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AMAZING RACE 36 (originally 35) **LIVE SPOILERS** (Members Only) => AMAZING RACE RACE 35 (originally run as 36) => Topic started by: RealityFreakWill on December 04, 2023, 03:58:22 PM

Title: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: RealityFreakWill on December 04, 2023, 03:58:22 PM




“A Sunset, Seattle Scramble” – The final three teams travel to Seattle, where they must complete three challenges in a scramble leg, a first in AMAZING RACE history. The challenges are inspired by Seattle’s art scene and include swinging from a high trapeze, glassblowing and being a roadie for a grunge band. The team that successfully completes these challenges and arrives first will win the $1 million prize, on the season finale of THE AMAZING RACE, Wednesday, Dec. 13 (9:30-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode airs)*. Phil Keoghan is the host.   
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: RealityFreakWill on December 07, 2023, 12:42:52 PM








Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: RealityFreakWill on December 07, 2023, 03:20:50 PM







Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: RealityFreakWill on December 07, 2023, 03:26:27 PM








Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: ghmorello on December 07, 2023, 06:13:57 PM
Roadblock Questions for the Memory Challenge?
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: elthemagnifico on December 07, 2023, 06:16:21 PM
Roadblock Questions for the Memory Challenge?

There are also detour options in there, one is visible is spa day
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: ghmorello on December 07, 2023, 06:24:57 PM
Roadblock Questions for the Memory Challenge?

There are also detour options in there, one is visible is spa day

So, find sets of 3 boards with each leg's RB question and Detour choices.  Sounds fun.
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: Xoruz on December 07, 2023, 06:29:02 PM
So, find sets of 3 boards with each leg's RB question and Detour choices.  Sounds fun.

Or 2 and 4. Yellow for Detours (2 kayaks for one Detour) and red for Roadblocks.
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: elthemagnifico on December 07, 2023, 07:19:42 PM
based on the press pics and what we got from July's findings, the leg structure will be like this:

Space Needle (RB?) - Scramble - Final memory task - West Point Lighthouse - Finish line
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: Xoruz on December 07, 2023, 07:36:01 PM
Space Needle (RB?)

Looking back at the sightings, the number tags for the Space Needle clue box were blue, not red. Guessing that they also learned about the Scramble at Chihuly Garden and Glass.
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: Linda BC2 on December 07, 2023, 07:45:05 PM
based on the press pics and what we got from July's findings, the leg structure will be like this:

Space Needle (RB?) - Scramble - Final memory task - West Point Lighthouse - Finish line

I think the order is Space Needle; scramble; lighthouse; memory challenge; then finish line :)
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: elthemagnifico on December 07, 2023, 07:49:00 PM
based on the press pics and what we got from July's findings, the leg structure will be like this:

Space Needle (RB?) - Scramble - Final memory task - West Point Lighthouse - Finish line

I think the order is Space Needle; scramble; lighthouse; memory challenge; then finish line :)

from the finale findings thread, they went to the memory task challenge first then the lighthouse
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: Xoruz on December 07, 2023, 07:58:37 PM
from the finale findings thread, they went to the memory task challenge first then the lighthouse

They traveled to the lighthouse from the direction of Lake Union. All of the Scramble tasks are south of Lake Union, and they did not use the Lake Union base for the final memory task. They could have gone to the lighthouse and flew to the Kenmore base.
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: Linda BC2 on December 07, 2023, 08:31:19 PM
from the finale findings thread, they went to the memory task challenge first then the lighthouse

They traveled to the lighthouse from the direction of Lake Union. All of the Scramble tasks are south of Lake Union, and they did not use the Lake Union base for the final memory task. They could have gone to the lighthouse and flew to the Kenmore base.

IMO - I don't know if float planes are allowed to fly at night. They may have driven to the memory challenge location. The lighthouse is to the west, the northern float plane base is north Lake Washington (Kenmore), and the finish line is east.

They'd be backtracking if they went from memory challenge to lighthouse and then back east to the finish line.
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: elthemagnifico on December 07, 2023, 08:59:11 PM
Ah fair enough then, yeah agred,  doesnt make sense if they would just go to back and forth like that
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: rtvguy5750 on December 07, 2023, 09:55:39 PM
Ah! So this is why we lost track of Rob & Corey on finale light, they just went a different order than the other 2

Also I like this structure much better than the 34 premeire
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: Neobie on December 08, 2023, 07:09:14 PM
What we know so far. There was probably an additional location after the scramble for teams to get their plane models; I don't think production would have had three models waiting at each of the three scramble locations!
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: colav10 on December 09, 2023, 12:26:25 AM
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: RealityFreakWill on December 11, 2023, 12:56:46 PM
The Amazing Race - A Sunset, Seattle Scramble (Sneak Peek 1)

The Amazing Race - A Sunset, Seattle Scramble (Sneak Peek 2)

The Amazing Race - A Sunset, Seattle Scramble (Sneak Peek 3)

The Amazing Race - A Sunset, Seattle Scramble (Sneak Peek 4)
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: RealityFreakWill on December 13, 2023, 10:33:03 AM
The Amazing Race 35 Finale Sneak Peek

For the first time in 35 seasons, the final leg will take on a bit of a different structure. Rather than being a linear series of tasks through Seattle, the "Scramble" is making its return. First debuting in the premiere of season 34, teams are given a series of tasks they can complete in any order. Once they've finished all the tasks, they can then proceed forward.

Credit & Link:
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: Bookworm on December 13, 2023, 10:57:38 AM
In Joel & Garrett's car, we see a miniature Space Needle. Perhaps that's their (only) clue upon leaving SeaTac, a la teams in TAR1 receiving a replica Eiffel Tower from Mukuni Village?
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: Southerngal410 on December 13, 2023, 11:29:44 AM
based on the press pics and what we got from July's findings, the leg structure will be like this:

Space Needle (RB?) - Scramble - Final memory task - West Point Lighthouse - Finish line

I think the order is Space Needle; scramble; lighthouse; memory challenge; then finish line :)

from the finale findings thread, they went to the memory task challenge first then the lighthouse

Where is the Finale Findings Thread? I looked and couldn't find it.
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: Neobie on December 15, 2023, 09:24:18 AM
Sorry for the late reply Southerngal410! You can find it on the Live Spoilers board! (For folks just joining us, you'd need to sign up for an account before you can see it.)

Thanks for the videos over the season RealityFreakWill!
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: Neobie on December 17, 2023, 03:36:56 AM
The absence of Pit Start times for Leg 12 reveals some editing "magic":

- To lay the groundwork, we know the clock on St Patrick's Cathedral is accurate. When Joel/Garrett check in at the end of Leg 11, the clock shows 5:40pm, matching up with the sun/shadow angles for that time. The clock also shows Rob/Corey finishing their mat chat at 4:20pm, while Greg/John check in at around 4:30pm and chat until 4:50pm.

- For the finale, we see teams boarding a United Airlines flight in Ireland (the United aircraft and an Irish/English bilingual airport sign are in the same shot).

- United has four flights a day leaving Dublin, leaving at 9:20am (for Newark), 11:25am (for Chicago), 12:15pm (for Washington DC), and 1:35pm (for Newark). From deductions on the Transport Thread (,37943.0/all.html), we know teams took the 9:20am flight on the morning of Fri 7 Jul.

- Theoretically, teams should be released early that morning to make the flight. Joel/Garrett are released with a clear shot of the cathedral clock showing 4:55 (am or pm). But that's an awful lot of people to be leisurely walking around the park at 4:55am, isn't it?

- When teams get in their taxis, we have a shot of an open Prime Pizza (, which should be open only from 4pm to midnight. To add to this, we get a glimpse of the clock in Joel/Garrett's taxi showing 17:07. But a late afternoon Pit Start would have teams miss all United flights leaving that day, so...

- This means that after teams checked in to the Pit Stop on Wed 5 Jul, they returned to St Patrick's Park in the afternoon the next day (Thu 6 Jul) to film "fake" departure shots, but didn't actually go to the airport until the day after, on the morning of Fri 7 Jul.

Sneaky sneaky!
Title: Re: TAR 35: Ep 12: "A Sunset, Seattle Scramble" (12/13/2023 Season Finale)
Post by: maf on December 18, 2023, 04:12:00 PM
On their podcast Joel & Garret said that the flight they were supposed to fly out on was canceled so they had to wait 18 (or was it 15) hours for another flight. So I would guess that they did release them at 16:55 and they were supposed to be on a flight later that night but ended up having to wait until the next morning for their new flight.