighting her cig.  Wish I could take a pic of this for you.  Success!  Toaster beeps and Shane says, cigarette is done  :lol:

Jenn's dad is also a Vietnam Vet.  Joe thinks they have a lot in common
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 21, 2012, 12:24:13 AM
Janelle telling Frank, Wil and Danielle about her first season with Cappy and how they ended up finally getting him out

Frank, I hated him.  How old were you when you were on season 6?

Janelle, I was 25

Wil's birthday is next week and he will be 25.  Just happy his insurance will go down
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: RealityFreakWill on July 21, 2012, 12:27:39 AM
Danielle joins the blue bedroom gang. Telling stories.

Danielle said she got a $15 ticket for not wearing seat belt, she ignored it and missed court and ended up paying $350

Where's Britney, haven't seen her
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: RealityFreakWill on July 21, 2012, 12:31:02 AM
JoJo, Shane, Joe and Jenn all with their feet in the hot tub chatting

Not much happening tonight. I guess they are winding down from Willie's expulsion.
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 21, 2012, 12:31:15 AM
Somebody just called to the DR and that spins the conversation to how long the DR sessions are tonight

Frank is wondering again how much he can sell his MC Hammer costume about again

Janelle wants Ian to be able to make some money off this.  She remembers how broke she was at 21

Danielle, you do realize that Tulane is a private university, right?

Frank, he had some scholarships
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 21, 2012, 12:36:08 AM
Britt and Jojo in the bathroom talking about janelle and how she plays with no emotions

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: RealityFreakWill on July 21, 2012, 12:39:24 AM
Ahh I see Britney. Something's wrong with her finger but no biggie. She and JoJo talking in the bathroom. Britney misses her hubby.
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: BamBam on July 21, 2012, 12:41:27 AM
Sorry Will, I am done for the night :<3

Brittney continues to second guess herself about Willie and Jojo is trying to give her a pep talk in the bathroom

Boogie and Ian still in the coaches room with general chit chat.
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: RealityFreakWill on July 21, 2012, 12:51:31 AM
Wait, did BB just blooped? I just saw Dan laughing in the DR for a hot second.

Britney, Ian and Frank in HOH chatting

Janelle and Wil game talking in blue bedroom about Dan. She thinks coaches are going in the game soon. (I agree, they are on low numbers way too soon and finale is Sept 19th. Gotta fill in the schedule)

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: RealityFreakWill on July 21, 2012, 01:02:24 AM
Dan, Shane, Jenn, Joe and JoJo outside around hot tub chatting.

Not much going on.
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: RealityFreakWill on July 21, 2012, 01:09:48 AM
Dan somehow injured his toe and Danielle is treating it in the SR and off they go

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: RealityFreakWill on July 21, 2012, 01:31:11 AM
Just general convos all over the place. I'm not gonna post any more unless something game related happens in the next half hour when BBAD ends for the night.
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: RealityFreakWill on July 21, 2012, 02:18:28 AM
BBAD ended a while ago and nothing happened...
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 06:54:03 AM
Good morning members and guests, and thank you to our our wonderful updaters waiting to cover the drama when feeds came back up last night  :yess:

All of our Hgs are still sleeping this morning
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 07:05:27 AM
FYI...someone has horrible gas! Thankfully we can only see and hear on the feeds  :lol:
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 07:12:03 AM
Someone was talking in the HN room...not sure who. maybe talking in their sleep
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 08:01:54 AM
Joe up to washing of the hands
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: Lily on July 21, 2012, 08:28:16 AM
Brief glimpse of Boogie up, dressing and having a drink of something in his room, then cameras panned back to all sleeping.
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: Lily on July 21, 2012, 08:45:49 AM
Brief glimpse of Frank, sounds like Boogie woke him up, he got up, dressed and went to dr, on the way said ''oh man, only 630'', and cameras are back to sleepers.   
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: Lily on July 21, 2012, 08:52:45 AM
Frank out, tries back door, it is locked, back to bed. Brit up,  a little powder and into dr for just a minute and back to bed. All quiet again.
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: TexasLady on July 21, 2012, 10:09:18 AM
Boogie is up and making huge noises in the kitchen. (It would wake the dead!) He slammed things, shook his iced coffee, now sitting at the table and reading the bible.

Good morning everyone!
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 10:29:57 AM
Joe is awake now he gets on the scale before getting in the shower.

HG's are on lockdown for the POV Lights are on in the house guess they Hg's were woken up!

Booige says that he thinks it will be this afternoon..

boogie is reading the bible at the table
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 10:35:52 AM
time for second wake up call
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 10:36:27 AM
boogie talking outloud to the cams brings on fishies again.
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 10:39:14 AM
jojo goes back to  the have not bed after grabbing a little bit to eat

Wil at kitchen table with mike

shane ian and jojo all awake in have not room but under the blankets

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 10:40:17 AM
Mike heads back up to HOH room
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 10:47:22 AM
Mike and wil talking about religion at the table. Mike doesn't know what  wil's background is on religion.
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 10:50:07 AM
joe jenn and danielle getting ready for their day in the bathroom
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 10:50:32 AM
Frank down stairs grabs some coffee
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 11:01:00 AM
Janie makes her way to the bathroom, ashely getting changed there  shane joe wil mike at the table in the kitchen
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 11:06:36 AM
TONS of in and out fish.. i'll update if anything relative is said/done
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 11:21:56 AM
Hg's still eating and getting ready for their day
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 11:47:28 AM
All feeds on the kitchen general chatter
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 11:54:24 AM
talk about texting, phones, apps for phones.. and the cam is  on the DR door for some strange reason!  :colors
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: amazinglatinoamericafan on July 21, 2012, 11:56:54 AM
POV timee
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 11:57:20 AM
Frank came SCREAMING out of the DR :lol3: :lol3: :lol3:  HEY EVERYONE it's time to pick players for the VETO! and we have trivia

yeah i jumped!! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 12:18:48 PM
back brit says no one has picked a hg's choice

danielle in with dan in the boom boom rooom

danielle gosh i hope shane doesnt win it..
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 12:19:15 PM
Ashley got picked to play in POV
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 12:24:05 PM
up in HOH boogie is telling Frank that he  neds to close to shane

 Jennl enters HOH

 boogie i think it's great that Wil got picked

 frank before Ian comes up I think ian is getting too cliose to Ashley.. thre was  lot of room on the sofa and he sat right on top of her..

 jenn yeah he put his hand on her back and she rollled her eyes

 boogie i think i will tell him to keep his head in the game

 frank he was out back on the hammock swinging like a mother ****er and  i think he was working up the courage to go and talk/sit next to her

talk moves onto how flasky they think Ashley is

 frank yeah i made sure that Ashley knew it was ME that told janie to save her with the key..

Mike this week we are on cruise control.

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 12:29:01 PM
joe and wil outside of the HOH door talking game  joe you have to think of the numbers right there we have 3 and they have 3.. so if next week they win HOH then 2 of us are going on the block.

Wil unles we get them to put up Ashely.. she's a liability she doesnt know what the **** she is doing here. she almost eff'd things up for us

 joe we need to get to ian.. and say you cant beat frank and i cant so lets not give it to him.. lets go round about it .. say none of us can beat frank..

joe just know you are in this with me there is no way i would..

wil make it painfully clear that frank is a threat..

 joe yeah.. and if we win HOH.. lots of background noise from the kitchen
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 12:31:37 PM
j what do you think of if shane wins today

 wil that they will put danielle on the block..

joe no one is gonna vote for ashely jenn or danielle..

 wil i dont know about jenn  she can pull it out

 wil i dont know about ashely it may be an act..

  joe unless she wakes up

 wil.. she turned her back on us..  this is the last time we gave her that safety.. i'll vote her ass out..

joe she can't win so thats great for me and you

wil she really is the definition of a floater..
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 12:32:57 PM
Wil i think there is a 90% chance of someone coming back.. we have to get frank out..

 joe i agree.. i luv frank to death. but..

joe i would be careful with janelle.. i told her that if she gets dropped in she knows eveyone  of my secrets
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 12:36:14 PM
feeds 3/4 brit jenn ian o in the bathroom brit says she super into skin care..

 ian is pumped he's ready to play

ian is ready to jump out of his skin! :lol3: to play in the POV

So the POV Players.. IAN, WIL and ASHLEY
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 12:42:43 PM
Wil  here we go again.. another comp where we'll be stuffing a purse with dollar bills

 Brit  we have had alot of money related comps..  maybe it has to do with the double prizes.. coaches and players

joe comes in says that he thinks it will be sooner rather than later cuz there is a package in  the's covered .. i felt around it's all covered up.

.brit i think the house energy is so much better it is.. even when we were eating pizza it was lighter..

joe i wonder how much regret he has this morning speak for yourself joe you instigator :ugot

 Brit he would never admit it.. he's too prideful

wil he will say it was everyone else fault.

jenn he could have stuck it out for a few days..

brit at least for his team
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 12:48:59 PM
Brit i dont feell so bad for him anymore. i just dfelt that he was my team member that i sholuld not give up on him.. i felt like a bad coach

wil from the outside it looked like he was manipulating you

 jojo  yeah and me and shane the way he talked he could convince anyone about anything

 brit for me  outside game level , someone like him can easily come into your life.. that's scary

 jojo  so you joe and ashley had each other for sure

 wil he did a number on ashley

 ian he said  some bad things about ashley

 brit i know i ust found out about it

 wil  he called her a sheep

 ian he called her the  most obvious pawn.. she's a sheep..

 jenn im over it im sick about talking about this guy

 brit i agree

wil lets talk about jodi the room cracks up :lol3:

 Brit  i'll die when she walks thru the door again.. im telling you i was in sequester before finally
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 12:52:02 PM
brit says to wil.. im just saying that  im shocked that wil, you dont have a boyfriend.. your face is so pretty..

 jenn i am so cosigning on that

 brit  if you dont im shocked

 jenn you just havent been meeting the right guys

wil thank you you guys are so sweet

wil maybe this will get a me a boyfriend

 jenn there will be many suiters and stalkers :lol:
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 12:53:33 PM
shane joins the bathroom gang

frank down from HOH shower
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: Paisley on July 21, 2012, 12:54:23 PM
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 12:59:28 PM
brit so frank was your shower today better than yesterdays?

 Frank yeah :lol3: I was  in the shower and mike said that joe was head butted by willie and i was like is he ok..

 ian yeah 4 times!!

 frank yeah

 jenn yeah the medic said he was ok.

 Brit tell me the truth frank have you ever taken a flat iron to your hair?

 Shane you need to let wil do your hair?

frank yeah ok..

brit can i just have a

 everyon goes yeah.. they thought she wanted to talk to frank alone

brit no,... i want you guys to see how cute my shirt  is on the back..

brit shows them her shirt and says i just needed a minute  for attention to my shirt :lol3:

brit name drops RIFRAFT in faytetteville  Arkansas.. her sority sister just owned a shop  there and she got her shirt there

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 01:01:56 PM
brit says that the fabric that was the hottest when she was in pageants   was crushed velvet.

danielle enters the bathroom.. shane tells her that her hair looks good.
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 01:03:01 PM
Brit wishes  that she would get a key from her small town of 1097 population mansfield arkansas
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 01:04:50 PM
feeds 1/2 on the kitchen with danielle guess all the others are sleeping of whoever is not in the bathroom
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 01:26:25 PM
danielle shane and brit in batheroom. brit tells her that the whole house is against her jojo and shane..

 danielle yeah im upset if i think about it im gonna cry

 brit i thought about it today and last night and anything can happen..

brit BB doenst like that the season is so predicable..  they know that me and dan's team is targeted by mikeds and janelles team..

 brit something is gonna happen by thrursday
 daneille ..  i just cried in my  room over jojo

 brit i took her in the arcade room and told her to stop.. i didnt know she said that missed it

danielle she -jojo said  to frank

brit what??

shane that she  and i shoudnt be the only ones to be nominated cuz danielle voted to evict frank too.

Brit im sorry..  in my season  my best friend was evicted out and then i feel that the person you are in the game with a long time you become friends with too..

brit Me and Dan got a raw deal and i think willie was responsible for kara going home and this whole side of the house got a bad deal..
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 01:29:47 PM
Brit i tried to talk to him i know he had an ager problem, but i tried

Danielle i knew he had one cuz when i asked him aobut it he blew up on me..

brit you can hang out woith us. we're sad :lol:.

 brit i think that  the sadder i am about something others are happier on it

danielle yeah

 danielle whaere is everyone?

 brit i think alot of people are sleeping or upstairs..

brit i tried to get a break and asked to sit in the DR  and they said i couldnt that they were on a dead line

 BB your are not nallowed to talk aobut your DR sesssion
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 01:46:13 PM
jojo complaining to joe , (who's eating again) about her being real and calling out fake people and people that are playing this game flying under the radar

Danielle is right there cooking and thats who she is referring to

 joe tht's some peoples strategy..

 jojo well think about it has a flaoter ever made it to F2 yet again she doesnt know BB history :groan:

jojo well i just want america to know you can be true to you.. whats that saying joe?

joe you gotta do you

BB Britney please go to the DR

 jojo is that the saying? :lol3:

shane there being positive

jojo well i want to do something that is fun like a luxury comp or something ti liven up this houses mood umm stop talking and that might help  :o

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 01:48:44 PM
feeds 1/2 ian and frank in HOH

BB Danielle to the DR

Frank i think she got called in twice

 dan is up there too

 ian i just want to play

 frank what kinbda comp do you think dan?

 ian i think hold em or fold em..

 frank or a bag type of thing

 frank wonder if it will be something in heats..  like golf

 ian it might be cause we didnt get colors

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 01:51:05 PM
Brit goes to take her vitamins and out of no where brit says I CAN'T WAIT TO MAKE A BABY!! I'm gonna be so in love with my kid!

Shane do you have  names picked out

brit yeah just family names
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 01:54:43 PM
up in HOH feeds 1/2 talk about  shane being on the block

BB Dan to the DR

 dan i think once they hit us all we're gonna get rolling

ian im hopin for  a bag or something.. i might get a prize

frank.. it could be  trade out
ian yeah.. shane might be going for the punishments.. like would you wear a bunny suit..  yeah..

 frank if it was hold em.. it could be good or bad

 ian mystery bad for prizes 

frank it could be otev no way pal!

 ian it could be the one from dan's season with the license plates

 frank gets up to :poop:
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 01:57:51 PM
ian it's like the one with the chunk of states on the board and you have to get them.. and have to buzz in..

frank yeah..

ian im just pumped to do a game.. so high times if you ask me

 frank im gonna go down to eat some lunch..

 ian yeah i'll get some slop to just get something in my stomach
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 02:02:05 PM
:lol3: ian walking around in the have not room he's all excited when he walks his sneakers squeak and sound like :fart: unless that is a noise he's making with his mouth :lol3:

ian if it's a puzzle its a done deal.

camera swings into him..  and  ian says while we are here and holds up a package "  the pork rind that willie threw at janelle will be up for bid on" :lol:  FISHIES>> :lol: BB blocked him!  cam #2 12PM BBTIME
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 02:10:44 PM
Ian out to the kitchen frank willie shane jojo brit .. ian just think that  we'll be asked aobut willie 's stuff for a long time..
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 02:22:49 PM
Ashley awake making herself something to eat..all feeds on kitchen   blahblah blahblah blahblah
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 02:40:08 PM
feeds split and 3/4 are up in the HOH with ian and frank  ian brings on fish by talking about the Olympics an cutting the season short since willie is gone

ian i was getting pumped i thought that announcement was the veto game

 frank im proud of myself that i haven't taken a nap

 Ian i havent taken a single nap except that one day when we were locked down and i fell  asleep in here

 ian and frank give shout outs  Ian to Superpass and live feeders and frank to express pass car lots

 we have trivia!!~ :wohoo:

This is for the POV check back soon for the result!!  :conf:
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 03:55:35 PM
1 hr and 20 mins of trivia!!
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: Paisley on July 21, 2012, 04:37:03 PM
2 hours of trivia!  Must be having fun in the backyard!
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 04:41:12 PM
2 hours of trivia!!
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 05:11:49 PM
BACk Brit   talking about shane  saying  how he has  short term memory

boogie well apparently he was self prevarication


brit said that she wanted to cheeer for him but didnt want everyone to be upset with her

 janei no brit that's ok

 brit leaves

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 05:14:59 PM
Janieshane is going to be hard to get rid of..

 mike he has to win 2 more vetos or an HOH to upset what we are trying to do

 janie exactly

janie i cant believe how good jojo was at that

 mike yeah i was suyrprised i didnt see that coiming

 mike im surprised that wil didnt do better

 janie my team sucked.. we should have done what you said which was to leave him off the block

 mike whats your early feeling on which one to send home

 janie danielle is kinda worthless and jojo is with shane..
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 05:18:27 PM
feeds 3/4 danielle with dan..  joe has been telling everyone that im a genius.. i know im going up.. i dont know what to say

 dan becuase.. see heres the thing even with all of janie's votes you still need to have frank on board  so both those coaches have to be on the same page.. what risk is it to try and get shanes vote

 wil busts up the game talk

dan it will be a 3 - 3

wil comes back in and says lies lies lies and one week deals..

dan apparently thats the way to go

wil with everyone in the house!! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 05:23:51 PM
1/2 wil and jenn up in hoh with mike and janie..  talk abnout how daniellleis almost like the jordan of this season and flaoting and just being nice..

 wil Ian almost had it

 jenn yeah

 janie the fans are loving shane and gonna give him the coup d tat
wil whats the first idea that comes to your mind now

 jenn the obvious

 mike im  50/50.. jojo and shane are joined at the hip..

ashely and joe up in the hoh now..

frank camera blocking he's so tall! :lol3:

ashley jojo is good in comps!

joe dan said watch out

 janie we can get britney down to one player ane asnd jojoj are tight they will work with each other

 wil i despise jojo

 frank LETS STOP TALKING ABOUT!! no sense in making this  decision now

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 05:27:15 PM
janie so how did that comp look?

 jenn it looked fun from our side

 janie i got drunk snookie got drunk

 boogie  brit giot a buzz

 boogie and im glad for her.. she needed that

 feeds floip down to the bathroom with shane and jojo

 shane we're representing..  1st and 3rd place

 game talk stops ian in ..

feeds flip back up to  HOH
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 05:29:24 PM
3/4 brit talking to dan and danielle saying she's sorry and that  janie said something (missed it) brit im sorry i know how it feels

 danielle why is shane wearing the veto around his neck?

 dan.. puit on a happy face.. and the people that you know hate jojo  plant the seed like jenn..
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 05:32:56 PM
feeds 1/2 brit joins jojo and shane in the bathroom and they do a happy dance and hug  brit is happy finally

 shane tye are ****ting a brick up there.. jojo be strong!

jojo is whining and saying that danielle hasnt done anything!!!!!!

shane dont camp[aign too early.

 jojo no.. i know.. the veto meeting hasnt even happened. i just hope that people can see me as loyal and an ass et
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 05:35:33 PM
jojo  talk to dan  realquick when he came into the bathroom

 jojo it was tricky it sounded like the same on

 shane i was worried about finishing ahead of people

 jojo how did you do it so fast?

 shane i dont know i slipped and lost a shoe..

 jojo well if i didnt win im glad you did..

 jojo anything is possible..rachel was a huge threat and she beat the block so many times
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 05:39:16 PM
jojo you know i have your back.. we proved loyalty

 shane yeah we proved it.. oved it to willie

shane yeah and julie is gonna  talk to us on thurs. with all that has gone down

 shane i could even make a deeal with frank and use this  on you!!!

jojo oh stop!

 shane hugs brit  says she's so warm

 brit yeah cuz i sat in that syun..

 shane you still buzzed?

 brit yeah..

shane take advantage of it

 BB Shane please go to the DR
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 05:42:26 PM
feeds flip to have not room with ian talking to janie and ashley..  shane comes in to grab a shirt..

 ian congrats that veto feels good on your neck

 shane it does today!

 shane leaves.. ian gosh he's good and he's in shape!

 janie he's riipped and the thing is that i won alot of  comps but they were against girls.. he's in a groove now

 ian is going thru all the  words that were part of the menu items..

the have nots got pads for the beds this week
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 05:44:10 PM
Ian i think dani donato was the only one who won 2 vetos  back to back

 jnie you think frank threw that?

 ian no.. he wants shane gone

 ian i played the veto so now i can say i played

 ian you did good tooo ashley.. good effort..
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 05:45:03 PM
janie what are we gonna do.. in BB6 we wanted james rhine gone and it took us to week 6 to get it done

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 05:49:24 PM
mike and dan in the   hoh room with brit  : Mike the conspiracy theory with joe working it hard..

 mike to dan my advice would be to hit the brakes a little bit dan.. with all the working you did with kara after that willie drama.

 brit freaking willie

mike would you go with out the girls night to know  what went down i the DR aftermath..  like from them saying "GET WILLIE IN THE DIARY ROOM"  and yeah that gives us fishies!!
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 05:51:06 PM
brit i want to hear more about this conspiracy  theory of us going back in the game.. Dan do you think it will happen?

dan i dont know

brit you read the contract well what do you think

 dan well there is nothing that says that it will happen

 brit and then there is nothing that says it wont.

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 05:52:33 PM
feeds move to kitchen with frank and jojo.. jojo asks frank for advice

 frank  give it time..  there 's plenty of days to campaign.

 wil  you know whats nice

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 05:56:15 PM
1 and 2 are Ian and Danielle

Danielle I hope everyone knows I kept my word and I have been nice to everyone

Ian yeah I know but we will see

Danielle wants Ian to play chess with her sometime cause she cant remember the rules of the pieces

Ian sure but for now I wanna take a nap cause I am beat from playing thta game
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 05:59:15 PM
FF to KT

Jojo Wil and Frank
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 06:00:12 PM
Wil is everybody unhappy

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 06:02:49 PM
pov comp talk
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 06:06:06 PM
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 06:06:09 PM
up in HOH brit mike and dan .. brit working Mike to see how loyal he is with janie's team..

 dan  no way you would give up your game if you have all 3 people

 mike.. from where i sit.. yeah.. i dont want to turn on her just yet.. maybe in a week ..

brit  i think jenn is playing a great game..

 mike yeah if i was playing i wouldnt mind sitting next to her at the end unless she wins comps.. i can see me  winning aginst her..

brit and you will ahve more in the jury tht I would.. and Im DQ'd for having a layer DQ'sd with phjysical violence.

 brit i cant wait for my team to step away from willie's shadow

 dan i think they are  around his waiste

 mike.. i dont think i can say that.. cuz shane won.. and then jojo was out there smoking them.. and litterly smoking it

 brit yeah im mean right down to the minute she was smoking a cig.. right befor the game

 brit jojo is loyal and tenacious.. she is very loyal.. she will fight tooth n nail for ya..

 dan he reminds me of Michelle costa from my season.

 brit yeah.. she wanted everyone to see the good in willie when everyone gave up
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 06:06:53 PM
Danielle left alone in the KT
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 06:10:24 PM
mike brit and dan talking about food in the house.. Mike is gonna  make a sandwich

 brit before i am back to normal can i make a comment

Mike have at it he laughs

 brit i watched season 2 loved it!! watched season 7 loved it.. i didnt come here to see Mike boogie sleep!! Why am i the gwap?? go get dirty!!! :lol3:

they all laugh! :lol3:
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 06:15:52 PM

Jersey Shore talk ...Danielle Frank and Dan
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 06:16:29 PM
Dan leaves.. brit says that danielle is smart.. and lets face it we all knew that  you all were working together...

 birt if ian leaves the game.. and he has a chance to get back in the game would you work with him agian?

 Mike yeah

 Brit ok then

 mike did you just rest your case?

 Brit yeah i did

 brit..I like dan.. he won 7-0.. i dont know why yuou wouldnt want to get him out..  agsain i like him..    i dont see why yoo wouldnt want to take him out

 brit and you would  be the only person who would ahve 3 players in the game.. and what about ing 2

 mike that would be 5

 brit yeah..

 mike i thought about trading for shane

 brit yeah?? and i thought about trading too

mike yeah??

 Mike janellle in some way has 3 great players in some way.. wil and ashley have super popular personality.. joe despite his trouble making status..

 brit they are a good team.  you have a great team..  i think janie has a good team.. look i thought we had a great team.. i was like look at all these people that like us.. but .. it's very fleeting

 mike i like the idea of dan not being here game wise..
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 06:20:17 PM
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 06:22:23 PM
Brit what do you think agbout someone coming back?

t see it

 brit they are going to have to address then jury. all those people down there think theyare in the jry

 mike really? that's the worst place to be

 brit.. well to ian him walking out to go to jury is like him  seeing the pearly gates

mike i really like that guy too

 brit i really like him.. he's a really good guy..

 brit we can talk later in the week maybe when these margaritas wear off

 mke you are on point.. with wilie being gone.. there is no whispering.. everyone knows where they are at.. there is nothing to hide from you it is

 brit there is nothing to hid in the beginning either.. there hasnt been anything to hid from o and i appreciate it.. but i think  that  yuou and I can agree on something but something is gonna happen something is gonna get shaken up.. cuz of willie.. its only week 2 but  its like weeek three in here

brit and mike say their peace and brit heads down says she's good for about another 20 mins. and then she's taking  nap.. mike  goes back to the  coaches corner he's in the bathroom
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 06:23:40 PM
Shane taking advil for his aches and pains

Danielle did you see the pad on your bed

Shane yeah I am happy about that

Brit down now chatting with Danielle
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 06:24:07 PM
Frank up to the HOH Mike in the pooper FRank lets out a big fart.. this is some great transcribing! :lol3: Frank rips another :fart:
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 06:30:32 PM
Brit misses her husband

Shane 6 more days on slop

Brit again says I miss my husband so much

Jojo...(have no clue what she said)

ok...Jojo is talking about her ex and how she had the best sex ever

Brit there is something about being in true love, truly madly deeply

Danielle chatting on and ignoring Brit
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 06:30:58 PM
Frank  Dan looks nervous as hell..

Mike yeah i told him that he needs to dial it down. brit is buzzed she's trying to appeal to my wild side saying did you come her to nap or get into the game.. and im paraphrasing here.. and i didnt tell her but she does have a point
 frank  i was terlling everyonje to shut up cuz they are all o the jojo train

 mike to evict her

 frank yeah..

 frank if we get rid of danielle and en we got mike we would have shne in HOH and he will puit up 2 of janie's..

 mike then no coah would havee more than 2 but me..
frank rips another :fart:

 mike it's definelty concideration but its too early we got to get dan and daelle out the door

 frank i agree..  and it will be an  easy sell

 mike  joe and wil are threaten by dan coming in the game

 frank  im good ith acting nomal with people. and i was on the block and people acting the way they are .. it irritates me.

 mike this is what we'll do..we'll buddy up to shane and ojo and jojo irritates me..  and no one else will..

dan enters HOH and game talk ends...

team boogie wants to get rid of dan and daneille **
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 06:34:07 PM
Brit saying she feels badly for Janelle because she is missing her baby and her husband so Brit cant feel very sorry for herself

Danielle when you get home are you gonna try andget pregnant

Brit not right away but it wont be long

Danielle how long is not long

Brit not like a year he wanted babies 5 minutes ago

Danielle how many do you want

Brit 3 or 4

Shane I can see the great feeling you have for him it is all over your face
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 06:34:26 PM
Dan i promise o scheming..  i just would love to enjoy wed. full on

 mike what do you man?

 dan i just want to know.. so i can enjoy wed. full on ..

frank you can offer up your share of beers

 mike no one is gonna scum bag ya.. they did tell  not to tell the no monies

 mike if i can  pat myself on the back ... he wanted to do it passionately.  the odds are that he wasnt going to play he had 1-9 chance in getting picked to play POV
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 06:37:27 PM
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 06:38:14 PM
ike i wold just ask you not to say anythihg to janei.. someone will narc you out je will get wind of it

dan yeah i got nothing to offer.. but th only thng.

 mike.. ha ha ha he cant reist

 dan  the only thing.. the guy that is coaching in  my perspective.. i  think you would be the guy to do it..

 mike you mean throw someone else up there

 dan yeah mike is not the type that likes to just have  it  straight across the bar he likes to mix up the colors.

mike yeah   if it's just hers against mines who ever wins HOH gains control

 mike you are right it's never bee stacked like this..

 mike i can remember it like this...
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 06:41:04 PM
Dan if you scatter the rats will they together with team blonde or go oh ****

 mike i dont trust britney if you give her the chance to   team back up with janioe thats swcary to me.

mike and janie  finds out about it she will be so scorned.. i dont know if i go messing with that blessing.. not right now..

 dan.. but if you get britney down to one and then you scatter the rats.. with your boy in  the red shirt here..

 dan  no scheming.. what am i gonna do freak people out

 mike this game is so complicated.. its never easy
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 06:43:01 PM
Mike where is ian?

 dan in the  have not room.. they put pads on the bed
 mike did they for the injuries

 mike yeah he did that with a bad back
an and on slop just with pizza

 mike his back was against the wall

frank i got beat by jojo

 dan  well janie got my tail dan threw that comp

 mike shane also did that with one foot he lost his shoe
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 06:46:32 PM
Shane my mom told me vaginas have teeth and i believed her until I was 18 lol

Brit telling a story about her college days and 1 night she went to make out with this guy and they made out in front of a tire shop in a truck. A police officer catches them making out and tells them you kids got the wrong kind of rubber because this is a tire shop.
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 06:48:18 PM
Shane cooking his slop? and the guy talk continues on between Brit and Danielle
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 06:57:31 PM
boys in HOH still talking scenarios..
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 07:02:46 PM
Mike did jojo come to you and ask you for help with the BBTV  thijng?

Dan In dont know i might have

 frank yeah joe was all crazy sayijng yo were helping the others..

 dan i dot know.. you know,. i might have

 dan there was no need to get rid of kara..

 dan if i were you i wouldnt scatter the rats either

dan i know it sounds bad i wish it was danielle against ashley but its a fight i cant fight in..

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 07:05:46 PM
Dan what did you think of my pics frank?

 frank i thought  you were gonna pis ian

 Dan i wanted to pic players tht woanted to be coached and work for me

  MIKE IS MAJORLY ASLEEP>  he's just shy of snoring right now :lol3:

 Dan I didnt want willie i was 99% sure that he was russell's brother.. he lied to me w/in the first 5 mins.
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 07:08:39 PM
frank jojo was just waiting to pounce on that first challenge..  i guess it was harder for her than a guy

 dan ian did well today he had a good pace

 dan whats wil's motivation?

 frank i guess to just make it thru

 dan thats another thing with that plan she would have been going so hard

 frank it was disappointing that no one wanted to go o with it..  i told them all  i stuck my neck out.. Im over that .. it's not a big deal. if people were uncomfortable with it im not gonna do it

dan yeah cuz you are stuck like willie was..
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 07:11:11 PM
Frank i put that by Mike

 dan yeah if you did that yuou would have ian jenn  danielle and shane..  you get a chance to get out 2 people this week

 frank they were talking about it earlier and i told them to stop. i dont like people making up their minds this early in the game and people treat them differently.. and it's the truth.. i dont want people to feel uncomfy..

dan you wouldnt want them to be at ease?

 Frank  im not supposed to tell anyone anyway its the rules of the game..

 dan yeaha
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 07:11:31 PM
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 07:16:10 PM
Frank and Dan rehashing the  POV comp
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 07:17:23 PM
everyone is sleepy..(.including me lol)
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 07:19:58 PM
frank this way i gave shane a chance to  pull himself off the block and if he wins HOH i can use that

 dan thats the thing danielle didnt get a chance.. and you gave 2 people the chance. oh well man thats the game

 dan leaves

 mike is alsepp!
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 07:24:43 PM
Dan goes to the boom bom room.. Brit wakes up right away what happened?

 dan i have no control.. you have leverage

Brit i know  if you leave i have no chance
dan what are you options?

brit what?? no way?? cant hear over the kitchen noise

brit what did you pitch to him

 dan i said that if you know to let me know by wed.  i dont want that thing like kara

 brit yeah to the wire

 dan i think you are in better shape i see them keeping jojo cuz its the logical thing to do..

 brit yeah but that doesn't help me for next week.. it's borrowed time

 they both sack back down..

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 07:43:59 PM
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 07:49:00 PM
Ian getting NY accent lessons from jojo in the kitchen GAWD DAWG  OWrange

 ian is bouncing / rocking in the chair ast the kitchen

jojo is making slop
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 07:52:18 PM
jojo made pudding and ian is gonna have some

jojo is setting the table for others that will be eating

  dont ask what joe is making  for dinner he's  too freaking complicated ! just know its a meat starch and veggie!
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 08:00:10 PM
Shane is also eating pudding.. talk about snack cakes.. then the comp

shane i cant wait till the outside opens up

 jojo yeah..

shane to jojo you probably shouldnt have smoked right before that

 jojo i was still moving fast

 ian yeah  i wouldnt have smoked..

 jojo that didnt affect me

 joe warning idiot comment ahead ►   smoking only hurts you on endurance told ya! :groan:

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 08:12:22 PM
joe  we would get high and go riding in the country.  weed was the cash crop in kentucky
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 08:14:49 PM
britney is awake.. shane goes to the have not room

 brit to ian whats up ian

brit listens in on the sliding to  hear if they are still breaking down  the comp

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 08:27:23 PM
brit wants to shut out the noise in the house by covering up her ears with the pillows in the bathroom. guess she cant deal with joes voice either! :lo3:

3/4 move to mike in the HOH

frank s ripping farts :fart: in the HOH  you can hear them from mikes room while frank is in the shower :eww:
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 08:33:18 PM
BB Hg's this is a reminder that sleeping is only permitted in the bedrooms that was for britney in the bathroom on the coach there

 feeds 3/4 move to skid row room with janie and ashley

feeds move to brit in the bathroom talking to us.. It's a fun day only if you are me or shane.l.  needed it after the week i had.. i miss my family and mom.. i love yo.. i miss my husband so much.. an my dog molly.. my brother.. hope y'all are having fun... if they get rid of my team with jojo this week they are idiots .. dan is gonna prove just how good he is and work aginst them.. dan has 1 and i will have 1.. but dan can  work agaisnt them. it should be an easy decision .. everything changes next week. i have a feeling someone will make a deal..  I wont be pouting.. someone else will be poutting..

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 08:35:12 PM
feeds flip to have not room with joe talking to ian.. joe i think jojo is dangerous  i would rather  keep danielle .. well think about it we have 3 days.. thats what frank says

  frank said not to talk about it joe..:ugot
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 08:38:47 PM
feeds move back to britney in the bathroom it's only week 2 i dont know who to tst.. and i wonder what you guys are thinking about the  vets being in here.. i know you dont like it.. imm sorry but its causing some drma

  I wish i could talk to you live feeders.. i think i can keep fueling the fire..

brit  whatever.. i have never been good at comps.. week 2 it's gonna be a lonjg summer ang in there i will!! :waves:  and brit  gets up and heads out back..

  Thanks for the talk britney!!  :hrt:

Lockdown is over
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 08:40:59 PM
skid row room awake.. jenn wil ashley janie..
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 08:42:10 PM
Britney out back  playing cornhole with shane.. jojo smoking
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 08:50:11 PM
Ian working that hammock. squeak squeak squeak squeak :lol3:

BB Joe to the DR

 brit  in her best sarcastic voice" oh no!!!our porkchops will burn! " :lolmao:
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: ugot2bekidinmeny on July 21, 2012, 09:01:57 PM
janie has a head ache from the margarita's.. :hosed:

joe announces 5 mins till dinner  :hellkitchen
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 09:09:54 PM

nothing to tell lol
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: coolio on July 21, 2012, 09:10:35 PM
Time to eat!
Dani- Is that what we're called now? D & D?
Dan- haha

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: coolio on July 21, 2012, 09:16:58 PM
Joe made dinner.
He made some spinach dish and halibut I think.
He also made slop burgers for the havenots
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 09:19:48 PM
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: coolio on July 21, 2012, 09:24:08 PM
General convo about beds with alot of fishes littered through out
JoJo's in DR
Joe wants to see Ashley be removed from the game by pulling a "Willie"
Dan wants a "Free (us from) Willie" shirt

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: coolio on July 21, 2012, 09:40:24 PM
I've had them for like 5 minutes now.
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: coolio on July 21, 2012, 09:42:44 PM
Wait, Brit doing laundry.
Ian, Wil, Ash and Shane talking about movies, and more fishies
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 09:46:39 PM in and out because Boogie is talking to Dan about someone who he knows that was busted for something...think Dan may know them too...maybe a BB celeb but not sure
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 09:47:51 PM
Look at the bruise on Ashleys arm  :oh
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: coolio on July 21, 2012, 09:48:32 PM
The veto comp sounded restaurant based. Ian said she cut up his hands on a "menu" and on "cards" which could represent orders.
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: coolio on July 21, 2012, 09:49:49 PM
Dani and Joe playing cornhole
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 09:53:47 PM
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 09:59:51 PM
BY...Wil Dan Boogie Brit and Janelle all talking about Ian and how he has really grown on them and what a good kid he is
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 10:00:59 PM
Conversation in BY moves on to Jojo and how she vents alot in the DR and she has been in there awhile

Wil doesnt think Jojo is a stranger to verbal fights lol
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 10:03:41 PM
OMGosh they are talking about dental dam? being in the SR and how they are supplied with condoms if needed

Janelle  you can still get an STD even if you use that

Dan I had never seen that before until I came here in my season...the dental dam stuff
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: coolio on July 21, 2012, 10:04:43 PM
Ok, so my feeds just stopped working. So good night for now! If they come back on, I'll be back!
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 10:12:20 PM
Thanks Coolio!

Brit talking about her season of BB and how this experience is very different but it is only week 2 so that may change who knows
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 10:13:20 PM
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 10:28:38 PM
Frank talking about his CD he got in his HOH basket ...bringing on .loads offishies

inside is quiet

Joe and Janelle walking in BY

Joe I am trying to lay really really really low and I think it is in my best interest to do that

Janelle yeah lets just take it easy this week

Oh I see Ashley too
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 10:31:58 PM
Fish Fish Fish
BY crew talking about people they have no business talking about bringing on the fish

Frank and Brit notice the KT window is closed..I thought it stayed closed but who knows
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 10:38:05 PM
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 10:44:03 PM
Danielle Frank and Boogie in HOH

Dan listening to music Danielle just showed up..Boogie was in DR
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 10:49:56 PM
Danielle wants a minute with Frank

Danielle wants to know if she is the target

Frank I dont think so cause we havent actually talked about it

Frank I told everyone that I dont want to discuss it just yet but I told you I have to put you up in Shanes place

Danielle I know but I want you to know you can trust me

Frank I know you are a straight shooter

Danielle I am and that is why I wanted to come and talk to you one on one without Dan

Danielle do you know what the argument is

Frank if Jojo goes home Brit is down to 1 player if you go home so does  Dan
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 10:51:50 PM
Frank people think you are smarter than Jojo and I have to agree and it is a compliment not a put down

Frank and we have to worry about if someone comes back in the house and I want to play this game honest and straight forward and who I can trust and I think it is obvious who I would trust
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 10:54:16 PM
Danielle it sucks I didnt get to play today and i know the deal so I want you to be straight up with me and I want you to know that I will be down with whatever

Frank I dont want to have this talk this soon

Danielle I understand that and it sucks for me but i am ok
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 10:57:32 PM
Danielle I have nothing to offer you except my word

Frank we will talk again soon because everyone has a chance to win HOH next week so ...

Daniellle I wouldnt put you up and backstab you if I win HOH next week

Danielle I know you are a stand up guy but dont let one person because they are afraid of Dan to make me go home

Frank I dont want to be like Wil;lie and tell peoplehow to vote but

Danielle but you can give your opinion and i wont use it against you if I get voted out and end up in jury
Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 10:58:33 PM
Frank right now it is in the air 50/50 you or JOjo

Danielle I thought I would be the pawn and obviously I am not and it scares the **** out of me

Title: Re: BB14 Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/12
Post by: KitKat on July 21, 2012, 11:00:21 PM
Thanks to all of our wonderful updaters follow me here,27594.0.html

as Danielle begs for her life in the BB house